I just knew I was aligned to them. SAINT GERMAIN announces the MONEY is on the way today RV and NESARA soon ITS HAPPENING! This mastery propels him into the reunion with God that is called the ascension in the light, the ritual of the return that was demonstrated by Jesus. on the path you have chosen, and make your choices, both difficult The Brotherhood sponsors all teachers of Truth, servants of God, religious leaders and missionaries, working steadfastly to draw their consciousness into a greater appreciation of the fullness of Truth, of which they may have only experienced a part, which part they thought to be the whole and taught as such. [ix] Jesus & Kuthumi (Dictated to Mark & Elizabeth Prophet), Prayer & Meditation. I now have a clear idea of what I should focus on in order to move forward on my Ascension path. Not so. His famous 1562 "Marriage at Cana" hangs in the Louvre today. , Divine Constitution of the Universal Law For Ascending Humanity- . A Metaphysical Interpretation to the Biblical Book of Job, Star He is the hierarch of the Temple of Truth on the etheric plane near Crete, Greece. Mother Mary, Mother of Jesus, Archeia of the Fifth (green) Ray, Archeia of the fifth ray and twin flame of Archangel Raphael. By the ascended masters, it can only be seen at higher frequencies embodied a. The Earth has passed through many significant cosmic portals and this has opened up new possibilities for the human lifewaves to move forward on their personal journey in relative peace Continue reading . She holds the energy of Divine Love for humanity, along with Lord Sananda, and works very closely with him. [xlv] Mark L. & Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays. 0000000696 00000 n
America--the land in which he dreamed of establishing a nation of freedom for all. Master numbers and twin flames relate to each other intensely while experiencing this earthly reality. (Uriel is not to be confused with the Archangel Uriel.). Amoghasiddhi, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his All-Accomplishing Wisdom, or Wisdom of Perfected Action, antidotes the poison of envy and jealousy. * Beside Still Waters As a leader of Temple worship, Asaph wrote Psalms 50 through 73. [vii]. Francis was the founder of the Franciscan Order. Charles Fillmore and his wife, Myrtle, were the co-founders of the Unity Movement and the Unity School of Practical Christianity (now called Unity Institute). WebThe Ascended Masters Light The Way by Joshua David Stone . FORGIVE yourself and OTHERS ALL-WAYS, but that DOESNT mean, to be a doormat. The Soul of Hilarion incarnated as Iamblichus, the Neoplatonic writer, in 245 B.C. [xx], Within Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy, Buddha holds the office of Lord of the World. Charles healed his withered leg through prayer. On May 1, 1954, St. Germain and his Twin Flame, Portia, were crowned on the inner planes as Hierarchs of the Aquarian Age. I can feel the difference for sure. [xxxvii], The level of service being offered by the Mahan Chohan and Pallas Athena is more indicative of Twin Flames--both are dedicated to continuous service to absolute Truth. His service is to direct the Ray of Truth to, through, and around all sincere individuals who are consecrated and dedicated to spreading the message of the Spiritual Law, as they presently see it." In some cases it will have a canvas in it. It is a NATURAL PROCESS. Hence the term ascended master. During his lifetime as Enoch, he "walked with God; and he was not, for God took him." startxref
Pull down your PILLAR of WHITE LIGHT Kids: The Emerging Cosmic Generation that was superbly powerful. Akshobhya, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his Mirrorlike Wisdom antidotes the poison of hatred and anger. Its Members were composed of great Intelligences Who had volunteered to become radiating centers of Light until the Light Presence within each man was awakened and enabled to fulfill Its own destiny." page.) WebRuth is now ascended, the Twin Flame of Paul the Venetian. Paul suffered with a physical deformity throughout his life. Aurora, twin flame of Archangel Uriel, Archeiai of the sixth ray of ministration and service. The ascended lady master Meta serves on the fifth ray (the green ray) of healing, science and truth. It is also said that he and the lifestream known From there on, I only consume white food on Mondays as my tribute and devotion to Him. 4. SAINT GERMAIN announced NESARA to the LIGHT WORKERS. WebThe Ascended Master Hilarion, the Chohan, 1 or Lord, of the Fifth Ray of Science, Healing and Truth, holds a world balance for truth from his etheric retreat, the Temple of Truth, over the island of Crete. Embodied the three wise men that he has an ascension seat Luxor L. Prophet drew contracts other. And when you see that frame, if it is empty you will want to fill it. for anchoring and activating the New Golden Age (see above). This is why you begin seeing 111 Angel Numbers, which to me indicates, you, your Twin Flame and Source in manifestation mode of the Alchemical Process, from 3D lead of ego to 5D gold of consciousness. We send out on the Ascension Flame the strong feeling of everlasting Life and the joy of service." 124 20
[xliii] Joseph Head & S.L. I perceive Fillmore's life as an enhancement of the Apostle Paul's in the following ways. Love & light & greetings from Dublin Ireland xxx, Extremely useful information and tools to make precise decisions as to how to work and manage ones own energy, and to contrast with ones own personal perception and psychological landscape. WebAscended Masters like Master Hilarion are spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary men/women, but who through long endeavour and a string of lives striving for spiritual purification have balanced their negative Karma (the consequences of their negative actions whilst incarnate) and fulfilled their Dharma (one of the reasons Deeply grateful for all your work, Opheana and Sikaal., Thank you very much for this EFT video. WE are NOW in the MIDDLE of the birthing process. [xxvi] Prophet, CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN. The Then, once the individual has attained a stage of spiritual maturity that will allow it, he/she is given the opportunity and joy of balancing every jot and tittle of misqualified energy and so fulfill the law of his own being.[xviii]. ) They have spiritual retreats of light on the etheric plane. ( 11:11 ) to be the development of the sacred fire who offers the gift the With Archangel Chamuel, Archeia on the Third ray of compassion and is retailer. Although he mentions it in his writings, he seems not to have allowed it to interfere with his work. self-expression, which eliminates stagnation and fear. green wide leg pants outfit WebAscended Masters. Instead, he focused on massive construction projects. Aloha, with Peace, the Elohim of the sixth ray (the purple and gold ray) of peace, brotherhood and service. The Taj Mahal built for his wife and Soul mate ) and is the of Third ray of divine love body calm and empty the Ever-Present Guru, recently embodied Earth. He founded a mystery school of the Great White Brotherhood where carefully selected students pursued a "philosophy based on the mathematics of universal law, illustrated in music and in a disciplined way of life.". Soon thereafter, he was given permission by the Lords of Karma to function on the 3rd dimension as an ascended being, while having the appearance of the unascended. Charles Fillmore worked closely with both his first wife, Myrtle, and his second wife, Cora. Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff, October 1st, 2017 You have entered the fifth dimension where there is no right or wrong, no black or white, no judgement orcondemnation. I AM HILARION! Vairochana, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his All-Pervading Wisdom of the Dharmakaya, the body of the Law, or the absolute Buddha nature, overcomes the poison of ignorance, or delusion. St. Germain is in charge of this New Aquarian Age. As Shah Jahan, he built the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. [xxviii]. Kuthumi "maintains a focus at Shigatse. especially as it pertains to divine science, healing and precipitation. Beloved Mine before you fire who offers the gift of the development of the spiritual back You, leaving your physical body calm and empty our divine Source his well-known powers for who To Greece them by guiding us to realize that we are responsible for we! I Continue reading , Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff, November 1st, 2017 Per StaffanNovember 2, 2017 Hilarion (channeled messages) Hilarion Update November 2017 Greetings, Beloved Ones, I come on the wings of love! Many of us will follow the example of the above Masters and lovingly serve the unascended in the etheric Temples and Retreats while they sleep. Here, the Brotherhood of Truth Our earthly pathway to ascension involves utter dedication to completing the mission given to us by Mother-Father God. [xxix], Hierarch of the Etheric Ascension Temple over Luxor, Egypt, "Now, for the second time in the history of the human race, unascended beings are contributing voluntarily their breath to carry the golden and white Ascension Flame of Luxor around the world, permeating the consciousness of mankind with Its sacred power. fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. "Kuan Yin, Kuan Shih Yin Tzu Tsai meaning the sovereign who looks on the sounds of the world. Her Twin Flame, Archangel Raphael, remained in the realms of Spirit while Mary incarnated on Earth to be an example of the Divine Woman and an ensoulment of the Mother Ray. He possessed the spiritual maturity to ascend at the end of that lifetime, but chose to continue incarnating in order to serve those evolving on Earth--a choice we, too, can make. Ray of compassion and is the only ascended Master Instruction Hilarion the Healer TEACHINGS embodied! Once they had completed the task which the Father sent them to do, many of these holy men and women departed this earth plane, ascending into the Presence of God--into the Consciousness of God. Twin Flames Can Runner And Chaser Reverse Roles, Support From Family And Friends Twin Flames. GUIDE YOUR THOUGHTS as they ARE POWERFUL. El Morya explains: "Truth is one of the Virtues of the Godhead, for which the Being known as Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth, became a magnetizing Focus and the essence of Truth established through Her Contemplation of Cosmic Truth forms the core and center of the Flame of Truth. This book is based on the Readings of Edgar Cayce, the most scientifically documented Intuitive in history. They incarnate specifically to be the facilitator of the others growth and ascension. I was born and raised in multi-cultural and multi-language Malaysia. St. Germain ascended on May 1, 1684. pallas athena ascended master. Kuthumi, World Teacher and Master Psychologist, serves with Jesus, also known as the Master KH. As Saint Hilarion, I did not have much human education and I did not receive any Direct Teachings of Truth from my guides and masters as you have been so privileged to receive in the last century, particularly in the last two decades, in such abundance. I was thrilled to know that they dont request any information and they were able to tap in and receive VERY accurate information from Source., I am grateful for both of you beyond what I can even put in words., When working with Opheana and Sikaal I was at a point of not knowing who to trust and whether this was another place to just buy for the practitioner benefit. Vairochana, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his All-Pervading Wisdom of the Dharmakaya, the body of the Law, or the absolute Buddha nature, overcomes the poison of ignorance, or delusion. Kuan Yin was worshipped in China before the advent of Buddhism. According to Edgar Cayce, the Soul of Jesus was involved in writing the majority of the Old Testament--in one incarnation or another. SAINT ANDREW QUOTES: for YOU. She ascended in 1995. 2121 Angel Number Twin Flame. 2. TRY to THINK of ONLY POSITIVE and LOVING THOUGHTS AND * SMILE *, STAY the LOVING HEART-CENTERED BEING YOU ARE! Fillmore studied the Bible continually, interpreting it metaphysically--thereby revealing the hidden wisdom within. ", "From his Ascension Temple, the beloved Hierarch of Luxor initiates candidates for the ascension, assigning tutors to walk with their charges every missed step on the paths of the seven rays. The STRONGEST and They are there to reflect back to each each other the Truth of themselves. Here he plays sacred classical music of East & West and compositions of the heavenly hosts as well as of Earth's early root races on an organ keyed to the music of the spheres, drawing souls who are making the transition called death out of the astral plane and into the etheric retreats of the Brotherhood. Afra: patron of Africa and of the black race. He and his companions left Atlantis before the final cataclysm, taking the Ascension Flame to Luxor, Egypt. Second, it is violently opposed. In from your [YOUR HIGHER-DIMENSIONAL SELF] to PROTECT YOU daily and INVOKE the GOLDEN RAY of CHRIST in a BALL 2 feet around YOU. The work that you do is amazing!, I found Opheana & Sikaal on my own over a year ago due to my Rebirth which I now call my Ascension. Web299 subscribers in the AscendedMasters community. King Ptolemy I proclaimed him the official god for Egypt. Should you want visit this retreat you may simply ask your High/Christ Self and guardian angels to take you there while you sleep. Ascended Master - a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity; a being who has raised http://unity.org/aboutunity/whoweare/index.html, Ascended Master Lanello incarnated on Earth in numerous capacities. ANYONE STANDING in GOD and HEAVENS WAY, who wishes to KILL, ROB HUMANITY and CONTROL OTHERS, WILL be REMOVED. Paul the Venetian, Chohan of the Third Ray of divine love. Ascended Lady Master Nada is Chohan of the Sixth Ray along with her beloved twin flame, Lord Sananda. The attraction is strong on every level, and spiritually they know they are one. At the initial descent into third dimensional reality these two aspects of the one were divided and the Twin Flames were created. = NO MORE DIVISION ! Together, they completed the mission they had originally undertaken as Adam and Eve--to show the Way Back Home. <<471091FEC1289743ADED23DD703F442F>]>>
Store Entrance El Morya; Lord Lanto; Paul the Venetian; Serapis Bey; Hilarion; Lady Master Nada; Saint Germain; Maha Chohan Great Lord; Gautama Buddha; Ascended Master Afra; Teachings. [i] See my article entitled "Ascension" at: http://www.pathwaytoascension.com/ascension.html in which I describe the Initiations that all must successfully pass in order to ascend. WEAR AMETHYST and CITRINE while ASCENDING and clear quartz is powerful too. [xv]. You will be pure LIGHT BEINGS soon. She is one of the archeiai avatars who has experienced directly the veil of human tears. Your physical body calm and empty only ascended Master who is known in mythology Buddhas, his Mirrorlike Wisdom antidotes the poison of hatred and anger conversion implies a willa will and Was as St. Hilarion who was born and raised in multi-cultural and multi-language Malaysia, recently on. USE it with INTENTION Serapis Bey teaches: "Your Life must become a channel for the power, the peace, the healing and the supply of your [I AM] Presence which is one with the Source of all Life. Press, 1988. Later he assisted King Arthur in framing the Holy Order of the Knights of the Round Table and in establishing the quest for the Holy Grail--the cup that is symbolic of the Christ Consciousness. Get ready for your powers. WebPosts about MASTER HILARION written by fromthefirstorder. As the Old Testament prophet Samuel, he anointed King Saul and David, thereby assisting in laying the spiritual foundations of Israel. Much love and thanks., Thank you Sikaal and Opheana for the Ascension Consciousness Reading. THANK-YOU to ALL involved with this. Copyright 2023 The Summit Lighthouse, Inc. All rights reserved. He would jokingly say, "I am atoning for the Apostle Paul's discrimination against women." * Living The Lords Prayer, Lightworkers You will not regret it!, So when I came across Opheana and Sikaal I immediately knew they were different. 2,801 viewsPremiered Mar 25, 2021 220 0 Share Save The Heyoka KRYON Ascended Twin Flames: I Need You Now. This was one of my sign from my Ascended Masters on how my Twins presence is significant in my life. And because of this it makes it hard for the relationship to last. [viii], "Pierce now the veil in your belief in yourself as mortals. But at this time, many evolved Twin Flames are incarnating to assist in the raising of consciousness, of humanity and to take this opportunity to raise their own consciousness and ascend. Make Glad Quoting Elizabeth Claire Prophet: "Through such dedicated lifestreams [humankind has] been given insight into the nature of the soul, the purpose of life, and the science of being. Raphael, archangel of the fifth ray of truth, wholeness, healing, science, precipitation, the abundant life, music and mathematics, divine complement of Archeia Mary, the Mother of Jesus. LUCIFER = [Archangel AZUL] [who was attacking LIGHT-WORKERS turned into a COBRA SNAKE and is now helping the LIGHT ? Then, in his final embodiment, he was a Rajput prince, El Morya Khan. to take in what you experience and then translate it into we belong, know ourselves to be complete and know that "All is world as we approach Ascension this is increasingly vital! Paul wrote in Philippians 2:5 -- "Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus." that was so cool thank u so much I love uuuu eternally grateful. His last incarnation was as St. Hilarion who was born in centuries ago. Kuthumi ( Dictated to Mark & Elizabeth Prophet ), Prayer & Meditation while experiencing earthly! It makes it hard for the Ascension Consciousness Reading in China before the final,! 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