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The advance continued across the Prum and Nims Rivers, 2527 February. She has very little memory of him and would really like some information (btn, company, pltn, anything really). Train Station in Chicago. The 417th was detached from the 76th Division and attached to the 5th Division in late January or early February 1945 for the crossing of the Sauer River from Ecternach to Ecternachterbrook. Company I - about the end of February 1945. Nickname: Onaway Division; formerly called Liberty Bell Division. Shoulder patch: An escutcheon with a red field and a blue chief, separated by an olive drab line; a three-pronged white device is superimposed on the blue chief. A bullet (apparently a richochet) struck my right heel circling around between the two layers of leather where it lodged for a few days before disappearing. It landed at Le Havre, France, 12 January 1945, and proceeded to the I did not know what I After crossing the Rhine at St. Goar, we were on what was known as mopping up operations. 7,000 troops were taken from the 76th to build up forces for the impending invasion of France (D-Day) during April 1944. colors of the field, the device, and the chief are the national colors. 417th Regiment The unit was again redesignated on 1 October 2005 as the 1st Battalion, 76th Field Artillery Regiment. After crossing the Rhine at St. Goar, we were on what was known as mopping up operations. rarely spoke of his injuries or his experiences and he him! to help me interpret some of the things that I have! 1945. 4341 Isabella Street, He is trying to remember things so I can write them down. The Division moved to Beine east of Reims and then to Champlon, Belgium, 23 January, to prepare for combat. 1st platoon Co. B 417 inf, And a picture of my Father standing in front of a tent at Camp Lucky Strike, France. Does anyone have a WWII unit history for the 417th Inf.Reg, 76 Div.? 417th 76th regiment 'Always First," 1945, 33 leaves. Thomas E. Ryan was killed in action 6 Feb 45. Furthermore, there is the History of the First Battalion of the 417th Infantry Regiment: "ALWAYS FIRST" - THE FIRST BATTALION, 417TH INFANTRY REGIMENT (1945, Gera, Germany ? My platoon was dug in on high ground in the woods in the Sauer River area. An Infantryman's pride is to be able to wear the "Combat Infantryman's Badge". The headquarters was organized on 1 September 1921. - Coming to an area like a town square, North, using his best high school German asked a lady for eggs -- she immediatly starting yelling at the top of her voice and all the people grabbed their children and disappeared into their houses - pretty soon a young attractive blonde came out and asked in perfect english "what do you want" and North said - we are looking for eggs. e-mail: [email protected]. to anyone who may have served with him and has an interest. on November 3, 2012. Hope you can use the enclosed material for your project. The 3 of us got down on our back sides and slid the rest of the way down. The Engineers attempted building a bridge across the river but were not successful in keepng it in place till about February 10 or 11. Copies of the After Action Reports, Combat Records and G-Journals (G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4 and G-5 - the journals give information to further important records, reports and documents!) He was shot in the foot. 76th Infantry Division Onward or Liberty Bell Division, US Army; 8. We stopped and when they got close enough we challenged the unknown individual. Maj. Gen. Emil F. Reinhardt (June-December 1942)Maj. Gen. William R. Schmidt (December 1942-July 1945)Brig. Walked (mostly) from that location to about 40 miles south of Berlin at time of Germans surrender. I, 417th Infantry, (9 August 2008) the time) I have no first hand accounts of my Dad in WWII. Battalion 417th Infantry Regiment Any iformation on him would be appreciated. I'd appreciate any information. For the last 10 plus years I have been trying to locate members of Co F, with little success. Once the Engineers were able to establish a bridge across the Sauer River, Armored Vehicles(Tanks) were able to cross the river to aid the Infantry which had been cut off for several days. The division was formed on 1 October 1934 in Wrzburg under the cover name Artilleriefhrer V.With the announcement of German rearmament, the division was He was One such incident is: The 248th Rifle Division was formed in the Moscow Military District as a reserve infantry division of the Red Army just days after the German invasion of the USSR. Shipped out on the Oueen Mary - New York to Scotland (5 day trip) no escorts - zig zagged across the Atlantic changing course every 7 minutes to prevent enemy subs from sighting in on us (18th birthday in the middle of the Atlantic). Finally, on 30 march 1945 we reached the larger town of Schmitten where the Krauts were making a stand. As we moved to another town, more white sheets were hanging from windows, more Krauts were surrendering and more resistance was encountered. USAF, SMSgt, Retired. Moe Zazyck, KIA, 417th Infantry, (30 Nov. 2003) It was based on the shtat (table of organization and equipment) of April 5, 1941 with modifications due to the emergency.It was formed at Vyazma and would remain in the 23rd Infantry Regiment, US Army; 29th Infantry Division Blue and Grey , USA; 2nd US Army; 3. NAME:PFC Thomas E. Ryan, 417th Infantry, 1st Battalion Anyone who knew him or of him Web417th Infantry Regiment 76th Infantry Division April 28th, 2018 - NAME Lawrence J Selegue 417th Infantry F Company 4th Platoon My name is Lawrence J Selegue I was a member of the 76th Div 417 Bn Co F 4th platoon For the last 10 plus years I have been trying to locate members of Co F with little success Answers to Review Questions Brands The white device was a medieval English heraldic symbol meaning The only ones I do remember in addition to Pvt. On a moonless night I was on a 4 man patrol to hook up with our troops in St. Goar, it was pitch black out and you had to hold onto the pack of your buddy in front of you to stay together. I am interested if they have a roster. She stiil talks about seeing him off in early 1944 at the Dearborn 2. I only served with the unit from the end of February until about the first of August 1945, consiquently, after all these years my memory does not contain many names. My grandfather was Pvt. The combined Sadly, my dad was an intensely private, stoic man who We later learned that the town was defended by 200 German SS troops. The advance continued across the Prum and Nims Rivers, 25-27 February. and sisters are dead. He was wounded and captured outside of Trier, Germany. The guys all cracked up. at the best online prices at eBay! Clyde H. Horning. Reg. He was shot in the foot. I was attached to 3rd Battalion commander as a runner and gofer for period of time during the crossing and after. e-mail: [email protected], NAME:PFC Verlon M. Horton, KIA, 417th Infantry (12 July 2007) I don't think we hit him. If someone has it and can post any info about Kish that would be great. An Infantryman's pride is to be able to wear the "Combat Infantryman's Badge". the period he spent as a member of Company G, 417th Infantry, 76th and was still in the hospital when his mother died (of "Onaway" I received some info from the U.S. Army Resource Command, and have also written to the National Personnel Records for his Military Personnel Records. Hill Military Reservation near Fredericksburg, Virginia. I managed to crawl back to the ditch to get out of the way, and there I stayed (moving in and out of consciousness) until I was taken to the rear by our medics. Edward T. Allen, My Father, Sgt. 086 079 7114 [email protected]. WebThe 76th Infantry Division arrived in England, 20 December 1944, where it received additional training. and/or Ulrich Koch: [email protected]. WW 1 US Army 83rd Division 332 Infantry Regiment Patch Inv# 204. I have gotten only a little information and it has been a Those that made it across the river the 1st night ran into mine fields just across the river and many were killed or wounded there. My platoon was in single file going around a bend in the road (dead Krauts off to the sides) to enter the town. We managed to cross by moving from rock to rock. I know he had a lower leg and possibly chest wound Lots of luck and success on your endeavor. The 417th Infantry sailed on the SS Marine Raven. would be great to learn more about him and the 417th in general. He had bright "red" hair and was from a small coal mining & farming community called Smoke Run, Pennsylvania. Traveled by train from Scotland to England -- crossed the English Channel on Higgins Boats landing on the beach at Le Harve, France (Harbor was destroyed on D-Day). 1994 Topps Heritage American Heroism #AH-WWII6 76TH Infantry Division NRMT !!! When traveling with tanks we were permitted to ride on the tanks when not under fire. The history states the 76th Infantry Division arrived in England on Dec. 20, 1944, where it received additional training. Is it possible that you could post on you webside an inquiry to see if there is anyone out there who may have known him. Peter Aronson "First Battalion, 417th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division," 1945, 17 leaves, he cites only one copy at Carlisle Barracks. He was a secondary school Most of its troops were used as replacements for front line units which reduced the division to 7,000 troops. When traveling with tanks we were permitted to ride on the tanks when not under fire. However, a couple of times I was pinned down - once in the ditch alongside the road. Gerald: I served in Compay M, 3rd Battalion, 417th Regiment. (One man had blisters on his feet and was riding with the kitchen). Thank you so much for reading this. After getting into the town I learned that my platoon was regrouping in a house up a road to the left. The current 76thORC is organised as follows:[8]. Although I had bullet holes in the back of my clothes and a bullet lodged in my boot I have always felt like that was my closest call. 76th Armoured Regiment, Indian Army.jpg 375 500; 33 KB 76th Punjabis, Indian Army.jpg 640 710; 68 KB 7th (Indian) Infantry Division, Indian Army.png 500 500; 9 KB Our troops were all over the place, many in bunches just getting past the first house. (Tried to sell us colored water as wine - etc etc) Was assigned to the 417th Inf. to help me interpret some of the things that I have! WebLINEAGE. We do Ordered into active military service: 15 June 1942 at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland The road was zeroed in with mortars and machine-gun fire. Krauts were coming out of some doors with their arms in the air surrendering to us as we marched by. My name is Lawrence J. Selegue. have his purple heart. I am not sure whether there was a history for the 417th. 1. Train Station in Chicago. Yonkers, squad leader of the 3rd squad, Our fearless B.A.R. First Sgt John Scudder I was ordered with another soldier to take a wounded Lieutenant to the Battalion Aid Station for medical care. 417th Infantry Regiment: 00.00.0000-00.00.0000: We reported the incident and the barking dogs. A bullet (apparently a richochet) struck my right heel circling around between the two layers of leather where it lodged for a few days before disappearing. Battle Cry: "ONAWAY" The "alert" signal of the Chippewa Indian warriors upon whose ground the 76th Division had trained. You might try the used book websites, but good luck. wounds and actions while in the 417th between 15-21, Feb. It landed at Le Havre, France, 12 January 1945, and proceeded to the Limesy concentration area. Association: 76th Infantry Division Association, 6 South Calvert Street, Baltimore 2, Md., Brig. I have his honorable discharge papers and according to them he was a heavy mortar crewman, he was awarded the EAME with 2 Bronze Stars, Good Conduct Medal, World War II Victory Medal. NAME:PFC Michael A Abatemarco, Co. G, 417th Infantry, 2nd Battalion Our troops were all over the place, many in bunches just getting past the first house. 01118413-782-3890 I don't think we hit him. I ran up that road to the entrance of the yard then turned left into the yard and up about 8 or 10 steps to the front porch -- as I neared the top step my legs collapsed and I fell flat on the porch -- at that instant a bullet splattered in to the wall of the house in front of me -- As I rose to my feet the platoon Sgt reached out the door - grabbed my hand and yanked me into the house before the sniper could get off another shot. When we got to the river the river was narrow and the water low at this point. Major General Miles Davis is the current commanding general. The town of Grietz had moderate resistance and as we were clearing the town, house by house, I went through one house from front to back and into the back yard and as I passed a storm cellar with the door open I got a glimpse of movement in the cellar -- stepped back - and was pulling the pin on a grenade when a german civilain came up the steps shouting "nix Schision" and pointing back into the cellar - I took another look and saw that the cellar was full of civilians - mostly women and children. bodies were on the street - some having been ran over by tracked vehicles and some with their throats slit. Daphne(Barnes)Houze In passing through a number of farm towns (I don't remember their names) white sheets were hanging from many windows, there was little or no resistance from the enemy. Did not like French people encountered enroute along the RR Tracks. Michael Abatemarco, NAME:PFC John E. Barnes, Co. L, 417th Infantry, 3rd Battalion. This was followed by advanced training in July 1943 at A.P. 086 079 7114 [email protected]. I think the date was March 1945. A sniper was shooting at us. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for RARE ORIGINAL WW1 PATCH US 23rd INFANTRY REGIMENT MACHINE GUN COMPANY 2 Several G.I. Dear Sir, Publication: We Ripened Fast, The Unofficial History of the 76th Infantry Division; by First Lt. Joseph J. Hulnick and Tech. Because of this (I was 7 at man, Poncho (nickname) from Arizona or New Mexico. The Regiment was filled out by replacements and never achieved its original combat power again until the end of WWII. Had I tossed that grenade I would have had to live with that horror for the rest of my life. 76th Infantry Division shoulder sleeve insignia, Army Battle Casualties and Nonbattle Deaths, Final Report (Statistical and Accounting Branch, Office of the Adjutant General, 1 June 1953), United States Army Reserve Chemical Command,, "Premier Army Reserve Command gets new name", "U.S. Army Reserve > Commands > Functional > 76th ORC", "Army Reserve Chemical Brigade reactivated during historic ceremony",,, Infantry divisions of the United States Army, United States Army divisions during World War II, Military units and formations established in 1917, Training divisions of the United States Army, United States Army divisions of World War I, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, "Onaway Division," "Liberty Bell Division", Activated: August 1917 at Camp Devens, Massachusetts, 301st Train Headquarters and Military Police, 301st, 302nd, 303rd, and 304th Ambulance Companies and Field Hospitals, Ordered into active military service: 15 June 1942 at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, Awards: MH-2; DSC-11; DSM-1; SS-176; LM-5; SM19; BSM-1,312; AM-58, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 76th Infantry Division Artillery, 901st Field Artillery Battalion (105&155 mm), 76th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized), Headquarters, Special Troops, 76th Infantry Division, Headquarters Company, 76th Infantry Division, 14 January 1945: Fifteenth Army, 12th Army Group, 19 January 1945: VIII Corps, Third Army, 12th Army Group, 22 April 1945: VIII Corps, First Army, 12th Army Group, 11 May 1945: VIII Corps, Ninth Army, 12th Army Group, HQ United States Army Reserve Elements and Augmentations, Nickname: Onaway Division; formerly called "Liberty Bell Division.". Participated in the mopping up operations of the Rhineland - Held up a couple of days at Oberweissel on the Rhine. Company C . Most of his records were destroyed by fire in 1973. are in the National Archives, Washington, D.C., and Suitland, MD, in Carlisle Barracks, PA and possibly in Fort Benning, GA (Research Library of the Infantry School). From March 2020 to August 2020, Brigadier General Douglas A. Cherry served as acting commanding general. painstakingly slow process. Clyde H. Horning. We got the Lieutenant to the Battalion Aid Station then were ordered to watch 3 Kraut prisoners for a short while before returning to our position. My great uncle T/Sgt. My platoon was in single file going around a bend in the road (dead Krauts off to the sides) to enter the town. at the best online prices at eBay! disinterred and reburied in New York with a military funeral. Company I - about the end of February 1945. Further notes can be found in the histories of the 304th and 385th Infantry Regiments and in the After Action Reports of the companies and battalions of the 417th Regiment or the G-Journals of the 76th Infantry Division (until now, unfortunately, this one hasn't been evaluated - all restrictions are lifted since 1992!) Hi, The 4th Brigade, including the 1-76th Field Artillery, continued to serve in that country into 2008. Web32nd Infantry Division: 33rd Infantry Division : 34th Infantry Division : 35th Infantry Division : 76th Infantry Division "Onaway" 77th Infantry Division : 78th Infantry Division : 417th Infantry Regiment : Airborne. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1994 Topps Heritage American Heroism #AH-WWII5 36TH Infantry Division NRMT !!! Schmitton was the first major battle I was in after joining the unit and a couple of days after the battle several of us were rehashing the battle and I asked in all seriousness if I was now qualified for the Combat Infantryman's Badge. My wife's uncle PFC "first son". According to the War Department, he We are now enjoying our life in a Retirement Community ajacent to a public golf course and visiting with our two sons, seven grand children and six great grand children. Traveled to Replacement Depot in Belgium by train (Box Cars). WebAkins, Thomas W. MAJ, "Operations of Company "E", 442nd Infantry Regiment, Attached to 92nd Division, at San Terenzo, Italy, 20-23 April 1945" (Po Valley Campaign) Albright, Barry E. CPT, "Operations of the 2nd Battalion, 508th Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, in the Invasion of Normandy, 5-13 June 1944" (Normandy Campaign. Company B. There was a hail of fire in front of me which I could reach out and touch. e-mail: [email protected], My great uncle T/Sgt. After arrival in France in July 1918, the division, less its 302nd Infantry Regiment and 151st Field Artillery Brigade, was designated as the 3rd Depot Division on 3 August 1918. Schmitton was the first major battle I was in after joining the unit and a couple of days after the battle several of us were rehashing the battle and I asked in all seriousness if I was now qualified for the Combat Infantryman's Badge. Hello, My name is Daphne(Barnes)Houze and I am the daughter of WebAwardsAll countriesAustralia (1901-present, Federal Monarchy)Belgium (1830-present, Constitutional Monarchy)Canada (1931-present, Constitutional Monarchy)France (1870 The woods were so thick that you could only see perhaps 20 to 30 yards in the prone position, standing you saw nothing. Did not like French people encountered enroute along the RR Tracks. Shipped out on the Oueen Mary - New York to Scotland (5 day trip) no escorts - zig zagged across the Atlantic changing course every 7 minutes to prevent enemy subs from sighting in on us (18th birthday in the middle of the Atlantic). View Photo Apparently both times they thought they had got me, and stopped shooting. We went into the town down a narrow road along side a rather deep creek (Canyon) on our right with the enemy firing at us from the town in front and a wooded area on the other side of the creek. Rollin E. Allen was a member of the 417th Inf. bodies were on the street - some having been ran over by tracked vehicles and some with their throats slit. Both shots knocked me down and both times I thought I was hit. Company B. Most of his records were destroyed by fire in 1973. In May 1959, the Division was re-designated and reorganized as the 76th Division (Training) with the mission of training initial (basic) entry soldiers of various branches and in later years the division also became able to train infantry volunteers or draftees. 'S pride is to be able to wear the `` combat Infantryman 's pride is be. You can use the enclosed material for your project One man had blisters on his feet and riding! Beine east of Reims and then to Champlon, Belgium, 23,! Members of Co F, with little success out and touch a runner gofer! Times they thought they had got me, and proceeded to the river the river was and... Or 11 ( I was hit in Compay M, 3rd Battalion, Regiment. # 204 acting commanding general mostly ) from Arizona or New Mexico rarely spoke of his injuries or experiences. It and can post Any info about Kish that would be appreciated current commanding general Schmidt ( 1942-July. 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Rotation About A Point Desmos, Brooke Bundy Measurements, Articles B