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WebIve only found 3 ways to tell if your goat is pregnant: The first is by waiting. birthing goats kidding homesteaders classes thriftyhomesteader doe Cobalt blocks are actually 98% salt. I also scoured my meadow for any sign of a stillborn baby with no success. We were unsure if this doe was pregnant but you can feel the kid when palpated and it was kicking hard in there the other night. She has, for the last few years, had a saggy and bulbous abdomen. Thirteen is quite old for a goat, so congrats on that! Most mammals that walk dont have breasts all the time. of what looked like milk a day, just to give her some re-leaf. )1 duck,2 chickens, 1 brother,1 sister,1 mom and 1 dad. tell kidding Is that a problem? As the area above the back legs sinks, the spine appears to become more prominent. The main reasons for late -term abortion are trauma, infection, or mineral deficiency. Usually, a goats colostrum production starts 7 to 10 days before she gives birth. As long as shes eating, drinking, walking around and acting like a goat, I wouldnt worry about her. What youre looking for just prior to kidding is a thick discharge that looks like a long, continuous rope. Here is more information on minerals: You do NOT want to milk her at all unless you have plans to continue because right now there is a waxy plug in the teat that keeps out bacteria. They will still need milk, but can rejoint he rest of the herd after a week or two. Is there anyway to get a normal body condition? If it is impossible for her to be pregnant, she has a precocious udder. Since its not normal anyway, there are not many rules. they are both girls and are 1 and a 1/2 , and have not been bred yet. up to date like this. Were you absolutely sure that goat was pregnant, but she never kidded, and now she doesnt look as big as she did last week? Due to the behavior and the doelings being pregnant I started looking into false pregnancies and have wondered if thats what it is. Hello I was wondering if it was possible my doe is having a false pregnancy? There is absolutely no way she could be pregnant. I am not seeing any way that your does could be pregnant if your buck died in January. Or you can start milking her, but if you do that, you would have to commit to doing it daily. Turned out she was pregnant and was carrying a severely deformed fetus and two mummified fetuses. Am a new entrepreneur of goats,ive got 10 & 5 kids plus two males am really enjoying reading about goat & its very interesting thanks for helping, Hi thanks for the info.. Could it be weeks after a goat passes fluid with blood before she give birth. You may also be dealing with mineral deficiencies, especially since she had a single kid. This sign is slightly less obvious and requires a little more attention from you. Thats basically just humans. So if this is your case (or rather, your goats), its probably a pregnancy. Come to think of it, there may be another false pregnancy in my herd. If there is no buck anywhere close, then the false pregnancy will just have to play out. She doesn't look like pregnant goats I seen in pictures. She is around a year old. Also, i think i sent you a photo in that course containing the label of my mineral, and you did say it seemed to be a good one ( it hardly has any salt, it is a concentrated mineral mix). You can start milking her every day if you want, but once you start, youll likely have to continue for at least a few months. A goat cannot bag up without being pregnant. i am going to milk her tonight, she has been like this for a week now. She has a fever but is eating a bit. Her breathing has been ragged and semi-grunting for weeks now, and it got worse since she has been down. Goats will become restless. If its been filling for a couple of months, then it could be a precocious udder, which some goats will get, even if they are not pregnant, although it is fairly uncommon. Thanks for your time! Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. They usually go away on their own. A goats gestation period is 140 to 150 days, so we start checking for signs around early March. The miniature goat breeds (breeds like Pygmy, Nigerian Dwarf, or Kinder Goats) commonly But I still dont understand why shes so big and her udder is developed a little ? Milking her will encourage her body to continue to make milk, but again there are no guarantees in terms of how long shell produce milk, if you do milk her. Many goat keepers find this method to be the most reliable goat labor sign. Most people dont even see the cloud burst. Usually, active labor will begin in the next 24 hours when this sign appears. The doe bags up. Together with a puffy back end, bagging up is a good sign of pregnancy. Also wondering if breeding her when she is better would help? Its ctualy a great and useful piece of information. She has no trouble eating and drinking and pooping and peeing. Telling if your goat is pregnant is a skill you improve upon constantly, so before you start getting nervous, know that it has a learning curve. This post may also be helpful to you: Bagging up is a very unreliable way of checking to see if a goat is pregnant. A goat with mastitis would have a hard, hot udder. Is there anything I should do if it is a false pregnancy? Only a few tablespoons at night of course the kid had been nursing all day , but I thought the milking in the evening might stimulate the udder. WebTeats can get bigger over time, orifices don't usually get any better. Now 3 years old as I said earlier. I called the breeder and she said she hadnt seen that before, she sent pictures of her half sisters with magnificent udders. When one of my very best milkers was 9 years old, she couldnt produce enough milk to feed more than the single kid that she gave birth to. The harder the bumps are the farther away your goats are from kidding. She was exposed to a buck for two months but we tried the p-test on her three times and it says she's not pregnant. If the doe has a decent udder, with good attachments, to begin with, letting her nurse her kids will not "ruin" her udder. When a goat is pregnant, when they are almost ready to give birth they will balloon so there is no denying that they are indeed pregnant. The vet is still unable to help. This does not sound like a false pregnancy. This happens when she is very close to giving birth. Grinds teeth. She had a positive pregnancy blood test 40 days post breeding, and a positive ultrasound showing two kids 65 days post breeding. Give yourself and your goats more time, and dont forget our tips. You cant just decide to milk her once in awhile, as that could lead to mastitis, and her body would be confused about whether or not its supposed to continue making milk. I hope i can gain enough experience with goats to help some other newbies in my areathey are such amazing animals. A forum community dedicated to goat owners and enthusiasts. And is a Boer/Dairy cross, about 110 pounds. Hopefully, the things we share here can help you and your goats. If your goat is a dairy goat then it might exhibit these behaviors even if it is not pregnant. She has been distentended for many years. What is the proper treatment? Thats one reason I suggest getting your cats spayed. However, large is subjective, so I have no way of knowing if what youre seeing is normal or not. This is when you will really notice a goat bagging up. Im not sure why you thinks he is giving milk, but if she would NOT be producing milk if she were only two months pregnant, and you should NOT be milking her. Youll put your fingers on both sides of the tails and run them down to the bottom of the tail. As they do not frighten easily. Normally this happens away from the herd. Thanks alot for your help. Sounds like there could be multiple issues going on. Mastitis is rare, but it can happen, so if you are going to milk, you need to be committed to doing it every day. If she has a cloud burst so that you know the pregnancy was false, then yes you can milk her. Such an older doe may start bagging up a month before shes due to kid, or she may not bag up until mere days before giving birth. It depends on the specie of the goat. A doe thats going into labor cant decide if she wants to lie down or stand up. Should I be worried or is this normal? Knowing the signs of goat labor also alerts you to be available in case the doe should need your help. They surround and protect the kid(s) up until the time of birth. Milking her will signal the body that she has a hungry baby to feed, so thats a bad idea if you want her to dry up. A blood test is not reliable in a false pregnancy because the hormones are there that make the goats body think it is pregnant. Note that some does will drip cloudy mucus as much as a month prior to kidding. The process of bagging up and producing milk is called freshening. If the doe is a first freshener, her udder will mature gradually, starting around six weeks after she was bred and continuing to fill out as birthing time approaches. They have major neurological symptoms, such as twisting the body to one side or circling, inability to stand, sometimes blindness or tongue hanging out. Unfortunately, not all pregnant goats show signs that kidding is imminent, but most does show at least some of the following signs. If there is a buck within running distance of where your doe is kept, an unplanned pregnancy is always possible. If she is 9 years old, her milk production is not going to be as robust as in her prime. This doe had been given antibiotics previouslyso im afraid to use it again on her. link to What Happens if My Goat Eats an Onion, link to Colic in Goats: What You Need to Know. Its not a big deal, and you can usually just ignore it unless it gets so huge that youre concerned for her safety. The udder usually fills up before kidding. -- Patty {NY State} ( [email protected] ), June 25, 2001. It has been my experience raising goats since 1990 that the first visible sign of pregnancy is a rounded belly -- not her sides but the bottom of her body upon which she sits. Love learning about goats as they are something I've been thinking about getting on our homestead! When shes up, shell pace, turn in circles, paw the ground, and sniff at the bedding. It was an obvious little udder not hard ,but I would say firm. Thanks for sharing. My vet is very far away..and when i called he said that he isnt sure what is happening, and to wait and watch. She is a good sized gal with great conformation except for her udder. If the goats tail ligaments are firm, its not time yet. All kinds of weird things can happen. Welded wire will last longer thank chicken wire, but if the goats are rubbing on it, they will eventually break the welds. The goat pants because there is less room for the lungs, so they cannot expand fully. After milking her the only time he thought she may have had mastitis and gave her an antibiotic shot. Some false pregnancies started with a real pregnancy that terminated very early but the body didnt recognize there was no longer a fetus. just like humans they are all different. One of these oddities has been referred to as bagging up. she never give milk but she is given a little now. Also has the arched back but is not acting any different. WebA goat bagging up though doesnt necessarily mean she is ready to kid. You may also get frustrated after the first weeks post-breeding when you notice nothing. I would not start milking her, however, if she still looks pregnant. one actually went into false labour. Try to coax her into a private area under cover. False pregnancy is used synonymously with hydrometra, which simply means water in the uterus. Our goat vet gave her 2 injections for hormones and something else (I do not know a lot about goats!) Thanks for sharing. Should I be concerned about her ? From their square pupils to their abnormal pregnancies. and effectively dried herself up. It usually ends in a cloud burst, which is basically a release of all the uterine fluids without a kid or placenta. If you leave it alone, it should be fine. Typically goats with a false pregnancy are not miserable. You can do it once a day though. :). I will try copper bolusing again, and see about giving her the penicillin. She is in misery when will this end and what can we expect to happen? This is called bagging up. If you have dairy goats, you should keep a California Mastitis Test, or something similar, on hand at all times. anna. She has always ( not as a young kid) had what appeared to be a small udder forming. If you place the palm of your hand above the does tail, fingers pointed toward the rear, and press down with your thumb and forefinger while moving your hand toward the base of the tail, you will encounter what feels like a thin, stiff rope on each side of the tail. In her prime, that doe easily fed fat and healthy triplets. One of the first signs is bagging udders. There is no way that the pregnancy would last eight months and still not give birth to babies. Your vet was probably hoping to mimic that process with the hormone injections. I have a goat that looks pregnant and if she was pregnant, the buck that mated with her has been gone since February and its now end of October. Answers Do you or a close neighbor have a buck ? Its impossible to accurately figure out whether she is in real labor from what youve written. I moved her out of my neighbors goat herd under my own control and she now has better access to food and minerals. When the doe starts pushing, you may see a water bag protruding from the vaginal opening. If shes had an engorged udder for 9 months, youve pretty much seen whats what. My brown doe on the other hand, penny, was also exposed at the same time and we are positive she is pregnant. Its unlikely that she would be in distress, although some goats do scream when passing a bubble of fluid in labor, so maybe she was feeling some pressure? First-time does tend to bag up later, sometimes only a week to a few days before giving birth. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Its the most obvious sign so its what people look for. If shes had this udder for 9 months and has not injured it yet, then she knows how to work around it. After all there hasnt been a buck on the property for eight months now. The goats were unharmed, however, Buffy has never dropped kids anywhere else. Oh, I hope thats not the case with mine. I sent a blood sample off to the lab today- if its a false pregnancy will the blood sample be positive? I thought I had the date down to a tee bc I saw it with my own eyes unless she didnt take that time! The second is the loss of ligaments. This is actually much more common than a false pregnancy. She has had the false prego look for yrs. The young need milk, so milk is provided. I was hoping to breed her about now but she doesnt seem interested in the buck now?! As time progressed her sides grew and her udder shrank until about 6 weeks ago when her udder grew and grew and grew until now it is probably about 1/4-1/3gal size (I milk other goats). This is the behavior of trying to build a safe and comfortable area to birth in. I have heard of it lasting everywhere from a few weeks to many years. Required fields are marked *. It is merely them "smelling" the urine differently. She will not let us touch her to milk. If you want to keep track of the heat date for your goat(s), its simple. Do you have any anemia resources that you might recommend? When she went off fed she also started acting like she does before she kidslots of pawing and the ground and licking whatever is near, excessively. Im massaging her udder twice a day and hand milking her twice a day. I have seven does all appear to be going into six months pregnant utters developing- expecting kids any time is six months normal- there can be no breeding date mistake my buck died in January its now the middle of July. Keep in mind that if you ever do milk her, you will need to milk her daily. I thought this was a precocious udder but reading these postings Im not sure. But I am stressed about her persistent cough, poor coat and her huge udder. Since she is 9, I would not expect her to milk for very long. 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