Take some time to cast a wacky worm or creature bait under a few boat docks, too. California remains the top big-bass state in the West, but most experts agree that in the last 20 years their hopes that the state would produce a new world record have dimmed. Best Spotted Bass 20 Bass Records: How Does Your State A small straight-tailed worm on a drop-shot rig is often a great choice. If you were wondering, Mac caught the beast on a white-skirted jig. The fishermen couldn't tell whether the male or female was hitting the jig when Weakley set the hook at about 6:40. Firstly, there are great numbers of small to medium-sized largemouth bass at Lake Casitas, located in the hills of Ventura County. Mysid shrimp are most numerous where salt levels are 120 percent of sea water. Weakley sounded fairly calm at the time of this interview, but Winn said that wasn't exactly the case on the water earlier today. Read up on the best bass fishing techniques and tips. The bass wasnt just a massive fish. However, in 2009, a new world record largemouth bass came around thanks to a young Japanese angler. El Cap, as its known to locals, has been around a while. "Would I be disappointed? Indeed, Weakley was so out of sorts that he insisted Winn hold up the big bass for the obligatory snapshots. Occasionally, some good catches of either early spawning, or late migrating, bass are made in the bays during the spring. A 5-pound female may spawn 180,000 eggs in one season and a 15-pound fish is capable of producing over a million eggs. But in this tight group of fishing friends, it's all in the family, especially when it comes to the pursuit of world-record bass. What is it with southern California and big bass? The milt contains microscopic sperm cells which penetrate the eggs and cause them to develop. Conor McGregor shows up? However, Mac and his fishing crew decided, of their own volition, that there was too much controversy surrounding the catch, and they didnt want their world-record catch to be muddied because of their catch and release methods or the issues with measurements and foul hooking. This means that you cannot net in opportunistic catches, you have to watch for foul hooks, and if you plan on having your fish recorded, you need to take proper action to ensure youre doing everything by the books. Dickerson believes the 25.1-pounder is the exact same fish that vaulted him to the No. There are still big bass in there, but these days most anglers focus on 1,100-acre Lower Otay Lake. The fish was not entered into the California bass fishing records, but it was on file, and it was more than two pounds lighter upon its original catch date. No abalone species may be taken in California at this time. I really don't care about money. Many of them have been caught before, and theyre wary. Go fishing in places like Daiwa, Gamakatsu, and Shimano, and you're likely to find largemouth bass in the water. The eggs hatch in about two days, although the length of time may be somewhat shorter or longer depending upon temperature; hatching is quickest in warm water.
Combine these ingredients with a bountiful forage base, including a generous winter stocking of put-and-take, protein-rich, hatchery-reared rainbow trout, and you have a super-size strain of Micropterus salmoides, a k a the largemouth bass. Meyer's fish was also caught at California's big spotted bass factory, Bulllards Bar Reservoir. Flanagan1949South Dakota9 lbs, 3 ozHudson Gravel PitRichard Vierick1999Tennessee15 lbs, 2 ozChickamauga LakeGabe Keen2015Texas18 lbs, 2.8 ozLake ForkBarry St.Clair1992Utah10 lbs, 2 ozPowell LakeSam Lamanna1974Vermont10 lbs, 4 ozLake DunmoreTony Gale1988Virginia16 lbs, 4 ozConnor LakeRichard Tate1985Washington12 lbs, 8 ozLake BosworthBill Evans2016West Virginia9 lbs, 9.9 ozDog Run LakeEli Gain2001Wisconsin11 lbs, 3 ozRipley LakeN/A1940Wyoming7 lbs, 14 ozPrivate PondDustin Shorma1992. An official decision on record status usually is reached one month after the application is received. Were going to start this list off with an official state record surrounded by controversy. At just 72 acres, Dixon Lake might be a surprisingly small lake to yield world-record bass, but there isnt always a connection between big water and big fish. Another very large one, weighing 112 pounds, was caught in Massachusetts many years ago. When this was first discovered, it was thought that Sandy had potentially placed the weight in the fish to increase its weight, and Sandys record was almost rescinded. 20 of the top 25 LMB were taken from February through May. Smaller boats are well suited to the more sheltered fishing grounds such as the Napa River and its marsh, the Suisun Marsh, the sloughs of the Delta, and the upper Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. To this day, Perry is still theofficial record holder. Many anglers prefer to fish from private boats because they provide greater privacy and more freedom than charter boats in selecting fishing spots. San Francisco Bay also produces some good shore fishing during summer and fall. WebCalifornia State Record Spotted Bass 252,750 views Mar 11, 2015 1.5K Dislike Share Save TacticalBassin 484K subscribers **UPDATE!! When Raymond Easley caught his historic 21-pound, 3-ounce largemouth on March 4 1980, it was the largest bass anyone had recorded since George Perry's All-Tackle monster in 1932. About one-half to two-thirds of the eggs are spawned in the Sacramento River and the remainder in the Delta. If the claims are true, Johnny Garduno is probably one of the most ninja-like anglers to have ever gotten on the water. WebIn 1976, Dave Zimmerlee left the dock in San Diego with a Zebco 100 Spincast, and he came back with a massive, 20.15-pound, record-shattering bass. Trophy Black Bass Certificate Program Trophy Black Bass Program was adopted by the California Fish and Game Commission in February, 1993 under the Black Bass Conservation and management Act of 1980. It was the largest fish caught in California, and it was the second largest bass caught in the world. Because humans are mammals also, these roundworms may infect people who eat raw or undercooked fish containing larval worms. In the Delta, threadfin shad are probably now the most common bait. On live bait, Johnny pulled in a 20.4-pound bass and immediately set out for the weighing station to get it, and his name cemented in the record books. Its definitely a popular place on warm spring and summer weekends. However, when Perry heard about a big fish contest that the folks over at Field & Stream magazine were holding, he decided to enter. Summer surf casting from the San Francisco beaches is occasionally very successful. Most of those bruisers hail fromthe lakes were about to explore here today, and some came within a hairs breadth of breaking the world record, caught by George Perry on a small Georgia lake in 1932. Most also choose to use light, low-visibility fluorocarbon lines to combat bass ability to see their lure coming a mile away. Today, we want to illustrate just how great of a bass producer California can be by listing off its extremely impressive bass records one-by-one. So he never even considered pursuing a world record. What many San Diego locals refer to as Otay Lake is actually two connected lakes: Upper Otay Lake and Lower Otay Lake. Easley was fishing with a few of his buddies out on Lake Casitas in California. 1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605 | [email protected]. top 25 largemouth bass. WebBetween February 1990 and March 1991, four bass weighing more than 20 pounds were pulled from Castaic, including Bob Crupis still-supreme 22-pound, 0.5-ounce state record. The problem with finding the best bass lakein Southern Californiaif you can call it a problemis that there are simply too many great lakes to choose from. WebTen-pounders are fairly common at Clear Lake, and there may be no other lake in Northern California that cranks out more 3- to 7-pound bass. (Note: Head north and there are some very good spotted bass fishing lakes in California.). Trophy Black Bass Certificate Program Trophy Black Bass Program was adopted by the California Fish and Game Commission in February, 1993 under the Black Bass Conservation and management Act of 1980. For instance, some fish remain in the American and Feather rivers during the summer and good fishing sometimes occurs in San Francisco Bay in the spring. As much as wed like to tell you that a world-record bass catch means you get a bunch of glory and fame, its actually a bit more stressful. However, officials only entered his name in the California bass fishing records after accounting for the 2.5-pound weight increase and removing it from the total, hence, he is officially credited with a 19.063-pound bass. Pine Flat Lake has held the title more than once, most recently with a 10.27-pound bruiser brought in by Bryan Shishido during a tournament in 2001. Stripers are very prolific. Luckily for him, this single catch was able to feed his six-member family for two consecutive dinners. "It's simply because there are people who are out there who didn't think a bass can grow to more than 22.25 pounds," said James Hall, editor of Bassmaster magazine. The fish here can be tough to catch, which has resulted in many fishermen turning their attention elsewhere. Fisheries Branch 9.). In a few years, striped bass were being caught in California in large numbers. Trophy Black Bass Certificate Program Trophy Black Bass Program was adopted by the California Fish and Game Commission in February, 1993 under the Black Bass Conservation and management Act of 1980. Perry caught this world-record bass fishing out on Lake Montgomery in Southern Georgia. It's a thought that has crossed all of our minds. No one knows for sure but Lake Biwa is said to have "schools" of 20+ pound bass that gorge themselves on the carp population there. Meyer's fish was also caught at California's big spotted bass factory, Bulllards Bar Reservoir. FUN FACT: Crupi, a former policeman that is now retired, is a regular Castaic Lake fisherman. "Had they not released the fish alive and I think releasing it is the right thing to do I think they might have made quite a bit of money," Hall said. At times, five or more groups of bass were observed spawning at once. * State law presently prohibits the take of giant (black) sea bass, bronzespotted rockfish, cowcod rockfish, yelloweye rockfish, statewide. It was the largest fish caught in California, and it was the second largest bass caught in the world. "Ideally it would have been caught in the mouth and ideally it would not have been released and ideally it would have been weighed on a certified scale. Unfortunately, during the 1930s, world records didn't exist yet. In all likelihood, its probably a case of fishermen not showing good sportsmanship and claiming ethical infractions to keep an almost unbeatable record from being set. Claimed by many to be a mark that could never be eclipsed, the largemouth-bass record has become the thing of legends. Striped bass eggs are slightly heavier than water, so a moderate current is needed to suspend them while they develop. He currently ties George Perry's IGFA record due to a "2-ounce rule" the IGFA has on fish under 25 pounds. There are countless records in the teens, and plenty more that cover circumstantial catches such as youth catches, double catches, and more, but these four all highlight one theme, the after-effects of catching a record-breaking bass, and just how complicated it can be to have a bass entered into the record books. "I feel good, awesome, in fact," said Weakley, 32, of Carlsbad, Calif, who used a white jig with a skirt and rattle on 15-pound line to boat the brute. Reservations are desirable for trips on charter boats and they are usually handled by phone through a bait shop. They were introduced from the East Coast, where they are found from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Alabama. Fortunately for the naysayers, the fish was documented by anglers with impressive resumes Weakley and Dickerson each already are officially recognized for boating top-15 bass of all-time at Dixon Lake and they claim to have witnesses, photo evidence of the catch and video documentation of today's behemoth on the scale. At the time, Hickox was only 11-years-old, breaking the Junior angler record. Dulleck, who caught the record Feb. 12 on New Bullards Bar Reservoir in Northern California, is now recognized as the all-tackle world record-holder by the International Game Fish Association. Most spawning occurs between 61 and 69 degrees and the spawning period usually extends from April to mid-June. The most iconic record in all freshwater angling is arguably the all-tackle record for largemouth bass. This is when the hook isnt properly set in the side of the jaw, but instead gets hooked elsewhere or even gutted. "I just grabbed for whatever was closest. The secret often lies in targeting the right cover. Editor's note: Mac Weakley has decided not to pursue the world record. Some records date back to George S Perry's world record bass in 1922 while others state records seem to be broken every year. The desert reservoir on the Colorado River is shared with Arizona, which hosts the largest for people heading to the border at Lake Havasu City. Twenty-one of the top-25 bucketmouths have been caught here. Back then she weighed 21.7 pounds, and quite clearly she still is a big fish in a small lake. Yep, Winn swung and missed, which is surprising to anyone who saw him skillfully gaff saltwater fish on the fly when he was a second captain on a charter boat out of Santa Barbara, Calif., in an earlier career. Ironically enough, the Japanese government declared largemouth bass a "nuisance" some time ago, often carrying out plans to get rid of them altogether. Northern strain largemouths were originally introduced here in 1891, so you have a real shot atcatching bass that are the direct descendants of the states very first largemouths. Another thing to be aware of: The current state record largemouth bass was caught within a few feet of Upper Castaic Lakes main boat ramp. Heavy line is often necessary to pull baits and bass through thick, tangled cover. Many bass spend this period feeding in the bays, particularly San Francisco Bay. The winter is a period of slow growth, during which a series of closely spaced rings form around the edge of each scale. Lake Castaic was already known as a big bass lake, but that 13-month span really put it As such, Dave immediately fell under extreme scrutiny. Oftentimes the best tactic at Lake Isabella is to cast your bait right into the thickest, most intimidating brush and weeds you can find. See the Emergency Closures page before visiting a CDFW office, facility or property. Either way, we all could literally be one cast away from from the bass fishing record books. You can have a great day here chasing 5-pounders until your arms get sore. We took a look at the state fishing records (based on weight) that are listed on official websites of wildlife agencies or from other official sources to rank the top 20 for largemouth and smallmouth bass, and the top 10 for spotted bass. Striped bass often spawn in large schools. Either way, the fish is a California bass fishing record, and its among the top bass caught around the world. Can the PFL's new women's featherweight division thrive without Kayla Harrison? Overall, March is the best time to be on the water if youre after trophy largemouths. While trout-imitating swimbaits are the lure of choice for many here, Lake Castaicalso has a lot of shad. Various soft plastics can also be rigged on darter heads, which is a favorite option among many local fishermen. Having fished in Wisconsin for a while, I'm shocked theState Largemouth Bass Record is over 11 lbs, as I didn't know double-digit LMBs even existed there! "It's the same fish I caught three years ago," said Dickerson, 33, a casino-industry employee from Oceanside, Calif. "I knew this was a world record before we even weighed it. The fall migration of bass to the Delta may start as early as October, even though fishing may still be excellent in San Francisco and San Pablo bays at this time. The far northern end of El Capitans long, narrow main arm is a popular area to fish. When Sandy caught it, he wanted to be credited in the record books, and he got it officially weighed before sending it off to a taxidermist for a replica to be made. With a surface area of a little over 1,500 acres when full, El Capitan Reservoir has numerous shallow coves and deep, steeply sloped main lake points that hold bass throughout much of the year. San Diego Countys 110-acre Lake Cuyamaca has fallen under the radar for bass fishing. This article focuses on the best largemouth bass fishing lakes and reservoirs near Los Angeles, San Diego, and the rest of Southern California. Many charter boat operators in the bays and guides in the Delta and on the upper Sacramento River make a business of taking anglers striped bass fishing for a fee. Its hard to imagine a more beautiful fishing destination. Otherwise, your catch of a lifetime might be struck from the records. Many have come close, and many more are still hopeful. Search all columns or a specific column to filter data; click on column header to sort by that data field. The aptly named Boat Dock Cove is a great area to fish, and bass often seek shelter beneath the docks. So, they decided not to pursue the record. Though bass fishing is one of the world's most popular watersports, record breaking fish are hard to come by. Jigs and crawfish-imitating soft plastics are great here too, but its best to rig them Texas-style to get them through weeds and brush unscathed. "People are going to start calling me Mac," he said. Both are packed with bass. 2309 Roosevelt Suite D, Arlington, TX 76016, Top 4 California Bass Fishing Records EVER (2022 Updated). The other internal parasites of concern are roundworm larvae of the genera Anisakis and Phocanema. Unfortunately, his buddies were not very good anglers, so Easley decided he would teach them how to properly fish for live crawfish. Not at all," said Weakley, who is a supervisor at a casino in Oceanside. Weakley now plans to submit his catch along with photos, video, the line and the scale for verification by the International Game Fish Association, the most-recognized keeper of angling records. "To tell you the truth, I have a good job and I do all right, and I really don't give a (second thought) about it at all. Weakley already has a 19.44-pound bucketmouth considered No. A few resorts rent skiffs and outboard motors. Just be sure to release spawning bass so they can continue to replenish the population. This can lead to severe digestive problems, including stomach tumors and peritonitis. "Ultimately, however, the fact that he boated a 25-pound largemouth needs to be recognized. There's the fact that the fish was foul-hooked. Hall notes that there is the potential for a lot of cash to be associated with a world-record largemouth bass. By phone through a bait shop Suite D, Arlington, TX 76016, top 4 California bass fishing on! 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