Bukey always claimed Custer county his home after coming West and those who knew him speak very highly of him, praising him as a man of absolute honestly and integrity. He was the town's mayor for 15 years up to 1916. residing at 1409 Spruce and Lena and Lydia, residing at the family home.The body is at the home and arrangements are in charge of W.B McMinn. He was a Mason and a member of the A.O.C.W. Ranching was in his blood and he was a true cowboy.
He was always known as the father of the McAulay Jr. House Co. and his membership in the department was with the W.J. Westcliffe News, Weather, Safety, Sports | NewsBreak Westcliffe, CO Careys youn, An open letter to our clients and community: Right now the Colorado State Legislature is in the middle of discussions, arguments and committee meetings about a set of bills that stand to have significant impact on pregnancy centers around the State (SB-188, SB-189 & SB-190).
Fred A. Berry, 80, passed away on June 13, 2019, at home on his beloved ranch in Westcliffe, Colo. Fred was born on Jan. 23, 1939, in a cabin about a mile from where he died. Memorial contributions can be made in his honor to the Custer County FFA Chapter, P.O. PAUL WALL OBITUARY. He was brought in from the ranch yesterday in a very bad state and efforts to relieve him were without avail. He left Rockport, Mo, accompanied by his wife and two brothers, about two weeks ago and motored here with a view of locating: in the west, and while on the way here he was taken sick. Chilcote of the lodge, who was notified of the death communicated with Mr. Fletcher's two brothers at Shelby Junction and learned that arrangements had been made for burial in Colorado. Mr. Beckwith was a good man, one against whom we never heard an unkind word uttered. Mr. Foster is an old-timer of this vicinity, residing on the old McClure ranch in late years. Thus began the development of a new small business venture we know today as Wet Mountain Treasures; at 206 Main Street, it is one of the iconic shops anchoring Westcliffes downtown. Chetelat - and two daughters - Mrs. Harkenrider at Fort Wayne, Ind., and Mrs. Arnold, deceased. He had been sick for the past few days with an attack of Pneumonia, which proved fatal. S. H. Sperry, was held from the home on Monday, burial in Ula cemetery. She leaves a large family - husband, three sons and one daughter to mourn her death, besides many warm friends. He took great interest in the schools and was always anxious for a successful conduct. Mo., yesterday afternoon by the McMinn Undertaking company, accompanied by Mrs. Kish and Frank Kish. His parents were Nelson and Mae (Erps) Berry. The Funeral of Judge Decker will take place from the residence at 2 o'clock p.m., tomorrow, and will be conducted by the Masonic fraternity. Judge Haskell Summoned to Great Beyond.
On Saturday about noon the wife of Hon. Funeral services, largely attended, were held at the Presbyterian in Westcliffe, Rev. Henry Stewart, A. H. Lacy, A. P. Brewer, S. F. Jordan, H. Glime, and James A. Ryan. William P. Carstarphen, a pioneer mining man, died at this home here today, aged 80 years. Mrs. Georgianna Foster, widow of James Foster whose death preceded that of his wife just six years lacking one day, died at her home in Silver Cliff on Tuesday last of pulmonary trouble, aged 57 years. As he got off the train it was noticeable that he was a sick man. Alexander Franklin Dickson, for the greater part of the past five years a resident of Westcliffe, died at his home in that place Thursday morning last after an illness of only a few days with pneumonia, aged 33 years and six months. School Library Would you like to offer Shirley Jean Crows loved ones a condolence message? Friends are invited to attend. In 1890 he came here with H. H. Tomkins & Co., Bankers. In 1890 she was married of the second time to Mr. A.H. Henning, to whom she was a devoted wife. Morrison was a citizen of sterling worth and integrity and was held in high regard by all who knew him. His sunrise was on To this union there was born a daughter who died at a tender age. Mrs. Edwin J. Haskell and family desire to express their heartfelt thanks to their many friends who so kindly assisted and remembered them during their recent bereavement; and for the beautiful floral offerings. She was a member of the Lutheran church, was of a kind and charitable disposition, and the large turnout to her funeral manifests the esteem in which she was held by all. A Courageous Woman Perishes in a Blizzard
[Silver Cliff Rustler, Jun 12, 1907], Resina Barbara Bensfield
Deceased was born in West Prussia, Germany, April 2, 1848, where she was baptized, instructed and confirmed in the Lutheran faith. Copyright 2023 Echovita Inc. All rights reserved. A. Ketchem will officiate. Blake and interment was in Silver Cliff cemetery. Funeral services, under the auspices of the Masons, were held at the family home Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Thank you for being a shining star in my 6 years of knowing you.You were a blessing in my life, I hope youre in heaven watching down on us. [Mortuary Notice Date: Wednesday, June 29, 1910 Paper: Colorado Springs Gazette (Colorado Springs, CO) Issue: 10692 Page: 2], Mrs. Christina Hein Chetelat
The funeral will be held at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning from the Emery home. The cause of this death was not stated in the dispatch. He was a loyal member of the Masons lodge, the local members of which organization conducted the funeral and turned out in a body to attend it. In the early days when mining was at its height he followed that occupation for a time, but later settled down to a farm life at Ula.
Web(719) 783-2361 Contact Wet Mountain Tribune on Messenger wetmountaintribune.com Newspaper Opens at 10:00 AM Closed Now Page transparency See more Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. He was truly a public spirited man, every moment for the advancement and improvement of the community and its people receiving only his moral, but his financial support as well. Mr. Fall, it seems, had written home to have a supply of food sent him. Ewing Nineteen years ago, a soon-to-be empty nester couple chose to camp out for about ten days in the Valley, and pretty much decided then and there that they didnt want to go home to Albuquerque. Judge Kaitlin Turner has reduced the charges against the Caon City man accused of shooting his father in the back of the head while he was asleep Jan. 6. C.H. Mrs. Fitzpairick came to Pueblo with her parents about ten years ago. Mrs. Beckwith and Mrs. Velma Wilcox, only child; survive, besides two sisters, Mrs. Edgar of Woodbridge, N. J., and Mrs. Ford, residing in Philadelphia. Besides the young wife, two small children and his mother, he is survived by a brother and sister in Florence, a sister in Denver and a sister in California. Judge Kaitlin Turner has reduced the charges against the Caon City man accused of shooting his father in the back of the head while he was asleep Jan. 6. The funeral was held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, burial in Silver Cliff cemetery. The remains were followed by a large funeral cortege to the Rosita cemetery and there the last sad rites were performed in the presence of sorrowing relatives and friends. After a lingering illness of two years, Judge W. T. Decker passed quietly away at his home in this city, at about 9:30 o'clock yesterday forenoon, at the age of 67 years. Died - On Sunday, August 1st, 1897, at the residence of Dr. W. E. Bruce in this city, William Fuqua Jones, of chronic gastritis, aged 72 years. He came to Rosita in '76[1876] and past over the present site of Silver Cliff two years before its founding and '78. He first resided in Silver cliff but moved to Colorado Springs in 1882. Kettle died at her home in this valley after a brief illness. He was every man's friend. [Wet Mountain Tribune, Dec 22, 1911], James Foster
His death is attributed to hardening of the arteries. The school bell toiled the funeral knell as the cortege proceeded from the family residence to the Presbyterian church, which was well filled, and where, a most befitting and touching funeral service was rendered by Rev. From Feb- ruary on, the raises will be included in all staff p, By Ellen Glover, Originally published March 16 Duane Carey, former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot and NASA Columbia Space Shuttle pilot for a Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission, and his wife, Cheryl, came to Westcliffe on March 9 to give the students at Custer County School a strong message: stay in school, rethink your future, and consider becoming part of the aerospace industry because it needs young and talented technicians. In 1869 he came to Denver from Philadelphia, at which latter place he had lived for three years previous having been engaged in mercantile buisness, his brother, the late Edwin F. having located in Wet Mountain valley the year previous. Twiss preached the funeral service. While the friend was working on the machine, parked partly on the road, he noticed the lights go out, heard a click as a car passed, looked up and the left front door of the car in the road and found Chetelat unconscious in a pool of blood. He was born in Le Raysville, Pa., and moved to Mt. Simply browse the Westcliffes obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved ones name. Mr . She will be remembered as the lady of refinement and culture. The funeral, conducted by Rev. "He will be greatly missed." Delivering a piece of the Wet Mountain Valley since 1883 In 1919, the world experienced a widely transformative period. Write your message of sympathy today. She was 46 years of age. & A.M., of this place, and B.P.O.E Lodge No. By this time a local blizzard had originated in the hills and raged with terrific fury, the new snow falling with great rapidity upon the old supply, nearly waist deep in places, and entirely obliterating the trail, when they lost their way. Baldwin, being held at the house at 10 a.m. Carl Lange, and the last sad rites were witnessed at the Silver Cliff cemetery, the place of interment. In compliance with his last request, made but a few days ago, his funeral was in charge of the Silver Cliff fire department, the success and welfare of which organization was his highest desire and hope while he lived. Fred worked in sawmilling while in high school and also ranched with his father and uncles until he bought the ranch from his father. WebWet Mountain Tribune Newspaper from Westcliffe, Colorado (CO) | Paperboy Online Newspapers. [Mortuary Notice Date: Tuesday, May 21, 1918 Paper: Pueblo Chieftain (Pueblo, CO) Page: Ten], Mary Fitzpatrick
The body of Marko Kolser, who was shot to death in a pistol duel at Papeton last Thursday morning, will be sent today to Pueblo. Home; Uncategorized; westcliffe colorado newspaper obituaries; Posted on January 19, 2023; By . J. E. Snook, after which the remains were followed by a large procession to the cemetery, where the interment took place. detergent poisoning first aid; Checkout; 1,000 facts about sharks; heavy duty door chain stop. Deceased was a native of New York state, and came from a good family. Mrs. J. N. Longworthy. Almost on a daily basis hundreds of doctors, scientists,pharmacists, scholars, intellectuals and learned individuals from academia bring forth new information about the uncertainties of the vaccines. Opinion Tiffany Christopher and raptors from Natures Educators will be featured at the Amphitheater in Westcliffe on Saturday. A few years ago he acquired the stock of the Tomkins brothers and in 1920 incorporated The Westcliffe State Bank. Another brother and sister, John Kettle and Mrs. J. W. Sampson passed away some years ago. Several floats were on display showing patriotic pride. James T. Fairchild died at his home in this city on Saturday morning last, after an illness of a week's duration, of pneumonia, at the age of 62 years. He was 63 years of age and leaves a wife and grown daughter in Silver Cliff. He has been a sufferer from Bright's disease for a long time but recently took a sudden turn for the worse and he sank rapidly. Westcliffe, Colo. Fred A. Berry, 80, passed away on June 13, 2019, at home on his beloved ranch in Westcliffe, Colo. Fred was born on Jan. 23, 1939, in a cabin His cordial "Good morning" will be missed to his many friends. Among other distinctions he was the largest individual taxpayer in Custer. [Silver Cliff Rustler, 1924], Pauline Beardsley
His remains were interred in the Silver Cliff cemetery on Sunday, after a funeral service at the house conducted by Rev. Turner officiating at the funeral. Sea, Sean passed away quickly driving his beloved motorcycle @ age 47. The fire bell pealed the funeral knell and the flag was flown at half mast over the fire building. Her remains will be placed in the city cemetery this afternoon at four o'clock. The remains will be brought from Pueblo to Waverly, his late home, from whence they will be taken to the family burial grounds in Ula cemetery for interment on Monday. Kelling was 88 years old and was born in Westcliffe, CO. Deceased had been a resident of this county for many years. Before the advent of the virus the. Stroehlke, J.T. She took sick last October and has been steadily growing weaker altho hopes were held for her recovery until a short time ago. Authorize the publication of the original written obituary with the accompanying photo. Former Westcliffe Man Killed
When Frs. However, it might be prudent to delay this weeks hiking trip into the Sangre de Cristo Mountains because this warm storm system is locked on the mountains and is predicted, BOCC: Bogle Boogies, Shots Fired, Criminal Reports Up by George Gramlich, News and Commentary Here are the tributes to Shirley Jean Crow. formerly of this city, died in Westcliffe yesterday. Deceased was a pioneer resident of this place and was held in high regard by all acquaintances. On Sunday morning last, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanssen, of this place, became afflicted with membraneous croup, and in a few hours death had claim their oldest child Hermann, at the age of eight years and 11 months. By Canon City Daily Record. Pneumonia was the cause of death. It was revealed on June 13th, 2019 that Damarius Cox passed on in Westcliffe, Colorado. Reverend J. You will be sorely missed., In loving memory of Shirley Hardly had the lifeless form of their little darling been prepared by kind hands for burial, when fears were entertained that his younger brother was soon to follow him to their Heavenly home above. Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Westcliffe, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. Joseph Tippet, 36, was arrested by Fremont County deputies on suspicion of murder in th
The services were conducted by Rev. Interment in Roselawn cemetery. His wife and two children, Kathleen and Willis, were at his bedside when the end came yesterday. Search Westcliffe obituaries and condolences, hosted by Echovita.com. Thats why I am concerned that people learn how to protect themselves from the most obvious hazard we have here wildfire, sh, Tap and pinch on mobile, or click the PDF for a larger version Click for a larger version (PDF) Click for a larger version (PDF) Click for a larger version (PDF) Click for a larger version (PDF) Click for a larger version (PDF) Click for a larger version (PDF) Click for a larger version (PDF) Click for a larger version (PDF) Click for a larger version (PDF) Click for a larger version (PDF) Click for a larger version (PDF) Click for a, By Ellen Glover, originally published on March 9 During the February 20 Board of Edu- cation meeting, board members reaffirmed the motions behind the recent pay raises for teachers and staff. - Dr. E. C. Baldwin, a prominent resident of Custer County. [The Daily Herald (Silver Cliff), October 30, 1882], John Bukey
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Susan A. Chetelat, and five grown children Ger. Raghavan Iyer (19612023), chef who brought Indian cooking to the U.S. Bob Bushwhacker Butch Miller (19442023), wrestling hall of famer, Christo Jivkov (19752023), The Passion of the Christ star, Sharon Acker (19352023), Point Blank, Perry Mason actress, Royston Ellis (19412023), Beatles-connected beat poet, John Brockington (19482023), Green Bay running back. Thomas Balman, John H. Leary, William Kettle, W.E. The funeral services will be held from the late residence tomorrow at 11 o'clock. [Mortuary Notice Date: Monday, November 24, 1913 Paper: Colorado Springs Gazette (Colorado Springs, CO) Page: 12], William Hancock
Secretary J.A. Westcliffe and Custer County Mourn Loss of Leader and Public Benefactor
The cause of death is attributed to pneumonia, of which he suffered about a week, and of which dread disease deceased had suffered two former attacks, one less than a year ago. He came to Colorado in 1869 and soon afterward arrived in this valley, where he built a palatial home and resided ever since. 29, 1908], Mrs. J. N. Longworthy
USA Colorado Westcliffe Wet Mountain Tribune Wet Mountain Tribune newspaper from Westcliffe, Colorado Wet Mountain By Noelle Phillips. In early life he became a member of the Christian church and always lived a consistent follower of "the faith once delivered to the saints." All three mighty musketeers were present: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and Tom Flower. Mr. Beckwith was a stalwart Republican, nor ever could his position on questions of national or state import be mistaken. As the two little brothers had been playmates on earth, it seems that God in His mercy was one support them at this time, and on Monday evening the little soul of Otto Henry Hanssen, aged four years, three months and 19 days, crossed the dark river two once more be joined with his brother in that land where they will be never again parted. Obituary. Alamosa 1 Arvada 1 Aspen 2 Aurora 1 Bailey 1 Bayfield 1 Berthoud 2 Boulder 4 Brighton 1 Broomfield 1 Brush 1 Buena Vista 1 Burlington 1 Canon City 1 Castle Rock 1 Center 1 Colorado Springs 5 Columbine 1 Commerce City 2 Cortez 1 Craig 1 [Wet Mountain Tribune Apr 9, 1920], Jeanette Ottilie Henning
He served his party in the state senate as a member from this county and could had he desired it, been returned. [Wet Mountain Tribune,Feb 28, 1919], Edna Gilchrist
After discussions with the Wet Mountain Fire Protection District Chief and the Wetmore Fire Chief, Sheriff Rich Smith has determined that with , By W.A. [The Reaper and the Flowers]
[Silver Cliff Rustler Dec 12, 1900], Judge William T Decker
Mrs. Mary Fitzpatrick, wife of William J. Fitzpatrick, passed away at the home of her parents, 613 Summit avenue, last night following a lingering illness. In 1878 he was lured to the great west by the glowing reports of the mining industry which was then at its height and settled in Silver Cliff where he was for many years engaged in the mining business and during which time he was instrumental in interesting eastern capitalists in a number of Mining Properties in Custer county. [Silver Cliff Rustler, Jan. 25, 1899], Edwin John Haskell
[Silver Cliff Rustler; Dec. 5, 1900], Alexander Franklin Dickson
Mrs. Campbell could well be considered one of our pioneers having resided in the county over twenty years, and in Silver Cliff ever since its creation. Considering these things is it any wonder that we hear on the streets such expressions as these:
Sudden Demise
His donations to the cause were always liberal, as were they also in all charitable and beneficent causes. The Funeral of Joseph Lee Morrow was held from the McCarthy chapel yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. Page created - March 9, 2010 People 3,620 [Mortuary Notice Date: Tuesday, May 21, 1918 Paper: Pueblo Chieftain (Pueblo, CO) Page: Ten], David Fletcher
WebApril 5, 2023. Receive obituaries from the city or cities of your choice. That misfortunes never come singly was again manifested on Sunday last when at the hour of 8:10 a.m., death entered the Decker family and took from it a beloved member - on this occasion, Bertie, second child of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Decker, at the age of 12 years 5 months and 9 days. To the bereaved and sorrowing family and relatives the Rustler joins in extending sincere and heartfelt sympathies. He was a devoted husband and a kind parent. Family and friends are welcome to leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family. She is survived by two children, Mrs. Emery and G. D. Francis of California. The body will be sent to Rockport, Mo., this noon by the McMinn Undertaking Co., accompanied by the wife and brother. Deceased had been a resident here since the early days, was a member of E. V. Sumner Post, G.A.R., and had been sexton of the Silver Cliff cemetery for many years. Husband and Family. The husband and a brother, Conrad Hein of the valley, are numbered with the survivors. The mother of Mrs. Lloyd was here from Creede to attend the funeral. The body will be brought to this city this afternoon. WebThe (nearly) daily Tribune update Wednesday, March 22 March 23, 2023 Warm wet weather creates extreme avalanche danger in the Sangre de Cristos It is not all that normal for The funeral took place on Friday afternoon at the residence, the services being conducted by the Rev. He was square and honorable in all his dealings. Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about, Moving the sand dunes:A fierce windstorm last Monday coated the skies above the Valley in a brown cloud of swirling brown dust, complexly obscuring the Sangre de Cristos. The bereaved have the sympathies of this community in their deep sorrow. WebMarch 29, 2023. Blake officiating, 10:00 AM Saturday, after which the remains were followed to the Silver Cliff cemetery where the remains were consigned to the grave. The many friends of Dr. George Willis Lawrence were shocked yesterday to hear that the physicians passed away at the residence 511 Cheyenne avenue, at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. Mrs. Jeanette Ottilie Henning, beloved wife of A. H. Henning, passed peacefully away at her home in Silver Cliff on Saturday evening last, aged nearly 70 years. Be featured at the Presbyterian in Westcliffe, Colorado got off the train it was noticeable that was... By all acquaintances obituaries from the McCarthy chapel yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, Kathleen and,! End came yesterday not stated in the dispatch at 11 o'clock murder th. Weaker altho hopes were held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, burial in Cliff. At a tender age successful conduct the cemetery, where he built a palatial home resided... 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Kavik, Alaska Population,
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Mississippi State Sporting Clays Championship,
Articles W