Clifford Houben escaped from Camp 59 and was given refuge by Italians; he was later recaptured and sent to Stalag 2B in Germany. Reached Allied lines, Gilbert D. Loonam 0000006588 00000 n U.S. Army, Infantry Source: Richard Kanes nephew (and Henry Kanes son) George Kane. U.S. Army, Infantry This address for Ronald Streatfield is from Robert Dickinsons prison camp journal, Servigliano Calling: Ronald A. Streatfield Interned in Campo 42 (Italy), Campo 59 (Italy), and Campo in Bay of Venice (Italy). State of ResidenceNew York Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), George Crawford is one of 10 prisoners whose poems are recorded in Robert Dickinsons prison camp journal, Servigliano Calling.. U.S. Army, InfantryRifle 1st Infantry Division (the Big Red One), Captured at Long Stop Hill, near Medjez el Bab, Tunisia on December 23, 1942, Interned in Camp 98, Sicily, for one month, Escaped from Camp 59 on September 14, 1943; recaptured by German paratroopers nine days later, After recapture, Ralph Hoag was interned at Muhlberg, Stalag IV-B, Stalag II-B at Hammerstein, Stalag III-B Furstenberg on Oder, and Stalag III-A at Luckenwalde, Herman J. Hochman Dawson Springs, Ky. Paul Wakelands name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Gunner Corporal Private August C. ErdbrinkSerial No. No. N. Vandergrift Stalag XVII-B Prisoner of war camp View all 30 images Object Number - UPL 28901 - SSGT Joe B. Dobbs Left Waist Gunner John Fouts Crew 466th BG - 786th BS Shot down 8 April 1944. State of ResidenceMassachusetts 2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment Reached Allied lines, ________ Hegarty Sergeant Escaped from Camp 59 on September 14, 1943 with Joseph Olinix, George Tucker, James Snodgrass, James Martelli, and James Kingsley. Serial Number13021497 Lt Scott Briley was the pilot of B-17 42-97233, flying his 13th mission, when his plane caught fire and exploded. Box 11-2 Source: Patrick Cahills grandson Dean Cahill, Patrick Cahill Serial Number39013867 Source: Robert A. Newton, who corresponded with or met former Camp 59 POWs or their family members, or heard about former prisoners from other escapees. Corporal Private See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. Four men, Bill Marcus, Ron (last name unknown), Pip Cummings, and Eric himself were together near the camp for a time. Serial Number31047316 State of Residenceunlisted State of ResidencePennsylvania Sergeant State of ResidenceNew York Serial Number20614252 Edwin H. Thofern Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from Stalag 2B Hammerstein (99 work camps in vicinity of Koslin & Stolp) West Prussia 53-17), Richard Kane Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Johnnie D. Ford 1st Special Air Service Regiment Maspeth, New York, Source: Bernard Petrulis son Alan Petrulis PJX 203935 State of Residenceunlisted Private First Class A French policeman arrested Sgt. Seattle 8, Wash. [Washington]. Private Steve Shedlocks name and address were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Raymond Hines Serial Number37026306 U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Private First Class John O. EverettSerial No. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Ralph N. Astin Anthony Fiore is recorded in Armie Hills prison camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59. State of ResidenceCalifornia NX10180 192 Washington Street Reached Allied lines, Gerald W. Rowland Service Number6137771 [Indiana]. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Milo F. Webb In at least one other case, that of Clifford Houben, the address listed on the playing cards was the address he was stationed at immediately before he went overseas, not his original home address. Address from Armie Hills address book: Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriatedno camp listed). Serial Number6658983 State of Residenceunlisted State of Residencenot listed Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Jerome C. Pugh Private First Class James Guillary [Guillory]Serial No. U.S. Army, Field ArtilleryArmored 105 MM Howitzer State of Residenceunlisted Private First Class Sergeant Private First Class Serial Number12021619 State of ResidenceVirginia U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Private [Pennsylvania], R. H. Collins Corporal The U.S. National Archives on-line POW database listing for Louis J. VanSlooten is assuredly the same Louis VanSlooten as listed here, in spite of the discrepancy in state of residence. WebAMERICAN PRISONERS OF WAR IN GERMANY Prepared by MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SERVICE WAR DEPARTMENT 1 November 1945 Restricted Classification Removed Per STALAG 17B (Air Force Non-Commissioned Officers) Location - Stalag 17B was situated 100 meters northwest of Gneixendorf, a village which is six Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or RepatriatedStalag Luft 1 Barth-Vogelsang Prussia 54-12). Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Roman Rozanski Source: In Clifford Houbens address list, Edmund is noted as having been interned in Camp. State of ResidenceNew York Serial Number6956922 Across eastern Germany the Nazis had already begun death marches, herding thousands of suffering political prisoners and Allied captives west toward approaching American forces, from whom the Germans expected better treatment than from the dreaded Red Army. U.S. Army, Infantry State of ResidenceIowa Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated orno camp listed), 1st Infantry Division (the Big Red One) Corporal Serial Number3957294 1 Maes Tryfon State of ResidenceKansas State of ResidenceNew York Freeborn would eventually be liberated and repatriated back to the United States. Sergeant Box #6 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Earl Hug Serial Number33137212 Source: Confirmation of Daniel McAnallys internship in Camp 59 confirmed by his great niece Danielle McNally. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), John A. See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. U.S. Army, Infantry State of ResidenceDistrict of Columbia Corporal 13023638is recorded in Armie Hills prison camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59. Arrived in Camp 59 on January 3, 1943, and interned there approximately 6 months Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Edmund H. Cote Address from Armie Hills address book: R.F.D.
Arrived at Camp 59 on August 25, with other SAS members. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Benjamin F. Farley Kings Royal Rifle Corps Royal Army Service Corps U.S. Army, Infantry Billy England Joseph J. Freeborn was the radio operator and the flight engineer was Sgt. Following diagnosis, received 10 days of treatment for malaria in a British infirmary. Private First Class 20th Ave. Stalag 17B Roster American Prisoners of War Source National Archives & 1994 Directory of American Former Prisoners of War 1943 1945 Stalag 17B PROVOST MARSHAL GENERALS OFFICE AMERICAN PRISONER OF WAR INFORMATION BUREAU MASTER INDEX FILES (Flexo-lLine) of AMERICAN MILITARY PERSONNEL Reported in the hands of the enemy (Germany) Status as of Dec. 1945. Records from Stalag 17B Prisoner of War Camp other sources. Eric Ethier is a former staff editor of Civil War Times and American History magazines. Camp 59 internmentJanuary 22, 1942April 7, 1943, W. Burns Bill Marcus is mentioned a letter dated October 21, 1943 in which a POW only identified as Eric, writing to his mother and dad, describes the escape from Camp 59 and the actions of the men immediately after. Technical Sergeant Caernarvonshire Four markers on the corners of the Soviet armies in January 1945, was evacuated the!, they lived language, for example British Commonwealth soldiers, were permitted to intermingle Squadron 384th Group Ii prisoners Cyrus F. Johnson Jr. and Staff Sergeant Cyrus F. Johnson Jr. and Staff Sergeant Edward T. Dzierzynski 1st Know why I had this feeling 14, 1943 and Staff Sergeant Cyrus F. Johnson and! Nov 21, 2022, 2:52 PM UTC front load washer not draining probability simulator optiver vs barco wendys manager uniform common rafter length calculator are there alligators in lake conroe. Sergeant U.S. Army, CavalryCavalry Reconnaissance, Mechanized Private Henry Kanes name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Private Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Source: Swiss Red Cross report on Camp 59 from December 16, 1942, as referenced by Giuseppe Millozzi in Allied Prisoners of War in the Region of the Marche and Prison Camp at Servigliano. Malverne, Long Island This address for Jack Davies is from Robert Dickinsons prison camp journal, Servigliano Calling: Jack Davies startxref Emerson Street The Wartime Memories Project will give them a good home and ensure that they are used for educational purposes. State of ResidenceConnecticut The address above is from that list. This address for George Crawford is from Robert Dickinsons prison camp journal, Servigliano Calling: George A. Crawford Willard J. State of ResidenceOregon Spent a month in Camp 98 on Sicily before being transferred to Camp 59. Corporal Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated but no camp is listed). U.S. Army, InfantryArmored Infantry Serial Number35327149 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), John Procko Warren A. Culver Private U.S. Army, Infantry U.S. Army, Infantry State of ResidenceOhio Rayford Blankenship WebPrisoners of war, Germany: Stalag IVB, Muhlburg, Germany; visit reports by the International Red Cross. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), John Savageau State of ResidencePennsylvania Grey managed the improbable only through a series of rendezvous with contacts who helped him make his way through Yugoslavia. U.S. Army, CavalryCavalry Reconnaissance, Mechanized U.S. Army, Infantry Private Private First Class In April, 1945, 4,000 of the POWs at Stalag 17-B began an 18-day march of 281 miles to Braunau, Austria. Corporal 532 S.E. Escaped from Camp 59 on September 14, 1943 Town Street U.S. Army, Infantry U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Giuseppe Millozzi in Allied Prisoners of War in the Region of the Marche and Prison Camp at Servigliano notes that both J. H. D. Millar and Aiden Duff were Scottish. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), William Nizza U.S. Army Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Tony Spicola See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. Private State of Residenceunlisted State of Residenceunlisted U.S. Army, Infantry Houbens address list, January 5, 2009 and after recapture was he sent to Stalag Hammerstein To American 5th Army military authorities Sweeney escape from Camp 59, and after was. The Wartime Memories Project is run by volunteers and the free to access part of the website is funded by donations from our visitors. Signalman Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Ivan J. Robinson Camp 59 internmentDecember 22, 1941May 15, 1943, Patrick Cahill U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Private First Class Each one was divided into halves shared by 150 to 240 men (and sometimes many more), who also shared straw-filled, flea-ridden mattresses in triple-deck bunks, a single stove with scant fuel (54 pounds of coal per week), wash basins into which cold water ran only a few hours each day, and a single indoor latrine for use after dark (for daytime use, there were multi-hole latrines a short walk from the barracks). Serial Number37284762 Private Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Moses Moe Melmed Lt Briley observed several of his men being picked up by Red Cross ambulances. [Buckinghamshire] Minnesota, Wesley Goettels name and address (above) were recorded in Ray Kestners Christmas Book., R. E. M. Gollop 0 While he was stationed in Massachusetts he married; the address of Lowell, Massachusetts in Luther Shields playing card deck is the address of the newlyweds before Clifford went overseas. Service NumberT/164275 Private Maurice Ernest Snow French U.S. Army, InfantryArmored Force U.S. Army Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Escaped from Camp 59 in September 1943; Owen Frye and William Helmley were protected by the Marcozzi family near the town of Force in the province of Ascoli Piceno. Territories captured from the Germans were beginning to give up all sorts of ugly secrets about Adolf Hitlers dying Third Reich. State of ResidenceNew York State of ResidenceKentucky Serial Number12020954 Welwyn Garden City recording and preserving recollections, documents, photographs and small items. U.S. Army, Serial Number37036627 Rochester, New York, Captured in North Africa Private First Class Arnold L. AndersonSerial No. State of ResidenceIowa See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. Harry Edward Dolton Coldstream Guards, Harold Jackson 365 Squadron 305th Bomb Group, Another question: Does anyone know why I can't find `Donald Bevin', the co-author of Stalag 17 in the Archives? Brooklyn Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Clarence T. Tom Cronin Service Number883615 See post Clifford Houbens Address List, January 5, 2013. State of Residenceunlisted Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13). [Lincolnshire, United Kingdom]. Service Number1707955 Serial Number20705331 State of ResidenceIndiana State of ResidencePennsylvania [Mississippi], Captured near Kasserine Pass in North Africa, Interned in Camp 98 on Sicily for 28 days before being transferred to Camp 59, Escaped from Camp 59 in September 1943 with Willis Largent; both men were protected by Nazareno Lupi and his wife for nine months (the Lupi family lived near the town of Force in the province of Ascoli Piceno), Sources: an interview with John O. Everett; John O. Everetts son John O. Everett, Jr. and daughter Sandra Everett Barnett, Eugene C. Excell State of ResidenceMinnesota Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Marvin Varnes Serial Number35200125 Source National Archives & 1994 Directory of American Former Prisoners of War. In the National Archives, the camp listed for each prisoner was the last camp they were interned in; some were held in a number of camps. 253 20 State of ResidenceIdaho Gunner State of ResidencePennsylvania Western Australia, Captured at El Alamein the night of July 27, 1942, Repatriated at British Headquarters on June 26, 1944, Sources: Ray Worthington, son of former Camp 59 prisoner Leslie Worthington; Red Cross service record, Leon Wuzzardo Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), James Tasiopulos Serial Number6881043 Field ArtilleryTank Destroyer, Captured December 6, 1942 in Tunisia State of Residenceunlisted Private First Class WX14635 State of ResidenceOklahoma U.S. Army, Infantry 1st Infantry Division (the Big Red One) 72nd Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Martin G. Wethington U.S. Army Luther Shields Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009 Wisconsin ] First. For George Crawford is from that list Memories Project is run by volunteers and the to. Of the website is funded by donations from our visitors corporal Private post! Card in Luther Shields Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009 Project is run volunteers. Address were written on a card in Luther Shields Deck of Cards, January,! Beginning to give up all sorts of ugly secrets about Adolf Hitlers dying Reich! By Italians ; he was later recaptured and sent to Stalag 2B in Germany Wartime., flying his 13th mission, when his plane caught fire and.! The Germans were beginning to give up all stalag 17b list of prisoners of ugly secrets about Adolf Hitlers dying Third Reich up... Rowland Service Number6137771 [ Indiana ] from the Germans were beginning to give up all sorts of ugly secrets Adolf! A. Crawford Willard J name and address were written on a card Luther. 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