But the case that brought mainstream attention to the problem was the death of ex-football player Lyle Alzado in May of 1992. After going into the common side effects of steroids, Graham mentions that he suffers from degenerative joint disease. I shall be more alive than I am now. In April of 1982, Vince Mcmahon Jr., now in full control of the promotion, asked Superstar Graham to work for him because he believed they could still make money together. Regardless of his intentions 30 years ago and his questionable judgment in his online rants, it still doesnt excuse that the misuse of illegal/controlled substances is still endemic in professional wrestling. But not everyone in pro-wrestling community liked Rouseys crossover to WWE, including former WWE Champion Billy Graham who erupted on a Facebook rant last night to bash Rousey for using Roddy Pipers gimmick and heavily criticizes the finish of her WrestleMania 34 match: Ronda Lousy vs HHHFirst off to the fan who wrote.. When speaking about dropping the belt, Graham confessed, "I was so despondent after the loss to Backlund that I nearly gave Vince my two weeks notice. Superstar Billy Graham underwent an MRI yesterday and he is still having issues as a result of an infection in his ear and skull. There is no retirement fund. Backlund soon won back the belt weeks later, but WWE has never recognized that the title ever changed hands, so Backlunds reign remained unbroken as far as WWEs history is concerned. He is dealing with a myriad of very serious health issues: a major infection in his ears and skull that may take six months of intravenous IVs, congestive heart failure, diabetes, hearing loss as a result of the infection, and the list goes on, explained the gofundme page. The challenger has the key to unlock an instant title shot against whoever the champion is! WebBilly Graham a t un ami de Martin Luther King et il a uvr en faveur des lois anti-sgrgationnistes durant les annes 1960 et tout au long de son ministre [22], [23]. "MSG was selling out before Superstar Billy Graham came on the scene and steroids. WHAT IS THE BATTLE RIOT? She is best known for her tenure with World Wrestling Entrtainment (WWE) on their NXT brand under the ring name Dakota Kai. The latest additions to the Battle RIOT match include Davey Boy Smith Jr, Microman, AKIRA, Jay Lion, Midas Black, Delirious, TJ Crawford, Little Guido, Beastman, Ken Broadway, and Dr. Cornwallus. The following is an excerpt from Billy Graham's GoFundMe page to help pay his medical bills. He is dealing with a myriad of very serious health issues: a major infection in his ears and skull that may take six months of intravenous IVs, congestive heart failure, diabetes, hearing loss as a result of the infection, and the list goes on. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. He was the mens regret and the ladies pet. Superstar Billy Graham Update, Dakota Kais WrestleMania, AEW All Access, MLW Battle Tony Khans Major AEW Announcement Is ..? McMahon Sr. made what some say was a mistake. Superstar Billy Graham transformation journey in1943-2023#shorts#youtubeshorts#viral#billygraham #short #transformation #journey #tranding #shortvideo #shortsfeed #wwe @emanuel20l @BOLLYWOODSILVERSCREEN @DevilEditRoom @mrindianhackershorts @WWE kane 2023mahabali shera wwekanemahabali sherajey usoroman reignsmark henry 2023baron corbindolph zigglerkane wwewwe raw highlightshulk hogan 2023rinku rajputakhir tunhe anahe jara der lagegiapollo crewsbhalo bhalo cartoon dog cartoonbig show 2023carcricketfinn balor 2023how to increase heightmark henry evolutionmark henry theme songputinsach bolu to milkar tumse isi baat ka g..statusveer mahanveer mahan wwewwe baron corbinwwe kanewwe mahabali shera#pacmanvspacman220 vs ns 200 drag race Graham added, "Backlunds promos were monotone, and while he spoke about admirable values in his interviews, I know he wasnt delivering what the fans wanted to hear.". Like Muhammed Ali, everyone wanted to see Graham, whether they loved or hated him. Most recently, fans have seen the traditional Full Nelson hold in use on WWE television thanks to The All Mighty Bobby Lashley, who as mentioned famously became the first wrestler to break out of Chris Masters version of the hold. Very heart-wrenching to hear what they are going through, noted the Facebook post. It was the summer of 1970 that he met a wrestler named Dr. Jerry Graham. Click to enlarge. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2004. The latest health update on WWE Hall of Famer Superstar Billy Graham isn't a great one. "This is a story of life and death and health. He inspired the likes of Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and various others to become the people they would eventually mold into. According to a recent Facebook update by his wife Valerie, Graham is now 100% deaf. Wayne has lost 45 pounds in the last three weeks.. Born Eldridge Wayne Coleman of Paradise Valley, Arizona, the 79-year-old Graham was a notable wrestler with the World Wrestling Federation (now known as World Wrestling Entertainment) back in the 1970s. "It was time to come out and speak out about the evils of anabolic steroids.". "Nobody believed that this was Billy Graham. What happens when these teams throw down in South Philly? Graham started a smear campaign against the WWF. Superstar Billy Graham was confident that he would able to instill change through his revelation. "With the publicity, my story has been generating, and if we can keep the ball rolling, we might have an impact," said Graham. "MSG was selling out before Superstar Billy Graham came on the scene and steroids. So pro wrestling wont suffer. "Dave Meltzer used to call Warrior the Anabolic Warrior. Billy Graham isnt sensationalizing this. Hopefully, he will be able to kick out of all these terrible health issues ver soon. Between the hospital, and the rehab facilities, he has been away from home for three months now. Billy Graham has launched a GoFundMe to help with his medical expenses. Superstar Billy Graham underwent an MRI yesterday and he is still having issues as a result of an infection in his ear and skull. With the catchphrase of Make Darren Young Great Again, Backlund became a manager/life coach for Young, even going as far as teaching him the crossface chickenwing. He is mentioning this as a matter-of-factly. > Sporting Connection
Plans were made for Backlund to turn heel on his way to dropping the belt to the Hulkster, but Backlund didnt want to lose to Hogan due to the future champions lack of legitimate wrestling skills. PWInsider is reporting that Graham underwent an MRI, on Tuesday, as doctors look to make a diagnosis of Graham's ear infection, which has since spread all the way to his skull. Paul Heyman was shocked, just like everybody else, at the dramatic change the man who used to call himself "The sensation of the nation, the number-one creation" had gone through. All started to go downhill when, at the insistence of Vince McMahon Sr., Superstar Billy Graham was told to drop the title to Bob Backlund on February 20th, 1978, after holding the belt for nine and a half months. He found out after he met his wife, Valerie, in 1976 that Lee was Valeries second cousin. In recent years, Graham revealed on his Facebook page that this decision was agreed upon even before he went from wrestling in Florida for CWF to his tenure in New York with the WWWF. They are facing mounting long term medical related bills. But when I was desperate for money, Id surface and work for a show somewhere but quickly took myself out of circulation again. I debated, looked at myself, and realized what was happening to me, and realized that its now or never. ", He added, "I had returned to Phoenix with my deposit [for the championship belt] and not much else. Join thousands of others to get the FREEDOM POST newsletter for free, sent twice a week from The Christian Post. There are only a handful of WWE stars that could be considered the face of the company in their given eras. The winner gets a World Heavyweight Title Shot anywhere, anytime! That babyface would turn out to be Bobby Lashley. As a wrestler, he proved to be successful, earning accolades as an All American and winning the NCAA Championship in 1971. Chris Schramm brought a "Rock Chalk, Jayhawk" attitude to the site, and loved looking back in time for profiles. There are no benefits that youd think would be associated with a corporation of the magnitude of Titan Sports," says Graham pointedly. As champion, Backlund regularly defended the belt, too, fighting off such big names as Don Muraco, Jesse Ventura, and Superstar Billy Graham in several rematches. challenging top heel Superstar Billy Graham, First 10 WWE Champions, Ranked Worst To Best, 10 Overlooked WWE New Generation Era Wrestlers Who Don't Get Enough Love, WWE Wrestlemania 39 Night 2 Winners & Losers: Roman Reigns Squanders Dreams, Bianca Belair Survives Asuka, WWE Wrestlemania 39 Night 1 Winners & Losers: The Bloodline Falls, Mami Takes The Queen's Crown, 10 Older Wrestlers You Thought Were Retired (But Aren't). Tickets start at $15. To cover the mounting medical bills, a Go-Fund-Me page has been set up for Billy Graham, and his wife has revealed that he has reached the cap of his Medicare co-pay. Long before Mick Foley, Billy Graham said. There will be WTF entries and there will be no disqualifications! Web"SuperStar" Billy Graham WWE Jakks Classic Superstars Collector Series Limited. Superstar Billy Graham has been plagued with various health issues over the past couple of decades, which has taken a toll on him. Danny Djeljosevic is a writer based in San Diego, CA. The very drugs I took to enhance my career ended it". McMahon Sr. had a different idea. Lets take a look at 10 wrestlers who used the maneuver to put away their opponents. Billy Graham has launched a GoFundMe to help with his medical expenses. Be the first one to comment on this story. There was, however, a strange instance where Bob Backlund came up short during his title reign. WebThough his body has paid a heavy toll for immortality, Superstar Billy Graham's legacy is always prevalent. As a strong guy, Hercules was the exactly the kind of star to utilize a Full Nelson finisher, since it shows off the wrestlers upper body strength. It could be that night; it could be in 6 months. AEW Dynamite: FTR staying in AEW, win tag team titles, AEW announces All In London at Wembley Stadium, Vickie Guerrero disowns daughter, vows legal action after sexual assault allegations, The Golden Boy Jordan Clearwater has a golden life, MLW Underground: Lio Rush isnt after crumbs, he wants gold, A Titanic Tampa Bay street fight with Rolando Freeman and Aron Stevens on NWA Powerrr, Law firm investigating WWE, Endeavor deal, The SVGS hope to create beautiful, violent art, Reports: Vince McMahon back in charge of WWE creative. He stated that Graham had died of cancer in his hometown of Paradise Valley in Arizona.". He was never a real fan of wrestling. Bruno Sammartino had ruled the WWWF for fifteen years, and McMahon Sr. was looking for a man to give him a run for his money. But once the date approached, Superstar had proven that he was a top draw even as a heel champion and couldnt understand why WWWF management couldnt trust him with a longer title run. Pro Wrestling Stories - Your daily source of nostalgia and a peek behind the curtain wall of wrestlings past! Related Topics . Between the hospital, and the rehab facilities, he has been away from home for three months now. But on March 25th, 1990, perhaps he meant well and was only trying to push for positive change in all sports. Graham is said to be completely deaf, reports Pwinsider. While Backlund dodged turning heel in the 1980s, it finally happened in the 1990s. -- The Rev. "It just exploded and started in earnest in the early 80s and leading up to the Hulkamania era where it was like everybody was juiced. Graham continues to hang in there, however, and doctors continue to search for a way to keep the former WWE Champion as healthy as possible. WebSuperstar Billy Graham transformation journey in1943-2023#shorts#youtubeshorts#viral#billygraham #short #transformation #journey #tranding Wayne Coleman and Angelo Mosca in Stampede Wrestling. Superstar Billy Graham is a WWE Hall of Famer and an absolute legend. So lets cover what they should know about the Hall of Famer, including his WWE Championship wins and stints as a manager for younger wrestlers. Graham and Race would have a classic 60-minute time limit draw after the third fall. 22:57 Billy Graham vs Dusty Rhodes -29-09-1977- Madison Square Garden Guerra Jairo 15:48 Billy Graham vs Dusty Rhodes -24-10-1977- Madison Square Garden Guerra Jairo 22:58 Billy Graham vs Mil Mascaras -19-12-1977- Madison Square Garden Guerra Jairo 25:44 Billy Graham vs Bruno Sammartino -27-06-1977- Madison Square Disheartening update on WWE Hall of Famer Billy Graham. Everybody thought, Billy Graham died, and this guy replaced him, recalls Heyman. He inspired a generation of performers after him, but sadly he has been going through some terrible health issues as of late. [Source: Billy Grahams official Facebook page]In the book Superstar Billy Graham: Tangled Ropes by Keith Elliot Greenberg, Triple H had high praise for a man that later openly criticized many of his decisions. I would still be wrestling right now if it wasnt for anabolic steroids. Because Graham is struggling to pay his medical bills, the Facebook page linked to a gofundme page to help with his expenses, which as of Wednesday afternoon has raised over $8,200 from more than 210 separate donations. 3. As an MTV reality show star without a bodybuilders physique, The Miz seems like the last wrestler who should be using a Full Nelson, which makes his use of it as a finisher seem like such a heel move. Bryan Last added that the topic of steroids would become more prevalent in all sports as the decade closed and into the 2000s. Return to homepage. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for John Arezzi Wrestling promo photo 3x5 Superstar Billy Graham flexing swsw6 at the best online prices at eBay! Grab tickets at MLW2300.com and the 2300 Arena box office. His herculean bodybuilder frame was unlike anything fans had seen before. If it seems like it's just been one health issue after another for "Superstar" Billy Graham over the last couple of decades, that's because it has. Jun 25: AEW Forbidden Door The official Facebook page for Superstar Billy Graham announced Tuesday evening that the retired pro-wrestler has been dealing with serious medical issues for the past few months and is in the fight of his life.. He was the guy who broke the wall in terms of where you could go with entertainment. Click to enlarge. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. Superstar Billy Graham underwent an MRI yesterday and he is still having issues as a result of an infection in his ear and skull. The impact I could make on my peers and especially high school and college kids around this country by coming clean on the subject of anabolic steroids.". WHAT DOES THE WINNER GET? Most wrestlers are easily replaceable.". One of the longest reigning WWE Champions of all time, Bob Backlund has had quite the professional wrestling career. This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Wayne Coleman, known as Superstar Billy Graham in WWE, remains hospitalized. Have you donated to his GoFundMe? From Jesse Ventura to Hulk Hogan in his dying days and Scott Steiner "We have employees up there in Stamford working on typewriters, doing clerical work, running Titan Sports, and everyone has health insurance, benefits, retirement covered to the max. The Graham name helped sell out arenas still, but Graham was sitting on a gimmick that was not working for him. comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Graham is said to be completely deaf, > Career Records
Graham toppled Bruno Sammartino from his WWE Championship perch for the last time on April 30, 1977. Graham is said to be completely deaf, reports Pwinsider. Anyone who could beat the Superstar would win $1,000. It happened at Survivor Series 1994 in a submission match where one could only lose if a wrestlers manager threw in the towel. "Right now, youve got people walking around wrestling who are timebombs. This forced her to pay some of the costs out of pocket. WebBob Backlund vs. Superstar Billy Graham Rivalry Overview Matches Matchguide Ratings Comments Match constellation: Matches Displaying items 1 to 56 of total 56 items that match the search parameters. So in a lot of ways, Graham is patient zero," says Last. All this was a precursor to Dr. George Zahorian and Vince McMahons trials. Yet, he had the ability of a gymnast performing flips and other physical feats around the ring. He is facing at least two months in a skilled nursing facility, once he is stabilized and released from the Mayo hospital. A mash-up of a battle Royale and anything goes street fight, this super-sized main event will feature 40 wrestlers with new participants entering the ring every 60 seconds. ", John Arezzi claims, "The WWF performers were encouraged to take the steroids to keep their bodies big, and this became a problem in the entire industry. [Source: skolanlar.nu]"This faux karate gimmick was hard to believe. Please logout and login again. Description: 20 Years Too Soon - Superstar Billy Graham (WWE) DVD, Billy Graham, WWE. I got burnt out. "Like Ray Stevens, he was one of the guys I looked up to when I first started. See it LIVE on April 8 at MLW Battle Riot V! In 2016, after years of making guest appearances, Bob Backlund made a return to WWE as an active character. I became bitter at that point, and after the ankle surgery, Graham said. He has been through a lot, and fans certainly love him. He felt invincible on the way up. After months of health problems for WWE Hall of Famer "Superstar" Billy Graham, things sadly aren't getting any easier for the former WWE Champion. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. he's dealing with a lot of confusion and depression, she said. Required fields are marked *. I was a prototype for Hulk and Jesse Ventura and even today Scott Steiner.. Graham has had numerous surgeries in the last few years to the point where there seems no end. He was officially the strongest man in the world at the time. Sell now. The last match was with Butch Reed in Madison Square Garden. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages. Superstar Billy Graham made an incredible impression on the wrestling world. I felt this was for me, Graham recalled about his first days there. WebDetails about Superstar Billy Graham 2022 Panini Chronicles WWE Score Red Foil #200 /199 See original listing. Uploaded another 151 clippings, bringing the total newspaper clippings to 5,075. Graham, along with many other wrestlers, was not sure if giving the title to Backlund so soon was the right decision. He had no fat and looked like he was holding regulation footballs in his arms, Stu Hart recalled to SLAM! I was a prototype for Hulk and Jesse Ventura and even today Scott Steiner. His The year 1976 marked Bob Backlunds foray into the WWE, which at the time was called the World Wide Wrestling Federation, and would be challenging top heel Superstar Billy Graham for the WWE Championship within months. Steroids may have killed his health, but his memory in wrestling will be immortal. GoFundMe He is facing a long period of rehab, and his insurance will only pay a portion of this. Sold by thewirehanger1. Superstar Billy Graham 2022 Panini Chronicles WWE Score Red Foil #200 /199: Condition:--not specified. Your login session has expired. Superstar Billy Graham 2022 Panini Chronicles WWE Score Red Foil #200 /199: Condition:--not specified. ", Billy Graham would continue, "Anabolic steroids are so psychologically addicting, that the wrestlers will never get off them themselves. In fact, the former WWE Intercontinental Champion had a unique variation on the move where hed lock it in on his opponents and then spin them around. > Photo Galleries
The choice was a wise one because an even bigger call came. Superstar Billy Graham made an incredible impression on the wrestling world. It's breaking my heart not being able to see him. As the company transitioned into the New Generation Era, Backlund soon turned heel, developing a persona as a crotchety old man out to teach the up-and-comers and current stars like Bret Hart a thing or two. "This is a story of life, death, and health; its not so much a pro wrestling story. "If you werent a fan who grew up in that era or havent gone back to watch the footage, its probably not easy to understand how unique Billy Graham was. How is this acceptable? He can be contacted by e-mail at [email protected]. Billy Grahams WWF (then the WWWF) World title reign might have started and ended in controversial manner, but his reign and effect in wrestling is still relevant today. The official Facebook page for Superstar Billy Graham announced Tuesday evening that the retired pro-wrestler has been dealing with serious medical issues for the March 11, 2014. As a result, Bob Backlund dropped the belt to The Iron Sheik, who soon lost the belt to Hogan. Ended: Apr 04, 2023. "Anabolic steroids are synthetic male hormones. WebShop Electronics' WWE Size OS DVDs & Blu-ray Discs at a discounted price at Poshmark. He has not talked to Vince McMahon or Hulk Hogan since his campaign against them almost 10 years ago. Even pumping it full of cortisone and other pain-numbing medications didnt prevent his hip from popping out during a TV taping against enhancement talent Bob Bradley. And they have taken such a toll on the WWE Hall of Famer that he has spent the better part of the year in the hospital, and at times things have seemed particularly grim. Im sweeter than a German chocolate cake. In hindsight, many historians and fans believe this mistake killed all of Superstars momentum. When it was time from Graham to head into the ring for action, he started under his real name Wayne Coleman. With each successful Master Lock challenge, the victorious Chris Masters grew ever closer to some babyface answering the challenge and inevitably breaking out of the hold. A GoFundMe has been launched to help contribute to Grahams care. bench press (competition) (all-division world record ) 511, 290 lbs. While Graham has battled with COVID-19 in 2023, the ear infection has been the longest-lasting ailment. He impressed onlookers wherever he appeared with a body that seemingly implored camera closeups while drawing jeers from envious fans. SUPERSTAR BILLY GRAHAM Pink Suit Jakks Pacific Classic WWE WWF Figure. "As soon as Vince Jr. gave me the green light to return, I started loading up on steroids, tanning, and weaning myself off the downers and substituting speed.". Retired professional wrestler "Superstar" Billy Graham (real name Eldridge Wayne Coleman) photographed at a hospital, as seen in a Facebook post from Tuesday, March 28, 2023. Steroids were part of Grahams life for over two decades. "Theyre low in body weight, low in strength, and need help getting back on their feet. Given his All American amateur wrestling background, it was only natural that Bob Backlund would interact with WWEs resident Olympic Gold Medalist in wrestling, Kurt Angle. This photo is from the Pro Mr. America Contest, 1975. 10 Wrestling Moves We Never See In WWE Nowadays, The Masterlock Challenge & 7 Other Challenges From WWE History, 10 Backstage Stories About Superstar Billy Graham Fans Should Know, Triple H Explains Why Cody Rhodes' Story Didn't End At WrestleMania, WWE WrestleMania 39 Night 2, Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best, Shane McMahon Returns At WrestleMania, Gets Immediately Injured. Graham become the first major tweener for the WWWF, and his model was the same way in which stars like Steve Austin and Degeneration X were split. He wrestled in the 1990s and has made appearances in the decades since, but theres likely a lot fans might not know about Bob Backlund, given his pre-Hulkamania heyday. Are you disappointed by the latest health update on the WWE Hall of Famer? Eddie and Mike Graham Years after Their Deaths, We Still Ask: Why? > Video
I thought better of it, though, when I considered the amount of money Id make in rematches.". But its time for a change because its just not right; its not even close to fair. Billy Graham, who grew up Wayne Coleman in Arizona, was not an amateur wrestler. Fast delivery, full service customer support. Clad in tie-dye and feathered boas, Superstar was a sign of things to come, boasting a chiseled, muscular physique that was very unique at the time.. By using this site, you agree to the legal terms set out in ourDisclaimer, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Disclosure. He coded, but God decided that it was not his time to go, and brought him back to us! Hercules use of the move famously came up in his WrestleMania 3 feud with Billy Jack Haynes, who also used a Full Nelson (see below). He's still 100% deaf and has now lost 65 pounds. Have one to sell? Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. I wanted wrestling to return to how it used to be when Bruno Sammartino was champion and Pedro Morales was there. A religious liberty newsletter that is a must-read for people of faith. > Movies & TV
RELATED: 10 Backstage Stories About Superstar Billy Graham Fans Should Know. Hulk Hogan versus Marvel Comics | The Fight for His Name, Pat Patterson | Hard to Emulate, Mentor of the Greats, Nikolai Volkoff: A Hero, a Legend, and My Friend, WWWF at MSG (1974-84): A Love Letter to the Past, Dan & Benny In The Ring A Recommended New Podcast. Price: US $3.00. WebSuperstar Billy Graham by Juggernaut75. "Gorilla might as well have been telling the truth," recalls Graham. Vince McMahon Sr. called Graham up in 1975, and Graham was anxious to work for the WWWF. 'Superstar' Billy Graham Hospitalized for Internal Bleeding, Tennessee evangelist Perry Stone won't face charges in sexual misconduct case, Jim Caviezel stars in Angel Studios film about true story of federal agent who saved children from sex trafficking, 'His Only Son' biblical drama encourages audiences to meditate on power of the Gospel ahead of Easter, 'A Thousand Tomorrows' PureFlix series gives hope to those struggling with deep wounds, actors say, CMT Music Awards feature drag performers, Kelsea Ballerini prays for change after Nashville shooting, 'American Idol' contestant quits after Katy Perry 'mom shaming' incident: 'My heart is at home'. Web118 views, 5 likes, 3 loves, 16 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Lakeshore Church: Lakeshore Livestream Going through withdrawals, Superstar Graham was now in hell. The remaining participants in the 40-wrestler Battle RIOT match will be revealed this Saturday night. with files from Nadia Moharib, Calgary Sun. He coded, but God decided that it was not his time to go, and brought him back to us! ", John Arezzi agrees with his statement, adding, "There was nothing like him before. July 15: Impact Slammiversary It seems that, psychologically, Graham had broken down," Vince McMahon Jr. would say. Related Topics . "Hulk Hogan was a fan in Florida that saw Billy Graham. May 28: AEW Double or Nothing > The Artist Canvas
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He inspired a generation of performers after him, recalls Heyman ver soon Morales was.. Muhammed Ali, everyone wanted to see him that superstar billy graham finisher a writer based in Diego... Others to become the people they would eventually mold into Sheik, who grew up Wayne Coleman on! All time, he will be no disqualifications be immortal other wrestlers, was an...
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