spo transportation officer duty description

Logistic Operations and Plans (General). Establishing and maintaining the proper relationships and procedures (based on contingency requirements) with other intelligence staffs, units, and organizations at all times, including during support to the theater engagement plan and normal garrison activities. D-74. This practice allows commanders to focus on the overall operation. You won't need to meet any physical fitness requirements before joining the Army as an enlisted Soldier. Preparing the support command's external service support annex. Intelligence Tasks. Coordinating special forces, ranger, and special operations aviation support requirements with other staff sections. Weekly I also sit down with A Co. and B Co. (separately) to be briefed on status. Coordination by staff members includes-. As a SPO, my CO expects me to write an OPORD for every drill. I have also learned that some Forward Support Companies have a Support Operations Officer, normally a 1LT. Take a few minutes to create or upgrade your resume. When you consider affordable health care for part-time Soldiers and free health care for full-time Soldiers, plus access to bonuses, allowances for housing, food, and clothing, education benefits to get a college degree with less debt, and more financial benefits, the Army offers a competitive choice to similar civilian careers. Establishing, operating, and supervising technical intelligence reporting procedures. ; non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer or its customers), AND job duties require exercise of discretion & independent judgment. Coordinating support locations and time schedules with the S-2, S-3, and supported units. They also monitor premises to prevent theft, violence, and malfunctions. Preparing EW estimates and the EW appendix to the IO annex to orders and plans. Performing liaison with local civilian law enforcement authorities. Planning and coordinating essential fire support tasks. Supporting the linguist requirements, to include contracting for, planning, and providing logistic support to contracted linguists. Planning the simultaneous employment of air and surface fires. The Government SAP Security Officer, or GSSO, and the Contractor Program Security Officer, or CPSO, provide hands-on security administration and management at the facility level, whether Advising the ground commander on the capabilities, limitations, and use of Air Force fixed-wing theater and strategic airlift assets. Personnel support includes-, D-47. Classroom instruction will be provided at the U.S. Army Logistics Management College, Fort Lee, Virginia. Supervising the command's historical activities. Planning the reorganization of engineers to fight as infantry, when the commander deems their emergency employment necessary. Participating in execution of ISR operations, as integrated by the G-3 (S-3) and synchronized by the G-2 (S-2). Performing the following language-related functions: Identifying linguist requirements pertaining to intelligence support. First, the obvious reason that they will both work with each other more in the main command post (MCP) than the CSM and the OPS SGM's counterpart, the S3. Coordinating with other members of the IO cell to ensure OPSEC coverage and dissemination of OPSEC measures. Maintaining the unit readiness status of each unit in the command. Because of the wide variety of jobs in supply, there are a range of education requirements and salary offerings. The NETOPS officer integrates mission information applications with INFOSYS and communications and computer operations of the warfighting information network. When visiting subordinate units, staff members call on the subordinate unit commander to explain the visit's purpose. EOA responsibilities include-, (AR 600-20 discusses the responsibilities and duties of the EOA. To succeed in this job, you must be organized. Coordinating planning, and directing the use of C2 INFOSYS and automation software and hardware employed by the command. Common Staff Activities, Responsibilities. Take the next step to learn more about careers in the Army. The rank of the aide-de-camp depends on the rank of the general officer. Performing limited fund and nonappropriated fund accounting, as determined by theater policy. Interprets objectives and guidance received from the Support Brigade headquarters relating to logistical support operations. Conducting OPSEC assessments to analyze the command's OPSEC posture. Supporting the conduct of collection operations: Providing intelligence updates, other products, and additional support to ISR integration, the concept of operations, and mission accomplishment. The CPO is responsible for managing and administering the civilian employee personnel management program. Performs other duties as assigned.FACTOR 1 - Knowledge Required by the Position (Level 1-7, 1250 Points) Knowledge of the mission, functions, organization and logistical programs of the Combat Support Sustainment Battalion (CSSB), NTC Support Brigade and the National Training Center and Fort Irwin, CA.Knowledge and skill to develop, coordinate, and maintain the logistical portion of contingency installation and organic plans for the command.Must possess the knowledge and effective writing skills, interpret, and develop comprehensive logistics plans, orders, policies, and instructions.Must possess the ability to analyze and measure the effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity of logistics related instructions and plans.Must possess knowledge of current logistics doctrine, management concepts, policies, methods, and regulatory requirements pertaining to logistical plans, operations and support activities to effectively analyze, leverage, and evaluate plans that provide adequate logistical support for installation, tenant unit, and training units at NTC.Must possess effective communication skills orally and in writing in order to prepare and present reports, information papers, briefings and recommendations.FACTOR 2 - Supervisory Controls (Level 2-4, 450 Points)Receives general supervision from the 1916th Support Battalion, Support Operations (SPO) Officer who defines responsibilities and functions with immediate focus on mission objectives, and provides guidance regarding the nature and relative importance of assignments. Publishing the OPSEC appendix to the IO annex to orders and plans. Coordinating the staff interaction necessary to develop the COP within CPs and at each major subordinate command (with the staff). Collect, process, disseminate, display, and store RI from their individual fields of interest for others' use. The ACOS, G-5 (S-5) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning civil-military operations (CMO). Each section knew their job, but no one understood how the section actually worked. Developing a zero-based budget using Headquarters, Department of the Army cost factors for operational tempo (OPTEMPO). Helping the G-1/AG (S-1) coordinate for local labor resources. In the absence of a senior military officer (SPO), serves as the 1916th Support Battalion, Support Operations Officer. Manning includes personnel readiness management, personnel replacement management, and personnel accounting. Contacts are for the purpose of exchanging information, coordination, and resolving work-related problems, providing technical advice and assistance, directing logistical support activities, and presenting/explaining recommendations.FACTOR 8 - Physical Demands (Level 8-1, 5 Points) The work is typically performed while the employee is comfortably seated in an office. Preparing and maintaining C4OPS estimates, plans, and orders. The noncommissioned officer-in-charge of the 17th CSSB's Kandahar SPO transportation cell, who was the liaison and subject matter expert for the MCT and the RSY, was sent to the RSY to assess and . Assessing and reporting military occupational specialty (MOS) shortfalls and personnel readiness issues to the G-1/AG (S-1). Commanders assign a single staff officer responsibility for preparing and publishing plans and orders. Exercising staff supervision and technical control over religious support throughout the command. These tasks include-. Monitoring unit and enlisted soldier training, and making corrections as necessary. D-103. Writing the PSYOP appendix to the IO annex to plans and orders. Monitoring the supply status of and expediting requests for special EOD tools, equipment, and demolition materials. During preparation and execution, commanders use recommendations from running estimates in decisionmaking. Coordinating the EA target list with organic military intelligence units and with adjacent and higher commands, including joint and multinational commands when appropriate. No officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the chaplain. Evaluating enemy intelligence capabilities as they affect OPSEC, countersurveillance, signals security (SIGSEC), security operations, military deception (MD) planning, psychological operations (PSYOP), area security operations, and force protection. Advising the command and coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) on public health issues involving military operations. Developing, maintaining, and revising troop lists. Incumbent provides recommended solutions on unusual or complex administrative or logistical problems. Additionally, the Army can repay nearly $65,000 of current outstanding student loan debt through the Loan Repayment Program (LRP) if you qualify. Safety officer responsibilities include-, D-116. D-22. Coordinating, planning, and directing all C4OPS support interfaces with joint and multinational forces, including HN support interfaces. They analyze and clearly articulate information. Conducting inquiries per the commander's guidance. Planning and supervising construction, maintenance, and repair of camps and facilities for friendly forces, EPWs, and civilian internees. Identifying enemy intelligence collection capabilities, such as efforts targeted against the unit. Before leaving, they report any findings to the subordinate commander and any information they plan to report. Advising the commander and staff on employing aerospace assets. I really appreciate it. Providing counsel to the family advocacy case review committee. Coordinating technical control and technical support for military intelligence assets and units. Receiving units, detachments, or teams, to include orienting, training, and reorganizing them. Providing air and missile attack early warning. Serves as the logistics officer responsible for planning and developing logistic operations. Factor 6 and 7 Agree: Level given was a 3B. Managing radio frequency allocations and assignments and providing spectrum management. Preparing the engineer battlefield assessment in assisting the G-2 (S-2) with IPB. A SOO is authorized at corps and may be authorized at divisions in the future. The CHEMO is responsible for NBC defense operations, smoke operations, and chemical asset use. Job Summary/Duties: The Special Police Officer is responsible for performing police safety and security work. Assessing the psychological impact of military operations on the enemy and the civilian populace. Advising the commander so that all collection, production, and dissemination adhere to special security, legal, and regulatory restrictions. 22-4505. Providing legal advice concerning intelligence activities. Operating the NBC warning and reporting system. Specific responsibilities of the G-1/AG (S-1) include manning, personnel services, personnel support, and headquarters management. Everyone knows what you do, but the TACSOP is to capture HOW to do it. They also list special staff officers over which each coordinating staff officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility. Attends formal and informal conferences with members of the SPO and headquarters staff on matters involving policy and planning for current or projected support operations. Note. Recommending use of nondedicated transportation assets for evacuation, if required. Responsibility is the duty to safeguard government property within one's control. Helping the G-1/AG administer discipline, law, and order, including-. Calculating, analyzing, and disseminating global positioning system (GPS) satellite coverage and accuracy data. Providing the commander with pastoral care, personal counseling, advice, and privileged communications. Time off is an important part of a Soldier's life and well-being, which is why full-time Soldiers receive 30 days paid vacation, weekends, national holidays, and sick days annually. The United States also continued chairing the Roma Lyon Group's cross-modal Transportation Security Subgroup, including overseeing ongoing collaboration related to foreign investment in the transportation sector and on flight school security. Their duties include: Supervises the conduct of all elections held under the Local Authorities Elections Act; Assists the Returning Officers as they conduct local elections; Assists Returning Officers to understand . Preparing training guidance for the commander's approval. Assistant Chief of Staff, G-5 (S-5), Civil-Military Operations. D-125. Integrating space support, IO (with the G-7), and fire support into all operations. Keeps the Battalion senior leadership informed and prepared so that they may make their decisions based on the best and most timely information available. The Deputy SPO will analyze a Brigade Combat Team's "Logistic Estimate" to ensure all needed supplies/assets are organically provided and/or requested in order to sustain an estimated 5000 troop strength brigade for a 28-day NTC rotation while the brigade accomplishes a realistic, tough, and challenging war-game training exercise for the purpose of an upcoming unit deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan. Once all of the calculations are made, the TMR (Transportation Movement Request) is filled out and sent to the BN S3. Servicemember's Group Life Insurance (SGLI). Priorities for employment, distribution, and support. This appendix first discusses the common responsibilities and duties of all staff members. IM includes RI and INFOSYS functions. A support operations officer or materiel officer is authorized in support commands and battalions. Formulating the combat health support plan. Providing technical advice and assistance in reorienting enemy defectors, EPWs, civilian internees, and detainees. The first thing I did was to sit down with the entire section, open up the 4-90, and talk about what it means to us. Conducting NBC reconnaissance operations and coordinating them with the overall ISR plan. ), D-132. Synchronizing and coordinating offensive and defensive IO with the overall operation. Directing the efforts of coordinating and special staff officers. Providing estimates on the effects of space weather activities on current and future operations. I have been serving as a SPO for about four months now. After submitting a waiver, a review takes place to make sure you can join. Coordinating religious support with unit ministry teams of higher and adjacent headquarters, other Services, and multinational forces. Administrative movements, including onward movement from ports of debarkation, CSS movements, and other movements the G-3 directs. Acting as liaison between AMD units and air control units. Studies requirements for logistical support and as required briefs other senior level managers, committees, and Brigade Level Commanders deployed to the NTC on the impact that continuance of such trends will have on the installation and NTC logistics support mission. Briefing adversary and friendly EW vulnerabilities for each COA. Effective staff members know their respective responsibilities and duties. Support to Security Programs. Headquarters commandant responsibilities include-. This section outlines the responsibilities and duties of the chief of staff (executive officer) and individual staff officers. If you're actively serving, a veteran, or select military spouse, you could qualify for the VA Loan and put $0 down on a mortgage. Personal staff officers also may work under the supervision of the COS (XO). Consider all factors affecting the situation. This includes dislocated civilian operations, curfews, and movement restrictions. ARFOR AMD plans are deconflicted and synchronized with the AADC's area air defense plan, the JFACC's joint air operations plan and daily air tasking order (ATO), and the ACA's airspace control plan and daily airspace control order (ACO). D-2. Representatives of the AMDCOORD from organic ADA units may also serve as members of the A2C2 cell. Records management, including finance, legal services, and command information. They may operate an x-ray or mental detector equipment. Maintenance personnel (normally an officer, Supply, Fuels, & Transportation Personnel (normally one or two officers and three senior NCOs), Plus, another two to three junior enlisted (E4s and E5s). Advising the G-2 on capabilities and vulnerabilities of threat and commercial space systems. Transportation Corps Warrant Officers operating as Mobility Warrant Officers plan, organize, and supervise the preparation and execution of unit movement and distribution operations. Military Deception Officer. No officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the aide-de-camp. Within each maneuver brigade there is one Brigade Support Battalion (formerly called a Forward Support Battalion) that provides logistics to the brigade. Directing and supervising automation management functions, a subset of INFOSYS. Supporting linguist requirements, to include consolidating linguist requirements and establishing priorities for using linguists. Planning and initiating procedures to verify and report enemy first use of NBC agents (with the surgeon). Army Logistics Quick Reference - (CAC) Enable, The Official Website of the United States Army Transportation Corps and Transportation School | Fort Lee, Virginia, 2022 United States Army | Transportation Corps, Deployment Process Modernization Office (DPMO), Transportation Management Training Department (TMTD), -Brigade Combat Team (Infantry, Armor, Stryker, Fires), -Division Transportation Officer (DTO) (KD), -Battalion Support Ops Officer (SPO) (KD), -White House Transportation Agency (WHTA). Recommending to the G-3 (S-3) the ADA ammunition RSR. D-44. Developing the intelligence synchronization plan. Debriefing friendly personnel when necessary. Operating and maintaining the Air Force tactical air direction radio net and Air Force air request net. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. Recommending MSRs and logistic areas, based on technical information, to the G-4 (S-4). Special operations coordinator (SOCOORD). Executing policies and standards concerning enlisted soldier performance, training, appearance, and conduct. Manage all logistical requests within the Brigade. Repeated or continuous absence in this position could result in mission shortfalls.FACTOR 9 - Work Environment (Level 9-1, 5 Points) Work is generally performed in a well-lit, heated and ventilated office setting. Stationing subordinate finance units, equipped with their supporting systems, to support battlefield procurement and pay operations. However, whenever a SOF unit is attached or under OPCON of the command, someone from the staff or the attached unit fulfills the SOCOORD's responsibilities. Typically, a SWO supports corps, divisions, aviation brigades, and special operations forces. Coordination is essential for four reasons: D-17. The ACOS, G-2 (S-2) exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the staff weather officer. The surgeon is responsible for coordinating health assets and operations within the command, and may be a medical unit commander. Examples include maintaining-. Submitting recommendations to higher headquarters on professional medical problems that require research. Providing guidance for actions related to expediting the handling procedures for captured personnel, equipment, and documents. Get driver's license. A G-7 is authorized at corps and divisions. Employee also develops new policies and procedures as needed.d. Developing and revising unit force data for documenting any changes to the modification table of organization and equipment (MTOE) and modification table of distribution and allowances (MTDA). The PSYOP officer is responsible for synchronizing PSYOP operations with those of other IO elements and echelons. Advising the commander on the issues of religion, morals, and morale as affected by religion, including the religious needs of all assigned personnel. Coordinating external support requirements for supported units. Conducting formal, on-site manpower and equipment surveys. Corps and divisions are authorized a finance officer. Commanders may designate representatives to make these visits in their name. As you all know, many drill weekends can be spent inefficiently. Each adds these requirements into the overall command training plan, which the G-3 (S-3) maintains. An AVCOORD is authorized at corps and divisions. Providing US and non-US pay functions involving military, DOD civilian, foreign national, HN, civilian internee, EPW, and travel and miscellaneous pay. They also offer recommendations to each other and subordinate commanders. Assessing and recommending news, entertainment, and information needs of soldiers and home station audiences. Organizations from battalion through corps are authorized a surgeon. Equal Opportunity Advisor. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer. Preparing special studies and reports, based on assembled historical material. Coordinating and synchronizing ARFOR AMD with joint force AMD. The work requires modifications and adaptation of established methods and practices to meet rapidly changing requirements and doctrine to resolve problems.FACTOR 5 - Scope and Effect (Level 5-3, 150 Points) The purpose of the work is to ensure adequate logistical support for a variety of Combat Support Sustainment Battalion (CSSB). Ensuring staff work conforms to the mission, commander's guidance, and time available. Coordinating the attachment of the 1st IOC(L) Field Support Team and other specialized IO teams. Integrating air support sorties with the Army concept of operations. Collecting and processing demographic data concerning all aspects of EO climate assessment. It sounds like a good duty and that you dont have a lot of down time. Coordinating with and providing direction to other staff elements about issues and information. Synchronizing tactical operations with all staff sections. The IMCOORD, RI officer, and INFOSYS officer manage available networked means to collect, process, display, store, and disseminate RI needed to maintain and disseminate the COP. Determining requirements or opportunities for MD operations (with the G-2). The information management coordinator (IMCOORD), assisted by the RI and information systems (INFOSYS) officers, has overall responsibility for compiling RI developed by all staff sections. Staff members are not merely data collectors and transmitters. Coordinating dental activities with the command surgeon. Identify and update information requirements (IRs). Helping the G-2 (S-2) arrange indirect weather support, such as tactical unmanned aerial vehicles, for subordinate units. Advising on health and operational risks of animal disease, including possible biological warfare events. Preparing and distributing the external service support SOP that provides guidance and procedures to supported units. Helping the commander ensure that all soldiers have the opportunity to exercise their religion. Tactical and criminal intelligence collecting and reporting. Learned Professional, (See 5 CFR, 551.208 ) (Registered Nurses, Dental Hygienists, Physicians Assistants, Medical Technologists, Teachers, Attorneys, Physicians, Dentists, Podiatrists, Optometrists, Engineers, Architects, and Accountants at the independent level as just some of the typical examples of exempt professionals). Do what you can to keep maintenance operations seamless. Availability Pay Exemption - (e.g., Criminal Investigators, U.S. Customs and Border Protection pilots who are also Law Enforcement Officers). The SPO staff channels information to the transportation officer to allow for overall coordination, prioritization and decision-making by the support operations officer. I am the chair, but the BDE 4 is the decision maker. Evaluating and disseminating weather products and data, and making products and data available in a client/server fashion to other Army INFOSYS. The ISR plan produces an initial ISR order to answer initial CCIR, PIRs, and IRs. Coordinating on EPW and civilian internee pay support, and financial aspects of weapons bounty programs (with the finance officer and RM). Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Giving direction and guidance to the G-6 (S-6) and battle staff on how the CP supports the commander's exercise of C2. Developing the EA mission tasking based on the C2 target list, and issuing the EA target list. Providing physical security guidance for commanders. Guidelines cover most situations encountered; however, the incumbent must use judgment in developing the proper course of action to resolve the specific situations encountered. G-5 (S-5) responsibilities include-, D-73. Figure D-1. These recommendations are for information and assistance only. Provost Marshal. The COS (XO) exercises coordinating staff responsibility over special staff officers as listed in figure D-1 on page D-26. The historian is responsible for coordinating the documentation of the command's historical activities. Establishing INFOSYS to develop the COP (with the staff). The G-7 (S-7) has coordinating staff responsibility for the following staff officers: D-86. SW AST 15R - Social Program Officer (SPO) Assistant Position Classification Social Worker Assistant R15 Union GEU Location Burnaby, BC V3J 1N3 CA Coquitlam, BC V3K 7B9 CA Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2S1 CA Multiple Locations, BC CA (Primary) New Westminster, BC V3M 6H8 CA Port Moody, BC V3H 5C9 CA Salary Range $53,673.52 - $60,707.45 annually Close . Intelligence readiness includes-, D-51. Collecting, processing, and storing critical information about soldiers, units, and civilians. Recommending fire support coordinating measures to support current and future operations; managing changes to them. Defectors, EPWs, and multinational commands when appropriate schedules with the overall command training,! E.G., Criminal Investigators, U.S. Customs and Border Protection pilots who also... Of and expediting requests for special EOD tools, equipment, and directing all support! Expediting the handling procedures for captured personnel, equipment, and demolition materials Fort Lee, Virginia data and. 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