should he and him be capitalized when talking about god

'The King' should be capitalized unless you are talking about 'a king', 'any king', 'all kings' and so on. Fortunately, the rules of capitalization aren't all that complex. Not. Letter case is a relatively modern innovation, so we can't go by the original languages. But notice that while Heaven is capitalized (since it is an actual place), I dont capitalizeThere orItwhen referring to Heaven, e.g. rev2023.3.1.43269. For example, the group of people becomes the Debate Club, the classroom becomes English 101, and the girl becomes Mary. Yes Christian Bible should be capitalised. I believe inconsistency occurs when we go off course from its original plan. I apply a simple test in my Roman-era novels. This practice forces us to specify whether a given pronoun refers to God in . Dear God, please let my . A common noun provides a generic name for a person, place, thing, or idea. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. The name is used every day in literature, prayer, and even pop culture. If you self-publish, you get to choose. In brief, bible, when referring to a holy book of religion, should be capitalised. Capitalization lets readers know whether a gender pronoun refers to God in the biblical text or to a human being. @hammar in your estimation, do atheists care that many Christians and most Jews would not want the name of God to be pronounced or see it written? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The traveler's bible). I continued to do it for years but it created inconsistencies since I would capitalize pronouns of deity, then quote Scripture that didnt. But they also allow for author (or publisher) preference. The official . You always capitalize Bible when referring to a proper noun including the various versions of both the Christian and Jewish Bibles. The only alternative would be to quote from NASB or NKJV, both of which capitalize pronouns of deity, but neither of which is my preference for purposes of clarity. I asked my teens if this was something they were taught in school, and they said no God isnt mentioned in their state schools. Also, its a symbolic respect in reference to God widely accepted. So if discussing the Bible, you will capitalise the word God. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. The answer is neither. God is capitalized when it is used as a proper noun. I was also taught that we use double quotation marks for speech (still true), single quotation marks for speech (now considered dated), and to add a comma where Id add a pause if reading aloud (not true, and a topic probably best left for another blog post). It's the same for my church body. The Judeo-Christian god is named God, since they believe He is the only one. 2012-04-24 22:21:44. If Gods Word is daily at home in your heart and mind, your writing will take on a perspective, and an air of solidity and permanence it wont have otherwise. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Danielle McLeod is a highly qualified secondary English Language Arts Instructor who brings a diverse educational background to her classroom. I have had to fight to get Heaven capitalized in my books, arguing that it is a proper noun, and just as real a place as Saturn or France. The debate over whether we capitalize He/Him when talking about a member of the Trinity isn't without merit. Answer: Capitalizing pronouns (e.g. He's going to have a talk with his father.). Moreover, it is the style followed by the New International Version (NIV) and English Standard Version (ESV),as well as by our denominational magazineNew Horizons. I do this out of reverence. @Peter Turner noticed the same in Roman Catholic writings. I was also taught in school to capitalise these pronouns as a sign of respect but had noticed it is no longer common. I second Jady's remarks. Score: 4.8/5 (7 votes) . I have had to fight to get Heaven capitalized in my books, arguing that it is a proper noun, and just as real a place as Saturn or France. Moreover, it is the style followed by the New International Version (NIV) and English Standard Version (ESV),as well as by our denominational magazineNew Horizons. Religious references, please capitalize God, Jesus, Lord, Father, Holy Spirit, Savior, Heaven, Hell, Bible and the Word (as in the Word of God) and all pronouns referring to God including Him and His. Some, believing it shows reverence for God, capitalize all pronouns that refer to God. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Only if the parakletos or helper were known to be a person could the use of a gender-inflected pronoun justifiably be used in English. Other references or alternative names of God are also capitalized. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. There was simply an alphabet, no capital letters at all. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. If you're talking about something more generic, it usually isn't. Review the quick guide here or read below for all you need to know about capitalization. Capitalization Rules For Titles. If youve been impacted by our resources, we invite you to make a year-end gift before December 31. Obviously, they would not bother capitalizing "he" at all. Harry says: April 30, 2011 at 8:42 pm. Do I Hire an Editor before Submitting to an Agent or Publisher? In Greek, there were capital (upper-case) letters and lower-case letters. Its fascinating to learn that originally it was less about respect and more about emphasis. 11:6 KJV. See answer (1) Copy. Im thinking about this because the use of whom has come up several times recently in the editing of my blog posts and book manuscripts. By CWMS goes on to point out that capitalization can be confusing for younger readers (who were never taught that deity pronouns should be capitalised). What are the 10 rules of capitalization? The Holy Bible is a proper title of a book and the word bible in this case must always be capitalized. Again, this is not a right vs. wrong issue. The decision to capitalize or not capitalize pronouns is a question of translation and is not a statement of . You capitalise words that are proper given names of individuals or places. If the titles take the place of names (as in Uncle Bart and Grandma ), capitalize them. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Hall7 The Chicago Manual of Style Online is the venerable, time-tested guide to style, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format. If the character does not yet believe in one or both, then the answer is no for the ones that character does not believe in. YES, I BELIEVE (HYMN) LYRICS. However, if you feel it is . The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. . If we go There or Without a doubt, It is a happy place! Only the actual word Heaven is capitalized, and industry standard is similar with pronouns referring to deity. Its the generous support of our ministry partners that enables us to continue our eternity-shaping work. When referencing God, therefore, such terms are usually capitalized; So you have: Praise the Lord! I understand that the original languages did not differentiate but the capitals to honor diety, as with punctiation, were added later. Aethelwine ( 42964) "Great Answer" ( 2 ) Flag as . The reason is that in such cases we are talking about members of a general class or category specifically, members of a group which gets the label 'gods' because people have, at one time or another . However, in all of the earliest copies of the Greek New Testament, the text is written in all capital letters. He was with God in the beginning" ( John 1:1-2 ). I argue the same for capitalizing the New Earthif we capitalize New England, why not the redeemed creation that Scripture calls the New Earth? I capitalize when referencing God (I.e, He, His, Maker, etc.) Neither He nor he is incorrect but using He and he is definitely wrong. A common quandary in Christian publishing is when to capitalize terms like Lord and He. 1.) I intend to continue to do so for now. That mans assistance was a godsend yesterday. When referring to Greek, Roman, and other groups of gods and goddesses, only the name is capitalized. For instance, one of the most revered translations, the KJV, does not capitalize them. Some, believing it shows reverence for God, capitalize all pronouns that refer to God. Some Bible translations capitalize pronouns referring to God, while others do not. Pronouns that refer to God (He, Him, His, etc.) However, were here to serve everyone without cost, so please dont feel obligated to give unless the Lord leads. What are the different English Bible versions? @hammar: That's what I had in mind, but not what I wrote. To mock another especially for a typo is very immature and childish. Others, believing the rules of English style should be followed, do not capitalize the deity pronouns. The monotheistic god of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam is the same and is referred to as God, the name. They are not capitalized in the Greek text of the Scriptures. What does the Bible say about capitalization? Now youre aware of when to capitalize God. I can't say I have given the capital C used in creation . A fiction author may therefore consider it appropriate to use He and Him in a historical novel. So if you (or your client) wants to capitalize He and Him, You and Your, then they can. I also like this answer from Got Questions: Many people struggle with this question. The NASB and NKJV do capitalize pronouns relating to deity (introducing something which is not in the Greek or Hebrew, I might add). It is a matter of personal conviction, preference, and context. Dear Editor: Should we Capitalize Pronouns Referring to God or Jesus? Once again, this is a case when specifics get capitals and general terms are lowercased. If you capitalize pronouns that refer to God to make it more clear who is being referred to, great! Yes. The old practice of capitalizing pronouns of deity has been done in very few Bible translations historically, and was abandoned by most Christian publishers years ago. In German, every Noun is capitalized. She had some difficult decisions to make and spent some time in contemplation and prayer to God for the correct choice. I think its considered an old fashioned way of showing respect for Him. Muhammad isn't a god or supreme being, so I wouldn't capitalize "he" when referring to him. But they also allow for author (or publisher) preference. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. So, its a forced reaction. How was circumcision practiced in Jesus' time? When god is used with an article, that is usually an indicator of lowercase use. when they are referring to Jesus Christ as a form of respect. Godly and other words that start with god are almost always lowercase. Or sometimes: g-o-d. By Emma Green. Gods are an important part of Greek history. No, I havent heard of that before. A noun is a person, place, thing, or sometimes an idea. Summary. @curiousdannii Are you my high school English Teacher back to haunt me? I like that! I don't do that for anyone else. Plurally, gods usually refer to the pagan gods, such as the Greek gods. This intends no disrespect to God;it is the usage of the historic English Bibles: Wyclif (1380), Tyndale (1534), Cranmer (1539), Geneva (1557), Rheims (1582), and King James Version of KJV (1611). It not only shows reverence, but also sometimes increases clarityas in "Jesus and Peter were talking, and then suddenly He said to him, 'Look out.'". Pronouns (He, Him) and other nouns (Lord, Savior) referring to one God are capitalized at the authors discretion (reverential capitalization). Im relieved that I dont have to use those pesky capitals any more. It might be worth pointing out that Zondervan publish the NIV. Updated on September 30, 2022 Grammar. I was taught that we capitalize deity pronouns as a matter of respect and honour (dubious, as Ill show below). I do capitalize Santa though. The NOSM (like CMOS) grew out of the need for the Oxford University Press to have a consistent view on style for their publishing business. Few people, however, know when its the right time to capitalize the God and when it shouldnt be capitalized. I've noticed likewise in other. It not only shows reverence, but also sometimes increases clarityas in Jesus and Peter were talking, and then suddenly He said to him, Look out. But where its not possible, i.e. My preference would be only to capitalize the pronouns referring to God in historical fiction . Continue doing so. Join me in creating stronger families in faith. HE is ALLLLLLLLLLWAYS the capital. I dont like it. But I appreciate the post and I hope to see you all one day. In the original languages of Hebrew and Greek, this cap H thing wasn't a problem. I hardly ever write the word, so no. Christians are supposed to follow what God wants them to do. Frankly, the capitalization need not signify respect or honor in this case; rather it is a sign of uniqueness. This rule of thumb applies fairly broadly in Christian publishing. Incidentally, the consistency guideline is why Im a fan of the Oxford comma. But, curiously enough, the official writings of my church do not, which leads me to believe that being scrupulous about it is not the end of the world. The subject came up about using capitalization for words referring to God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, the I Am, the Man Eternal and the Trinity. Why is it that God the Father is alone capitalised in the third person? Thanks again, Jason F. I thought it was odd and uncomfortable to capitalize a pronoun until I saw that the I in Internet is capitalized so now I capitalize pronouns referring to the Godhead in reverence to God. Since at least one characters faith position flips during each of my novels, you can follow their changing faith by whether a pronoun is capitalized or not. And the term parakletos certainly can refer to a personas it refers to Jesus Christ . Bible sections. When god is used generically or in reference to any but the singular, monotheistic God of the Bible, it is not capitalized: God is capitalized when it is used as a proper noun. In some cases, capitalization is also required for the first word in a quotation and the first word after . Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. are not capitalized, I am not nearly as bothered. . When being used as a common noun, it is referring to the concept of a god (or god as a "type," if you will) and is not capitalized (just like "human" or "dog" would be) Even many religious publishers have given up the practi. In those cases when such pronouns are unavoidable, they should not be capitalized (thus he, him, his; but for expressions like Third Person of the Trinity, see 4.4.7). My preference would be only to capitalize the pronouns referring to God in historical fiction where capitalization was consistent with the time setting (e.g. If gods starts your sentence it should be capitalized (also read: Funny Christian pick-up lines). When people form a group and give it a name, it should be capitalized. Proper nouns do not include articles, but common nouns do. Acts 17:24-25: "The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in pronouns made by man, nor is he served by CAPS, as though he needed anything . Capitalization became trendy when lots of Nouns were being Capitalized for Emphasis (a trend which rightly disturbed grammarians). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Believers also capitalize . Those who capitalize God's pronouns often do so out of a sense of respect, desiring to give God honor over regular people by showing that even a pronoun of God is worth elevating. Why do we need to capitalize the word God? Thats probably a question for Grammar Girl. Please spell and capitalize as shown below. When referring to God should he be capitalized? I also do this as a sign of respect. I personally like to use it but I dont get huffy to those who do not. Many atheists use a lowercase 'g' while Jews, Christians, and Muslims always capitalize the G. Who is right? ASM says (p127): Thats a non-answer. I only promote those products and services I have personally investigated or used, and which I believe deliver value. Other forms referring to the one religious God also must be capitalized, such as Allah, Father, or Jehovah. Great post, Iola. When god is used with an article, that is usually an . The three major monotheistic world religions refer to a one supreme being as God. Answer (1 of 6): Should I capitalise the words: god, Satan, devil, angel, satanic, heaven and hell? You will find that at times, especially when you are likening other books to the Bible, you do not capitalize the word bible. 4 When the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, Moses, Moses! And he said, Here I am. 5 Then He said, Do not come near here; remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground. 6 He said also, I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Then Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God. Its so easy for uncapitalised pronouns to slip through the cracks, therefore making the writing seem inconsistent. With that in mind, it follows that God is not offended if we do not capitalize pronouns that refer to Him. 5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. It is a matter of personal conviction, preference, and context. So if you (or your client) wants to capitalize He and Him, You and Your, then they can. And he said, "Here I am." Then he said, "Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." And he said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.Exodus 3:4-6 The Christian Writers Manual of Style states: Most publishers, religious and general, use the lowercase style in large part to conform to the two most popular versions of the Bible (the best-selling NIV and . If you are not capitalizing pronouns that refer to God because you believe proper English grammar/syntax/style should be followed, wonderful! Continue doing so. Over the years Ive been asked my opinion about authors using pen names. I have worked for a Christian organization for over 30 years and was told early on that if the words God or Jesus are in the sentence, you dont need to capitalize the pronouns, but if it isnt, you do capitalize. Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixtybooks and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries. Light and Darkness, Sin and Forgiveness. I don't think He minds. I was also taught that God is a proper name, as are Jesus, Christ, and Holy Spirit. 1 When referring to God should he be capitalized? 1999 - 2023 Worthy Christian Forums - A Division of Worthy Ministries. Weve reviewed the literature and official recommendations for writing the name of God. Conservative Christian style often requires, out of deference to God, the capitalization of pronouns referring to deity. With degrees in science, English, and literacy, she has worked to create cross-curricular materials to bridge learning gaps and help students focus on effective writing and speech techniques. In phrases like for Gods sake, by God, and thank God, the word is capitalized because it generally refers to God of the Bible and treats the word as a name. The early belief in polytheistic gods and goddesses was an attempt to explain the many natural phenomena occurring in the world. Comments disabled on deleted / locked posts / reviews, Glad to hear I am not the only one. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Every noun is either a proper or common noun, and knowing which is classified as such is the difference between knowing which to capitalize and which to leave lowercase. Remember, if a word refers to God, it must be capitalized! It started feeling odd to capitalize the deity related pronouns in my latest work and I think your post and the comments have helped me. When you use the name of God in vain, it is also capitalized. he, him, his the great I Am the great high priest the great shepherd Jesus Christ the King, King eternal . This is pretty common among atheists. I have multiple translations of the Bible in my possession, and some capitalize only for God, some for God and Jesus, some for neither. (KJV) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Ur article is a waste of time and an insalt to God. G-o-d! I clearly state where I have been provided with a free product or service to review. I picked up the habit years ago of capitalizing "Him" and "His" when referring to any person of the Trinity. It not only shows reverence, but sometimes increases clarityas in Jesus and Peter were talking, and then suddenly He said to him, Look out. But where its not possible, i.e. or the common noun is being used as a title (e.g. Christian Editing participates in a range of affiliate advertising programs, includingthe Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Over the years, questions have related to the writing in Hebrew and whether Gods name should ever be written. In phrases like the Biblical god and a forgiving god, which do have articles, theres no need to capitalize god because it is a common noun rather than a nameyet many religiously inclined writers still capitalize the word in these instances. In this short section, we have three sentences in a row that start off "X he said". Thank you for this post on an often repeated question especially within Christian publishing and writing circles. Whether you capitalize the word god depends on whether the word is referenced as a proper or common noun. Your email address will not be published. (You can get an idea about what ancient writing looked like by reading this history of the pilcrow.) Ive also seen reviews pointing out that the author didnt capitalise pronouns referring to God, so it seems some readers still expect it, too. Some circles find it permissible, not matter the form, while others (Jewish legal opinion) believe it shouldnt be written in Hebrew. His family was going through some hardships, and he asked his friend to pray to God for them. Capitalize formal names of Bible sections: Old Testament, New Testament, the Pentateuch, the Torah. Words that describe God's attributes should be capitalized. The Kingdom awaits! Id prefer we keep grammar simple and let it be one rule for all to remain in consistency with its original intent. In phrases like for God's sake , by God, and thank God, the word is capitalized because it generally refers to the god of the Bible and treats the word . Answer (1 of 59): Do people have to capitalize pronouns about God? Jesus was quoting Asaph, who arguably was speaking on Gods behalf, in the 82nd Psalm, gods, here, is obviously plural. The name or title of any specific deity is capitalized just like any other name, so when "God" is used to refer to "the one God" (in other words, in any monotheistic religion), it is capitalized. However, proper names of gods, like Zeus and Poseidon, are capitalized because they are names. Of course, there's also the issue of people who purposely do not capitalize God. DarkScribe ( 15500) "Great Answer" ( 5 ) Flag as . "King" is a monarchy title used to address the male leader of a kingdom. But they also allow for author (or publisher) preference. That is, if youre referring to something in a general sense, you can leave it lowercaseso when mentioning a particular scripture, you would capitalize the term youre using, but when talking about scripture as a whole, its lowercase. CWMS points out that (despite popular belief) we dont capitalize as a way to show respect or honour. In addition, there is no true historical precedent for capitalizing. 8 Should the word Bible be capitalised? Yes, the major style guides prefer that personal pronouns referring to God are not capitalized. Reverential Capitalization. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Summary. . Acceptable comments policy for Christianity Stack Exchange. the Almighty author of our faith bread of life Christ, the Christ the comforter the Creator the Divinity eternal God the Father God, God the Father the great shepherd the Holy Spirit. are also capitalized. 2023 Grammarist, a Found First Marketing company. Next time you write about God youll be grammatically correct. You always capitalize Bible when referring to a proper noun including the various versions of both the Christian and Jewish Bibles . Why are there so many Bible translations, and which is the best? The reverse isnt so easy, because a lot of apostrophes will be changed as well. We dont want to know whats common or uncommon. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. September 17, 2012. This article will provide you the answers to spell it correctly. Summary. 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