what happened to ethan mccord

Wired.com: What did you understand that to mean? Reuters also stated that local police described the attack as "random American bombardment". It wasnt like a cry of pain really. Josh states that these casualties demonstrate the impact of U.S. military policy on both the civilians and the soldiers on the ground. US Soldiers from Wikileaks Collateral Murder Video Apologize. Now, as far as rules of engagement, [Iraqis] are not supposed to pick up the wounded. And cracking jokes is a way of pushing that stuff down. Soldier Ethan McCord's Eyewitness Story, "Shadowed, Clamoring, Blurry. McCord: She had a stomach wound and she had glass in her eyes and in her hair. "[4] The New York Times wrote that "Critics contend that the shorter video was misleading because it did not make clear that the attacks took place amid clashes in the neighborhood and that one of the men was carrying a rocket-propelled grenade. [29], A crew member requests authorization to engage after seeing five or six of the men moving in the direction of U.S. We did unto you what we would not want done to us.". But youyou talked about the fog of war. McCord, together with another former member of the company, Josh Stieber, have addressed an open "Letter of Reconciliation" to the Iraqi people taking responsibility for their role in this. [17] Julian Assange said "permission to engage was given before the word 'RPG' was ever used". [59] Reuters requested a copy of the full video under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) on the same day. The soldier in the video said that your husband shouldn't have brought your children to battle, but we are acknowledging our responsibility for bringing the battle to your neighborhood, and to your family. I don't think that people really want to see this, though, because this is war. Both of these men, Chmagh and Tomal, were killed in the second strike, and two of Tomal's children were badly wounded. [56], The Washington Post reported it was unclear whether the journalists were killed by U.S. fire or by shooting from the targeted Iraqis. [38] The children, a girl and boy, suffered injuries. A third, an infantry solider named Ethan McCord, was one of the men who had scooped up the bodies of the wounded children in the apache helicopter attack, what is now known as the "Collateral. Among the group were two Iraqi war correspondents working for Reuters, Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen. Hanzlik said images gathered during a military investigation of the incident show multiple weapons around the dead bodies in the courtyard, including at least three RPGs. [18][25][31] The Apache crew requested permission to engage, stating it "looks like [the men] possibly, picking up bodies and weapons" from the scene,[33] and repeated their request to shoot,[7][34][35][36][37] before they received permission to begin firing on the van and its occupants. However, personally I don't feel that the attack on the van was warranted. "[111] An article at Gawker stated that Reuters reporter Luke Baker had written an article claiming that the airstrikes may have been war crimes, but Reuters refused to run the story. What was shown in the Wikileaks video only begins to depict the suffering we have created. In 2009, Stieber left the military as a conscientious objector and became a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. Wired.com: But you had been in combat before. Manning's Providence Inquiry", "US military video showing 2007 Apache attack on Iraqi civilians released", "Leaked video shows US military killing of civilians, Reuters staff", "Permission to Engage: WikiLeaks collateral murder footage examined", "US soldier linked to Iraq helicopter video leak charged", "Leaked U.S. video shows deaths of Reuters' Iraqi staffers", "WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange tells Colbert permission to engage was given before the word RPG was ever used", "Leaked video reveals chaos of Baghdad attack", Investigation into Civilian Casualties Resulting from an Engagement on 12 July 2007 in the New Baghdad District of Baghdad, Iraq, "Gates said leaked military video of shooting in Iraq doesn't show the broader picture of Americans being fired upon", "Records released to the public, under the FOIA, that are or will likely become the subject of subsequent requests", "July 12, 2007 Baghdad airstrike transcript", "Video expands notoriety of WikiLeaks site", "WikiLeaks reveals video showing US air crew shooting down Iraqi civilians", "The pictures that prove US helicopter gunships opened fire on Iraqi civilians", "Calls for inquiry into Apache attack on Iraqi civilians", "U.S. Military Releases Redacted Records on 2007 Apache Attack, Questions Linger", "Wikileaks reveals video showing US air crew shooting down Iraqi civilians", "Video shows deaths of two Reuters journalists in Iraq in 2007", "Massacre Caught on Tape: US Military Confirms Authenticity of Their Own Chilling Video Showing Killing of Journalists", "Military Raises Questions About Credibility of Leaked Iraq Shooting Video", 'Let Us Shoot': US Troops Fire On Journalists, Legal Glance on the Baghdad Helicopter Shooting | Peanik, "U.S. Responsibility for civilian deaths in such encounters rests with those who violate the rules of war. [Then] we were just told to move to this [other] location. Forces Clash With Militias", "Reuters seeks U.S. probe into killing of Iraqi staff", "Return to Ward 17: Making peace with lost comrades", "Bradley Manning's statements during his trial", "U.S. gunfire kills two Reuters employees in Baghdad", "WikiLeaks silent on how it broke encryption", "Twitter / WikiLeaks: Have encrypted videos of U", "WikiLeaks posts video of 'US military killings' in Iraq", "Collateral Murder? I did see a guy moving from a rooftop from one position to another with an AK-47, who was firing at us. Our heavy hearts still hold hope that we can restore inside our country the acknowledgment of your humanity, that we were taught to deny. An Apache maneuvered around a building to get a clear field of fire and shot all nine men, killing eight. A passing van then stopped and attempted to load a wounded man. Ad Choices, U.S. This is his account of what he saw. I have a huge place in my heart for children, having some of my own. The footage was portrayed as classified,[7] but the individual who leaked it, U.S. Army soldier Chelsea Manning,[a] testified in 2013 that the video was not classified. Since then, McCord has been receiving threats to him and his family on a regular basis. [47] The Australian newspaper said the group was displaying "no obvious hostile action". Michael Bailey a medic who treated some of. Ethan McCord who says he scooped up the children and at least one of his comrades say the incident revealed the bankrupt brutality of the war. Colbert asked "So 'Collateral Murder' is to get political impact?" I always questioned it in the back of my mind. "[60], Early in 2010, the Internet whistleblower site WikiLeaks made a public request for assistance in decrypting a video it described as "US bomb strikes on civilians", specifically requesting access to supercomputer time. As the pilot positions the helicopter to attack the building, two unarmed men walk towards, and perhaps into, the building. One second later he screams, "He's got an RPG!" It shouldn't have surprised you what you saw. [115], While the Air Weapons Team was providing support at the first engagement area they were informed by ground troops that they were receiving small arms fire from the south/southwest. Our secretary of defense may say the U.S. won't lose its reputation over this, but we stand and say that our reputation's importance pales in comparison to our common humanity. [47] Greenwald called the second airstrike a "plainly unjustified killing of a group of unarmed men carrying away an unarmed, seriously wounded man to safety". It's painful to see, especially when you learn after the fact what was going on. [58], On July 25, 2007, during an off-the-record briefing in Baghdad by the U.S. military, two Reuters editors were shown "less than three minutes of video from the Apaches gun camera, up to the exact moment it opened fire the first time." We lost our country and our lives were destroyed. McCord: I've spoken with one of the medics who was there. She wrote that the co-pilot urged a dying, unarmed journalist to pick up a weapon as he tried to crawl to safety and that "the Apache crew open[ed] fire on civilians". Gabriel Schoenfeld, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute, said of the airstrike: It is precisely the presence of weapons, including RPGs, that goes a long distance toward explaining why cameramen for Reuterspointing television cameras around corners in a battle zonewere readily mistaken by our gunships for insurgents. "The helicopters were approximately a mile and a half away and they were zooming in on these guys . The ground controller responds, "If you've [positively identified] the individuals in the building with weapons, go ahead and engage the building". McCord's courage and integrity has nothing to do with his US army training. It claimed reporters' "furtive attempts to photograph the Coalition Ground Forces made them appear as hostile combatants". McCord: There were approximately two to three other people who were moving who were still somewhat alive, and the medics were attending to them. [39][40] Just as the van was destroyed, U.S. ground troops made their final turn and arrived on the road with the van. [57], Reuters reported that it could locate no witnesses who had seen gunmen in the immediate area. Lawmakers are increasingly hellbent on punishing the popular social network while efforts to pass a broader privacy law have dwindled. I wasn't thinking about it as much. [43] It concluded that an investigating officer would want to know how the armed men were identified as combatants from the earlier engagement; would question the nature of the collateral-damage estimate carried out by the crew before the missiles were launched; and would wish to determine whether a missile attack was a proportionate response to the threat. [50] In a later interview on the World Socialist Web Site, Stieber said that the attack "exposes so clearly the fallacy of using war as a tool of foreign policy or as a way to supposedly spread 'freedom and democracy' around the world".[51]. He is seen swinging the weapon below his waist while standing next to the man holding the RPG". Apache helicopters were called in by a soldier in the Humvee (Hotel 26) under attack from the same position used by Namir Noor-Eldeen to photograph the vehicle. McCord: I doubt that they were a part of that firefight. Towards the end of the show, the star actor became an active member of the Screen Actors Guild and after he left "Adam-12." The soldier, Ethan McCord, has since been discharged from the military and has been an outspoken voice against the Iraq War. As Russia has accelerated its cyberattacks on its neighbor, it's barraged the country with an unprecedented volume of different data-destroying programs. I didn't know if he was telling me that just to get me to shut up and to do my job or if he really found something out. The promise we make to our sources is that not only will we defend them through every means that we have available technologically, legally and politically but we will try and get the maximum possible political impact for the material that they give to us. [59], An internal legal review by staff at Forward Operating Base Loyalty in Iraq during July 2007 stated that the helicopters had attacked a number of armed insurgents within the rules of engagement, and that in an apparent case of civilian casualties two reporters working for Reuters had also been killed. There's no easy way to kill somebody. McCord: I have never seen anybody being shot by a 30-millimeter round before. There's also some soldiers who joke about it [as a] coping mechanism. FAIR USE NOTICE: This page contains copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Ethan and Josh claim that though their unit was following the Rules of Engagement that day, they are taking responsibility for their role in the incident and initiating a dialogue around it; "Though we have acted with cold hearts far too many times, we have not forgotten our actions towards you. On April 5, 2010, the attacks received worldwide coverage and controversy following the release of 39 minutes of gunsight footage by the Internet whistleblower website WikiLeaks. You can hear the medic saying on the video, "There's nothing I can do here, she needs to be evac'd." We did unto you what we would not want done to us. Seven men were killed, including Noor-Eldeen and Chmagh, with three others being wounded. [78] Gates stated: "They're in a combat situation. Ethan McCord pulled your daughter and son from the van, and when doing so, saw the faces of his own children back home. McCord was captured in a video shot from one helicopter as he ran frantically to a military vehicle with Sajad in his arms seeking medical care. [45][114], "Cameramen and armed insurgents" (all captions from the Army report), "Cameraman peering around corner of wall", "Pictures taken by ground forces after reaching the site". Well in all actuality, we brought the battle to your kids. Assange responded: Yes, absolutely Our promise to the public is that we will release the full source material. Soldier Ethan McCord speaking about the civilian massacre documented in WikiLeaks's April 2010 vid. [61] The longer video shows the third attack, in which Hellfire missiles were fired into a building.[43]. [21][79], The New Yorker praised its release, calling it "a striking artifactan unmediated representation of the ambiguities and cruelties of modern warfare".[3]. He is seen swinging the weapon below his waist while standing next to the man holding the RPG. It was nominated as a Documentary Short Subject for the 84th Academy Awards. [68], Stephen Colbert, in an interview with Assange in April 2010, asked him about the title: "You have edited this tape, and you have given it a title called 'Collateral Murder'. So, the first thing I did was grab the girl. The company was charged with clearing their sector of any small armed forces, and had been under fire from small arms and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs). That classified video created its own firestorm. Stuff like that happens on a daily basis in Iraq. "[32][77] He said that WikiLeaks "does not point out that at least one man was carrying an AK-47 assault rifle. They were stating that these people had no weapons whatsoever, that they were just carrying cameras. For about 5 to 10 minutes the team diverted its attention to this vehicle. In an Al Jazeera English interview on April 19, 2010, WikiLeaks' Julian Assange explained why WikiLeaks titled the video Collateral Murder: And you can see that they also deliberately target Saaed, a wounded man there on the ground, despite their earlier belief that they didn't have the rules of engagementthat the rules of engagement did not permit them to kill Saeed when he was wounded. Just from looking into the van, and the amount of blood that was on the boy and the father, I immediately figured they were dead. [17], In an interview with Fox News Assange said that "it's likely some of the individuals seen in the video were carrying weapons" and "based upon visual evidence I suspect there probably were AKs and an RPG, but I'm not sure that means anything. Major Brent Cummings claimed they took great pains to prevent the loss of innocent civilian lives. How is this guy supposed to [decide] should I stop and pick them up, or is the military going to shoot me? Seven men (including Noor-Eldeen) were killed during this first strike; Saeed Chmagh, who was injured, later died in a hospital. The flood of emotions came back. Knowing that I was part of the system that took their father away from them and made them lose their house it's heartbreaking. In the video, you can clearly see that they did have weapons to the trained eye. I'm going to help that person. (The quote begins at 12:22 in video, and the shot that killed Saaed is at 12:25)", "Stephen Colbert Interviews WikiLeaks Founder", "US veterans write apology letter to Iraqis following WikiLeaks video", "We killed your father I'm heartbroken", "Widow of Iraqi killed by US troops in video 'accepts apology' after letter", "Airstrike Video Brings Attention to WikiLeaks Site", "Elliptical vs. treadmill: Which will give you the better workout? They're smoking you, they're making you tired. [15] An anonymous U.S. military official confirmed the authenticity of the footage,[16] which provoked global discussion on the legality and morality of the attacks. Daniel Ellsberg, a former United States military analyst who was known for having leaked the Pentagon Papers to the media, said of the airstrike: It would be interesting to have someone speculate or tell us exactly what context would lead to justifying the killing that we see on the screen. How to Make Sure Youre Not Accidentally Sharing Your Location, Security News This Week: Sensitive US Military Emails Exposed. After the non-combatants were clear Crazyhorse 1/8 engaged the targets. The boy's alive!" [18] Both helicopters strafe a group of ten men with 30 mm rounds once they became visible again. It was a scene that had played repeatedly in his mind the last three [], All the Settings You Should Change on Your New Samsung Phone, Its Time to Fall in Love With Nuclear FusionAgain, Give Your Back a Break With Our Favorite Office Chairs, Fat, Sugar, Salt Youve Been Thinking About Food All Wrong, Apple Users Need to Update iOS Now to Patch Serious Flaws. [96] Her trial on the remaining charges began on June 3, 2013. He responded, "I hadn't heard of WikiLeaks before yesterday. After getting permission to fire, the Apache crew fired on the van. And where the soldier said [in the video], "Well, you shouldn't take your kids to battle." [21], The Air Weapons Team (AWT) of two Apache AH-64s from the 1st Cavalry Division had been requested by the 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment (216), 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Kauzlarich, before July 12 to support Operation Ilaaj. Part of Banksy's, This page was last edited on 20 February 2023, at 21:26. The crew then reposition the helicopter and fire two more missiles into the upper floors of the building[44], WikiLeaks said in the preface to one of their videos of the incident that "some of the men appear to have been armed [although] the behavior of nearly everyone was relaxed" in the introductory text of the shorter video. We're sorry for the system that we were involved in that took their father's life and injured them. We are doing what we can to speak out against the wars and military policies responsible for what happened to you and your loved ones. It could be that since he and Amelia (Sigrid Thornton) have quit. Ethan McCord, a 33-year-old Army specialist, was engaged in a firefight with insurgents in an Iraqi suburb in July 2007, when his platoon, part of Bravo Company, 2-16 Infantry, got orders to. [2], After the U.S. military concluded that the actions of the soldiers were in accordance with the law of armed conflict and its own "Rules of Engagement", WikiLeaks released the classified Rules of Engagement for 2006, 2007 and 2008, revealing the rules before, during, and after the attacks. 2023 Cond Nast. McCord added, "I don't say that Wikileaks did a bad thing, because they didn't. We took her in there and we're checking to see if there were any other wounds. There were plenty of times in the past where other insurgents would come by and pick up the bodies, and then we'd have no evidence or anything to what happened, so in looking at it from the Apache's point of view, they were thinking that [someone was] picking up the weapons and bodies; when, in hindsight, clearly they were picking up the wounded man. Our heavy hearts still hold hope that we can restore inside our country the acknowledgment of your humanity, that we were taught to deny. [81], Publicity of the incident ballooned following the release of the footage. Their request was denied at the briefing and they were told to seek access under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. [25] Glenn Greenwald of Salon.com said that "the vast majority of the men were clearly unarmed". Instead, the Apaches decided to completely obliterate everybody in the van. "[32], The Guardian stated "It is unclear if some of the men are armed but Noor-Eldeen can be seen with a camera". Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy, convicted of six counts of espionage", "Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy for giving secrets to WikiLeaks", "BBC News Bradley Manning guilty of espionage in Wikileaks case", "Manning Gets 35 years for wikileaks disclosures", "Bradley Manning Sentenced To 35 Years In Prison For WikiLeaks Disclosures", "Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in prison live updates", "Judge sentences Bradley Manning to 35 years", "Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's prison sentence", "Obama's final press conference: Chelsea Manning commutation is 'appropriate', "The WikiLeaks Video and the Rules of Engagement", "Exclusive: Reuters Chief Spikes Story on Killing of His Own Staffers In Baghdad", "US 'reviewing' Iraq killing video posted on WikiLeaks", "Ingi Ingason Ragnar and Kristinn Hrafnsson awarded International Journalism and Human Rights Award at Barcelona Human Rights Film Festival", "Verleihung des Whistleblower-Preises 2011", Whistleblower-Preis 2011 geht an Kernforscher, Collateral Murder: U.S. The WikiLeaks edited video did not add arrows pointing to these men, or label them, as it did with the men carrying cameras. [64] The footage was released during an April 5 press conference at the US National Press Club, and subsequently on a designated website titled Collateral Murder. Two children were found in the van, a four-year-old girl with gunshot wounds and embedded windscreen glass wounds and an eight-year-old boy with multiple wounds, including brain damage arising from shrapnel damage to his right temporal lobe. [67], WikiLeaks released a 39-minute version, which shows all three incidents, and a 17-minute version, which shows only the first two incidents. Ethan McCord, who was one of the first soldiers on the scene in the 2007 attack, told Wired.com that he saw several weapons at the scene, including a rocket propelled grenade launcher. There's houses behind where the van was. A draft version of the video WikiLeaks produced made reference to the AK-47s and RPGs, but WikiLeaks said that ultimately they became unsure about the RPG, believing the long object could have been a camera tripod, so they decided not to point it out in the released version. [17] Politifact stated: "When Assange points out in the context of justifying the title 'Collateral Murder' that the word 'RPG' was not used until after permission to engage was given, he leaves the impression that the soldiers were given the okay to open fire on a group of unarmed men, or men believed to be unarmed. All rights reserved. [91], In May 2010, a 22-year-old American Army intelligence analyst, Chelsea Manning, was arrested after telling hacker Adrian Lamo she had leaked the airstrike video, along with a video of another airstrike and around 260,000 diplomatic cables, to WikiLeaks. But the video and accompanying audio make clear that the soldiers in the helicopter said they spotted 'weapons' among those in the grouplater identified by an internal army investigator as an AK-47 and an RPG. On the same day as the NPR interview, Finkel was asked how he had seen the unedited video and whether WikiLeaks had shown it to him. The Push to Ban TikTok in the US Isnt About Privacy. In the video, you can clearly see that they did have weapons to the trained eye." In the first strike, the crews of two Apaches directed 30mm cannon fire at a group of ten Iraqi men, including some armed,[17][18][19] standing less than 100 meters away from U.S. ground troops at a location where insurgents earlier that day had attacked an American Humvee with small arms fire. However, the co-pilot/gunner then observed a child and some other non-combatants in the vicinity of the individuals and decided to hold off on the engagement until the non-combatants were clear. McCord was captured in a video shot from one helicopter as he ran frantically to a military vehicle with Sajad in his arms seeking medical care. Highlighted in the 17-minute version of the video are Noor-Eldeen with a camera and Chmagh talking on his mobile phone. I'm guilty of it, too, myself. BACKGROUND ON JOSH STIEBER: Branch of service: United States Army (USA) Unit: 1st ID Rank: Spc. I grabbed the medic and we went into the back. Wired.com: How much sniper fire were you getting? If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. On July 12, 2007, a series of air-to-ground attacks were conducted by a team of two U.S. AH-64 Apache helicopters in Al-Amin al-Thaniyah, New Baghdad, during the Iraqi insurgency which followed the invasion of Iraq. She continued, "the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are inflicting huge psychological damage on combatants". So I just sucked it up and tried to move on with everything. [43] The report stated that the helicopter crew did not know how many people were in the building when they destroyed it with missiles, and that "there is evidence that unarmed people have both entered and are nearby". But for Army veteran Ethan McCord, it was just another day on duty. I was called a pussy and that I needed to suck it up and a lot of other horrible things. [86], Ethan McCord, the soldier seen in the video carrying the injured boy, recalled in an interview on The Marc Steiner Show that on arrival at the scene, "The first thing I did was run up to the van". He looked at me, then his eyes rolled back into this head. [88], McCord requested mental health assistance following his experiences on July 12, but was told by his superior officers to "get the sand out of [his] vagina" and to "suck it up and be a soldier". The girl suffered from a stomach wound and glass in her eyes, and the boy a head injury. This is the problem that we're speaking out on as far as the rules of engagement. Solemnly and Sincerely, Josh Stieber, former specialist, U.S. Army Ethan McCord, former specialist, U.S. Army. As the ground troops advanced, a wounded Chmagh was seen crawling and attempting to stand. McCord: My platoon sergeant knew that I was having a hard time with it and that same night he came into the room and he told me, hey, just so you know, both of the children survived, so you can suck it up now. In July 2007, McCord, a 33-year-old Army specialist, was engaged in a firefight with insurgents in an Iraqi suburb when his platoon, part of Bravo Company, 2-16 Infantry, got orders to investigate a nearby street. Both children were said to have been evacuated to the 28th Combat Support Hospital via Forward Operating Base Loyalty, then transferred to an Iraqi medical facility the next day. Ethan McCord was a U.S. soldier on patrol in Baghdad in July 2007 when he came upon a scene he says he'd never encountered. That's not leaking, that's a pure editorial." There's no before and there's no after". They were destroyed. [42] According to the internal legal review, the helicopters engaged a group of armed insurgents, and that some were seen entering a nearby building. I based the account in my book on multiple sources, all unclassified". To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Ethan McCord was a member of the military unit in "Collateral Murder" - the Wikileaks video showing 12 Iraqis being killed from a US helicopter.He rescued the two children severely wounded in the attack and is now speaking out to corroborate the Collateral Murder video. Ethan Cord (Horsley) is still a man with a conscience, and kids, but he is also less reluctant to rely on his ability with a gun. That's a violation of the laws of war and of course what the mainstream media have omitted from their stories is this context. "Our forces were engaged in combat all that day with individuals that fit the description of the men in that video. ", The letter, which they hope to get to the family who lost their father and whose children were injured in the attack, states that they "are acknowledging our responsibility for bringing the battle to your neighborhood, and to your family. More and more Americans are taking responsibility for what was done in our name. We are both soldiers who occupied your neighborhood for 14 months. They're trained as soldiers to go into a building and clear a building. Talking on his mobile phone copyrighted material the USE of which has not been specifically authorized the... That these casualties demonstrate the impact of U.S. military policy on both civilians. Engage was given before the word 'RPG ' was ever used '' and shot all nine men killing. 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