Emergenetics Greater China has forged a strategic partnership with CSG Consultancy

Emergenetics Greater China has forged a strategic partnership with CSG Consultancy, which is the consultancy arm of CSG, a Hong Kong-based market research firm and an organization development consultancy that has been providing market research and organization development solutions to clients in the Greater China region since 1982.


As a strategic partner, CSG Consultancy will be promoting the Emergenetics Profiling system and related solutions to its network of consultants and clientele, and embedding Emergenetics within its offering.


“We have experienced and found the Emergenetics Profile to be a powerful yet simple-to-understand and use tool in helping develop leaders to drive change and innovation, and for building a change-adaptive culture to sustain organizational growth. This reliable and valid tool dovetails neatly into our consulting practice,” says Peter Yip, CPLP, Founder and CEO of CSG Consultancy. “There is great synergy not just in the work of Emergenetics Greater China and CSG Consultancy, but also in the values and ethics we uphold. We are excited that we are able to bring even more value to our esteemed clientele through Emergenetics so as to give them a further competitive edge.”


“We are honoured and privileged to be selected by CSG Consultancy as a tool of choice for their consultancy solutions, and for them to promote within their network of professionals and clientele,” says Terence Quek, CEO of Emergenetics Asia Pacific. “As a leader in the market for what they do with a growing presence in Greater China, and led personally by Peter Yip, CPLP, an experienced and well-connected leader within the human resource, learning & development and organization development communities, we are confident that this strategic partnership with CSG Consultancy will take us further, bringing Emergenetics to even more minds in Greater China.”


About Emergenetics Greater China  <www.emergenetics.com/tc>

Emergenetics Greater China (EGGC) is the Greater China office of Emergenetics International, a global people and organisation development consultancy dedicated to realising the potential of people and organisations by revealing the way people prefer to think and behave. Since 1991, the company has provided solutions based on its proprietary psychometric tools developed following stringent professional standards. This includes the Emergenetics Profile, a scientifically valid and reliable tool that is simple and easy to use for enhancing self-awareness, communication, and interaction across many facets of life. EGGC is based in Hong Kong.