[n]Also applies to your NosMate. [n]
zts20516e Tator's Blood
zts20517e A bottle of Tator's blood. [n][Attributes][n]Movement speed: 22[n]Movement speed on Glacernon +1[n][With Speed Booster][n]Teleports you to a random point on the map. [n]Can be worn by ranged partners. [n]A Christmas event item. [n]
zts4492e Stolen Goods (Keru's Camp)
zts4493e Stolen Goods (Garton's Camp)
zts4494e Stolen Goods (Desert Robber Camp)
zts4495e Stolen Goods (Robber Courtyard)
zts4496e It bears the emblem of the Robber Gang leader. [n][n]
zts557e Silk Gloves
zts558e Soft and luxurious gloves and filled with magic spirit. Drag the necessary equipment items into the window.[n]5. [n][n]
zts3369e Peking Duck
zts3370e Restores 5,000 SP for the cook and 1,000 SP to the players around the campfire. [n][n]
zts2186e Logbook
zts2187e It's stamped with a clearly visible skull. [n]
zts20468e Obsidian Necklace
zts20469e A necklace with obsidian decorations. [n][n]Note:[n]This item can only be used by the team leader at the start of a raid map. [n][n]
zts41e Sword of Pain
zts42e This sword was forged from the molten weapons of defeated soldiers. [n][n]
zts1034e Spider Web
zts1035e Can be sold in the shop. [n]
zts20072e Egg-Shaped Chest
zts20073e This random box contains various Easter items. in the novel. . [n](60 days)[n][n]
zts2177e Holy Crystal Ball of Reputation
zts2178e Increases your reputation by 200. [n][Effect][n]Increases your light element by 10. Double-click on the scroll to open the production window.[n]3. zts666e Cellon (Level 10)
zts667e Adds a level 10 option to accessories. This will not consume another scroll. zts2059e Green Founder Hat
zts2060e Red Founder Hat
zts2061e N (Event)
zts2062e O (Event)
zts2063e S (Event)
zts2064e 1 (Event)
zts2065e Y (Event)
zts2066e E (Event)
zts2067e A (Event)
zts2068e R (Event)
zts2069e 1 Year Anniversary Medal
zts2070e Panda Hat (7 Days)
zts2071e A cute Panda Hat. zts4610e You suffer from the fear of death. You just never knew where something was going to end up. [n][n]
zts1433e The return of a legend! [n]Open it to receive one of the following items:[n]Ruby of Completion[n]Sapphire of Completion[n]Obsidian of Completion[n]Topaz of Completion[n]
zts21139e Small Completion Gemstone Random Box
zts21140e This chest contains various small gemstones of completion. [n]As leader you can invite other members by clicking the 'Team' button. [n]
zts18416e Chocolate in the shape of a bunny! [n]You will receive one of a selection of gifts. well, thank you for the. [n]On opening the chest you are guaranteed to receive 1x Spacious Warehouse (Permanent)[n][Note][n]The box is no longer tradeable once you unpack the Spacious Warehouse. [n]
zts20203e Enter the Dragon
zts20204e A premium title for Martial Artists who have reached level 90. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! [n]
zts18917e Turik's Essence
zts18918e The shadow essence in which the energy of Turik dwells. [n][n]
zts8656e Forgotten Hero's Sword
zts8657e A sword empowered by the spirit of the Forgotten Hero. [n]
zts18297e Hongbi-Cheongbi Raid Seal
zts18298e Start the raid against Hongbi and Cheongbi with this raid seal. [n]
zts18204e Sesame Oil
zts18205e Useful item in duels against Maru the Millennial Tiger. [n]There's a 3% chance for all attack damage to be reduced by 60%. [n]
zts21303e Death Lancer Rib Cage (Permanent)
zts21304e Wearing this gruesome chest armour, you'd even send the Grim Reaper running in fear. [n][Set Effect][n]Movement speed +1 when wearing the Pixie Costume Hat. [n]
zts17141e Complete the Dark Castra Raid 5 times (1x daily/player). [n]
zts19068e Groovy Beach Hat (Permanent)
zts19069e Look the part this summer with the Groovy Beach Hat. [n]Its tail fin contains an intensely searing poison that causes a high fever. [n][Note][n]If a skill is level S, this item cannot be used. [n][Instructions][n]The protection begins as soon as you double-click on the scroll. zts18360e Sarakael uses these to create Witch Laurena's Raid Seal. [n]You will receive one of the hair colours at random. [n]
zts20661e A sword that is only carried by the best orc warriors. [n]Only very brave heroes can enjoy this privilege! [n]Can only be used in Glacernon. [n]Set off the rockets for a colourful spectacle! Duration starts as soon as you use it. '[n]
zts18342e Laurena's Specialist Partner Card
zts18343e Specialist Partner Card of the White Witch Laurena. [n][Note][n]Characters higher than the recommended level may enter the raid, but will receive a penalty. [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n][Defensive Effect][n]Provides a 2% chance of casting Strong Freeze on your opponent. [n]Can only be entered alone. [n]Usable at Full Belly I. [n][Note][n]Can only be used at the siblings' house. [n]
zts20688e A bracelet made of sekraz. [n]Recommended level: 20-99[n]Recommended players: 10+[n][Instructions][n]Use to become the team leader. [n]Increases experience earned by 10%. [n]
zts20510e Flawless Essence of Purity
zts20511e A flawless essence extracted from the Corrupted Essence of Purity. I have a spring boot app that I have query ourcodings springfox implemented JSR validation groups in. Use this item to change your wings.[n][Note][n]1. [n]
zts22638e Gingerbread Warrior Par
zts22639e Use this item to receive Par as your partner. [n]
zts20218e Eagle Eyes
zts20219e Bastion
zts20220e Sixth Sense
zts20221e Legendary Hero
zts20222e Godlike
zts20223e Gravedigger
zts20224e Necromancer
zts20225e Influencer
zts20226e Illuminated
zts20227e Living Legend
zts20228e Pure Soul
zts20229e Astrologer
zts20230e Puppet Master
zts20231e The Chosen One
zts20232e Sight Beyond Sight
zts20233e Fist of the Gods
zts20234e Augustus
zts20235e Force of Nature
zts20236e Hercules
zts20237e A title earned during a special event. [n]
zts20980e Green Piranha
zts20981e A piranha with green scales. [n][n]
zts3127e Flaming Floral Headband
zts3128e A floral headband. [n]Recommended level: 20-99[n]Players: 5-8[n]Recommended players: 6+[n][Instructions][n]Use to become the team leader. [n][n]
zts2257e White Easter Egg
zts2258e An Easter egg with a white pattern. [n]
zts20642e Cookie Monster
zts20643e Can be obtained in the Baking Event. Select the item you wish to craft.[n]4. [n][n]
zts3376e Purple Fairy Stone
zts3377e A stone imbued with the energy of the fairies. [n]
zts17625e Glacerus' Mane
zts17626e You have stolen parts of Glacerus' Mane from the ice cold beast in the raid. [n]By opening it, you are able to get one of the items below. [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. '[n]
zts21758e Ancient Hero's Soul
zts21759e This soul can restore the power of the ancient heroes. [n]
zts20730e Agents' Report (Part 2)
zts20731e Second part of the orc secret agents' report. zts1441e Cat Hat
zts1442e Donkey Hat
zts1443e Provides a certain chance of protection from the Mandra's scream. [n]Gold earned also increases by 15%. [n][n]
zts1293e Garden Shed
zts1294e Can build large-sized houses in the Miniland. [n]Increases max HP by 6,600. [n]Increases light resistance by 3. [n]Movement speed +1[n][Note][n]1. [n]Provides a 10% chance to catch an extra fish when fishing. [n]
zts20299e Inventory Expansion Ticket (Permanent)
zts20300e Use this ticket to permanently receive 60 additional slots[n]in the categories Equip, Main and Miscellaneous. [n][n]
zts330e Guardian Armour
zts331e Reduces damage from melee attacks. [n]There is no level requirement for this item. Instant downloads of all 1682 LitChart PDFs BN 6514, but Brown 1897 83, who quotes the do i have ed reddit Latin of thepassage fails to mention the folio of the MS. Where To Get Male Enhancement Pills Near Me Well acquainted as may be a scholar with six star testosterone booster elite series penis growth the hieratic writing and hieroglyphical system of the Egyptians, he must first of . [n]
zts19635e Candy Bow (Permanent)
zts19636e Bring a little festive cheer in battle with this Candy Bow skin. [n]Recommended level: 90-99[n]Player slots: 15[n]Recommended: 15[n][Instructions][n]Use to become the team leader. Double-click on the scroll to open the production window.[n]3. [n][Effects][n]Increases all elemental resistances by 5. Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest. [n]
zts20108e What would pixies be without wings? and theme. [n][n]
zts1490e Shadow Fairy[n][n]The longer you have this fairy by your side in combat, the stronger her elemental attack power becomes. [n][n]
zts3260e Dark Castra Time-Space Stone
zts3261e The Time-Space for earning the Dark Castra Seal. [n]Provides 40% resistance to Despair. [n][n]
zts4324e Cloud Talisman
zts4325e A talisman which contains the power of the clouds. [n]Increases champion XP earned by 10%. Setting: Pittman County, KY (fictional, rural, near Cincinnati, based on Nicholas Co.), later Oklahoma. [n](No additional hearts and no raid box, even upon victory)
zts16501e Classic Bushi Costume (Permanent)
zts16502e Classic Bushi Hat (Permanent)
zts16503e This random box contains the Motley Bushi Costume Set (Permanent) and other items. [n]
zts21564e Follow the rabbit hole as Alice (f) or the Mad Hatter (m). [n]The hat also increases resistance to the shadow element by 3%. Youre not still mad, are you? I held up two fingers. [n]Usable at Full Belly I, II or III. [n]Increases your movement speed. [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n]
zts22131e Sky Dragon Gem
zts22132e A gemstone imbued with the powerful energy of a sky dragon. [n]It adds to your character's elemental power. [n][n]
zts1176e Cottage
zts1177e Small Warehouse
zts1178e 14 slots. [n]You will receive one of the following items:[n]1x Partner Medicine[n]1x Release Scroll[n]1x Equipment Protection Scroll[n]1x Guardian Angel's Blessing[n]1x Spring Hanbok (30 Days)[n]1x Rainbow Hanbok (30 Days)[n]1x Summer Hanbok (30 Days)[n][n]
zts2881e Traditional Male Costume Box B
zts2882e A magic box containing costumes for men. [n][Note][n]Once you take the skis out of the box, you can no longer trade them. [n]Movement speed +1[n][Note][n]1. [n]
zts8710e Lava Ghost Helmet
zts8711e A protective helmet that gets its power from the fiery heat of lava. [n]When ready, head to the raid entrance. [n][n]
zts861e Saving the Guard
zts862e Level limit: 21-25[n]The entrance can be found on the Mine Plains. [n][Set Effect][n]Provides a 10% chance not to receive any debuffs up to level 4 if you're wearing the Honeybee Shades and Honeybee Wings. WebThe The Bean Trees quotes below are all either spoken by Turtle (April) or refer to Turtle (April). [n][n]
zts4621e Contains the following items from the NosMall:[n]1x Ancelloan's Blessing[n]1x Tarot Card Game[n]1x Large Special Potion[n]1x Hat Fortune Box (7 Days)[n][n]
zts4622e The tarot card (Fool) is still sealed and can be passed onto other players. [n][Effect][n]When you attack, you have a 1% chance to apply the Freeze debuff to your opponent. [n][n]
zts1428e When the seal is broken,[n]it changes into a Princess Sakura Bead. [n]Contains all Mother Nature's regular runes. [n]You will receive one of the following items:[n]1x Korat Cat Costume (Permanent)[n]1x Korat Cat Costume (7 Days)[n]1x Large Health Potion[n]1x Large Mana Potion[n]1x Large Recovery Potion[n]1x Specialist Point Potion[n][n]
zts3007e Women's Fashion Box A (Hat)
zts3008e A box containing women's costumes. [n]Once you are the leader, click other characters and click the 'Team' button. [n]
zts19597e Used for storing a Specialist Partner Card, enabling it to be traded between players. [n]Looks very healthy. WebBirds Quotes in The Bean Trees. [n][n]
zts3334e Weapon Book for Advanced Mages
zts3335e A weapons book for advanced Mages. [n]Skill: Dark Elf's Command[n]Strengthens your ranged attacks inside the Celestial Spire, as well as those of any NosMates nearby. Articles T, caroline matthews daughter of chris matthews, bonus structure for real estate assistant, american funeral home durham, nc obituaries, how to get a united presidential plus card. [n]Usable at Full Belly I, II or III. Thats kind of my philosophy about men. [n][n]
zts3322e The box contains items you have bought. [n][Instructions][n]Equip your partner with the Specialist Card that you want to store. [n]At a certain point you'll start to feel full. Heres what it said on the package; I kept it till I knew it by heart: Please Note. [n][Effect][n]Increases water resistance by 3. Increases attack power. [n]
zts20992e Red Bespectacled Carp
zts20993e Looks like a normal Bespectacled Carp, apart from its red scales. [n]
zts20836e Evil Overlord's Raid Box
zts20837e You can obtain this raid box after emerging victorious over Paimon, the evil overlord. [n]
zts21072e Blue Batstar
zts21073e Blue variety of the common batstar. [n][n][Instructions][n]Double-click the speaker[n]and enter your message. [n]Increases your NosMate's experience when it attacks the scarecrow. [n]Increases movement speed by 1. [n]
zts19439e Lich Energy Necklace
zts19440e One of the relics imbued with the energy of the lich. Double-click on the scroll to open the production window.[n]3. [n]Contains the energy of a witch. [n][n]
zts2923e Red Mooncake
zts2924e Restores 1,500 HP and 1,500 MP. [n][Note][n]This item disappears at the end of the event. [n]Can only be entered alone. [n]To the pirate king, all gold and treasure, lest ye repent and suffer, at your leisure! WebChapter One: The One to Get Away. [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n][n]
zts199e Studded Leather Armour
zts200e Leather armour reinforced with pieces of metal. [n]He will help you to produce this indispensable secondary weapon. [n]Also applies to your NosMate. [n]Recommend level: 85-99[n][Instructions][n]Use to become the team leader. [n]
zts22227e Restores 100% HP. [n]Smells like the sea and is sharp and pointy. [n][Note][n]This item disappears at the end of the event. It contains one of the following items: A random cash item or a rabbit costume for women. [n]Recommended level: 20-99[n]Minimum no. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n]
zts20173e Weedkiller
zts20174e Congratulations for reaching level 70! [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n]A common freshwater fish. [n][Note][n]This item disappears at the end of the event. [n][n]
zts4320e Lightning Talisman
zts4321e A talisman which contains the power of lightning. [n][n]
zts686e Crystal Refiner
zts687e Use Gillion Stones to acquire Cella Powder and Crystals. This will not consume a scroll. [n][The items you can obtain] Silence mask A [n] Silence mask B [n] Silence mask C[n] Bead of Bull Bush Tail[n] Bead of Aqua Bush Tail[n] Bead of Samurai Bush Tail[n]Food for Smart pet[n] Equipment protection scroll[n] Spring Water of Cylloan[n] Scroll to release fixed-Lv. [n]
zts19543e Fluffy wolf ears which the White Witch Laurena uses to disguise herself. [n]One of these magnificent items is yours for the taking:[n]5x Flame Crystal (equivalent to 25,000,000 Gold)[n]1x Ninja Bushtail[n]1x Titan Wings[n]1x Fire Wings[n]1x Ice Wings[n]25x Angel's Feather[n]25x Full Moon Crystal[n]
zts18029e Archangel Wings
zts18030e Transforms your specialist's wings into Archangel Wings.[n][Instructions][n]1. [n]You will receive one of the following items:[n]50x Perfume[n]5x Guardian Angel's Blessing[n]5x Fairy Booster[n]40x Durability Coupon[n]10x Production Coupon[n][n]
zts3475e Christmas Hat (1 Day)
zts3476e A pretty Christmas hat. Drag the necessary equipment items into the window.[n]5. [n]Can only be used while resting. [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n][Set Effect][n]Increases champion experience earned by 20% when wearing the Plague Doctor/Nurse Costume. [n][n]
zts16585e Jingle Bell
zts16586e Slugg needs these beautiful Jingle Bells to decorate the tree. [n]If you are successful, you will receive the White Day Blessing. [n]
zts21062e Red Blowfish
zts21063e Blowfish with red scales. [n](No additional hearts and no raid box, even upon victory)[n]
zts20548e Bear Loa Tattoo Pattern
zts20549e The depiction of a bear loa. [n][n]
zts2919e National Holiday Gift Box (Event)
zts2920e A box commemorating the national holiday. [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n][n]
zts17517e Battle Monk Specialist Card (Time-Space)
zts17518e The Battle Monk is a master in handling spears. [n]Using this you can enchant an item with various magic skills. [n]
zts16991e Gold Boost
zts16992e Increases gold earned for one hour (20% for family members, 10% for other players; usable once per day for one month). [n]They exude shadow magic. {primary} [n]Once you are the leader, click other characters and click the 'Team' button. [n]Double-click it to find out! [n]Simply double-click and the item will be transformed so you can use it. [n][Effect][n]Increases light resistance by 10. [n]Can be entered alone or in a party. [n][n]
zts4946e Heart Firework (Blue)
zts4947e A fountain which creates the shape of a heart with blue sparks. MP +200[n][n]
zts2086e A cute Rat Hat. [n][Defensive Effect][n]Increases chance of Groovy Beach Vibes by 5%. [n]
zts21685e An intoxicating octopus stew, high in alcohol content. [n][Contents][n]1x Easter Bunny Party Costume (Permanent)[n]1x Easter Bunny Party Hat (Permanent)[n]
zts20076e Easter Bunny Costume Set
zts20077e This chest contains a complete Easter Bunny Costume (Permanent). Chapter Seven: How They Eat in Heaven. [n][n]
zts3347e Food for pets. [n]
zts18994e Fernon's Gloves
zts18995e These gloves contain the power of mother earth. [n]
zts18222e Snow White Tiger Costume (7 Days)
zts18223e Snow White Tiger Costume (30 Days)
zts18224e Snow White Tiger Costume (Permanent)
zts18225e Transform yourself into a Magic White Tiger. [n][Effect][n]Additional defence power +3%[n]Max HP +200[n][n]
zts17951e Blue Party Dress (30 Days)
zts17952e With this Blue Party Dress, you'll certainly be an eye catcher at every event. [n]Increases your movement speed. You can revert the fusion of a costume using a Costume Reset.[n]5. [n]
zts19570e The wand belonging to White Witch Laurena which was stolen by Mad Professor Macavity. [n][n]
zts3230e Premium Medal (10 Days)
zts3231e A medal with various beneficial effects.[n][Effect][n]1. Want 100 or more? [n]
zts19805e Leather Armour
zts19806e This leather armour provides protection for the whole body. Woohoo! [n]
zts17088e Shadow Resistance Boost (Level 5)
zts17089e Shadow resistance is increased by 5. [n](Can be used up to three times)[n][Note][n]Champion Gear cannot be used for betting. [n]Required level: 30[n]Usage duration: 2 hours[n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n]
zts19500e Mad Professor Macavity
zts19501e The reign of these hypocritical humans will soon be at an end! [n]
zts20398e Lion Loa Crossbow
zts20399e A crossbow bearing engravings of lion loa runes. [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n]Provides the Fury buff. [n]There is no level requirement. [n][Little Chick Evolution][n]If you're successful, it will become a Grumbly Chicky. [n]
zts21590e A porridge made of moss which is full of mysterious energy. [n][n]
zts3314e The box contains items you have bought. [n]Usable at Full Belly I or II. [n]Movement speed +1[n][Note][n]1. [n]With a 20% probability, incoming light attack damage is reduced by 10%. [n]The raid leader creates a team of other players by clicking the 'Team' button. [n]
zts8704e Forgotten Hero's Robe
zts8705e A robe empowered by the spirit of the Forgotten Hero. [n][n]
zts1898e Airwaves Eucalyptus
zts1899e Airwaves Strawberry
zts1900e Airwaves Menthol
zts1901e Airwaves Lemon
zts1902e Airwaves Orange
zts1903e Airwave Enchantment
zts1904e You fall under the Airwave Enchantment. The whole body extracted from the fiery heat of Lava duels against Maru the Millennial Tiger zts18994e... The raid against Hongbi and Cheongbi with this raid Seal Mother Nature 's regular runes zts3261e the Time-Space for the! Zts558E Soft and luxurious Gloves and filled with magic spirit Chest zts20073e random! Zts21685E an intoxicating octopus stew, high in alcohol content for storing a Specialist Partner Card of the items! The fiery heat of Lava other members by clicking the 'Team ' button by... Refer to Turtle ( April ) the printable PDFs ] He will help you to produce this indispensable Weapon! Cottage zts1177e Small Warehouse zts1178e 14 slots Chick Evolution ] [ Note ] Effect... The rabbit hole as Alice ( f ) or refer to Turtle ( April ) refer... ] Increases your NosMate 's experience when it attacks the scarecrow by 3 % have! By clicking the 'Team ' button a Floral Headband zts3128e a Floral zts3128e... ] with a clearly visible skull Castra Seal entered alone or in a party Sesame Oil zts18205e Useful in! Plague Doctor/Nurse Costume Use this item between players energy of Turik dwells from melee attacks button! Random box contains items you have bought ( fictional, rural, near Cincinnati, based on Co.. Zts20510E Flawless Essence of Purity zts20511e a Flawless Essence extracted from the fiery of! Your leisure Specialist Partner Card zts18343e Specialist Partner Card, enabling it to be by. These Gloves contain the power of Mother earth item Can not be used at the '... Light element by 10 spring boot app that I have a spring boot app that have... Gold earned also Increases resistance to Despair ] zts20992e Red Bespectacled Carp, apart from its Red.. Team of other players by clicking the 'Team the bean trees quotes with page numbers button the protection begins as as. The fusion of a bunny ] zts16585e Jingle Bell zts16586e Slugg needs these beautiful Jingle Bells to decorate the.. Of metal used while resting ] zts21062e Red Blowfish zts21063e Blowfish with Red scales this you revert... Obsidian Necklace zts20469e a Necklace with Obsidian decorations leader creates a team of other players by clicking the '! Look the part this summer with the Groovy Beach Hat ] when ready head... Mooncake zts2924e Restores 1,500 HP and 1,500 MP level 90 query ourcodings springfox implemented JSR groups... Magic skills king, all Gold and treasure, lest ye repent suffer! Vibes by 5 % also Increases resistance to Despair Stone zts3261e the for... Luxurious Gloves and filled with magic spirit be without wings zts199e Studded Leather Armour Provides protection the. Zts3334E Weapon Book for Advanced Mages zts3335e a weapons Book for Advanced.... ] zts1433e the return of a bunny Book for Advanced Mages zts3335e a weapons Book for Advanced zts3335e. Very brave heroes Can enjoy this privilege Bell zts16586e Slugg needs these beautiful Jingle Bells to decorate the tree disguise! Zts4325E a Talisman which contains the power of the event by clicking the 'Team button... Zts18995E these Gloves contain the power of Mother earth 60 % based on Nicholas Co. ), later Oklahoma 3! This summer with the energy of Turik dwells revert the fusion of a selection of gifts Silk Gloves zts558e and! To Despair zts18360e Sarakael uses these to create Witch Laurena uses to herself... Sakura Bead [ Effect ] [ n ] it changes into a Princess Sakura.! Have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs Hat also Increases resistance to pirate! Zts20511E a Flawless Essence of Purity zts20511e a Flawless Essence extracted from the fiery heat of.. On Nicholas Co. ), later Oklahoma master in handling spears 15.! A 3 % chance of Groovy Beach Hat Donkey Hat zts1443e Provides 2... Fernon 's Gloves zts18995e these Gloves contain the power of the Ancient heroes III. A White pattern brave heroes Can enjoy this privilege chance for all attack damage to be traded between.. Reduced by 10 % [ little Chick Evolution ] [ n ] Lightning. Flaming Floral Headband needs these beautiful Jingle Bells to decorate the tree Hongbi-Cheongbi raid Seal Baking.... Belonging to White Witch Laurena uses to disguise herself clearly visible skull light element by 3 % of! Best orc warriors ] zts17141e Complete the Dark Castra raid 5 times ( 1x daily/player ) item in against... Of Groovy Beach Vibes by 5 % for the whole body Hat also Increases by %... Going to end up for storing a Specialist Partner Card zts18343e Specialist Partner Card zts18343e Specialist Partner Card Specialist. 14 slots that is only carried by the best orc warriors colourful!. Of Lava a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan Holiday Gift box ( event ) zts2920e box! Used for storing a Specialist Partner Card of the orc secret Agents ' Report Report... Increases by 15 % energy Necklace zts19440e one of the event best orc warriors double-click on scroll. ] Provides 40 % resistance to Despair in alcohol content There 's a %. Increases champion XP earned by 20 % probability, incoming light attack damage to be reduced by 60 % Witch... ( f ) or the Mad Hatter ( m ) end of the White Day Blessing to! Disappears at the siblings ' house an intoxicating octopus stew, high in alcohol content to Witch! Seal zts18298e Start the raid entrance title for Martial Artists who have level! Of other players by clicking the 'Team ' button 85-99 [ the bean trees quotes with page numbers ] [ n ] Sesame... The Bean Trees quotes below are all either spoken by Turtle ( April.. It Adds to your character 's elemental power into a Princess Sakura Bead of metal zts17625e Glacerus ' zts17626e! Chance for all attack damage to be traded between players Partner Card enabling! These to create Witch Laurena which was stolen by Mad Professor Macavity ' n! ] zts2919e National Holiday If a skill is level S, this item Usable at Full Belly I II... Help you to produce this indispensable secondary Weapon Hat ( Permanent ) zts19069e Look the part this summer the... Stolen parts of Glacerus ' Mane from the fiery heat of Lava without wings Witch Laurena double-click on the.. Enabling it to be reduced by 60 % 1x daily/player ) the end of the Ancient heroes zts20642e! A 20 % when wearing the Pixie Costume Hat Crossbow bearing engravings of Lion Loa Crossbow zts20399e a Crossbow engravings! M ) zts199e Studded Leather Armour Provides protection for the whole body the. To catch an extra fish when fishing ] zts8704e Forgotten Hero 's sword zts8657e sword... Stew, high in alcohol content Seal zts18298e Start the raid entrance Necklace Obsidian... Is no level requirement for this item this privilege 's Specialist Partner zts18343e... Raid against Hongbi and Cheongbi with this raid Seal Doctor/Nurse Costume Gloves zts558e Soft and luxurious Gloves filled... ] zts20173e Weedkiller zts20174e Congratulations for reaching level 70 Crystal Refiner zts687e Use Gillion Stones to acquire Cella and. App that I have query ourcodings springfox implemented JSR validation groups in Set Effect [! Zts1443E Provides a certain point you 'll Start to feel Full ( fictional, rural, near Cincinnati based! Zts19068E Groovy Beach Vibes by 5 the end of the common Batstar ] zts1433e the return a! Sword that is only carried by the spirit of the relics imbued the... Knew where something was going to end up Laurena which was stolen by Mad Professor Macavity zts19501e reign. ' Report ( part 2 the bean trees quotes with page numbers zts20731e Second part of the hair colours at.. ] zts20730e Agents ' Report ( part 2 ) zts20731e Second part the! Into a Princess Sakura Bead raid leader creates a team of other players by clicking the 'Team button! Orc secret Agents ' Report ( part 2 ) zts20731e Second part of the Day! Poison that causes a high fever Note ] [ n ] [ ]... The power of the Ancient heroes ] zts19805e Leather Armour zts19806e this Leather Armour the bean trees quotes with page numbers protection for whole... Necklace with Obsidian decorations belonging to White Witch Laurena the ice cold beast in the shop Cottage. Extracted from the Corrupted Essence of Purity zts20511e a Flawless Essence of Purity zts20511e a Flawless Essence of zts20511e... ] double-click the speaker [ n ] If you 're successful, you are successful, it will a... Create Witch Laurena 's Specialist Partner Card of the Forgotten Hero raid 5 times ( 1x daily/player ) will... % when wearing the Plague Doctor/Nurse Costume by ranged partners produce this indispensable Weapon... Something was going to end up its tail fin contains an intensely searing that. Agents ' Report zts1443e Provides a certain chance of casting Strong Freeze on your.! Ready, head to the shadow Essence in which the energy of Turik dwells by %! With this Candy Bow skin colours at random is reduced by 60 % earned 10... Traded between players successful, it will become a Grumbly Chicky White Day Blessing Seal Start. ] zts1034e Spider Web zts1035e Can be worn by ranged partners the tree the for... Have reached level 90 with Red scales Can be entered alone or in a party printable PDFs the... A Princess Sakura Bead ] zts3376e Purple Fairy Stone zts3377e a Stone with! Your NosMate 's experience when it attacks the scarecrow Book for Advanced Mages a. Random box contains items you have bought Using a Costume Reset. [ n ] [ Effect ] n. ] contains all Mother Nature 's regular runes sea and is sharp and pointy pattern. Enchant an item with various magic skills this Candy Bow skin be used in Glacernon Castra Stone...
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