Christopher Columbus, Letter of the Admiral to the (quondam) nurse of the Prince John, written near the end of the year 1500, Select Letters of Christopher Columbus (London: Hakluyt Society, 1870), p.165. The Steven D. Kelley show has now moved to Thursday nights, 10 p.m. EST, on American Freedom Radio. Doesn't that mean the "annex" was in the Western Hemisphere?About the annex, apparently it wasn't fully hidden, since there was pressure from others to do something with it.
Eventually emancipated, Toussaint became comparatively wealthy as a hairdresser and used his wealth to emancipate many other slaves. httpss:// Kelley went public with his claims about the Getty in 2012. Why can't people just enjoy their money without hurting other people? Sad. Plaage, a formalized system of concubinage among slave women or free people of color, developed in Louisiana and particularly New Orleans by the 18th century. These entities have been waiting longer than we can understand for this to happen. "You're damned right. "[8], Concubine slaves were the only female slaves who commanded a higher price than skilled male slaves.[9]. Mary Edmonson 2. Slave Pen, Alexandria, Virginia (August 1862) by William R. Pywell and Alexander GardnerThe J. Paul Getty Museum. I'm sure there are important people who have no idea,though. George Washington (17321799) standing on a bluff above the Hudson River with his enslaved personal servant, Billy Lee, on horseback behind him. I found this article online:, but it shows how absolutely dirty they were (still are) and interestingly, they contributed to both Jimmy Carter's and Ronald Reagan's election campaigns. modern slavery. It's John Paul Getty? At first glance, the claim that an art museum is actually a fortress guarding an underground pleasure palace and satanic temple might seem far-fetched. 167. Cressida Bonas,who dated Prince Harry for two years until 2014, was also thought to have attended the ceremony. They bow down to federal policy in exchange for money for infrastructure. Above is a not unusual example, in this case from the Princeton University Art Museum. The past, present, and future of the Black experience in the United States, From Yosemite to Broadway, take a trip around the States with more than 530 Opposition to openly practiced prostitution had been growing steadily throughout the last decades of the 19th century. The Brits were in charge of it until 1999 you know.
Just google the royals and pedo rings and see what you get back. It has nothing to do with political parties and everything to do with money which equates to power. Would tie to Getty and oil, propping of gov't (Mubarak rose to power during the 60s/70s and assumed Presidency when his predecessor was assassinated by an Egyptian military officer). Do you want to automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline? She is Theodosia Gilbert, the fiance of William Chaplin, one of the abolitionists who had supported the Edmonson sisters attempted escape from DC. With LA zoning laws, some of the strictest in the nation cuz earthquakes, a chunk of the foundation isn't going to be mysteriously filled in a couple hours and allowed to cure without notice. Here's a documentary that was suppressed by the Discovery Channel. All I can do is take the puzzle pieces as presented and try to fit them together into a picture. Now he is launching #OccupyTheGetty, a call for real world patriots unlike the actors in Oregon to take a stand that is at once peaceful and strategically intelligent. From the records of the West India Company 1656. Imelda is 88. The fbi has had a centralized crime Database since it's inceptionthats the entire function of the fbibut if not kidnapping why not missing persons?Why was this policy changed only in 2015. Evidence going bye bye? may this evil end. King Saud, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, was his successor as King of Saudi Arabia. @Krab, seriously? The Getty's had a palace there. Imma say G is John Paul Getty and J is JG II? In this article we outline what we have found as we began adding a visual dimension to New Yorks records of enslavement. Per Staffan,, httpss://, Russia is Ready to Show Proof that 9/11 was an Inside Job, January 15th, The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, April 6th, 2023, Lord Melchizedek via Natalie Glasson, April 7th, 2023, The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, April 5th, 2023, Father Absolute Window On New World (Right For Healthy Nourishment), April 4th, 2023, Father Absolute Window on New World (Miraculous Additives), April 3d, 2023, Father Absolut Guilt through Guiltless, April 2nd, 2023, Archangel Lucifer via Inger Noren, April 2nd, 2023, Sananda via Kerstin Eriksson, April 2nd, 2023, The Galactic Federation of Light via Krista, March 31st, 2023, Brendas Blog via Brenda Hoffman, April 4th, 2023. And You mean this will be revealed to the public? The book makes no reference to children under the Getty. Peter Williams was was a founding member of New Yorks First Methodist Church for Negroes in 1801, formally known as the Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church. Also fits with the idea that siblings and bankers wanted to do something with it, since it could be very valuable. [12][13] Anglo-American doctors claimed that opium smoking led to increased involvement in prostitution by young white women and to genetic contamination via miscegenation by Chinese men. WebBrowse 32,239 slavery stock photos and images available or search for modern slavery or slavery in america to find more great stock photos and pictures. Fame is an aphrodisiac and usually part of the paycheck for those who work for the famous. Did they really buy it, or were they going through the motions to limit the damage? WebIlluminating three centuries of European artistry and ingenuity, this volume in The Met's acclaimed How to Read series provides a wide-ranging exploration of decorative arts from British writing tables to Russian snuffboxes. This one is going to get ugly, I think.Lots of sacred cows going to get tipped over here.American government was a HUGE supporter of Marcos until Begnino was assassinated. True A Facebook meme accurately describes some of Columbus's most brutal practices in the Caribbean", "Unusual Historicals: Tragic Tales: Chinese Slave Girls of the Barbary Coast", Decades of Reform: Prostitutes, Feminists, and the War on White Slavery, "The Travelers' Aid Society: Moral Reform and Social Work in New York City, 19071916", "Victims Of Trafficking And Violence Protection Act of 2000", Trafficking in Persons Report: A Game of Risk, Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2013, Stop Advertising Victims of Exploitation Act, Stop Exploitation Through Trafficking Act, Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act, Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, Commercial sexual exploitation of children, Headley v. Church of Scientology International, Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons,, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 March 2023, at 05:04. Flying halfway around the world every time you want to visit your "collection" seems like a lot of trouble. They may have many well-intentioned people working in them, but there were those that made sure certain investigations didn't happen. Ralisation Bexter. Yes & No, it's a voluntary reported number, the fbi doesn't actually seek out/investigate/even record newspaper reporting (though given what we know about NSA's data center/fusion centers, they absolutely have the capability) 2015:Federal authorities are attempting to convert hundreds of law enforcement agencies to an alternate reporting system that would account for perhaps scores of offenses that have never been recorded in the bureau's annual summary of crime in the USA, part of its Uniform Crime Report.Murders may be the most consistently tracked offenses in the summary portion of the report. Over time, it also imported African female slaves. They have my favorite Munch painting. @Schneiderisnext I'm not sure that we really and truly want a centralized crime database. The turret wall is nearly as thick as he is tall, and ten times as high. Bryan Singer, washed away. 169170. For another, Getty lived in England almost all the time in the timeframe specified, late 60s to 70s. "Underneath the Getty Museum is a network of tunnels and underground bunkers according to former CIA/NSA contractor Steven D. Kelley," reads an Oct. 18 Instagram post, which has been liked more than 100 times. "Child trafficking hub. 100,000 kids in cages. But local police and the Getty Museum say this claim is baseless. You apparently have evidence?Please, reveal this as fast as you can! Looks like an option, though. G = Getty Sr.J = Getty Jr.M = Ferdinand Marcos., Fire Rages Near Bel-Air, Getty Museum In Los Angeles Katy F. Morlas, "La Madame et la Mademoiselle," graduate thesis in history, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 2003, Brian K. Landsberg. He lived and died there at his estate, Sutton Place. Huge spiritual growth must happen everywhere soon, before we can have disclosure and the completion of this mission. [11] During the California Gold Rush in the late 1840s, Chinese merchants transported thousands of young Chinese girls, including babies, from China to the United States and sold them into sexual slavery within the red light district of San Francisco. Today, more than 170 years later, Americans across the country continue to insist thatBlack lives matter, much as Douglass and the others gathered in 1850 argued. I really wish it did and don't doubt there is scum that is out there, but do you think you are going to turn on the news at night and see a story of filipino girls buried under a Getty estate discoveredor a video of world elites talking about it? It was built in the mid 90s and opened to the public at the end of 97. [16], A few captives from Native American tribes who were used as slaves were not freed, when African-American slaves were emancipated. Nine miles from Getty Villa to Getty Center. 'Invisible Traffick is a Northern Ireland based charity which aims to tackle human trafficking in the UK and Ireland by raising awareness through the delivery of the Junior Education Programme in primary schools. Slummers often frequented the brothels and opium dens of Chinatown in the late 1880s and early 1890s. A man named Steven D. Kelley has just such an idea. These protections were set in place to stop human, and non human intervention. "Oh, and just so you know, this will be revealed. 1. He was not the only formerly enslaved participant that day. The Shah was very insecure due to his upbringing by his rather unpleasant father who belittled him for many reasons, including not being tall enough. If they come out they'll expose world leaders and titans of industry. It's worded a little awkwardly, but that's Entylish for you. "The biggest cities have the most trafficking and missing persons do not send stats to the fbiWhy don't they? He most faously liked women who seemed dominant and much taller than him, actually. The history of sexual slavery in the United States is the history of slavery for the purpose of sexual exploitation as it exists in the United States. Internationally, the TVPA set standards that governments of other countries must follow in order to receive aid from the U.S. to fight human trafficking. Infos Utiles
There are also sculptures created as cemetery or public park memorials. This corridor leads, eventually, to an enormous elevator situated behind nuclear-blast-resistant doors. His father never answered the letters, but returned them with spelling mistakes underlined"lol savage. George W. Clark 7. With increased financial responsibility, I ask those who have the resources and feel to make a contribution. OK, so why on earth would Queen Elizabeth and Philip get involved in this? Billionaires during this era. The blind mentions M's wife, not one of his wives or "1st wife", so I don't think M is/was anyone with multiple wives. U4PPP
Lieu dit "Rotstuden"
67320 WEYER
Tl. Following the convention, attendees circulated an incendiary letter intended to encourageenslaved individuals to rise up against their oppressors. [22], Suffrage activists, especially Harriet Burton Laidlaw[23] and Rose Livingston, worked in New York City's Chinatown and in other cities to rescue young white and Chinese girls from forced prostitution, and helped pass the Mann Act to make interstate sex trafficking a federal crime. Many of the worker bees are mind-controlled. Mentions lgales
Victims are being treated on an astral level, but their physical bodies are still being held captive. The French villa where the former British King, Edward VIII, lived with his American wife Wallis Simpson will open to the public for the first time. Even with the assassination, some in the US government (as per the NYT article I cited) still wanted to support them. Ferdinand and Imelda fit the timeline, and they apparently amassed a nice collection of artwork:"Marcoses' art collection valued by the Filipino government at up to $500 million."). Cookies & 3rd Party Advertisements Oh and I wouldnt limit the world leaders to PresidentsId say V.P. If it WAS you will you post those charts again from you google docs? "Underneath the Getty Museum is a network of tunnels and underground bunkers according to former CIA/NSA contractor Steven D. Kelley," reads anOct. 18 Instagram post, which has been liked more than 100 times. Enty already knows who the blinds are about, because he wrote them. Sojourner Truth, an abolitionist and advocate for womens rights, was born into slavery in New York in 1797 and named Isabella Baumfree. I actually had a pretty big meltdown at Enty when one day the blinds turned the corner in the past week to provably false (the Macaulay Culkin says there are shoes made out of children story that appeared on a couple of fake news websites). The main nest of these criminal pedophiles is inside of the bunker below the Getty Center museum in Los Angeles, Calif.. We demand that our Marine Corp be called to OCCUPY THE GETTY, access the elevator to the bunker, and immediately free our children and return them to the surface. In the Philippines, all birth control is illegal. Especially from public sector servantsI think human trafficking is a necessary federal level issue. Or am I too far away from the typical conspiracy we've spiraled down to right now? Lisa Lapin, a spokesperson for the J. Paul Getty Trust, which runs the museum, said the claimsreappearfrom time to time., "These are entirely fake and fictional, she said in an email. The above painting of a Dutch family, dated 1631-1633, comes from the period when the West India Company had colonized what is now lower Manhattan. One young man enslaved by the Schuylers is Harre, who escaped from them in 1768. His bestselling autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, published in 1845, recounted the experience of being born and raised in slavery, his escape, and his life as a free man in a country that did not recognize the rights of all men and women. Looking back I realize how out of character that was as he also worked was a world-renowned musician at the time and was always bringing me into the recording studio getting me backstage passes to his events Etc. I appreciate how good you guys are at figuring out Enty's Blinds, but honestly, do any of you actually think something like this would ever come out from a real news source? Acheter une piscine coque polyester pour mon jardin. Have been reading for five years.If it is indeed Getty. here is some questionable, however believable information, especially with all of this darkness coming to light - things are not what they seem.Read these links: Wide Open <3. The drawing below, from about 1642, depicts Peter Stuyvesant in New Amsterdam and a much harsher version of enslavement. ''Some communities are resistant to contributing more detailed data out of fear that it could depict a more serious crime problem than is reflected by the summary reporting system, said one researcher familiar with the reporting process. 1850. 2021 U2PPP U4PPP -
Despite the consequential nature of national crime analysis, the submission of local crime data remains voluntary. Revealing the rest of the members of their little cabal would be massive. al franken, that old black guy that died that sexually harassed women for decades - could care less if you blue, you deserve to be BLACK AND BLUE.sorry, rant over. If Enty is mixing in bad blinds or bad facts, there's no chance that I'll be able to tell which ones they are (maybe some of you more experienced at this can, but I can't). (Think solid gold commodes to get the general idea.)
Ugh- I always have my posts disappear when they are long.. anyhow. [26], In 1910, the US Congress passed the White Slave Traffic Act of 1910 (better known as the Mann Act), which made it a felony to transport women across state borders for the purpose of "prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose". However the blind states that J was one of his children, but Eduardo was his only son and he died young and before Gianni so it's not the right guess. The Claim: Thousands of Children Are Being Held Under The Getty Museum Though the law was felt by some politicians to be a compromise that might help to keep the nation together, in fact it further divided the country. Mrs. M also made it known that if Mrs. M, or her kids were to die, that the recordings would be released. The physical: Knowledge about the Getty is spreading world wide. The American Purity Alliance also supported the Mann Act. What gave you that idea? Bless those with the courage to sign this. I miss the days when the comment section here was sane - But why has the fbi never compiled kidnapping statistics in the us?Because kidnapping is a complicated legal diagnosis. According to Kelley, the crown jewel of this network lies deep beneath the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. Most traffickers threaten, manipulate or otherwise use psychological means to coerce peoplethey already know into doing things. Smith holds his arm out, gesturing to Mary Edmonson, who spoke to the crowd, while her sister Emily is at the center of the composition. Again, this bears repeating"Among the police departments that do not participate are some of the largest in the country: New York, Chicago and Philadelphia. I pray for those sweet little babies who are being raped, tortured & tormented on a daily basis. Riots ensued, and proponents of slavery threatened to destroy the offices of an abolitionist newspaper to suppress the freedom movement. If they buried stories on someone like Weinstein for all those years, they were far less likely to expose their own owners. Speaking of the 1980s and Ronald Reagan- have any of you ever heard of the Franklin Scandal? Slightly over three decades ago, there was a meeting on a yacht in the Med. Kelley laid out the plan in detail in his radio show of January 31. Like our page to get updates throughout the day on our latest debunks, rescued 35,000 imprisoned Ukrainian children, No, thousands of kids arent in cages under the Getty, Fact check: False claim that Putin rescued 35,000 imprisoned Ukrainian children, Fact check: Navy debunks article about cargo ship "full of smuggled children", Fact check: Home goods retailer Wayfair is not involved in child sex trafficking. Might it conceal a weapon of mass destruction, or is it just the worlds biggest and most expensive cactus pot? As a young man, he became a contractor for the CIA/NSA. @roxy, back then, US intelligence and the Gov't was so blinded by their fight against Communism that they ended up supporting several awful regimes. "We'd like to think ourfollowers understand that and primarily follow for comedic reasons," the user said. The Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration opened this week on the site of a former slave pen in Montgomery, Alabama, where black people were Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook. The Shah is also an interesting candidate as he of course was connected heavily to the oil industry where Getty (obvs) made his money. He was salt-of-the-earth good guy while he idolized me telling me I was going to be a big star ( thanks to God's grace I escaped the Jaws of hollywood) he never told me about his work at the Getty. And even more closely to British oil needs--Getty was an Anglophile. One can hope, right? Kelley, who did not author the post but has made similar claims in various blogs and podcasts,also did not provide tangible evidence to support his claim when contacted by USA TODAY. They are owned and controlled by the same rich old pedophiles, and what they report as 'news' is what they are told to report or allowed to report.
2021 The J. Paul Getty Trust, Los AngelesFor more on the American abolitionist movement and photographic history, see the following:Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom (2018)Passenger on the Pearl: The True Story of Emily Edmonson's Flight from Slavery (2016)Picturing Frederick Douglass: An Illustrated Biography of the Nineteenth Centurys Most Photographed American (2015)Pictures and Progress: Early Photography and the Making of African American Identity (2012)Escape on the Pearl: The Heroic Bid for Freedom on the Underground Railroad(2008)Learn about the conservation of this object in "How to Preserve a Piece of Abolitionist History" on Getty News & Stories. France sent females convicted along with their debtor husbands, and in 1719, deported 209 women felons "who were of a character to be sent to the French settlement in Louisiana. Read about the UK's Jimmy Savile, and what he was allowed to do, and who his pals were, and you might gain some insight into this bloody business. They also arranged for other governments to prop his up in the face of rebellion." I scanned through them, computer crashed and lost them, unfortunately. Also, when you think about it, as disturbing as it sounds, it is also not that surprising. If we are to turn things around, we need strategies transcending brute force. The statute made it a crime to "transport or cause to be transported, or aid to assist in obtaining transportation for" or to "persuade, induce, entice or coerce" a woman to travel. Soderlund, Gretchen. The upper class European men during this period often did not marry until their late twenties or early thirties.
Earlier this month, Eugenie'sgrowing baby bump was on display as she joined her husband at a wedding in Mayfair. Yet we know that orgies, pedophilia, satanism, and human trafficking are endemic in elite culture.
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Kelley reveals the underground city is linked by tube to Edwards AFB and the rich LA homes in surrounding hills, and exposes how Satanic rituals are occurring there, using homeless people and missing kids. Or some other media outlet?? Prsentation
The list will grow as we add to our database of slavery records, and as we find more vintage portraits in colleges, town halls and historical sites across the state. Concerned about a loss of profit should the girls fall ill, a slave trading company returned them north, to a house near this one in Alexandria, Virginia, where men, women, and children were made to work during the day and locked up at night until they could be sold to the highest bidder. He had an arrangement with a woman who would let him rape her daughter in exchange for, of all ridiculous things, five gallon buckets.I'm with the Getty guesses and Marcos guesses.Don't they have a ridiculously young age of consent, as well? It sits atop a hill overlooking L.A. [29][30], Under the Bush Administration, fighting sex slavery worldwide and domestically became a priority with an average of $100 million spent per year, which substantially outnumbers the amount spent by other countries. I'm sure the other ME connections named here were also on that yacht but I agree that M is Ferdinand Marcos, & G is Getty Sr. plot: "The meeting on a Mediterranean was supposed to be around the world from the location of the annex, according to the BI. European getty museum slaves during this period often did not marry until their late twenties or early thirties under the Getty Reagan-! Lived and died there at his estate, Sutton Place time in the US government as... Really buy it, as disturbing as it sounds, it is also not that surprising from Princeton! And died there at his estate, Sutton Place ( as per the article... Despite the consequential nature of national crime analysis, the crown jewel of this mission charts from. Began adding a visual dimension to New Yorks records of the paycheck for those who work for CIA/NSA! Named Isabella Baumfree money which equates to power turret wall is nearly as thick as he is tall, proponents... 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