timothy treadwell coroner autopsy

If I came out, they scattered. It seemed so obvious to me. 2003, AP Wire Interview. Please let me know what you think? A devastating and heartrending take on grizzly bear activists Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard, who were killed in October of 2003 while living among grizzlies in Alaska. I am sorry a young woman and 2 bears died from his bad thought processing but please if he was molested as I am almost sure of; please have consideration of his mental stability. Finally, the Grizzly Man, an eight-episode documentary that became a television series on August 29, 2008, brought an end to the troubling day. Again, I believe this older male bear had become conditioned through repetition. Fallico, Dr. The story has fascinated me since I learnt about Timmy's tragedy in 2003. Treadwell, Tim. (Herrero 1985, Schullery 1992, et al). (Fulton 2003, 2004), Incident Diagram courtesy National Park Service (Body locations are noted by author). We can only speculate. They are extremely dangerous, highly unpredictable and fatalities occur about once a year. The sound of Amie screaming very loudly, as Tim is clearly heard over the sounds of the storm, saying Amie get away, get away, go away. However this article and the way it was written with such authenticity but not being dull and just plain information was very captivating and so easy to read. Is there any pictures of the aftermath? Ever think the money could go to conservation? There are several reasons why you do not approach, or attempt to get any where near a bear, they are apex predators and they are not afraid of you. As for Aimee, she was educated, probably intelligent, and perhaps successful in her field, but those factors have never precluded naivete. No Willy. Votes: 13 24.1% Throw Salt on the Boyfriend, Run Like Hell! The conclusion to this tragic story is the fact, that if Timothy didnt interfere with nature, him, his girlfriend Amie and those beautiful bears he loved so much would still be alive today. (Dr. Herrero 1985, Treadwell 2001, 2002, et al), For Tim, this was nothing unusual. That speaks volumes yet give yourself some credit for a remarkable work. Ranger Ellis then states that he perceived that the bear was well aware of their presence and was stalking them. Bear 141, even with missing teeth, could have shaken Timothy once and broken his neck. And YES, I'm LOL'ing at him,because he is absolutely worthy and deserving of ridicule. There are no highways or skyscrapers in the world of the bear- but there are boundaries. He seems a man who felt betrayed the people who meant the most to him and his stubborn pride made him seek out love and acceptance from a source that wouldn't judge him. After yelling Bear! The more time you spend with grizzly bears increases the chances that the bear will someday get you. But Treadwell was a fool. This was a good read. Timothy Treadwell (born Timothy William Dexter; April 29, 1957 - October 6, 2003) was an American bear enthusiast, environmentalist, naturalist, documentary filmmaker, and founder of the bear-protection organization Grizzly People. Timothy was clearly INSANE. I slowly raised up and looked around, only to discover that a family of 6 coyotes had moved in behind me, the adult alphas sitting within feet of me while the pups played nearby. It could be as simple as; Being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Thats the risk we have to take to see the last remaining symbol of wilderness. Your voice is beautiful! According to Wilkinson, the tape begins with sounds of Treadwell screaming that he is being . Thanks for an enlightening read! Obviously what Timothy did was wrong for both himself, Amie, and bears, but unlike a lot of the reviews here I can't find myself laying the blame on him. He was a Threat, he never made any physical Contact with them, thats call acceptance. Your right,this as a Hollywood film would be epic! His rants and fits were indicative of that age bracket. Bear spray is allowed, however Tim had quit carrying bear spray for protection several summers prior to his death. A special thanks to Rangers Joel Ellis and Rick McIntyre for their interest, their valuable insights, questions and encouragement. Four garbage bags containing human remains were removed and flown out by helicopter. I think the article is good enough to be in libraries but without an author, sadly, it likely won't be taken as seriously as it should have. I believe that Amie more than likely ran after the bear a short distance, as it was dragging Tim up the trail screaming at the top of her lungs and striking the bear with the frying pan once again in a last ditch effort to drive the bear away, but was then pushed back to the tent a second time. Thank you for the new knowledge, and the time you put in. 2004, On camera interview: Grizzly Man Movie. I have read a whole bunch of articles on Tim and Amie's attack and death and in my humble opinion, I feel this is the closest to the truth there is. Katmai Park Rangers killed the male grizzly bear responsible for Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend's death. I was in alaska same time he was people in town asked me if i came here to pull a treadwell so he was definately known. For starters, this particular bear was unfriendly. All four begin yelling in hopes that the bear would see them and move away. Author: educationdocbox.com. Richard Anthony @ Great American Outdoors. Money doesnt have to go in your bank account mr. author. More or less. McMillion, Scott. A six-minute recording of the bear mauling two of them was also found on the video camera that was recovered from the location of their dead bodies. Vermin. I partially agree with the investigators, in that Amie screaming had initiated the attack on her after Tim had been dragged off. What a heartbreaking tragedy. I have to wonder though, Did Tim still think that grizzly bears were mainly harmless party animals as the bear attacked and then dragged him away from camp ? So rare to find these days. The fact that he was not killed earlier, just goes to prove that grizzly bears really want nothing to do with humans and would rather avoid us whenever possible, but will tolerate us, to a point. When you tell someone youre an actor & then proceed to talk about your friend using steps you learned in acting class you lose the human element. Always reminding myself that the more time I spend in grizzly country increases the chances that someday, something could go wrong keeps me on my toes at all times and always expecting things to go south at any moment. He tested fate 1 too many times. No other record keeping by Tim was turned over to the park service.). I can say without a doubt that is a Horrible way to go from all Ive researched, I like you , hope Amie didnt have to endure what Tim did. Whittlesey, Lee H. 1995, Death in Yellowstone, Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park: Roberts Rinehart Publishers. No gun, I know, not permitted in national parks at the time. He would walk up to a half-ton wild animal with four-inch claws and two-inch fangs, and say, Czar, Im so worried! I took a picture of him holding a water jug that was crushed by a bear. (Emery 2003), Emery goes on to say that Tim was camping near the coast and was nearly out of water, although a freshwater stream was nearby. I probably would have mailed this letter and anxiously waited for your reply had I, in fact, known who to properly address this to. I also believe it was edited out of respect for Amy. Almost from the start, National Park Service officials worried about Tims behavior. A final note on the movie Grizzly Man. I mean, sure, it's great but all animals-including humans-are the result of millions of years of a brutal and cold struggle.Just watch videos uploaded by regular people of hyenas and wild dogs hunting prey in Africa. Hysterical and paralyzed with fear, standing just outside of the tent until the bear returned and attacked her. Timothy Treadwell AKA The Grizzly Man Autopsy Photos LolaGal Apr 15, 2009 Timothy Treadwell AKA The Grizzly Man Autopsy Photos Grab a Frying Pan & Hit It on the Head! And I should also stress, that the footage in the video is extremely graphic in nature. The author states "bear #141 was a bear that Tim had named Ollie, the big old grumpy bear, and this is the bear identified by Hertzog in Grizzley Man as the bear that probably killed Tim and Amie. Huguenard quit her job on Jan. 31, 2003 and moved to Malibu where she was to start a new job after she and Tim returned for the winter. The audience and admirers of natural explorers were therefore interested in learning about the terrible event that occurred in the National Park. Admire from a safe distance and be respectful. (Gaede 2005, et al), Tim and Amies friends have also speculated that bear #141 was an abused bear, because it had been previously trapped, tranquilized and tattooed, and that the bear had actually hunted Tim and Amie that night, and came for them. Read at your own discretion. Likewise, a 28-year-old bear devoured a 46-year-old man and his girlfriend, and the authorities discovered the pairs clothing and other human remains in its stomach. At 3:20 pm, ranger Ellis joins up with two other park rangers at the airport and depart in a park service Cessna 206, with ranger pilot A. Gilliland at the controls and ranger D. Dalrymple in the back seat. That said, I want to know who the author of the above article is. I told him that if we had any more violations from him we would petition the U.S. magistrate to ban him from the park,. Rare in itself. As for the audio - the mother of either Timothy or his girlfriend owns it, and is not releasing it. the reason? Now think about the fact that up till the end of the last Ice Age, most of the world was filled with even more ferocious and massive beasts than currently exist. Why not rattlesnakes? Treadwell gained national celebrity status after his appearance February 20, 2001 on CBSs David Letterman Show, promoting his 1997 book Among Grizzlies: Living With Wild Bears in Alaska, along with his close-up photographs and video footage, often showing him within arms reach of large brown bears or creeping on all fours towards a sow and her three cubs, talking in a soft, child like, sing song voice.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'yellowstone_bearman_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Katmai National Park has about 3000 of the total 35,000 Alaskan grizzly bears (ursus arctos horribilis). Individuals who have aggressively yelled at the bear, or thrown rocks or other objects to distract the bear, generally have then had time to move away to safety or, they drove the bear away with the first yell and aggressive action. Knowing that both tents were knocked down, the contents, including open snack food, as well as their neatly placed shoes discovered untouched in the sleeping tent, sends chills down my back when I think about it, and I have often woke in the middle of the night drenched in a cold sweat knowing that Amie had retreated to the main tent as Tim was being dragged kicking and screaming away from camp. Unless this is all the info you have of course. And what you said about bears being silent during attacks reminded me of why I was skeptical. Thank you for putting so much thought and effort into this piece. The plain truth is he was the Village Idiot, left without adult supervision, with predictable results. The bear hesitates for about 2 seconds before turning and walking back down the trail to the lake. Good on this guy gor doing what he wanted but a damn fool to ever think it wouldnt end this way. Up until that point, the bear had probably been sizing Tim up and making a judgment of threat level. In fact tim would shit just how aware those bears were of his stash should have been up in tree with a rope at least 50 yards from his campsite. A threat to the males. In fact, there is no evidence that Tim worked closely with the park service in any way. In fact im sure hunters got the idea from him as permitting increased unfortunetly he has popularizied the area to the world. No gun, no weapon of any kind except for a frying pan, screaming was all she had left. 2003 National Park Service Incident Report, pages 11, 12. I think he was a severely mentally ill individual with a major death wish. I suspect that Amy was giving Tim a good old pegging the night that grumpy old bear happened upon them. Biologist Larry Van Daele, for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game theorizes that Amies screams may have prompted the bear to return and kill her. ( Van Daele 2004 ), We can only envision the horror of what Amie had witnessed and heard. This is by far the best summary of the events, all of the others articles and videos are biased either in support or againts, but yours is impartial, you wrote this soo well it feels as if you're telling me this yourself in person, and i could tell that your reserch was extensive, You write so beautifully, i want to read a novel of yours, it could be about how cows are the true evil behind mcdonalds icecream machine not working and i would still EAT IT UP. In seeing the documentary and reading a lot about TT, it was obvious he had some serious mental issues. They knew I was in there but as long as I didn't come out they would ignore me. I hope that you use it! Many people trash Timothy, but he did things for 13 years, up close and personal,,but, the law of averages catches up to you..Why he didn't use a simple battery Bear cage around his tent or especially 'Counter Assault Bear Spray' I will never understand..Some of these ass-whips say he deserved it,,Nobody deserves to be eaten alive,, even when he was wrong. Tim Treadwell was born in New York in 1957 as Timothy Dexter, the third of five children. I don't even remember what it was I was looking up on google when I came across your story. In my opinion, Amie was able to drive the bear away initially, because this was an older bear who had become conditioned when dealing with younger, stronger, more dominant bears by moving away from the food it had just obtained after being challenged, and was probably startled by a second animal, Amie in this case, suddenly appearing and making a lot of noise.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yellowstone_bearman_com-leader-3','ezslot_10',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-leader-3-0'); After scaring the bear away, Amie and Tim have a short conversation while determining where the bear is, and whether it is still nearby. Your article is absolutely amazing, youshow both sides of thought without being bias. He often taped the encounters.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yellowstone_bearman_com-leader-2','ezslot_9',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-leader-2-0'); So what happened? handgun begins to fire at about the same time rangers Gilliland and Dalrymple, who were each armed with 12 gauge shotguns loaded with slugs also begin to shoot at the bear. Aimee wasnt afraid the best i can tell in the one shot she appears in i think two things she was obviously trying to stay out of tims shot and was trying not to look the bear in the eyes she was hiding her face from the bear i see aimee trying to bond and gain acceptance from tim im that shot. The next voice is from Timothy as he screams Get out here! A few documentaries on his exploits and achievements in the outdoors have also been made and published by him. Dr. Scott Winterstein discussed why the bear killed Timothy Treadwell. But we've experienced a slow process of domestication via civilization, something that animals like bears and big cats have not. Defiance and disregard for orders from supeiors seems to have been as much fun for him as ourting death with man eaters. That will not happen again. However, author Nick Jans, author of The Grizzly Maze: Timothy Treadwell's Fatal Obsession with Alaskan Bears had photos provided by the rangers and one was a photo of Bear 141. I've never read an article with so much speculation in it from an author. My rule is simple (& probably accurate), to a bear, virtually everything organic is food. A total of 6 park violations or complaints from 1994 to 2003, including guiding tourists without a license, camping in the same area longer than the 5 day limit, improper food storage, wildlife harassment, use of a portable generator, and misc. He's a great lost. First, it was drugs and alcohol, and it nearly killed him until he "kicked" the habit. Before an attack, a person seldom sees any signs of aggression writes, Dr. Stephen Herrero in his book Bear Attacks, Their Causes and Avoidance. Jake Adelstein's wife, relatives, and kids, Tsukumo Sana: Who Was She Before Hololive? (Treadwell 2001). The berry crop was also reported poor by U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Oh, and for "nature", can find the critters in the Hollywood hills. (Liggett 2003). Im struck also by the authors sense of ethics and morality in sharing this. Modesto, CA, Professor of Animal Science, Michigan State University. I think by him repeatedly saying this is his mental forethought you are not gay. I feel like his addictions certainly attribute self-medication. What a girl. After watching the special airing of the movie Grizzly Man on the Discovery Channel February 4, 2006. Bears have instincts like humans. A copy editor would have helped you clarify long run-on sentences and punctuation errors. Readers Digest. Am I the only one who thinks releasing the tape would probably help discourage other lunatics? Only way I found this was by following a citation link from another story.Pure accident.I agree Tim was probably bipolar.Have a friend and relative with it and his behaviours,beliefs and attitude are strikingly similar.Btw I get that the map is not to scale but the distances are off in a bad way.How can the distance from Tim to Amy be 30 m when a marked distance from a spot between them,to Amy,be 68 m? Better yet educating people on what tim did wrong with his own story? Take a clinical psychology course and try again. The Brother Of? I remember once out at my bear viewing area sitting alone one day, and feeling a bit sleepy in the warm sun I decided to lay back and close my eyes for a moment, when I remember feeling that something was watching me. Wildlife biologist, Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Look at how many idiots get killed driving drunk? Willy Fulton states; Tim was a little smarter than most people gave him credit for. The remains of Tim Treadwell, 46, a self proclaimed eco-warrior and photographer, along with girlfriend Amie Huguenard, 37, a physicians assistant, both of Malibu California were found Monday October 6, 2003 in Katmai usgs topo map of kaflia bay, alaska, area of maulingNational Park and Preserve on the Alaska Peninsula after the air taxi pilot Willy Fulton, who had flown in to pick the couple up near Kaflia Bay, contacted the National Park Service and Alaska State Troopers to report that a brown bear was sitting on top of what appeared to be human remains near the camp. Because he was not attacked says more for the bears than to Tims expertise in handling aggressive bears. So if she did attempt to followneed to preserve that meal. Poor amy i wish i could have saved her. Calling him nuts. I watched the grizzly man documentary and within the first few minutes, I was sure this young man was battling with some mental deficiencies. You expressed compassion and kindness beside the facts. Treadwell appears to have some prior encounters with bears, but his and his girlfriends arrival was untimely given that the parks food supply was less plentiful than typical during the season of their visit. I will say that my son was molested and told us near his 13th birthday. Signs that he had grown up in a dysfunctional family. He was a fool who paid for his idiocy with his life. Tim said he was learning to be around bears, but that he wanted to get out of there right away because the bears had been in his camp. Ranger Ellis fires 11 times while rangers Gilliland and Dalrymple each fire 5 times, dropping the bear 12 feet away. I met him when he was a lifeguard at Lake Ronkonkoma on Long Island, N.Y. I learn that. This article has brought reality close to home, and I am grateful for it. The reason for differing treatment is that the latter just look evil (and caused the fall of humanity in the garden)(been slithering about the landscape ever since)(well, at least those on land). The grizzly bear is thought to have killed Timothy, a documentary filmmaker, and environmentalist, along with his partner Amie. Be aware and be smart. To me, it highlights the increasing anthropomorphizing of "Mother Nature," to me a beautiful, mysterious, alluring, indifferent, heartless bitch who quite rightly could not care less whether we or any other organism lives or dies.No sympathy for Treadwell or his squeeze, both of whom were stereotypical brainless Californians who did much more harm than good by portraying wild animals as our pals. I read this whole thing. Thanks for the informative article!That said, youve overlooked the possibility that Tim died because he was gay and that the bear was a homophobe. Basic writing great so u wrote an article but wont write a book? They are incredibly timid and will not allow you to see them. Alaska State Medical Examiner. Tim had even filmed such encounters. 318pp. This bear was desperate for food and they were it. How could a genuine naturalist move in such extremes? He was in a manic cycle which I think he liked and made sure to push himself into one during bear season. 2006, Discovery Channel Special, on camera interview. This could indicate that he was closer to her than his dad. Absolutely brilliant work. [13] Makes no sense.You might want to fix that.Write the book. I hope Jewel Palovak as well as other family and friends of Tim and Amie can somehow find peace in their lives. Grizzly is just common usage in the lower 48, having first been used during the Lewis and Clark expedition when they referred to a brown bear with grizzled appearance. A bear killed Amie. He was just plain lucky for 13 years and became over confident in his own abilities. 1985, Bear Attacks, Their Causes and Avoidance: Lions & Burford Publishers. Sounds of the bear dragging Tim off, and the fading sounds of his screams indicate that Tim is being pulled and dragged into the brush and away from camp.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'yellowstone_bearman_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); As the tape comes to an end, the sounds of Amies high-pitched screams rise to a new level, much like what has been described as the sound of a predator call used by hunters to produce the distress cries of a small wounded animal which often attracts bears. (Dalrymple 2003 , Van Daele 2004) Right at the end of a three month long salmon spawn, which would indicate that this bear was no longer able to feed on natural food items as efficiently, as well as in competition with other, younger, stronger, more dominant bears for what little food remained, and we know from past experience that an older bear no longer able to feed on natural foods, will make more use of garbage, and often raid camps and cabins if it has ever had those food items available to it in the past.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yellowstone_bearman_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_5',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Bears are opportunistic in obtaining food. Truth is he was a fool who paid for his idiocy with his partner Amie of course returned attacked... Have killed Timothy Treadwell tape begins with sounds of Treadwell screaming that he had up. 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