modic type 1 endplate changes treatment

changes modic disc disease spine preoperative study journal When solely looking at the patients with MC1 (about two thirds of the patients), disability was reduced by 2.3 units (95% CI: 0.4-4.2) on RMDQ, still far from the required minimal reduction of 4 units as planned. lumbar intervertebral discs; linking anatomy, pathology and imaging. 1). She just had a neurosurgical consult at which she was informed that her MRI confirmed DDD without neurological tissue compromise at L4-5 level. Propionibacterium acnes infected intervertebral discs cause vertebral bone marrow lesions consistent with Modic changes. Can we reconcile these conflicting data about the underlying cause of Modic type 1 vertebral government site. We do not capture any email address. posterior lumbar interbody fusion for treatment of lumbar disc herniation In a study of 60 patients with severe chronic LBP and single-level DDD treated with instrumented fusion, Esposito et al36 showed that patients with type 1 Modic changes had excellent results and improved much better than patients with type 2 changes whose clinical outcome was poor. Modic type I endplate change is the most controversial and important of the three types described (see Modic endplate change). Modic type 3 changes are hypointense on both T1WI (A) and T2WI (B). There are reports of similar percentage of the type of problems you, unfortunately, have to deal with, being diagnosed in workers performing physically challenging and sedentary roles. 3. If you believe that this Physiopedia article is the primary source for the information you are refering to, you can use the button below to access a related citation statement. Modic MT, Steinberg PM, Ross JS et-al. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25063369. The association between Lambrechts MJ, Brush P, Issa TZ, Toci GR, Heard JC, Syal A, Schilken MM, Canseco JA, Kepler CK, Vaccaro AR. PloS one. Modic type II change: hyperintense on T2WI (C upper), hyperintense on T1WI (D upper) at superior endplate of L3. Perilli E, Parkinson IH, Truong LH, Chong KC, Fazzalari NL, Osti OL. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2015;36(12):2394-2399. In a study of 56 patients treated with anterior lumbar interbody fusion for LBP, Chataigner et al35 found that patients with type 1 Modic changes had much better outcomes than those with isolated DDD and those with type 2 changes, in whom the results were generally poor. The exercise regimen is formulated by the physical therapist. FOIA MRI. 2010;10(19):1-45. In a randomized controlled trial, Korhonen et al28 found that infliximab, a monoclonal antibody against TNF-, was no more effective than placebo in the treatment of disk herniationinduced sciatica. In addition, the number of TNF immunoreactive cells in endplates with Modic type 1 changes was higher than those with type 2 changes. Jun 25. Review. Sagittal T1. However, their significance in the monitoring and treatment of the disease remains unclear. 2023 Mar 28. doi: 10.1007/s00586-023-07673-w. Online ahead of print. Epub 2011 May 5. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 19). There are usually three types of Modic changes namely Type I, Type II, and Type III. Kelly's main concern at the moment is that her gratifying but physically taxing profession has caused her back problems and continues to damage her spine. Modic Changes are also associated with inadequate healing and recurrent disc herniation. carefully monitoring your functional status and symptoms, and communicating regarding safe sustainable level of work with your employer, promptly bringing any relevant changes or concerns to your doctor's attention, supervising and adjusting the mode and intensity of your non-aggravating therapeutic and conditioning exercises to maximize their beneficial physical and psychological effects, completing an ergonomic evaluation of your workplace and collaborating with you and your employer on implementing changes to minimize a number of aggravating tasks, while being able to effectively complete your work assignments, performing spinal mobilizations and soft tissue massage to provide temporary relief of symptoms at times of aggravation, helping to achieve self-reliance and independence with managing your low back pain. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Eur J Radiol. WebEstimate of 18-24 months was provided for transition form type I to type II though others feel that much larger longitudinal studies are required to support this idea. Accordingly, spinal fusion has been considered by some surgeons for the treatment of patients with lumbar disc herniation, chronic low back pain, and Modic changes. Enter multiple addresses on separate lines or separate them with commas. Spine J 2010;10(8):659-675. The stability of type 2 changes has been recently questioned by several authors.5,12,14 Kuisma et al12 studied the natural history of Modic changes in 60 nonoperated patients with sciatica. PubMed PMID: 24974423. Modic These authors later postulated that type 3 changes represent the sclerotic stage of DDD.3. Systemic Pharmacologic Therapies for Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review for an American College of Physicians Clinical Practice Guideline. Are serum thyroid hormone, parathormone, calcium, and vitamin D levels associated with lumbar spine degeneration? Type 1 change can enhance and be painful. The Spine Journal. Studies suggest that there is a strong relationship between Modic changes and back pain, especially Modic change type I. 1988;166(1 Pt 1):193199. combined with Modic endplate changes. The numbers in the parentheses (1, 2, 3) are clickable links to peer-reviewed scientific papers. The authors concluded that patients with chronic LBP and type 1 Modic changes had more frequent instability requiring arthrodesis than those with type 2 changes. In 2013 a randomized, double-blind, controlled study demonstrated significant improvements in CLBP patients demonstrating Modic changes type 1 on their MRI scans and undergoing long-term oral antibiotic treatment (100 days). In contrast, type 2 changes were associated with fatty degeneration of the red marrow and its replacement by yellow marrow. [Epub Modic type I changes are seen much more frequently in patients with low back pain (46%) compared to asymptomatic general population (6%) 1 . The stretching and strengthening of back muscles is achieved with daily follow up exercise. Albert HB, Briggs AM, Kent P, Byrhagen A, Hansen C, Kjaergaard K. Eur Spine J. WebEstimate of 18-24 months was provided for transition form type I to type II though others feel that much larger longitudinal studies are required to support this idea. the lumbar spine: prevalence, risk factors, and association with disc 2010;19 (7): 1200-5. Vital et al26 concluded that Modic type 1 changes correspond to edema of vertebral endplates and subchondral bone. 2 Jensen OK, Nielsen CV, Sorensen JS, et al. Spine. There were no complications related to the procedures. An official website of the United States government. Modic changes of the lumbar spine: prevalence, risk factors, and association with disc degeneration and low back pain in a large-scale population-based cohort. In contrast, other MR imaging findings such as advanced disk degeneration and high-intensity zones were found to be much less specific for diskogenic LBP. In one patient decreased signal was noted on both short and long TR/TE imaging. Physical examination findings may not be useful for differentiating between clients with and without MC and characteristic of degenerative disk disease. In this paper, we review the literature relevant to this topic and discuss the currently available evidence regarding the pathologic and clinical significance of Modic changes. These marrow changes were not present adjacent to normal disks. Modic type I endplate change. More controversial is a 2013 study 4 which suggested that patients with isolated Modic I changes on imaging with only chronic lower back pain as a symptom (and no clinical or laboratory evidence of infection) responded clinically to protracted antibiotic administration with statistically significant improvement in disease-specific disability-RMDQ, leg pain and lumbar pain 4. Martnez-Quiones JV, Aso-Escario J, Gonzlez-Garca L, Consolini F, mri. Disc degeneration can be expected if Modic changes appeared but not vice versa. Epub 2014 Jun 28. Rahme R, Moussa R. The modic vertebral endplate and marrow changes: pathologic significance and relation to low back pain and segmental instability of the lumbar spine. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25340321. Aug;127(15):2789-94. In both groups, pain did not resolved completely, but patients showed significant improvement in their daily life activities. Modic 1 changes (MC1) are associated with more pain and continuing disability as compared to other types of chronic non-specific low back pain. Antibiotic treatment in patients with chronic low back pain and vertebral bone edema (Modic type 1 changes): a double-blind randomized clinical controlled trial of efficacy. Full size image Interventions From the case: Modic type I changes. Modic Changes is a disease process, which is associated with spinal inflammations that have not been extremely effective to normal treatments. 2015 Aug 1;40(15):1187-93. Histopathologic sections in three cases of type 1 change demonstrated disruption and fissuring of the end plates and vascularized fibrous tissue, while in three cases of type 2 change they demonstrated yellow marrow replacement. Although several series, including the original study of Modic et al,2 have shown that type 2 changes are the most frequent and may account for up to 90% of Modic changes,13,9,10,12,13 other studies have suggested that type 1 changes may be more common and may constitute up to 68% of Modic changes in these patients.4,7,11 Such differences in the quoted prevalence of Modic changes and the relative frequency of each Modic type are most likely the result of sampling errors and variations among the studied populations. The subgroup of LBP clients with MC seeking physiotherapy care may more often report: Proposed risk factors for developing MC include: Prevalence of MC in clinical population was reported as 18-62%[5]. ADVERTISEMENT: Radiopaedia is free thanks to our supporters and advertisers. It is seen on MRI of the spine and represents the presence of low T1 and high T2 signal within the bone marrow of a vertebral body adjacent to a disk. Surgical indication shouldn't be stated on the basis of the VESC findings alone, the main factor for indicating surgery depends more on other associated degenerative spinal changes 5. European Spine Journal. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. A 2015 review 6 of the subject found moderate evidence supporting a causal relationship between the presence of bacteria and Modic I changes, as well as with lower back pain. 7 Wedderkopp N, Thomsen K, Manniche C, et al. Patients with lumbar radicular pain have a substantial pain reduction during 1-year follow-up, but Modic type I changes may imply a slower initial decrease in sensory pain Sagittal MRI demonstrates T1 low signal and T2 high signal endplate change at L5/S1 consistent with Modic type I change. From the case: Modic type I changes. The authors found that type 1 changes were associated with disruption and fissuring of endplates and formation of a fibrovascular granulation tissue. Medical Videos Privacy Policy, Images and Text Policy Editorial Policy, Information Policy Advertising Policy, Financial Disclosure Policy Cookie Policy, About Us Contact Us. Results: 2014 Oct 21. Modic 1 changes (MC1) are associated with more pain and continuing disability as compared to other types of chronic non-specific low back pain. This article may contains scientific references. Karchevsky et al10 concluded that these changes likely represent a response of the bone marrow to the degenerative process involving the disk. Modic 1 changes (MC1) are associated with more pain and continuing disability as compared to other types of chronic non-specific low back pain. Overall, the rate for not being able to return to work within the 1-year follow-up was 15% higher in patients with Modic changes compared with patients without Modic changes. There are usually three types of Modic changes namely Type I, Type II, and Type III. 2011 Aug;20(8):1355-62. doi: 10.1007/s00586-011-1794-6. They observed cracks and defects in the vertebral endplates, with increases in vascular density and the number of sensory nerve fibers, and hypothesized that such changes could represent a means of increasing disk nourishment and could be a source of LBP in patients with DDD. Existence of pyogenic spondylitis in Modic type 1 change without other signs of infection: 2-year follow-up. Type 0 - normal disc and vertebral body appearance. In the study of Toyone et al,6 70% of patients with type 1 Modic changes but only 16% of those with type 2 changes were found to have segmental hypermobility, defined as a sagittal translation of 3 mm or more on dynamic flexion-extension films. Are Modic changes related to outcomes in Based on one of the largest MRI studies to assess lumbar MC, Mok et al. 2005 Jan 1-7;365(9453):82-93 WebIn fact, type 1 changes have been shown to develop in 8% of patients following diskectomy and 40% following chemonucleolysis, which may be viewed as models of accelerated disk degeneration. Modic Changes is a disease process, which is associated with spinal inflammations that have not been extremely effective to normal treatments. In all circumstances, the results of the two relevant antibiotic studies are so different that it is not meaningful to estimate an effect of antibiotics somewhere in between. Modic type endplate changes represent a classification for vertebral body endplate MRI signal changes, first described in 1988 1. Mok FP, Samartzis D, Karppinen J, Fong DY, Luk KD, Cheung KM. 2022 Jul 20;23(Suppl 2):S63-S71. Accessibility J Bone Joint Surg Br. 6. Modic et al. These signal intensity changes appear to reflect a spectrum of vertebral body marrow changes associated with degenerative disk disease 18) . Highlighting this difficulty is the finding that a proportion of patients which what appears to be 'incidental' Modic type I change will go on to have proven discitis osteomyelitis by low virulence pathogens such as Staphylococcus epidermidis,Propionibacterium acnes, and diphtheroid species over protracted follow-up (4.2% over 2 year follow-up in one study 3). They concluded that type 1 Modic changes are dynamic lesions that, in most cases, either increase in size or convert into type 2 changes. Studies also suggest that people with Modic changes are suffering with specific symptoms than individuals who have back pain due to other conditions. 2007 Jul 1;16(7):925-31. PubMed PMID: 3336678. de Roos A, Kressel H, Spritzer C, Dalinka M. MR imaging of marrow changes Furthermore, the patients are informed about the hypothesis often presented as knowledge - of infection as the cause of pain, potentially increasing their worrying and health anxiety which may have a negative influence on prognosis.[11]. Trabecular bone fracture follows trabecular shortening. 4). Kelly shared with you that she had experienced LBP twice before in last 10 years with most recent onset 4 months ago. Few studies have examined the relationship between diet and Modic changes. The normal forms of treatment modalities used for treating back pain does not cure the symptoms caused due to Modic changes. Evaluating the Impact of Modic Changes on Operative Treatment in the Cervical and Lumbar Spine: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Conversely, long term antibiotic treatment has been shown to be an effective treatment if done effectively. Eur Spine J. Low back pain was only reduced by 0.6 units (95% CI: 0.0-1.3) on a 0-10 VAS scale compared to 3.0 (p=0.0001) in the original antibiotic study. This article does not provide medical advice. In type I Modic changes, there is a rapid, unstable and destructive form of spinal degeneration more often than not caused by bacterial infections. 3). PLoS One 2019;14(8):e0221030. Type II - fatty replacements of the red bone marrow within vertebral body. 6. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Disclaimer. She was advised to continue with current treatment and report any worsening or new symptoms. Nonetheless, the etiology of MC remains poorly understood J Spinal Disord A randomized controlled clinical trial. It is generally agreed that type 1 changes are unstable lesions.2,8,15,26 Vital et al26 demonstrated that all type 1 changes converted into either type 2 changes or back to normal within 6 months following lumbar fusion, which paralleled clinical improvement in all patients. Acta Radiol 2009;50(1):65-70. Either you believe in the results of the original antibiotic study (and the hypothesis of infection) or you believe in the results of the new antibiotic study showing no or little effect of antibiotics similar to the small effect of probiotics. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Modic Type-3: Type 3 is extremely rare condition. Antibiotic Treatment in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain and Vertebral Bone Edema (Modic Type I Changes): A Randomized Clinical Controlled Trial of Efficacy. blocks? eCollection 2022 Dec. Kavanagh L, Byrne C, Kavanagh E, Eustace S. BJR Case Rep. 2018 Feb 12;4(2):20170092. doi: 10.1259/bjrcr.20170092. [1] Their presence in clients receiving physiotherapy for low back pain may be of significance when discussing prognosis and benefits of exercise therapy. Modic changes of vertebrae and disc were first analyzed and described by Dr. Michael Modic in 1988. 12). [1, 2] Since the famous publication on Modic changes (MC) in 2013 [3] apparently showing a dramatic effect of 100 days treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics in MC1 patients, there has -, Spine (Phila Pa 1976). Johansen et al. A method for the treatment of Modic Endplate Changes Type I in the spine of a mammal as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the method comprising the step of administering a polysulfated polysaccharide or an acceptable salt thereof, to a mammal in need of such treatment. Silkeborg Regional Hospital, Denmark. 15 Kokkonen et al 22 observed a strong positive correlation between Modic changes and disk degeneration and proposed that endplate degeneration is more likely There are usually three types of Modic changes namely Type I, Type II, and Type III. lumbar modic changes and low back pain]. [1, 2] Since the famous publication on Modic changes (MC) in 2013 [3] apparently showing a dramatic effect of 100 days treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics in MC1 patients, there has been little consensus on pharmacologic therapy in these patients. Individuals with MC are expected to have low levels of vitamin D because of an increased susceptibility to inflammation and/or because microfractures occur in the vertebrae because of increased levels of parathyroid hormone Modic type I changes are seen much more frequently in patients with low back pain (46%) compared to asymptomatic general population (6%)1. As the communication of MRI findings may guide therapeutic decision making and surgical intervention, the terminology used by radiologists must be accurate and consistent 5 Dudli S, Liebenberg E, Magnitsky S, et al. WebType 1 changes in five of six patients converted to a type 2 pattern in 14 months to 3 years. Modic type I change: hyperintense on T2WI (A), hypointense on T1WI (B) at inferior endplate of L4. Like endplate, the fissures and clefts may also occur within the disc, particularly in the nucleus, and nerves and blood vessels increase with the severity of disc degenerate. linking you with community and internet resources shown effective in assisting with attaining healthy body mass index. WebIncreased rates of Modic type 1 vertebral endplate changes after discectomy and chemonucleolysisprocesses considered to be accelerated models of disk degenerationsupport the mechanical stress model, as does the resolution of Modic type 1 vertebral endplate changes after spinal fusion. These lesions can convert from one type to another with time, with mixed-type changes probably representing the intermediate stages in this conversion. 1987 Sep;149(3):531-4. WebIn fact, type 1 changes have been shown to develop in 8% of patients following diskectomy and 40% following chemonucleolysis, which may be viewed as models of accelerated disk degeneration. Vertebral endplate and marrow changes 2014 Aug;56(8):637-45. 2018 May 15;13(5):e0197470. They concluded that fusion accelerates the course of type 1 Modic changes probably by correcting the mechanical instability and that these changes appear to be a good indicator of satisfactory surgical outcome after arthrodesis. PGP 9.5 immunoreactivity was seen exclusively in patients with diskogenic LBP, whereas TNF immunoreactivity was seen in both patients with LBP and healthy controls. Methods: Type 2 changes in ten patients remained stable over a 2-3-year period. [6] It may be advantageous to our patients if knowledge of association between MC and more persistent and disabling pain influences education, physiotherapy goal setting, resource intensity planning, as well as risk/benefit ratio discussion when obtaining informed consent for physiotherapy intervention. 6 Al-Falahi MA, Salal MH, Abdul-Wahab DM, et al. As stated, there are three types of Modic changes, Type-I, Type-II, and Type-III. The feedback link Was this Article Helpful on this page can be used to report content that is not accurate, up-to-date or questionable in any manner. 2013;346 (may14 2): f3122. 18). 2012 Jul;50(4):599-611 Some of the dramatic change in the antibiotic group in the original antibiotic study [3] may have been caused by a spontaneous improvement in back pain owing to a decrease in radicular pain in the intervention group in contrast to a slight increase in the control group. Finally, the exact nature and pathogenetic significance of type 3 changes remains largely unknown. Fig 1. summarized the changes occurring in DDD and classified them into three types. Forty-two (19 %) patients showed a more gradual improvement over the first 6 months, and at 1 year, their pain level did not differ from that of the previous group. The overall prevalence of MC was 5.8% (n=141), which increased with advancing age. 15). Sagittal T1. WebModic type 1 change is an autoimmune response that requires a proinflammatory milieu provided by the 'Modic disc' NPCs are immunogenic but cannot trigger MC without an additional proinflammatory stimulus. Modic Changes are also associated with inadequate healing and recurrent disc herniation. Prognostic factors influencing pain and disability. WebType 1 changes in five of six patients converted to a type 2 pattern in 14 months to 3 years. 2014 Sep;43(9):1271-9. doi: 10.1007/s00256-014-1928-0. Degenerative vertebral endplate and subchondral bone marrow changes were first noted on MR imaging by de Roos et al in 1987.1 A formal classification was subsequently provided by Modic et al in 1988,2 based on a study of 474 patients, most of whom had chronic low back pain (LBP). 6). 4 Shan Z, Zhang X, Li S, et al. 15 Kokkonen et al 22 observed a strong positive correlation between Modic changes and disk degeneration and proposed that endplate degeneration is more likely Sagittal T2 fat sat. I give my consent to Physiopedia to be in touch with me via email using the information I have provided in this form for the purpose of news, updates and marketing. Modic type endplate changes represent a classification for vertebral body endplate MRI signal changes, first described in 1988 1. 10 Dudli S, Liebenberg E, Magnitsky S, et al. Thereafter, the medical term Modic changes (MC) has appeared in various studies on spinal degenerative diseases. Pain Med. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMQ) is a 23-item disability questionnaire with a 0 to 23 scale, measuring activity limitation. Study of the Modic Changes in Young Adults During Working Age. Get To Know What Possibly Could Be Causing Your Symptoms! Albert HB, Manniche C.: Modic changes following lumbar disc herniation. Knowledge of the spectrum of degenerative processes that may occur in the intervertebral discs is required in order to identify and explain abnormal MRI appearances. -, Lancet. Sagittal T2 fat sat. MC are considered a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) parameter determining morphological changes in spinal degenerative diseases. Overall, the rate for not being able to return to work within the 1-year follow-up was 15% higher in patients with Modic changes compared with patients without Modic changes. This pattern is very similar to that seen in infection and merely represents bone marrow edema. Sagittal T2 fat sat. Intervertebral disk space infections typically give rise to vertebral marrow edema, manifesting as areas of low signal intensity on T1WI and high signal intensity on T2WI, thereby mimicking type 1 Modic changes.18,19 Moreover, contrast enhancement in the disk and endplates may occur in both conditions.1821 However, because of desiccation and dehydration, the disk often appears normal or hypointense on T2WI in DDD, whereas its T2WI signal intensity is typically increased in spondylodiskitis.18,19,21 Also, the vertebral endplates are usually preserved in DDD rather than eroded or destroyed as seen in disk space infection.18,21 Finally, the presence of paraspinal or epidural inflammation and/or collection should orient the diagnosis toward an infectious process.18,20,21 In addition to these imaging considerations, the clinical presentation and context and the results of laboratory tests such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein (CRP) can help differentiate between the 2 entities.18 In particular, the CRP appears to be a very reliable indicator of disk space infection, being raised in up to 100% of patients at the time of diagnosis.18, In their original study, Modic et al2 analyzed histopathologic sections from 3 patients with type 1 changes and 3 patients with type 2 changes. J Clin Invest, 1998, 101: 252262. WebEnd plate degenerative changes in the acute phase, formally referred to as Modic type I, represent a specific cause. Their results were challenged by those of Brm et al,31 who did not find any relationship between type 1 Modic changes and lumbar instability by using the same radiologic criteria. 17). The Iraqui Postgraduate Medical Journal 2014;13(3):390-397. A single randomized controlled trial[7] evaluated comparative effects of rest and exercise in treatment off LPB with MC concluding that here was no statistically significant difference between groups on following outcome measures: Conversely, the study did not produce any evidence of harm due to standard exercise therapy and recommendation to maintain normal physical activity level when possible. Described by Dr. Michael Modic in 1988 1 involving the disk From the case: Modic type 1 change other... Underlying cause of Modic type 1 change without other signs of infection: follow-up! 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