What would you do? He should have been left to rot in a windowless cell with a bucket in the corner, with meals of slops and ditchwater. As you can probably tell, I'm strongly in favor of the death penalty. I hope he was petrified during his last few moments. Uh, why do many of you say that it doesn't deter crime? Perhaps I should have posted an official sarcasm label on my post? Furthermore, if Tsutomu were still alive, he would be 56 years old as a traditional Japanese serial killer. Again, he sexually assaulted the corpse and left it naked in the woods while he took the victims clothing with him. Email: [email protected] Sadly, peoples fear of his hands did not gain him any friends, and he was rejected by others, including his sisters, per the book Supernatural Serial Killers . Perhaps one of the infamous "confessions" under dubious circumstances from the Japanese police as the key evidence? [7] Not everyone is going to subscribe to your particular brand of right versus wrong. A malformation that will affect the rest of his life. I am for the death penalty when guilt can be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. Compare the cost of keeping a person on death-row for 10 yrs vs 10yrs in general population(it will be an eye-opener). Miyazaki had an average height and his zodiac sign was Leo. If I were, I would torture him, kill him, rape the body, and then send pieces to his family. Tsutomu Miyazaki during his trial, which lasted seven years. It isnt about other posters. They If the family didnt answer, he called until he got a response. With their execution, the number of inmates executed under murderpediaAn alleged early class photo of Tsutomu Miyazaki in more innocent years. Tsutomu Miyazaki was born on August 21, 1962, in Tokyo, Japan, to an affluent family. Any eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. WilliB - I never mentioned revenge, even if someone else did. They should be rehabilitated! Also a cannibal and a necrophile, he was apparently influenced by Japanese anime and po*nography. I asked this question multiple times here and so far I have been attacked personally and no one stepped up to answer it. He was nothing other than a monster who was not salvageable as a human. However, he circled back later to retrieve the car and was ambushed by police. This is also the opinion of most Japanese. The idea of Justice is that of a Moral Superiority, that's what gives the state the right to put people in the "armchair" and dispense justice. This guy was seriously nasty. That's human progress.. And, the death penalty is what? I would like to add that of course that guy was a monster and people like him should never be released, but I strongly oppose to death penalty for the above reasons. " Don't you dare try to lower me to that level. "Which is worse, imbezzelment or murder?" It was later found that he was not the biological child of his mother, but was actually born out of an incestuous relationship between his father and older sister. Opposed: 6%, according to a 2005 survey), that is the People - with a capital "P" - assuming their right and obligation to honor and protect the Social Contract. . Would you still be screaming for the death penalty? It goes against my views. Meanwhile, his parents publically disowned him and his father refused to pay for his sons legal fees. I don't say that I can't see the merits of banning executions, particularly with regard to the possibility that innocent people may be sentenced to such an irreversible fate. Amnesty International Japan criticized the fast pace of executions under Hatoyama, saying in a statement, ''The latest executions were carried out only two months after the previous ones. Gleams Akihabara 703 Tsutomu Miyazaki was born on August 21, 1962 in Itsukaichi, Tokyo. But many justice systems pay up top 8xtimes the cost of keeping a guy alive on death-row(often for decades) vs a guy in general populace. Violate this contract in a way that is so grossly dismissive of the social contract, as demostrated in, say, the murder of four young children - I can understand Japanese thinking when they say all bets are off. But WHO gives us the moral high-ground to say they are lower than us and thus deserve death. Following the logic, prisoners should not be killed or punished in any way. Miyazaki was not born to his biological mother, but he was actually born from an incestuous relationship of his father and older sister. Why should a killer like this guy be executed? Furthermore, are you suggesting I don't read widely enough? He was born with deformed handsa result of his premature birth. Tsutomu Miyazaki, the death row inmate convicted of murdering four young girls in 1988 and 1989 in Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture, was executed Tuesday, the Justice Ministry said. Bring 'em back - those middle ages. hang all the rest of them. Wikimedia CommonsThe Otaku Killer was so-named for his fascination with cartoons, anime, and hentai. Executing him is a a measured response to monstrous behaviour, and means closure for the family of the victims. He certainly did not deserve to live..but the death penalty is nothing more than murder by the state. Miyazaki was raised as a oldest child and had two younger sisters. Hirokazu Hasegawa, a clinical psychologist who saw Miyazaki in 2006, said the killer believed his crimes would resurrect his grandfather, who died three months before the grandson committed his first crime in 1988. Tell me the difference. However, until the possibility that an innocent person would never be put death is removed and the system is fairly used, I will continue to be opposed to the death penalty. Though he grew up to be one of Japans most sadistic killers, Miyazaki started out as a meek and quiet child. It just makes them different. Yet, more and more countries abolish it and are against it and that also comes from the People(capital "P"). If murder suspects are found to be guilty without any shred of doubt or extenuating circumstances - I'd like to see these murderers put to death the same way they killed their victims. A handicap that prevents him from rotating his hands upwards. I realize that the chances are slim, but as long as he was alive, there was always the chance that he could've escaped. During the nearly two-decade judicial process, Miyazaki never uttered a word of remorse to the victims and their families. And I am all for a bullet to the head. WebTsutomu Miyazaki ( , Miyazaki Tsutomu, 21 Agustus 1962 17 Juni 2008) adalah seorang pembunuh sekaligus psikopat, pedofilia, nekrofilia, pemerkosa dan kanibal asal Jepang. I don't think this is a suitable thread to discuss its pros and cons. Psychoanalysts who examined him during the trial pinpointed his lack of connection with his parents as an early sign of his disturbance. Nothing more, nothing less.>. He was born with a severe wrist deformity which affected his confidence and his ability to make friends. It read: Erika. While I agree that Miyazaki is probably the best candidate for the death penalty and I hope the families of the girls he killed feel somehow relieved at his passing, I disagree that only 'we Japanese' can comment on the death penalty as pathat demands. Stop the amateur psycho-analysis of other posters (To rtrhead1: I sense a LOT of aggression in you.) This isnt about you. My question is: Would you support the death penalty if your child or loved one was the person who had a committed a vicious murder/murders? Tsutomu Miyazaki was Should we feel sympathy for him? So many will say if I get the Death Penalty I will make it worthwhile. Or would you beg for their lives? Society and the rules that govern society aren't abstract, divine constructs existing solely at the behest of some higher power. Shaking your virtual head and being sad serves few other purposes than to highlight your inability to face differences of opinion. Miyazaki himself admitted that after his grandfather was cremated, he ate some of the ashes in order to feel close to him while distancing himself from his family. I can also appreciate the concern for the possibility of an innocent person being put to death. As for keeping people alive how long have people been kept on death-row in other countries. murderers, and child molesters all In 2008, his sentence was carried out and Tsutomu Miyazaki, the Otaku killer, finally answered for the terrible crimes he committed. WebTsutomu Miyazaki was born on 21st August 1962 in Itsukaichi, Tokyo, Japan. Yes, he was sick; however, he could have just sexually molested them, but no, he had the presence of mind to cover his crime by killing them. Tsutomu Miyazaki was born in Itsukaichi, Tokyo, on August 21, 1962, and had a very difficult childhood. That's one moral compass I'll be sure to avoid following, thank you very much. I do believe in it. He managed to separate the youngest one from her older sister and drag her to his car. A handicap that prevents him from rotating his hands upwards. Miyazakis death sentence was upheld after two appeals, once in 2001 and again in 2006. And everyone thinks As others have said Miyazaki was a poster boy for the death penalty. Reporters noted that he was almost indifferent to his arrest and entirely unbothered by the things he had done or the fate he was facing. Whether Tsutomu Miyazaki had this disturbance in him all along or developed it in response to his grandfathers death is unknown, though timing suggests that following death, Miyazaki had transformed. . You aren't really just "talking" about trends and worldwide changes.
However in this case, where guilt is proven, why should he be put in prison forever? 2-8-16 Higashi-Kanda The only person he didnt excommunicate was his grandfather, who Miyazaki felt was the only person that cared about his personal happiness. [Death-Row prisoners]. I am sorry that I made mention of my views regarding the death penalty. We should really reflect and look at the Justice Minister Hatoyama's record - 13 hanged in just over a year - seems like although there are 102 still left on death row. The death penalty, however, is fundamentally wrong and should be banned. . WebMiyazakis father had been deeply ashamed of his sons actions and refused to pay for his legal defense. WebTsutomu Miyazaki Born: 08-21-1962 The Little Girl Killer Japanese Serial Killer Crime Spree: 19881989 Executed on 06-17-2008 Shortly after 3 pm on August 22, 1988, four-year-old Mari Konno left her home in the Iruma Village apartment complex in Saitama to play at her friends hours. It isnt about me. Furthermore, if Tsutomu were still alive, he would be 56 years old as a traditional Japanese serial killer. He had a Dissociative identity disorder - think Gollum/Smeagol from Lord of the Rings. The top court said Miyazaki abducted and killed the four girls in Tokyo and neighboring Saitama Prefecture ''to satisfy his own sexual desire and appetite to own videotapes with footage of corpses.''. I believe that Miyazaki fit the bill. For anyone who would say this: " Just find it strange that people want the death sentence for someone that killed 1 person and YET people that extorted money, drug dealers, people that ruined companies, etc can spend a few years in jail and than walk free to do it again. That's human progress.. leitmotiv - Yes good idea. Heres a suggestion: Stick to the argument at hand. As my good friend Cleo pointed out, Tsutomu was just not a child killer and a pedophile, but rather he tormented the families of his victims. ". Yes, at the same time if we give into our feelings of hate and retribution/revenge are we better than them? And give him natto slops. Then you could say we would be at the same level. Miyazaki's premature birth left him with deformed hands, which were permanently gnarled and fused directly to the wrists, necessitating Nothing more, nothing less. His second victim was seven-year-old Masami Yoshizawa, who Miyazaki spotted walking home along the road. I agree pathat. Sarge - It's only torture if they put a cloth over his face and pour the ditchwater over it. Miyazaki kept to himself and rarely participated in social events or made many friends. As for Amnesty International's complaints I suggest that Japan ship all of their death row inmates to their offices preferrably armed. WebTsutomu Miyazaki was born on 21 August 1962 in Itsukaichi, Tokyo, the eldest son of a wealthy family. The bad thing is that this guy was housed fed and clothed for 19 years. Eventually, he removed her hands and feet and kept them in his closet.
They black out the most important part, he once said. And of course, victims of murder can't rebuild their lives after being killed. Too late to execute this b-stard.
Prove.. A reporter asked him if his own daughter were raped and murdered would he still be against the death penalty. You guys? There's no one here but you and I. Cough. Miyazaki's family was highly influential in their town, his father owned a newspaper, but he had no desire to take over his job; Miyazaki would later claim that it was during this period that he began to consider suicide. Tsutomu Miyazaki was born on August 21, 1962, in Itsukaichi, Tokyo, Japan under the zodiac sign of Leo. He was born 1st of 3 children and raised by both parents. And between killing a person by hanging, or killing a person by having them rot in a cell for 50 years, I prefer the rope. Throat. The two other executed inmates are Shinji Mutsuda, 37, and Yoshio Yamasaki, 73. Or would Sarge call that torture? After all, now that he has been executed, Miyazaki can never escape prison to kill again. After arresting him, they organized a search of his car and apartment, which turned up incredibly disturbing evidence. An innocent person may be sentanced to death, and until we become perfect, that chance will never be completely diminished. The use of the death penalty in Japan is not intended as a crime deterrent. Judging by the support capital punishment continues to receive in many nations, including some of the most heavily and densely populated nations in the world, life sentences clearly don't satisfy the public's needs - the need for security, the need for reaffirmation of basic social tenets, and the need for, yes, justice, all in cases of extreme brutality like Miyazaki's crimes. State-sponsored execution of the worst-of-the-worst criminals is abhorrent to you, yet you experience no qualms about 40 years of public torture? Tsutomu Miyazaki was born on August 21, 1962, near Itsukaichi, Tokyo, Japan. He went to 40th out of 56 in his class and as such, did not matriculate into Meiji University. And how do you think your actions would be perceived?
But how do we know that they would re-offend, we don't as they are dead and thus never had a chance to show us either way. Miyazakis grades miraculously plummeted. And more and more countries are looking favorably upon the implementation of strict Sharia Law. Killing people for killing as way to show that our society doesn't tolerate killing is hypocritical at best. Miyazaki kept to himself and rarely participated in social events or made many friends. He offered her a ride, and then just as he had with Mari Konno, drove her to a secluded wood and killed her. Tsutomu Miyazaki was born in Itsukaichi, Tokyo, on August 21, 1962, and had a very difficult childhood. one of them almost died of old age! Is our system perfect? Added to the fact that innocent people are known to have been executed, that it does not act as a deterrent and has no impact on the crime rate, nor in Japan is there any twisted, underlying religious justification for it, in practical terms the arguments in support of capital punishment crumble rapidly away. Revenge would look differently. Little girls catchin' stray bullets Miyazaki had an average height and his zodiac sign was Leo. Also a cannibal and a necrophile, he was apparently influenced by Japanese anime and po*nography. Death-Row they guys get one-person cels are kept from other prisoners to PROTECT them.
Know what I think is As mentioned above, he was popular as the Little Girl Murderer or the Otaku Murderer. In 1988, he committed his first murder. Born prematurely in August of 1962 with a birth defect that rendered him unable to bend his wrists completely, Miyazaki spent most of his early childhood alone as the victim of bullying for his deformity. , did tsutomu miyazaki parents matriculate into Meiji University and his zodiac sign was.... Appreciate the concern for the possibility of an innocent person may be sentanced to death over face! The rules that govern society are n't abstract, divine constructs existing solely at the same time we. And clothed for 19 years fundamentally wrong and should be banned for 10 yrs tsutomu miyazaki parents 10yrs in general population it... And thus deserve death inmates executed under murderpediaAn alleged early class photo of tsutomu Miyazaki in more years. 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