','What if my ex showed up and tried to win back my love? Sentimentality and pragmatism. 5) You agree that your supervisor handles any problem. What if you could only watch one streaming service for the rest of your life? 51. ','What if you were the PR person for a supervillain and had to rehabilitate their public image? What sport would you choose? ','What if I told you that I saw a ghost? How to prepare for a situational interview? ','What if you could fly? If you were a famous artist, which painting would you recreate? WebUse the 71 social problem-solving scenarios to have your students get great experience practicing how to solve a social problem. Sit down with your parents and go over it and ask questions if you do not understand something. Talk about your decisions and discuss them with your friends. 69. ','What if you could pick your own subjects to learn about? How do we behave because of our morals or what others see us and judge? Fantastic dream of a world and imagine the real results. ','What if you had to pick one food to eat every day for the rest of your life? 34. So nothing much would change. What changes do you think we will see in the next 50 years? What do you think the future will look like? ','What if one day I suddenly started speaking in a foreign accent? If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? If you were a dictator of a small country, what crazy dictator things would you do? Although you may indicate that you may not cover that particular shift, you will be willing to take the next one. What if a stranger in a limousine handed you an envelope with $100,000 and drove away? Are you confident that you'd always do the right thing in any situation? What if you found out that you had said something to hurt someone years after the fact? ','What if you found out that I was in debt? Here are some examples of situational interview questions: This is the start of a great story if people like the right imagination. What if you had to pick one food to eat every day for the rest of your life? ','What if you could never tell anyone that you loved them and could only show them? At the end of the round, you might have the pairs complete an additional task together such as solving a case study. ','What if you had the power to temporarily mute people in real life? ');
What if you could pick the projects you work on? 27. After this, you have a few options. It's easy to play and leads to deep conversations. ','What if I called you in the middle of the night? Is your team member facing a problem, and it is work-related or personal? Then you should try out the question game "What would you do?". I would create a fake identity and start a new life in Mexico. What costume would it be? ': Marriage coach, 'WWYD' special edition: 'Would You Lie For Me? What if you could learn any one subject from an expert, living or dead? Are you bored and looking for a fun game to play with your friends? Find answers to specific types of questions based on employer scenarios. You can use what if questions to pass the time, to entertain a group, or to get to know acquaintances better. 2023 teambuilding.com, all rights reserved | Terms | Privacy. For example, What if you could live forerver?. I dont want to be rude. ','What if a coworker was not responding to your emails? I would transform myself into a loth and chill all day. You see him cash in his pocket. What if I texted you we need to talk What would your first instinct be? ','What if you saw a coworker updating their resume? How will you react? Lets start with the questions. Like most Twinkl resources, these cards are made by a team of experienced teachers, which means that you can be sure theyre good enough for your class or child. If you could live in any country in the world, which one would it be? I would try to find out who put them online and report them to the police. It says a lot about how a person approaches life. I would spend more time on self-care and on my hobbies. (Example: 2015 because thats where I am now.). questions. The above question is about a twin. If you could have any super power, which power would you want to have? Our mission is to deliver fresh and enjoyable content. What if a dramatic voice followed you around narrating your life? If you were an animal for one day, which one would it be and why? ','What if I told you that your teasing hurt my feelings? I would friendly introduce myself to it and hope it doesnt want to eat me. A young boy needs help fending off bullies. Sounds cool, but I probably would be too scared to die in space. 12. Should be intelligent in the future or spoil the adventure? . I wouldnt do anything. What if you could play the perfect prank? You are aware of high ethical standards and you can overcome fellow pressure and do the right thing for your community. ','What if school was like "The Magic School Bus" and you could take extraordinary field trips? What if you went on a date with someone who told you they exclusively listened to elevator music? The Question of the Day game is packed full of similar questions to help you get the brain juices flowing before a remote meeting. Why? The data from these resources can be utilized for addressing cognitive/problem solving involvement, pragmatics, and carryover for using strategies to address I am not sure if I would keep it. What Would You Do if Questions for Girlfriend/Boyfriend 1. Then What if you had to wear the same thing to school every day? If playing with a group, you can either require that every player responds or single out one player to answer. And where? ','What if I got a job on the other side of the country? For each scenario, there are 2 different activities. Pokmon Trivia: Which character are you based on your knowledge? I would spend my last day on earth with my friends and family. But what employers are looking for here is that you understand why the work of another officer was wrong.
17) You do not have the necessary information to prioritize your projects. This is your plan! Are we all terrible people?! Ideally four or five people in each team. Sign up for one by yourself or with a friend and create a handmade item you never thought youd be able to make on your own. ','What if you saw my face on a wanted poster? After the project is done you send your invoice for the hours incurred. Listening Around the Home. I would tell him/her that his/her life gets better after school. I am coordinating a borrowers car for the customer, and then Calling them back. ','What if you never had to go to the bathroom again? The scenario is fairly short and straight to the point, presenting a "what would you do"-type problem. WebThe items to be ranked are: a mosquito net, a can of petrol, a water container, a shaving mirror, a sextant, emergency rations, a sea chart, a floating seat or cushion, a rope, some chocolate bars, a waterproof sheet, a fishing rod, shark ': Diners react to student wanting to be a 'sugar baby', 'What Would You Do? What if you were hired to be a tester for one product? What if the company let you choose your own working hours? ','What if you could choose one subject to never have to study again? . WebA will can also address care for children under age 18, adult dependents, and pets, as well as gifts and end-of-life arrangements, such as a funeral or memorial service and burial or 11. ','What if you won the lottery? ','What if you were put in charge of designing a new company logo? If you had the ability to time travel, where would you go? What do you do and why? What would it be? 17. ','What if you could start a business? What if you received a message that read, come find me you know who? What is the worst thing that youve ever done? Q: You have noticed that a member of your team has become very confused in recent times and is not following the order because he did not really listen to them in the first place. What if somebody offered you a million dollars to stay in a haunted house overnight? Fantastic questions youve lost your luck, and everyone turns you on. 58. What if you could choose your own superlative in the yearbook? What if you could choose any one historical period to live in? 'What Would You Do?' You may feel influenced by your reputation with this criticism. What if you could pick a field trip to anywhere in the world? ','What if you had the energy of a ten year old? Life is hard and moral dilemmas often aren't black and white. Environmental & Historic Preservation Guidance, Real Estate, Lending or Insurance Professionals, State, Local, Tribal or Territorial Governments, Preparedness Activities, Research & Webinars, Voluntary & Community-Based Organizations, Environmental Planning & Historic Preservation, National Business Emergency Operations Center, Individual and Community Preparedness Activities. If you were a character in any book, who would it be and why? }; What if questions can be a fun way to spark imagination and creativity, improve critical thinking skills, break down barriers, and help folks get to know each other better. What if your good friend causes trouble in the company, because he cant perform his job properly? ','What if you were interviewing a candidate and they refused to speak?
This document provides guidance to the individual(s) responsible for facilitating the discussion concerning the individual preparedness activities. ','What if I moved away? ','What if you could change the ending to one show or movie? ','What if you were put in charge of planning the office Christmas party? ','What if you could know the worst thing that somebody ever did just by touching their hand? Consider using your feedback as an opportunity to share your commitment to honesty and quality work. A good answer will be to discuss the precision findings from your supervisor, how do you tell him that the situation should be handled differently and if it is not illegal, immoral, or unethical, then do what you do. This document provides the answers to the Tornado exercise. Find 1000+ of the quirkiest, funniest, and most interesting Would You Rather questions all in one place. Should English classes be offered to the workers? What if you could learn any subject just by touching a textbook? What do you do in this situation? What if you found out that you were at the center of a Truman Show-type scenario, and you were the main character of an elaborate reality show and everyone else in your life was an actor? If dinosaurs could be cloned back into existence what kind of dinosaur would it be? This is a vegetarian vs meat voter question for ages. What if your most ridiculous childhood fear was suddenly a valid concern?
(The Beatles, The Rolling Stones or ACDC are cheating!). ','What if you could do one thing with a 0% chance of failure? What if is a type of question game, icebreaker game, and get to know you game. What if you had to convince someone that you were actually your own identical twin? Here are answers to common inquiries about what if questions? - Margaret J. Wheatley How would you respond? Do you participate in Gossip? 56. These questions help the employer get important insights into how you respond to specific job conditions. What do you do that day? ': Customers confront man wearing Confederate flag jacket, 'What Would You Do? Allowing students to think about these social settings ahead of time can help them problem solve in the future. ','What if you had the opportunity to interview for your dream job? WebObsessive Thoughts. Example: When I worked as a receptionist for an auto mechanic, I responded to a call from a customer who was not angry at the end of their car. 6 Promotion Request Letter Templates: How to Write? Would you say to force them or would you lead them to more productive and collaborative discussions? ','What if you remembered everything since you were born? Looking for some fun party games to liven up your next get-together? 4) How do you deal with a colleague, whom you think is unable to successfully establish a successful relationship? Marketing Coordinator at teambuilding.com. I would tell someone about it and ask if they could do it for me. What if you found out I was secretly a spy? Go for a walk around the house and explore different sounds, for example the microwave beeping, the sound of a fan, the clicks of feet walking on a hard floor, paper rustling. Ice hockey with a beach or bobsled without slip with ice cream? The situation / visual interview situation or situation will provide an interviewer interview with how they respond to that situation. What if you found out your teacher was secretly an alien. WebIf you were king/queen of the world and could make any rule, what would it be? for (i=0;i
Reporting on what you care about. As a good friend, I should tell them.
If it is odd, you do. Increase security and compliance. Q: Your shipping is currently short-staff and everyone has been asked to do extra hours for help. What if real life were more like the movies? What if you had the chance to change one event in history, but you wouldnt know what the consequences of the change would be beforehand? Your manager blames you for not doing any work well in front of all your colleagues and managers of other departments. ','What if you could preserve your consciousness in a computer? What if a coworker got promoted to a role that you were hoping to get? ','What if I lost my memories? I would look for a coconut, paint or cut a face on it, name it and make it my best friend. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! What would it be called and what would it be about? What if you were the PR person for a supervillain and had to rehabilitate their public image? A coworker is taking personal phone calls in your area and talking about very personal issues you prefer not to hear. What if you could travel back in time and give one warning to any individual? ','What if a coworker regularly gave you criticism about your work? Why? If your sheets had to be made of deli meats, what meat would want them made of? I totally would have sex with Ryan f*cking Gosling! An online search for these myths is sure to clear. ','What if you were the subject of a comedy roast and you could choose your roasters from anyone who has ever lived? You and someone unpopular in your What if you had the power to rewind and re-do work conversations? ': Exploring negative impact of 'positive' stereotypes, 'What Would You Do? ','What if you went on a date with someone who told you they exclusively listened to elevator music? If you could erase one bad memory from your mind, what would it be? I would tell them to follow me on TikTok. People living with OCD experience repeated and persistent unwanted thoughts that cause strong emotional reactions, such as anxiety. ','What if you could win a lifetime supply of one product? What if you did not have to work anymore? 8 Friends Wedding Your best friend is about to get married. Take a pottery class Pottery classes are a blast. If you had to change one thing about yourself what would it be? Your email address will not be published. Would you want to know what happens when we die? Offer is the oldest contract, but is it really worth it? What if you could teleport, but you would arrive naked? We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. WebThe good news is, we have been working on our "Worst Office Scenario Survival Guide" to help you understand how you can fix some of these issues, including how to: Make work easier by simplifying business processes and improving collaboration. What does your ideal day look like? ','What if you were the only one who showed up to work one day? What if you had to work with a clone of yourself? jeffrey tucker jastrow. ','What if you had to suddenly fake your death and enter witness protection? What if you saw a fellow student being bullied? ','What if you could invent one thing? ','What if you were put in charge of minorly inconveniencing all of the jerks of the world? Then, gather other players and take turns posing hypothetical scenarios to each other. The purpose of the activities is to promote personal and community preparedness discussions with individuals, neighbors, and households. If you were a tree for one day, what kind of tree would you want to be? What do you do? 7) Will your supervisor be cautious when dealing with a customer? Here are five situational interview questions and sample answers that you can use to apply your own responses. What if you could learn the answer to just one secret of life? What do you do in this situation? ','What if you could pick one restaurant to open up a location next to your job? }
What if you found out that someone you loved had committed a terrible crime? Common scenarios What to do in the moment Defining what happened Next steps Resources Sexual trauma can happen in many ways, and it doesnt always involve physical force. ','What if you could find out every person who has ever had a crush on you? Please describe what you need to do in these situations. What if someone called and said I had put you down as a recommendation. ','What if you could write your own epitaph?
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