12 (Blue) 7.25am Other charges for costs incurred, such as special tuition fees, will be notified during the year and are payable on demand. Edarabia.com - All Rights Reserved 2023 | Principal, Mrs J Lendrum. You may also contact school using the Schoolcomms system (for which you must be registered) using the number 01287244005 please ensure you make contact before 9.00 am on each day of absence. (2) Carryduff, Saintfield Road If a pupil leaves the College or if he/sheno longer lives locally, a relative or friend cansign for the certificates: just let us know beforehand so that we can check they are here/ have them ready. (2) Comber Road, Tullycarnet, City Centre 7A (Metro) (every 25 minutes) Dark charcoal grey, traditional school trousers. Applications should be received by the College by the middle of April each year to allow information to be sent to parents regarding the entrance assessments which are held in early May each year. WebFees Fees Notes You will receive details of the amount payable in respect of the above fees and contributions, together with an explanation of the payment options that are available, at the beginning of the academic year or at the time of a subsequent admission. %PDF-1.5
(2) Cregagh Road, City Centre Summary of 2013 results. 15 (Blue) 15.15pm (outside Centra on Malone Road) WebSeveral prominent Belfast Methodists began a campaign to have the school built in Belfast. WebFees Admissions Videos Inquiry +971 Send Inquiry Methodist College Belfast, or Methody as the College is commonly known, is one of Northern Ireland's leading grammar schools, with an outstanding reputation for academic excellence and an impressive record of achievement in music, drama and sport. Please click here to open the PDF containing the summary of grades for 2016, including the distribution of grades by subject. 2014 GCSE Level results as a percentage of the presentations. For pupils already at the College it may be necessary to reapply each September as the Education and Library Boards do not alwaysautomatically reissue a travel pass, particularly in the case of 5th form pupils entering the 6th form. If Methodist College is named as the first preference school the transfer form is received by the Principal. Return No. The criteria for admitting pupils to places in Lower Sixth have been approved by the Board of Governors of Methodist College Belfast. The College may not be able to course some subject combinations. WebDue to Covid-19 restrictions, the College will be holding a virtual Open Evening and information will be posted on the College website. Please contact us using the details below: 028 90 205217 For a breakdown of results by subject, please read theAnnual Prospectus 2014-15 (2) Ballygowan, Saintfield, Carryduff, Stranmillis Road All requests for planned absence should be made at least three days in advance. These criteria are published on the Education Authority's website and the College website. Homework Timetables and Assessment Information, Methody Singers to sing at The Coronation, Membership of Former Pupils Association (final year pupils). WebWelcome to Methodist CollegePreparatory Department & Preschool Beginning the journey to excellence Methodist College Preparatory Department and Preschool is non-denominational and co-educational; we excel at providing a diverse and inclusive learning environment. %%EOF
You may also contact school using the Schoolcomms system (for which you must be registered) using the number 01287244005 please ensure you make contact before 9.00 am on each day of absence. WebWelcome to Methodist CollegePreparatory Department & Preschool Beginning the journey to excellence Methodist College Preparatory Department and Preschool is non-denominational and co-educational; we excel at providing a diverse and inclusive learning environment. Tel: +442890205205 Show Number; Inquire . Our uniform identifies pupils as part of the Methodist College community and instils pride in it. WebFees Admissions Videos Notes You will receive details of the amount payable in respect of the above fees and contributions, together with an explanation of the payment options that are available, at the beginning of the academic year or at 7A/7B (Metro) 3.23pm, every 7 minutes behind QUB (or if going home later, take bus from Centra - see Ballynahinch information), Roselawn/ Castlereagh Hills Area Deviations from these regulations on the grounds of religious beliefs may be permitted. Depart (1) 103 (Blue) enters 8.10am in to Dunmurry from Dunmurry Seymour Hill Pupils are discouraged from wearing valuable items in school. Return No. March. 028 9020 5205. The Board of Governors requires the withdrawal of any pupil for whom fees are not paid, following due consideration by the College Principal. Edarabia.com - All Rights Reserved 2023 | February. The eligibility criteria are the same as those used for free school meals. Absence due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances,should now be reported via the School Gateway App. are arranged outside school hours. [email protected]. Wed love to show you around our wonderful school, please get in touch and well be happy to arrange a tour or answer any questions you may have.
Founded by the Methodist Church in 1865 the College is a non-denominational, co-educational grammar school, where pupils of all faiths and none are welcomed into a safe, supportive and inclusive environment. The College will distribute travel passes after they have been issued but the original application must be made to the Board. <>
Our dedicated and experienced staff work hard to create a nurturing environment where each child is encouraged and challenged to be the best that they can be. A former Methodist College Belfast pupil has left the school a "transformational" donation of 13.5m in his will, its principal has said. These achievements are founded on the dedication and hard work of the pupils and the staff, supported by the parents. in septum, on eyebrow, on lip). WebAbsence due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, should now be reported via the School Gateway App. CAPITAL FEE: 140 per annum. WebAdmissions - Methodist College Belfast, or Methody, is one of Northern Ireland's leading grammar schools, with an outstanding reputation for academic excellence. Cristina Lua, Fullerton House Parent. 244 candidates, 100% of the year group, entered for 7 or more GCSEs If you have signed up to our App or Schoolcomms system you will receive a text if your son/daughter is neither in Tutor group registration nor registered elsewhere in the school and we have not received a text or telephone call from you. Individualism is not an acceptable reason to depart from the regulations. Privacy Policy - This means that for the majority of students entry to Lower Sixth will require them to have achieved a minimum of 3 B Grades and 3 C Grades at GCSE including English Language and Mathematics; Grade B or above in each of the subjects to be taken at A level (or in a related subject if the A subject is first available at that level - see note 1); Students may request to take a 4th subject if they: Intend to apply for a university course that requires 4 A Levels or, Are studying Mathematics and Further Mathematics at A Level or, Have another compelling reason to study an additional subject. WebFees Admissions Videos Notes You will receive details of the amount payable in respect of the above fees and contributions, together with an explanation of the payment options that are available, at the beginning of the academic year or at The application of the criteria is delegated to an Admissions Panel consisting of the Principal, the Vice Principal (Admissions) and one other member of the Senior Leadership Team. We are proud of our happy, bright, confident children who move onto secondary education confident in their abilities and skills. WebWed love to show you around our wonderful school, please get in touch and well be happy to arrange a tour or answer any questions you may have. Alternatively parents may contact the appropriate Administrative Assistant by phone (see below) who will record the details, or you can leave a message via voicemail. WebMETHODIST COLLEGE BELFAST TREASURERS REPORT Continued 2 A summary of the results for the year is as follows: Total Secondary Dept. Methodist College Belfast, or Methody as the College is commonly known, is one of Northern Ireland's leading grammar schools, with an outstanding reputation for academic excellence and an impressive record of achievement in music, drama and sport. Methodist College Preparatory Department and Preschool isnon-denominational and co-educational; we excel at providing a diverse and inclusive learning environment. WebMethodist College Belfast. February. WebDue to Covid-19 restrictions, the College will be holding a virtual Open Evening and information will be posted on the College website. You may also contact school using the Schoolcomms system (for which you must be registered) using the number 01287244005 please ensure you make contact before 9.00 am on each day of absence. 93% achieved 7 or more GCSEs at A*- C including English and Maths <>>>
(2) No.6A (Metro) every 10 minutes, Depart (1) No. in contact sports mouth guards and shin guards are worn; in sunny weather sun cream should be applied. Route (1) Comber Bus Station, Upper Newtownards Road, City Centre A non-denominational, co-educational grammar school, where pupils of all faiths and none are welcome If for any unavoidable reason a temporary deviation from the Uniform Regulations is required, a written request should be made to the Head of Form. Terms & Conditions - 7A (Metro) 3.23pm, behind QUB Certificates will only be posted out in exceptional circumstances and the College will not take any responsibility for certificates that are lost in transit. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 9 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.56 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
(2) No. Arrive Regular intervals (10 minute journey) (2) Cairnshill, Forestside, Ormeau Road, QUB Those achieving higher grades will be selected before those achieving lower grades. Preschool Department Fees 2022/2023 Payment options for fees and others costs incurred can be provided upon request by contacting Susan Hampton . endobj
18H (Blue) 15.25pm (outside Centra on Malone Road), Depart (1) Four Winds - No. If you would like to be added to the waiting list to have your application considered please complete the following form: Discount From Tuition Fee for Second Sibling, Discount From Tuition Fee for Third Sibling, Discount From Tuition Fee for Fourth and Successive Siblings, Homework Timetables and Assessment Information, Methody Singers to sing at The Coronation, Preschool After School Club - 1pm - 5.30pm. Return Every 10 minutes, Depart No. The Methodist Conference allotted the remaining 2000 left from the purchase of the Dublin site to Belfast so long as they could raise 8000 extra with the added proviso that no building could take place until they had raised 10,000. Alternatively, they can be contacted on 028 90 66 66 30. . A non-denominational, co-educational grammar school, where pupils of all faiths and none are welcome WebMETHODIST COLLEGE BELFAST 1 Malone Road Belfast BT9 6BY Telephone No: 028 9020 5205 Fax No: 028 9020 5228 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: www.methody.org Principal: Mr S Naismith MA Chair of Board of Governors: Rev Dr J Unsworth CAPITAL FEE: 140 per annum. 98% achieved 5 or more GCSEs at 5A*- C Payment options for fees and others costs incurred can be provided upon request by contacting Susan Hampton. Methodist College has a long tradition of commitment to pastoral care, and places great emphasis on the moral and social welfare of its pupils in addition to their intellectual, physical and cultural development. WebMethodist College Belfast. They willNOTbe posted out to the pupil as we require the certificates to be signed for. Your email address will not be published. If a pupil has lost their certificates, the College cannot replace them and does not have copies. 4C & 4D (Metro) (from City Centre), Route Oldpark Road, Carlisle Circus, City Centre, Return No. Today it is a school renowned for the opportunities it provides for its pupils, the diversity of its community and the excellence of the all-round education that it provides. Parents have interviews with the Principals of primary schools or preparatory departments. The skirt should be worn to sit at knee level as shown below. The application of the criteria is delegated to an Admissions Panel consisting of the Principal, the Vice Principal (Admissions) and one other member of the Senior Leadership Team. If Methodist College is named as the first preference school the transfer form is received by the Principal. However, in exceptional circumstances, if your son/daughter has to miss part of a day, a full day or more than one day then you should contact the school via the App or Schoolcomms system. Our outstanding teaching staff are positive, inspirational role models who ensure that children are happy and thriving. 18H (Blue) 7.45am Summary of 2011 results. Fullerton House Pre-School and Prep are situated at the Lisburn Road end of the main campus. It should not be altered in terms of length. Once a pupil has been accepted into the College,an application form fora travel passcan be obtained from the Education & Library Board website or the College Rolls & Records Department. 6 Things to Consider when Searching for a Masters Degree Program, Education Policy Reform in the UAE: Building Teacher Capacity. 3A (Metro) (May Street in City Centre) 3.45pm (every 10 minutes), Depart No. In the CCEA exams at GCSE level,Ellen Tully was first in MIA, Edward Small joint first in Economics and Peter Cox was joint third in Additional Mathematics. 556 talking about this. The decision regarding pupil eligibility for a bus or train pass lies with the Education and Library Board for the area in which the pupil lives. Principal, Mrs J Lendrum. 20 (Metro) 7.45am (every 10 minutes) About this school. stream
PE and Games Uniform should be purchased from the shop located in the College, with the exception of those Items marked *. March. hbbd```b``5 %"4@$1XL> , V/$AdF9~$ S&md`V ]
Applicants to Lower Sixth must have achieved the following academic entry requirements: Note: (1) A related subject is a subject taken at GCSE which requires comparable skills to a proposed A Level subject. hb```f``5ADb@A&$X~|``(Mo`Tz0 Infringement of the uniform regulations will result in the issue of a sanction in line with the Colleges Positive Behaviour policy. 4D (Metro) 7.35am (Ulster Hospital Start Point) Replace them and does not have copies for admitting pupils to places in Lower Sixth have issued... And skills a diverse and inclusive learning environment work of the Methodist College is named as first... 'S website and the College will be posted on the dedication and hard work the... Our uniform identifies pupils as part of the main campus, inspirational role models who ensure that children happy! They have been issued but the original application must be made to the of! 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