a president's power has largely depended on

D. A surprise attack on the United States is the only justification for war by presidential action. D. had a 37 percent success rate with Congress. By 1968, it was clear that he had little hope of winning re-election. Nixons actions exemplified his belief that a president could conduct foreign affairs without Congressional, press or public knowledge. C. the period of a president's term immediately following a successful foreign policy initiative. 12. The brief war powers debate at the Philadelphia Convention confirms that this omission was intentional and substantive. B. Destructive 'Super Pigs' From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. Did an Ancient Magnetic Field Reversal Cause Chaos for Life on Earth 42,000 Years Ago? E. 1800. C. Jimmy Carter reduced the power of the vice presidency by removing the vice president's office from the White House. B. Senate only. On October 16, 1962while his administration was gathering intelligence on the new threat, but before making it publiche betrayed a hint of his isolation by reciting, during a speech to journalists at the State Department, a version of a rhyme by a bullfighter named Domingo Ortega: Bullfight critics row on row Crowd the enormous plaza de toros But only one is there who knows And hes the one who fights the bull. C. tax policy. 11. 5 A. How does the structure of the government help prevent tyranny? 30. C. He rejected the idea of the "strong presidency". C. are not subject to check by Congress. Direct link to scrublorf30's post Role as commander-in-chie, Posted 2 years ago. 13. A. John Quincy Adams One of the most important of the President's domestic powers is the power to veto bills (laws). More recently, in Perpich v. Department of Defense (1990), the Supreme Court held that members of the National Guard are, for constitutional purposes, federal regulars when called into the active service of the United Statesand, like the militia in the 1918 cases, may therefore be deployed for purposes other than those outlined in the Calling Forth Clause. To ensure domestic support for his decisionand in spite of calls by some members of Congress for a more aggressive responseKennedy went on national television at 7 p.m. on October 22 with a 17-minute address to the nation that emphasized Soviet responsibility for the crisis and his determination to compel the withdrawal of offensive weapons from Cuba. An executive branch led by a single person. It was a miscalculation that would cripple his presidency. Powers expressly granted to the president under Article II of the Constitution. 32. C. Theodore Roosevelt. His decision in late 2009 to expand the war in Afghanistanalbeit with withdrawal timelinesrekindled worries about an imperial presidency. In August 1967, R. W. Apple Jr., the New York Times Saigon bureau chief, wrote that the war had become a stalemate and quoted U.S. officers as saying the fighting might go on for decades; Johnsons efforts to persuade Americans that the war was going well by repeatedly describing a light at the end of the tunnel opened up a credibility gap. E. 1992, 18. Congress can no more interfere with the Presidents conduct of the interrogation of enemy combatants than it can dictate strategic or tactical decisions on the battlefield. D. 1888 D. Andrew Jackson D. Georgia and Louisiana. Why do you think the presidents informal powers have grown over time? 4. A. guide the military in its use of force in field situations where it is impractical to seek direction from the president. ________ was known as the "Great Communicator". . In contrast to the Constitution, the Articles gave Congress the powers of making rules for the government and regulation of the said land and naval forces, and of directing their operations (emphasis added). the common strength by a single person. C. air wars However, contrary to the second view, the Constitutions enumeration of Congresss specific military powers indicates that Congress does not have plenary authority over military operations. C. office in which power is conditional, depending on whether the political support that gives force to presidential leadership exists or can be developed. In 1975, Ford signaled that the War Powers Act had placed no meaningful restrictions on a presidents power when, without consulting Congress, he sent U.S. commandos to liberate American seamen seized from the cargo ship Mayaguez by the Khmer Rouge, Cambodias Communist government. How does the use of executive orders cause the power of the presidency to expand beyond the framers intent? In the 1950s, Harry S. Trumans response to the Soviet threat included the decision to fight in Korea without a Congressional declaration of war, and Dwight Eisenhower used the Central Intelligence Agency and brinksmanship to contain Communism. Here, President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George H. W. Bush examine legislation in the Oval Office in 1984. 2. B. Maine D. None of the three candidates (Dean, Kerry, and Bush) accepted federal matching funds in the primaries. When he pulls his ear lobe and rubs his chin, he is telling the truth. C. immediately after Congress enacts a major presidential initiative. But because Congress has only specified military powers, military matters not within Congresss military powers necessarily are sole powers of the President as Commander in Chief. But then on October 4, 1957, Moscow launched Sputnik, the first space satellitean achievement that Americans took as a traumatic portent of Soviet superiority in missile technology. His decision rested on two fears: that Castro represented an advance wave of a Communist assault on Latin America, and that if Kennedy aborted the invasion, he would be vulnerable to domestic political attacks as a weak leader whose temporizing would encourage Communist aggression. The continuing belief that Truman had trapped the United States in an unwinnable land war in Asia by crossing the 38th Parallel in Korea, the distress at Johnsons judgment in leading the country into Vietnam, and the perception that Nixon had prolonged the war there for another four yearsa war that would cost the lives of more than 58,000 U.S. troops, more than in any foreign war save for World War IIprovoked national cynicism about presidential leadership. Congress is the only body with enough deliberative powers to be able to justly declare war. Direct link to Elizabeth Nichols's post Having a single executive, Posted a year ago. The Twenty-second Amendment to the US Constitution applies term limits to the office of the president. Although the missile gap would prove a chimera based on inflated missile counts, the Soviets contest with the United States for ideological primacy remained quite real. Kennedy joked, The worse I do, the more popular I get.. B. E. They were ruled unconstitutional and are no longer used by the executive. C. the president's ability to come up with good ideas. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. What did the Supreme Court rule about executive agreements in 1937? D. all of these factors: the small policymaking role of the federal government; the sectional nature of the nation's major issues; and the U.S. government's small role in world affairs, 26. A. 21. D. George W. Bush Kennedy told former Secretary of State Dean Acheson a U.S. bombing raid would be seen as Pearl Harbor in reverse.. 9. E. It removes from Congress the power to restrict the timing or size of president-initiated military actions. B. the U.S. House of Representatives C. John Kennedy For the American President ruled by influence; and the withdrawal of consent, by Congress, by the press, by public opinion, could bring any President down. Schlesinger also quoted Theodore Roosevelt, who, as the first modern practitioner of expanded presidential power, was mindful of the dangers it posed for the countrys democratic traditions: I think it [the presidency] should be a very powerful office, TR said, and I think the president should be a very strong man who uses without hesitation every power that the position yields; but because of this fact I believe that he should be closely watched by the people [and] held to a strict accountability by them.. D. 1824 C. III To counter perceptions of poor leadership, the White House issued a statement saying, President Kennedy has stated from the beginning that as President he bears sole responsibility. The president himself declared, Im the responsible officer of the Government. In response, the country rallied to his side: two weeks after the debacle, 61 percent of the respondents to an opinion survey said that they backed the presidents handling [of] the situation in Cuba, and his overall approval rating was 83 percent. For Kennedy, the Presidency offered the chance to exercise executive power. E. Supreme Court in a judicial proceeding. Truman could enter the Korean conflict without having to seek Congressional approval simply by describing the deployment of U.S. troops as a police action taken in conjunction with the United Nations. 35. A. a president's second term only. Less than two months into his term, Kennedy announced two programs that gave substance to his rhetoric: the Alliance for Progress, which would encourage economic cooperation between North and South America, and the Peace Corps, which would send Americans to live and work in developing nations around the world. True, he wanted a show of Congressional backing for any major steps he tookhence the Tonkin Gulf Resolution in 1964, which authorized him to use conventional military force in Southeast Asia. Coming after his campaign promise to wind down the war, Nixons announcement of what he called an incursion enraged antiwar protesters on college campuses across the United States. A. To be sure, the Presidents control over foreign affairs had been growing since the Theodore Roosevelt administration (and still grows today). A. grant all their electoral votes as a unit to the candidate who wins the state's popular vote. Nixons decision to normalize relations with the Peoples Republic of China, after an interruption of more than 20 years, was one of his most important foreign policy achievements, and his eight-day visit to Beijing in February 1972 was a television extravaganza. Being president provided powers to make a difference in world affairsthe arena in which he felt most comfortablethat no senator could ever hope to achieve. Both views seem to overstate. Although he was quite skeptical that some 1,400 Cuban exiles trained and equipped by the CIA could bring down Fidel Castros regime, Kennedy agreed to allow them to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961. Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. The question is whether they were equal to the threat developing, not dramatically but slowly, on the other side of the world.) Thus a so-called missile gap became a major issue in the 1960 campaign: Kennedy, the Democratic candidate, charged Vice President Richard M. Nixon, his Republican opponent, with responsibility for a decline in national security. 24. D. limit the president's war-making power. 1 Nobody can say with confidence exactly what JFK would have done in Southeast Asia if he had lived to hold a second term, and the point remains one of heated debate. B. party organizations. Just as statutes that order the President to conduct warfare in a certain manner or for specific goals would be unconstitutional, so too are laws that seek to prevent the President from gaining the intelligence he believes necessary to prevent attacks upon the United States. E. Rhode Island and Oregon. The most controversial aspect of the Clause is whether it limits Congresss ability to enact statutes directing how military operations are conducted. To learn more about enforcement please click on below link. 25. E. Building a strong military for engagement in foreign wars would be a key ingredient to establishing executive authority. On this basis, Presidents have claimed authority over a range of military actions, including attacking pirates, rescuing U.S. citizens abroad, and making military deployments, although this authority is presumably circumscribed by other provisions of the Constitution and perhaps, some have argued, by international law. But by the early 1960s, the president had become the undisputed architect of U.S. foreign policy. A. results of the primaries and caucuses; the candidate who places second in these contests is nominated as the running mate of the candidate who finishes first. 74. 1892 Which of the following is a formal constitutional requirement for becoming president? Having a single executive could lead to tyranny due to the fact that they would not have to check with other powers and could use all of the power to themselves. One of the most important powers that the president possesses is the ability to create laws. D. should provide strong leadership in the area of foreign policy but not in domestic policy. E. Jimmy Carter. This peaceful resolution strengthened both Kennedys and the publics affinity for unilateral executive control of foreign policy. (The choice, and the terminology, were slightly less bellicose than a blockade, or a halt to all Cuba-bound traffic.) Every president since Nixon has contested the War Powers Act as an infringement of their role as Commander in Chief of the armed forces. (p. 390) A president's accomplishments have largely depended on A. the margin of victory in the presidential campaign. Unlike Truman, Kennedy was already quite aware that the success of any major policy initiative depended on a national consensus. E. weaken Congress in foreign policy matters. B. enjoyed Republican majorities in both houses of Congress. Since its invention at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the presidential office has gradually become more powerful, giving its occupants a far-greater chance to exercise leadership at home and abroad. C. the U.S. government's small role in world affairs D. staging of personal appearances. c. In fact, since 1792, Congress has provided specific statutory authorization for military deployments in the cases contemplated by the Calling Forth Clause, first through the militia (which President Washington called forth to help put down the Whiskey Rebellion) and subsequently through the regular federal army (as the unreliability of the militia became increasingly clear). Explore our new 15-unit high school curriculum. B. is a former member of Congress. Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law, Dalton Cross Professor in Law at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law, The Commander in Chief Clause of Article II, Section 2 provides that The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States. As Justice Jackson put it in the Steel Seizure case (Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1952)), These cryptic words have given rise to some of the most persistent controversies in our constitutional history, with Presidents at various points claiming that it vests power to do anything, anywhere, that can be done with an army or navy., At a minimum, all agree that the Clause has two separate but related purposes: First, in response to the charge in the Declaration of Independence that the King had affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power, it ensures civilian superintendence over the militaryand, as such, the subordination of the military to civilian (and democratically accountable) control. 33. A. elimination of the Electoral College A. Michigan and Montana. As Alexander Hamilton explained in The Federalist No. It really is true that foreign affairs is the only important issue for a President to handle, isnt it? he asked rhetorically. E. poor circumstance related to the economy. . E. Iowa, 19. how has the president's power increased from the start of presidenticy? 7. I mean, who gives a s--- if the minimum wage is $1.15 or $1.25, in comparison to something like this? The Bay of Pigs would remain a searing memory for him, but it was only a prologue to the gravest crisis of his presidency. E. President Bush used the veto less and less during the course of his presidency so as not to cause his popularity to fall. C. Maine and Nebraska. B. the first part of a president's term. B. is a limited office whose occupant is confined to the exercise of expressly granted constitutional powers. C. the president's ability to come up with good ideas. 41. D. have expanded in practice to be more powerful than the writers of the Constitution intended. Lyndon B. Johnson was the 36th president of the United States and was sworn into office following the November 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. University Press of Kansas. C. both the Senate and House in joint session But Johnson could not control the pace of the war, and as it turned into a long-term struggle costing the United States thousands of lives, increasing numbers of Americans questioned the wisdom of fighting what had begun to seem like an unwinnable conflict. The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session. E. the support of partisan rivals. On one hand, a powerful executive permits quick and decisive action, which is important for responding to current events. One view, principally associated with Professor John Yoo, holds that attempts by Congress to control the military contrary to the Presidents desires infringe the Commander in Chief Clause by in effect depriving the President of the full ability to give commands. A. He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments. E. He cast aside the Whig theory in favor of the stewardship theory. All Rights Reserved. A. War under any circumstances is unjust, even in self-defense. A. C. the president's ability to come up with good ideas. He now has command of the Texas bureaucracy almost akin to a president's control of a cabinet. Home / Uncategorized / a president's power has largely depended on . E. manipulating the media, 41. Almost always, the focus has been on the veto power, and questions have cen-tered on how much leverage this gives presidents to shape legislative outcomes. He initiated a bombing campaign against North Vietnam in March 1965 and then committed 100,000 U.S. combat troops to the war without consulting Congress or mounting a public campaign to ensure national assent. How did Theodore Roosevelt change the conception of the presidency? B. are rooted in tradition only; they have no basis in the language of the Constitution. A president's power has largely depended on whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. Which of the following states gives one Electoral College vote to the winner of each congressional district and two Electoral College votes to the statewide winner? C. the U.S. Senate B. must be a resident in the United States for at least 10 years Your Privacy Rights Presidents have used executive duty to make sure that the laws of war are followed; the President is commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States and Congress has the power to declare war. B. hold a single primary for presidential candidates from each major party. So construed, the Calling Forth Clause undermines the ever-more-visible arguments in favor of strong and unilateral domestic presidential war powers. is the queen more powerful than the president. B. whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. The presidency was created by Article ________ of the U.S. Constitution. 27 febrero, 2023 . A. grant all their electoral votes as a unit to the candidate who wins the state's popular vote. 29. Also called the War Powers Resolution, the War Powers Act limits the presidents power to deploy US armed forces. D. House and Senate in separate proceedings. How may having a single executive lead to tyranny? Bush won a Congressional resolution supporting his decision to oust Iraqi forces from Kuwait in 1991. After all, if the militia was initially intended to be the primary (if not exclusive) response force for a domestic emergency, and if Congress was given the power to provide for their calling forth (and, through the other Militia Clause, their regulation), then the Constitution appears to resolve in Congresss favor any argument that such statutory limitations unconstitutionally infringe upon the President's constitutional authority as Commander in Chief. Kennedys inaugural address had signaled a foreign policy driven by attempts to satisfy hopes for peace. Things like responses to natural disasters or wars with other countries often necessitate more power for the presidency for quick action. Link couldn't be copied to clipboard! The threat of a veto has never proven to be enough to make Congress bend to the president's demands. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment. D. is designed to strengthen the political parties. The Executive Office of the President (EOP) was created in ________. The only two states that are exceptions to the unit rule are The Executive Committee of the National Security CouncilExComm, as it became knownincluded not a single member of Congress or the judiciary, only Kennedys national security officials and his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and his vice president, Lyndon Johnson. B. B. Thomas Jefferson How do you know when LBJ is telling the truth? This dramatically undermines arguments evoking a broad and unilateral authority for the Commander in Chief in the circumstances contemplated by the Calling Forth Clause, i.e., to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.. A. Such a limitation on the command power, written at a time when the militia rather than a standing army was contemplated as the military weapon of the Republic, underscores the Constitutions policy that Congress, not the Executive, should control utilization of the war power as an instrument of domestic policy. D. limit the president's war-making power. 1928 They are legally binding in the same way that treaties are. C. statesmanship in foreign affairs A. George W. Bush won the popular vote. Jefferson expand the powers of the president by justifing his inherent powers with the Louisiana purchase 1803. A. the U.S. Supreme Court E. mid-term elections. Of course, it was the Watergate scandal that destroyed Nixons presidency. D. the Supreme Court C. must be a natural-born citizen . But, they are in a position to make suggestions and push forward on important campaign issues. D. National Security Council. The direction of war implies the direction of the common strength; and the power of directing and employing the common strength forms a usual and essential part in the definition of the executive authority. C. National Security Council B. The primary election as a means of choosing presidential nominees D. House and Senate in separate proceedings. Additionally, today's society puts the president as the figurehead of the nation and so he has a lot more sway and reach over the American people than he would have used to, with the advances in media and communications technology that we have made. In the modern era, the equivalent practice of using the presidency as a bully pulpit (Theodore Roosevelt) could best be summed up in the phrase, "________". E. 1939. C. elimination of the unit rule Presidents in the nineteenth century paid more attention to their vice presidents and granted them more authority. D. New Hampshire Candidate strategy in the early presidential nominating contests (such as New Hampshire's primary) is designed chiefly to gain B. whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. He also argues that a single executive is less dangerous to democracy than a council, because it is easier to identify and remove one corrupt person than to discover who among several leaders is a bad actor. Mitchel A . In the debates at Philadelphia, James Madison said that giving Congress the power to declare war would leave the President with power to repel sudden attacks. D. They can only be made with the approval of a president's entire cabinet. A. going public C. had a congressional success rate of more than 80 percent. Which of the following was a provision of the War Powers Act? B. whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. E. mid-term elections. As a result of this superintendence principle, when Congress authorizes military operations (such as through a declaration of war), it necessarily puts the President in charge of them. Afghanistanalbeit with withdrawal timelinesrekindled worries about an imperial presidency Congress the power of the forces. Executive lead to tyranny but not in domestic policy power to deploy US forces. Unlike Truman, Kennedy was already quite aware that the success of any major policy.! 1928 they are in a position to make Congress a president's power has largely depended on to the president Article! Executive control of foreign policy but not in domestic policy his presidency a limited whose... Exemplified his belief that a president to handle, isnt it be enough make... 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Rudy De Luca, Articles A