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121 terms. However, regeneration in humans has been associated historically with numerous diverse therapies, from sleep and convalescence to electrotherapy and exercise. Where economies are strengthened, regeneration is likely (and possible); where economies are weakened, places may degenerate and be more in need of regeneration. 13 The purpose Economic regeneration = This can be measured through the growth of the local economy's size, comparison of employment rates, industrial productivity and before and after schemes. The risks for housing constructions are investors regenerate brownfield sites than greenfield sites due to profitability so habitats are lost and natural environments damaged. These projects are public-private partnerships, where the government provides most of the money needed and the private company would manage the plans. a field. This creates a social division between the existing communities and the new residents (social segregation). and Qdot labeling will be reviewed, and advantages and disadvantages of this technology will be discussed. Given the potential for hyperbolic acclamation of regenerative medicine and its potential impact on human medicine and health, they argue that a deeper understanding of the historical context, ethical implications and public perception of the field is currently absent and has the potential to better situate laboratory innovations within both clinical practice and wider society. This would benefit everyone in the local area. The success of regeneration is assessed with the following factors: Social progress is also measured by looking at the reduction in inequalities between and within areas. Some indicators of the reduction of inequalities are life expectancy improvements, population growth, and reductions in health deprivation. However, there has been objection from local residents, MPs and environmental NGOs concerned about the pollution and increased traffic at Heathrow airport. Palgrave Commun 3(22). See: Haynes (1994). ALL PAPER 2 CASE STUDIES GEOGRAPHY GCSE AQA - Grade 9 notes. Maybe the area used to be derelict, maybe factories used to be there from the Industrial Revolution or maybe the environment was contaminated? Local government policies of regeneration concern local councils making planning decisions at a local level. WebWhat is the disadvantage of regeneration? ational government policy making the decision for international migration and deregulation of capital markets which have major impacts on growth and direct and indirect investment. In early-twentieth-century Switzerland, Logan shows, the use of techniques developed in the search to understand hormones and the so-called 'ductless' glands of secretion underpinned a neuroplastic understanding of diseases of the brain; neuropathological processes could be reversed and the mind restored. Her examination of the content and context of C. P. Snows anonymously published and commercially unsuccessful second novel, New Lives for Old (1933), reveals how rejuvenation was not only socially but also politically divisive. High Speed 2 (HS2) is a project to connect London to Wigan with a high-speed railway line. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD, Heath K (2009) Aging by the book: the emergence of midlife in Victorian Britain. WebThe risks of regeneration through infrastructure would be the high costs which could change during the construction because of inflation and changing circumstances. The rejuvenation of men in the early twentieth century was seen to provide a particularly problematic moral case: was it socially acceptable or desirable to be enabling older men to return to the promiscuous habits of their youth? The critical confluence of new technologies and mobilisation of print cultures, including strategic advertising and self-promoting quasi-textbooks, created new visibility for these highly-gendered everyday regenerative methods, which occupied a curious space between the medical and cosmetic. Much scholarship in historical and literary studies has focused on Faust, although historians of science and medicine have not engaged wholesale with this work. These policies can strengthen or weaken the national and local economies. coral WebDisadvantages. WebOur paper deals with a micro-study of one residential building in the city center of Brno (Czech Republic) where we strived to identify and better understand the main factors behind the successful implementation of environmentally friendly solutions during the regeneration process. From the perspective of the "trickle down" theory, local governments see gentrification as benefitting the community., DOI: 21 terms. The success of regeneration is assessed with the following factors: 1. This type of regeneration not only addresses that, but also creates construction jobs in the process. Cite this article. The wider context of developments in regenerative medicine and the importance of the relationship between biomedical and medical practice and the medical humanities forms the basis for the paper by Jennifer Edwards, Richard Thomas, and Robert Guilliatt. What is regeneration's definition in geography? Villanova concluded that natural limits of longevity determined the extent to which organisms might be regenerated or restored. Second, the article collection draws on the historical relationship between medicine and commerce, such as the work of Takahiro Ueyama and Claire L. Jones, showing how medical practitioners, entrepreneurs and corporate interests attempted to promote products which promised to regenerate body and mind (Jones, 2013; Ueyama, 2010). Can be damaged by storm waves. Religion: Conflict and dissent (timeline) 28 terms. Did you know? The essence of regenerative medicine lies in the replacement of defective parts of the human body with analogues, which might be composed of anything from tissues grown in vitro to scaffolds and mechanical systems. The papers presented here illuminate selected examples of regenerative thought, concentrating on the transformative period around 1900, but much more remains to be done. How has regenerative medicine changed our relationship with our bodies, beauty and ageing? Deindustrialisation caused by globalisation affected the people living in those areas. Driven by commercial imperatives, beauty culturists searched for legitimacy, a process followed eagerly through the periodical press where breakthroughs and (sometimes shocking) failures were reported extensively to public audiences. The main goal of the programme is to reduce disadvantages in the poorest areas by focusing on four issues: unemployment, poor health, crime and education. University of Michigan Press, Michigan, Book Dune regeneration - limited to small areas and nourishment is expensive. Dune Regeneration provide a barrier between the land and the sea. Deregulation: Deregulation of markets is when the government lets go of control over a certain industry or service. Chances are you've seen evidence of it in action at some point! Beach Nourishment Can kill other wildlife, very expensive and has to be repeated. WebAdvantages Disadvantages Questionnaire A questionnaire is designed and the investigator asks their chosen audience questions. In other words, it compares the inputs (e.g. Also improving transport links can lead to improved trade and migration links and help with increasing economic productivity. Correspondence to The papers explore these questions by interrogating some of the many meanings and practices of regeneration in a wide range of contexts, from clinical practice to popular culture and from Aristotelean perspectives on generation and growth of the human body to imagined futures of regenerative medicine. For example, softer practices involving cosmetics and skin care, used in the confines of homes and bathrooms, might seem to be detached from 'harder' practices of surgical rejuvenation, yet many advertisements make explicit references to developments in endocrinology or nutrition science in order to persuade consumers of their efficacy. Regeneration is the long-term upgrading of existing urban, rural, industrial and commercial areas to bring about social and economic change. WebAdvantages. Regeneration strategies include development in infrastructure, suburban new builds, cultural regeneration and rural regeneration. Collectively they manipulated organisms and proposed modes of action which had far-reaching scientific and philosophical implications for our understanding of human bodies and their capabilities. However, there are negative impacts such as house prices increasing rapidly so that low-cost tenants are forced to leave and are replaced by high-income tenants. The emergence of a form of holism underscored by developmental biology was just one feature of this. National government policy plays a key role in regeneration as they make the decisions regarding international migration and the deregulation of capital markets. How have natural means of regenerationdiet, sleep, exercisefunctioned alongside medico-technical intervention? Across its individual contributions, the collection encourages scholars in the medical humanities to explore the body as a medical, cultural and social construct and question its normativity. Manchester University Press, Manchester, Science and Technology Committee (2017) Regenerative medicine. To what extent does the term regenerative transform patient and public expectations of medical science and clinical practice? In what ways has resistance to regeneration been manifested? Other sets by this creator. Regenerative medicine encompasses a broad range of biomedical research and its clinical application on different scales, from stem cell manipulation to the transplantation of organs grown in vitro. Elsewhere, as noted in the contributions of Catherine Oakley and Lucy Burke, narratives of regeneration played an important role in fictional reimaginings of our relationship with ageing, decline and normativity. However, regeneration in humans has been associated historically with numerous diverse therapies, from sleep and convalescence to electrotherapy and This is not creation but reorganisation. products to sell; money). Give an example of cultural regeneration. disadvantages of regeneration geography. Chris Gilleard shows how the concept of regeneration as understood in antiquity was incorporated into key medieval texts, which themselves show remarkable congruency with more recent manifestations of research into regeneration. For Clark, regenerative possibilities of the aesthetic variety created something of a sensation as previously hidden, domestic activities designed to promote youthpractised privatelybecame legitimate topics of public debate. Although regeneration is a local process, infrastructure projects are generally expensive and require the help of the government. It is the connections between the quest to explain mechanisms of regeneration in nature and the search for viable methods of achieving rejuvenation in human beings which this article brings into focus for the first time. An interdisciplinary approach to this topicwhich mirrors the large body of extant scholarship on degenerationmight help us to better understand its attractions, problems and controversies. Palgrave Commun 3(47). carabuzz. Post author: Post published: April 6, 2023 Post category: tchala boul rale boul Post comments: revels funeral home lumberton nc obituaries revels funeral home lumberton nc obituaries geography paper 2 case studies AQA. 2015. By looking at particular case studies and studying the strategies of regeneration used, it is possible to see the various stakeholders having different criteria for assessing how successful regeneration is. Marsh Creation Isnt useful where erosion rates are high because marsh cant establish itself. Summary - London - opportunities & challenges geography gcse. It aims to attract tourists and provide employment and economic opportunities for the local Cornish businesses. There are some elements of your organization that do not require a new identity. There are problems also in limited projects concerning social housing and the houses being constructed aren't always affordable. Collectively, these drew on the latest scientific research, from hyperbolic claims to grounded realism, as well as long-established utopian and, far more frequently, dystopian perspectives on radically extended lifespans and the ability to fundamentally alter the native human condition. These included specific foodstuffs and diets, as well as supplements and medical devices. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Logan C (2017) Psychoneurosis beyond Oedipus: neurophysiology, drive conflict, and the resolution of emotional trauma. Publisher's note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. National government policy plays a key role in regeneration as they make the decision for international migration and deregulation of capital markets which have major impacts on growth and direct and indirect investment. Social Sci Med 156:9097, Article Stark, J.F. ISSN 2662-9992 (online), humanities and social sciences communications,, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (,,,,,,,, Another risk would be the environmental risks from the amount of resources used such as concrete which produce large amounts of CO2. Rebranding isn't just something done by companies changing their logos - places can rebrand too! WebDisadvantages. 4. Knowing more about the use of regenerative ideas in science, society and culture provides an opportunity to interrogate more deeply the human desire for restoration. Considering the current state of regenerative medicine and its origins in a range of disciplines across the sciences, Jennifer Edwards, Richard Thomas and Robert Guilliatt highlight the importance of reciprocal dialogue between the medical humanities and regenerative medicine (Edwards, Thomas and Guilliatt, 2017). Disadvantages of regeneration include the widening of inequalities, increased rents and the destabilisation of networks and community organisations. Perspectives on human regeneration. A helpful framework which we might usefully adopt when approaching the topic is to consider the interaction between professionalised, highly medicalised forms of regenerative practicewhat I term 'hard' regenerationand the everyday, domestic aspect of regeneration, best understood as 'soft' regeneration. 2: HS2 train ( emmalouisewest. The thing in Nature as high mystery prized, This has our science probed beyond a doubt, That have we grasped, and crystallised it out.Footnote 1, Goethe, Faust, Part II Act 2, Laboratory Scene. Google Scholar, Davis L (1995) Enforcing normalcy: disability, deafness, and the body. What kind of government departments are involved in infrastructure regeneration? Summary - Favelas - urban planning - favela - bairro project geography gcse. Rather than regarding the organism as a series of connected yet autonomous sub-structures, Morgan noted that the most fundamental characteristics of the organism, those that concern growth, development, regeneration, etc., seem to involve in many cases the organism as a whole. (Morgan, 1901, p 278). The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Urban regeneration schemes are not always successful. What are the benefit of housing construction? This is a good case study of regeneration. Implicit in regeneration discourse is the language of normalcy. Other issues such as improvement to the physical environment are secondary to Rural regeneration works to improve areas facing these challenges. It is expected to cost under 20 billion pounds and potentially create 70,000 jobs. 62.88 25.49 13 items. Michelle Singhs art of inclusion with Prezi; Feb. 15, 2023 WebHarbour-side regeneration. Show details Hide details. 26 related questions found. Identify your study strength and weaknesses. Measuring the success of regeneration can be varied and can depend on what is focused on improving. In the intervening centuries the search for youth came to encompass a still wider range of activities beyond simply restoring an earlier physiological state. It was one of the most deprived communities in the country, unemployment was high, and health levels were poor. There are many ways an area can be regenerated, many reasons why areas are regenerated and many consequences of regeneration. Beach Nourishment creates wider beaches that slow the waves. This paper is methodologically based on the findings derived from a set of qualitative in-depth interviews with the key rural -Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. However, even in an age of scientific medicine from the nineteenth century onwards, the majority of possibilities of rejuvenation blend hyperbole with aspects of organised investigation in a direct parallel of what Gilleard terms the pre-modern precursors to the science of regeneration. When viewed as a spectrum of practice, efforts to regenerate the human body and mind can be located as displaying aspects of both hard and soft practice. A limbeck, otherwise known as an alembic, was an alchemical vessel used for distilling liquids. CAS Create beautiful notes faster than ever before. An example of negative impact of regeneration is gentrification which can lead to displacement of one social group forcing another less affluent social group to migrate elsewhere. Measuring success of regeneration can vary from economic regeneration, social improvements and i mprovements of the living environment. What are benefits of regeneration through infrastructure? WebDisadvantages. Indeed, as we are surrounded by positive narratives about the benefits and desirability of regenerationof our bodies, lives and our urban and social spacesthis might be an opportune moment to reflect on exactly why it is that 'regeneration' is held up in such terms. Regen Med 11(3):321330, Article SAGE Knowledge. -Social improvements = Measurements include increase in life expectancy, decreased applicants for social housing, literacy rates and reductions in social tensions. It is contested whether gentrification improves an area when there is a displacement of one social group, forcing another less affluent social group to migrate elsewhere. Web4A.4C Priorities for Regeneration. Core concepts underpinning the modern science of regeneration can be traced to Aristotelean ideas posited in On Generation and Corruption (de Haas and Mansfeld, 2004). Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. What are the disadvantages of regeneration? Its 100% free. Indeed, it is a key assumption of regenerative narratives that there is a statetypified by 'full functionality'towards which one is regenerated. Examples of this include George L. Mosses foundational work on masculinity and Brigette Solands study of female identity (Soland, 2000; Mosse, 1996). Are there areas near you which have been 'upgraded' and transformed? For example, regeneration of East London in the aim to hosting the Olympics and Paralympics, retail parks developed on disused industrial estates such as the Trafford Center in Manchester and rebranding of declining cities such as Belfast to attract tourism, investment and inward migration. IzzyMayxx. However, it can be a long-term change and may not immediately benefit locals. Neighbourhoods can lose their identity as they start to look similar to other gentrified places. We know that ageingincreasingly conceptualised in Western society as a process of decline from the late nineteenth centurywas a source of social anxiety and an inspiration for many attempts at human regeneration. Between the land and the body 3 ):321330, Article Stark,.. Changing their logos - places can rebrand too the decisions regarding international migration and the deregulation capital... Opportunities & challenges geography gcse AQA - Grade 9 notes growth, advantages. Of regenerative narratives that there is a key assumption of regenerative narratives that there is a key assumption of narratives! Convalescence to electrotherapy and exercise - bairro project geography gcse AQA - Grade 9.. Be repeated rebrand too because of inflation and changing circumstances public expectations of medical Science and technology (... 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