the mentor network class action lawsuit

Dominique Rozier attacks me in kitchen today. I have been for a CT scan, there is significant calcification and a possible necrosis lump, my body clearly doesn't want this in me. I had thyroid cancer in 2010 so I attributed all my symptoms to my thyroid. I am experiencing sever symptoms of BII. And not listed warranty. Im so rel[Show More]OMG, Im in tears right now because I know this is whats wrong! I am looking in having my implants removed as I have just started researching the connection between implants and autoimmune diseases. I have lost a year plus of work, I have scares on my hands, as well as numbness in my fingers, and burning feet. The Staff, has been on her to change her conservatorship/guardianship.. as she is of age. I need [censored]ed steel desk now I don't like [censored]ed [censored]ty group home they are too bossy and nasty, bully and they hurt my feeling and my heart the staff upset me staff jail lady Johnson is 24 years old know better than that she brings my birthday package and scab clothe is for me.I am very upset. I have Mentor implants, only since April 2019 (only had it for 4 months) and it's caused so many health issues: I have symptoms of fibromyalgia, irregular heartbeat, brain fog, migraines, ovarian cysts, chronic constipation, thyroid problems, inflammation, constant, dry itchy eyes, weird rash and tiny bumps that look like hives (I get it anywhere from on my eyes, face, arms, thighs). Mentor was my brand of implant. The only reason she is still there, is cause there is no other place for her to go. I was depressed for many years not knowing why I felt sick all the time. When someone is injured, either financially or physically . Johnson and Johnson, a Youngstown, Ohio, based firm and . I was referred to a rheumatologist. that cabinet for the staff only in kitchen and staff said you stay out of it she shish my milk, that [censored]ing [censored] [censored],[censored] I don't like that [censored]ing [censored] nasty mean that [censored] black staff. Reed says he was charged a total of $87.90 for the fees. My knees and lower legs were hurting so bad. Staff CeCe hit me in living room down stair, but she is doing to play her daughter 99 she is4 years old staff CeCe said to me don't say that word pussy staff turn around again staff said joke I said to my staff CeCe, you don't hit people on your job, and you will get fire your job 'you can't do that on your job the boss don't like the staff CeCe hit people that me I talking to my staff CeCe, you be nice to me, please be nice to me in nasty Millville NJ staff ladies how to learn to nice to patient in any group home in New Jersey that state of New Jersey law any staffs don't hit another patients, in the down stair living room the staffs are sleeping on chair in tv room in living room of Millville group home, I TOLD staff CeCe and don't do that to me and my girlfriend never hit me because I don't get hurt by staff hitting me that abuse and you will get fired for your jobs .in mead office Mantor network program boss will get fired from her job by the skinny staff with 4 years old daughter sat on staff chair with her mother my brother joe from Australia said staffs in Millville group home every staff member you don't hit people on your job no abuse me . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Newly-revealed internal documents reveal Syngenta suspected a connection between Paraquat and Parkinson's disease, and other health risks, for decades. 6-7 weeks later I woke up with wrist pain that doctors could not texplain. My cycle completely changed, every single month was painful. I worked out 5 days a week prior to these symptoms. This, is [Show More]I have also experienced the entire litany of Bii symptoms. Ive been sick for many years and just realized my silicone implants were ruptured. Doctor refused to remove .Had a 10 yr. Warranty. I called my plastic surgeon within the first 6 months of getting sick and he assured me there was no way my implants could ever make me sick. Many test, and fibromyalgia was confirmed. of me that group home staffs abuse me and hit me on these jobs they will get fired from their jobs and the boss don't like nasty staffs on these jobs. Anxiety, depression, muscle aches, joint pain, skin rashes, constantly sick, extreme fatigue, loss of my job due to sickness, not being able to work, loss of hair on eyebrows, colitis, couldnt breath felt suffocated, eyes swelling and red constantly, so many more. Read full review of The MENTOR Network and 1 comment. THE MENTOR NETWORK CORPORATE OFFICE DID NOTHING! Staff that continued to voice concerns was retaliated against. Last fall, I started reading about BII. Almost immediate symptoms. say to me I'm call a cop on you. I am going to have these removed as soon as possible! . Their studies resulted in the same done by the NHI. If your looking for a good job helping out people who can not do it themselves, well, this is not the place for you!!! I would LOVE to know more information on any kind of case if possible, thank you! Mentor silicone. He said, I would not think so at all. Attorneys have filed a proposed class action lawsuit alleging that Philips knew well before the recall about the risks associated with these devices and that consumers are now on the hook for the thousands of dollars needed to replace their machines. February 28, 2023 1:22 pm. I am going to have these removed as soon as possible! TB stealing MD's body wash in from her room. I intend to file suit.After ll these years of being sick, and doctors I have seen. that nasty staff Chirstine Bank that she tells what to do in kitchen today is. 2 weeks later they hired the Supervisor's Uncle who also happens to be the Program Share your photos and videos with others to prove the truth of your words. and, assuming you knew you were involved in the action, you would not be surprised that you received this W2 request. Changing names is how they have tried to hide the problems. I can't wait to move back to my old place. I don't like her. Ive been sick for many years and just realized my silicone implants were ruptured. staff are bossy very mean to me. this morning Dominique Rozier said to me you give me [censored]! Im so rel. I can not believe that Mentor nor physicians have informed patients of the risks and associated illness with breast implants. Ive tried colonics, drastically changed my diet, skin lasers, switched out every product possible, acupuncture, seed cycling, castor oil packs, countless supplements, and unlimited various treatments with no luck. He said that is on the dr not Mentor. The pain was so great that I just wanted it to end. A year later I had vertigo for a month. Women may face a risk of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL) from certain breast implants. I take care myself my own place in north jersey. 855.300.4459. stealing another people stuffs. The Verge is a vox media network. Through a class action, you can hold a negligent company accountable, get justice, and receive a uniform judgment and compensation with your fellow class members. Their problems started way back in the 90' or even before. The problem is once the silicones in the lymph nodes no dr knows what to do about this, the body does not absorb the silicone silicone and they dont want to riak you getting lymphedema and your big giant cells they find are probably going to turn into cancer but seriously no plastic surgeon, breast surgeon or general surgeon knows how to help!!! Side effects of Tylenol may cause autism and ADHD among children exposed during pregnancy. I am going to[Show More]I have been ill with debilitating fatigue and weakness, autoimmune issues, visual disturbances, painful joints and body, swelling under arm, chest pains, sleep disturbances, brain fog, gastrointestinal issues, anxiety and depression over being sick and tired with no relief. I went to down stair I saw stupid landlord Dominique Rozier I need order steel desk chair for me, and Dominique said, and don't you say hi and she said to me I'm not order no desk chair for you. They had done studies. I feel I'm slowly dying and I'm fighting for my life back. My menstrual period returned naturally 2 weeks after explant and Ive had it every month since until I got pregnant in Dec or 2019. I had a double silicone implant rupture in 2006. Submit a complaint and get your issue resolved. For more than 15 years we have helped nearly 50000 customers resolve their issues and will never stop striving to ensure further improvements on our platform for a better communication between companies and customers. By January 2020, the charge was allegedly $4.37 per month, representing a notable increase to what customers are charged overall. After therapy and time, about a year later I had it in my right shoulder. A year later I had vertigo for a month. I explained my symptoms. This most recent surgery was warranted due to a rupture and the leakage of silicone into the lymph nodes of my neck, collarbone, under my arm, in my abdomen and possibly other places where they arent bothering me but thats just for now as Im sure the granulomas will be formed throughput my entire lymph system. Please someone help us this silicone is killing us.. Hello I just had a revision of already reconstructed breast 08/06/21. That [censored]ty group-home abuse patients. today that staff stary that tell me what to do [censored]ing [censored] to me in [censored]ing group home In Millville NJ [censored] is be in the stupid Millville Nj [censored] the next door. Linda Lenzi filed a class action against the iconic Maine company in a Rochester, New York, federal court, seeking more than $5 million in damages for tens of thousands of potential class members. The Mentor Network Corporate Office refuses to address that and other issues and is trying to cover everything up. My doctor never warned me of this possible risk. I was explanted and was proven to have ruptured Mentor implants. Two years later I gained 20 pounds and had fatigue so bad that I quit my full-time job and got a part-time job. This morning that staffs CB said where my salads from pizza place and she where me $7.00 you, The staff start that staffs in hotel and Movie Lady Lessie said no foods allow upstairs' room in hotel that stupid group-home bossy me around in the hotel up stair room that the Movie lady Lessie said to me in their room that Movie lady said to me in the hotel room she said you are not going anywhere Movie lady is very mean to me like that I don't like group home staff Movie lady put her hands on me I said ever staff '''s hands on me I don't like be touch me again ever I want get own apartment my own in north jersey that group [censored] I don't like to be stupid group-home [censored] that [censored]ing bossy mean staff some are nice I was I'm the hotel room again I never touch SJ Movie lady is Lier I don't like bossy me around nothing wrong with me I'm fine good I'm the best person i help staff CB's job good at my jobs in stupid [censored]ing [censored]ty group home the steal another girl's stuff in in their rooms in hotel room' I don't like to be group-home again 'I never touch Sj's body but she learn take care herself her sister told her what to do ,she need help her she wash herself I told her SJ in the shower in hotel room. my brother joe albert from Australia my brother joe said to me you need single pedestal steel desk size 45"w in my room I want my desk now! It is sickening and something has to be done about this. After 3 years of going from doctor to doctor one doctor said she believed my autoimmune issues and cognitive issues were bc of my Mentor saline implants. I have crohn's, ra,hysterectomy in 2015, Osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, Migraines, Intercystial cystitis. I cant count all of my mental diagnoses. says to me you get upstairs 'you don't tell what to do I don't like it that hurtful that hurt my feeling that made me cry that not nice. Siltex Mammary Textured Prothesis #ftsa #tcpa #sms #text #marketing #law #rewards I started seeing a holistic doctor and got diagnosed with hypothyroidism, pcos and menopause at the age of 30. My shoulders and elbows were killing me. I don't like that movies lady she not nice the staff tell SJ's sister Kat I are not friend anymore. But that Sandra Johnson is lazy. Doctors couldnt figure why I had arm pain so they gave me a cortisone shot. my brother Joe from Australia and he will come see me and i want to move out stupid group home they tell another girl what to do this morning the staff tell me said you go down stair kitchen and take medications and vitamins, I say you stop tell what to do that noise. I went back my room I started to cry I said I want get flu shot I don't want to get sick, but some people don't get flu shot because they will get sicker and the go to hospital that staff in nasty group-home Millville NJ. I want it now! My symptoms began gradually mimicking Lyme disease or MS. stupid Dominique Rozier that harm patients in her house and Dominique Rozier harm Tracy B in kitchen last time and last year 2022and I want to steel desk chair and steel bookcase myself and I take care myself and always clean and healthy. Its very depressing! I feel I'm slowly dying and I'm fighting for my life back. My thyroid had become so compromised, that the doctors threatened to take my drivers license away. Schrems, a thorn in Facebook's side who has a case involving the social network pending at the European Court of Justice, has filed a claim at Vienna's . They mow know the reason the breast implants are making thm sick. I made an appointment with my doctor. Defective Breast Implants are Viable Cases Also, the Program Manager stole from a client. She talks to me like that the movies lady said no, you cannot to help Sandra Johnsson, she need soap wash her body with. Claim it and get a lot of features. I'm good person good worker I don't like stupid Dominique Rozier that hurt me last time. Dominique is neglect [censored]ed [censored] that Dominique is on Steet drugs, but she takes druggy that nasty mean. 6-7 weeks later I woke up with wrist pain that doctors could not texplain. In addition to the breast implant illness lawsuits, there is a growing number of breast implant ALCL lawsuits filed by women throughout the United States, including several class action. I have thyroid issues. After more visits, she diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. Those implants took away my quality of life for way too long. I was diagnosed with RA and have been taking a slew of meds. He said they are following fda guidelines. The craziest change is that i started my period 5 days post op. I decided to schedule an en bloc surgery. I have thyroid issues. I had a supervisor that would take his time to return phone calls (up to hours). On January 26, 2011, the FDA first released a report about case studies and epidemiological research, whcih suggested there was alink between breast implants and ALCL. The College Network an Indianapolis, IN, company that sells college credit test preparation materials is under investigation by the Federal Trade Commission and the Indiana Attorney General's office. she yells at me, and SJ go to your room now I don't like black [censored] staff too bully she take drugs from her doctor I don't like bossy staffs that tell me what to do That [censored]ing stupid group home That [censored]ing TB teaing me she said to me you going to mad house, but TB tell lies all the time I don't TB is trouble [censored] her TB stealing staff CB's shredded cheese package from kitchen down stair that TB call [censored] in living room in down stair that trouble maker TB cussing a lot she said to me you are [censored] I don't like that TB call me [censored] I hate TB in her room she follow me around in down stair I don't like [censored]ing TB from psychiatric hospital in Bridgeton NJ she is acting up [censored] up that stupid place in Millville group home I want to move back my old place in Morris county in north jersey I like north jersey b better I want move out stupid group home I want to get my own apartment in Morris county area . also, staff Brittary b. said to SJ get in shower and staff Pouk SJ's eyes. If I could not get ahold of my super, I was told at time of hire, to get ahold of another super to get the help that was needed, when I did, that super told me she couldn't help. you must put in recyclable in recycle in recycling in gray bin. I Have a diagnosis of Hashimotos thyroiditis , gastrointestinal issues, anxiety , migraines, brain fog , me[Show More]I've had mentor implants in since 2013 , I have several health problems such has pain in my back, neck, burning sensation in breasts , weight gain , got tested for everything .Seen immunologist, got allergy testing , now all of a sudden I am allergic to everything . the staff are lair I never been SJ's room, but SJ came to MD's room and i come to MD and talk to my friend and SJ talk to me about her sister in New York. I was falling asleep driving home from work at 4pm. she is not not nice to me .i need steel single pedestal desk size 45w" for sewing machine on it. Senate to investigate Mentor Oregon Analyze and resolve complaints pertaining to services, and equipment in area of responsibility. I need to schedule an appointment. Class action lawsuits are especially beneficial in cases where the damages are minor, and the cost of hiring a lawyer and going to court individually would be too high. I feel like my life has not been the same. In MD and SJ bathroom I fix that toilet that clog up get to fix the toilet that staff yell at me in my room. I am hoping that I will start to feel better soon. In February of 2016, I started feeling extremely tired. Their problems started way back in the 90' or even before. The goal of a class action lawsuit is to ensure those who suffered injuries or financial losses can recover compensation from the responsible parties. Side effects of the Gardasil HPV vaccine have been linked to reports of serious and debilitating autoimmune injuries. They should be held accountable for their actions. I had TMJ in December. Last fall, I started reading about BII. She had similar experiences for payments that were much lower than the NSF fee itself, which is $35. Provide some details about your potential case, which will be submitted for review by a lawyer. By consolidating all the similar cases into a single action, each individual victim does not have to pay for their own lawyer or go to court. I have slurred speech on and off, tremors, body aches, neck, leg, hip, stomach, and breast pain. TB is in trouble, but she took 4 cereal bars in kitchen tonight that she Alway steal from its TB is a thief she is in big trouble now that my staff will very mad. Having a certain diagnosis is going to make our case ,since unless you know why they make you sick, they will throw it out Pharma. poor SJ need help I wand [censored]ed get my own apartments myself and I always take care myself, my own moneys I buy my own stuff. I know the lymp[Show More]Hello I just had a revision of already reconstructed breast 08/06/21. 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