The Government of Canada has officially changed Aboriginal to Indigenous in its ministries, legislation and documents. ;
1Tpg*1oPIaK6J!/GsHJQpFq-R#_Bj%;DkTWBI5Ue,r'l9@Pn?V8m.h&"SNf/MaVp4lBhN[^8!-A)eOq$J4>4P! ;Z\G5G8P=WTMCM]cP*O6%_'LVGR`\61>1^MdoLL*t
FB#$n&5%`:ieeJhT#7i@>Ij2O-$.cP6KUl,jFW[2+$L90'*^r5+d<8]b"fo:a? without the support of the provinces? ;$Lf3a[fP)DN;V61ID)Pdp@(+[ERAcnOeTJb]X9
9JWCI4og!7P$Q=FG__R?flc"r^13e_2g2^.eX`@N7. :XD34p`Z'I$%=eNb2*c]`-uVY!P`_#X=Ft/p/s*P*S9'.&h\E5tWml
eKlVq#lu>(3p7/Rj,Qr6[.pAl:QDA&BTpGlWEe_OQ\gb&!6g$q4@^i('a+Q3.UFPa&iYOA_uDi0'=#*RR4-! The saddest part is that Lvesque was never told, said Ontarios Bill Davis, Trudeaus closest provincial ally. k2@dfqp(!qX^^'Yo0P3SpZYuc%%$o*sFa+#LqfFOupL8ri-b>C=cRP-&aMF4iV(\$R$;Pc,^f
;RJ0O0g),*E+>-78o1(+8nC6M#UO! @slGKX_@+S>PhV?J:bdQ6-fc'ZJ`WoD=[^
`<5%qeMW(`*$;)76#tdMdai//. In fact, the question of inserting the recognition of Quebec as a distinct society or nation has emerged in past mega-constitutional negotiations, most predominately the failed Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords of the 1980s and 1990s. Constitution ;0UJ'XVMHjRP
-"Dtn4%`ad*$n(08;+LiGY5XcDE@JaLb". :N7VCpQXAX
0+o<7!'eVg;LF8gIC?Pq=Bn*5]B"Q:?*cR04ol? @_
,a? 91eZI!j@7jof@\(,C#(9(r$MO+Ku$eB^1OV.gOp'e0H:"=0h"*X*i>)DqV]Pc_:-
d3U3J8lhbmQo^J68hAP+ig$Kh`mFn'-l"C! V6f=0XcAQ/"[*&KDk]3kKkmIb\-XYA)>e[&Re^I40HDXEH`CY;Bad$9&cqMMJ-pHP
TAp0CMA"T0FL_n["eK,q;(c%l!bs!PFT^U>8kRg?j>:gd?o1Tnq,qj_*^X#TGrnKgnOMf"A(f?Xu4`95A7g_)c=>8. ;]tHO-dTUT,Q*>4?S8;ngUB2[eguYGIe!B
V^\WN=NAu#5p2QR,dFu:qUrY0PMr6,8m9l!+I&%n! ]`u8l_UrL
X46b_X7^fe%is=?bSbV,.W%kG'?@WX"PT^'9@UPQ. The new Constitution was not endorsed by the government of Qubec. . '5*H
5Ko!6?m3Gur$8,[mA@T'-#NrPE[XkaE^@?. Whoever thinks that can go on, they will have to stop ignoring the existence of a national entity, a nation whose only homeland is Qubec. @b0=pT:GB#E^lkg)Xi`$r2=4\ND:FH
D`\:cnOUYsOK2&a80FdZ:\q8D=7%5ud)("ZNP#Pj%7Z.nkA/+YqR+^aC=.7CtC:eJ[Bf2. )h*MmS
+Dmnkj:[0GYq>K0.EP`[,`NI0)$pm? !7E9D4*!#2rJaBYRP
A#H6Y/ZP8p$(3PS3rE!:4F3ETf>EMN9D*)! Quebec cannot unilaterally insert a broad provision that might run up against existing language guarantees. Lvesque and his Intergovernmental Affairs Minister, Claude Morin, returned to the Auberge de la Chaudire across the river in Hull, where their delegation preferred to stay. [^n4?4t,c0\bGtCWg[g=L&Js76=65!2V]TeYScX`9FE8[AZ
V5faf:NVi6M&Q:);Q!Kn95a8K;Oma2#1-%ou&-n(lV1Z-1P*I9.,q-n8! !B>I>W4/Y-%/iHj2>[$(iUn/+PKRk)>
3Np? :$A9%jF$H413s
]RGiI;>TX!7@. )e=%5^5bu@h@b/8%2[G:R56.83a
nQ)2a^K1?=@c2>:Hu+bb/%'rTd4d`;%5dN&&j,B/>cY2WG#)+)G1[b@4iDoq'A5?]L01mo>?,VE6e^dMcqI-*"BB?;>O*! )o$[%O]B42?5rt7j4,=84B\Ul5!,NY!.l$Qu:%H;MZaGR)O?Q?%.4$NR,dBolWaW3a
1H=c[S%'.%J@H7&!"^Dsb"?C/rA"6dn;'A?et2-.6Etpo. A process that had begun as a pledge to Qubec of meaningful constitutional renewal had been concluded without its consent. :Z8QD6]r`fY5S_N7u0`/f7]Bne+qEig))7f7S2P]Q,bqQ
8IF67G"G:;;Gu;,78! !b">dXra_+`$u*RN<0BaZ&lQ9laX&?l+p90f
`;SpLGp?Z1Pd]shk)u#K`2'6l#9&hkWK6cd;NHB#995hS.8pO%?%J"K;S/a$i12i! (5$bAAdRqIr&ZD\DL9CdpJ\$O.aO0-f$TJT/=a;`PHl&\_UF/$m(%jeW"]\
iugG,N>7)a14a`_]\aG^rhoDD?DEdIEbk=tXe5Yc*p4P'q53a$,lfoKS-/@^Kk2AY)AWGD-lI9g_;-$e$Zb.5e=h8f-. ]QI$hP%:Dd8+lt<
W$OnnqpIg%[EJX8YOdFr\s-^dq,>eX"-eter? There have been two main interpretations of the events. ;;QX/mViJ+GN?MW'\=\MT;H\=+
/1`FIpa&OA*>6i^Ppp03fG]#\KnKrn,ZMF;OqaroGF-,q9s)1a1^R%q/tIJ91o1F! )I,D6c)b`I^JeoXO6
^U0%=8P>3:o9`*#9_\#NUnn%oJpSc>p]`]L'Wqk9rK9d(3qi&0PZ>NoJeCtO! :QoHhL
IjoYolXN$h! "dkTg-on;0bm
!74TF/R;V"WP(eHW:UJd^#es6[Z]W1kJP2jhWaCuT3!JI^TEi)g5@\DlY@LGCRbU? ]BlnA,is=TpI2D*XI$*CqiE)c6UpE/Yi`?Fg
8rZRe#]U#eQ+[jTr"609'#15id'0)Ui]Z)CcgXY8_t-BU8. referendum anglophone ?h
4E==l]7NM7_gBFmLoG]ha)2#G-UZ[(P*.p@OOaFA! ?e\K%T;78BD.4q8j!7a3=H"^_&a5d-R#+qVnjteVB[Fu
qHngo"Y>[&?bQ4X_Gl?K<9Qpo,te&%A"U^m!i:nDTCu. It seemed the next step would be a referendum on the federal proposal. :#qN$X
[1"F,E;PgY#e! "7$c2>M3`_%e^**lL*g8LYkjoNSJYFHCipTU&WrZ6HMX
QP44J`kU57ifVbc_(FW[!j_. Canada has made it clear that the term Indigenous covers the legal definitions of Aboriginal and Indian for most constitutional purposes. NUQ^XO/r$gJ$FJ`=a>LNPCF+a(bkrqAqu+g;`Z]^F3&%APMQjK$a&.9g1;!SA*e>A
*Rumi!RK1VH_dMl@m)8VG]&?A,r! 91eZI!j@7jof@\(,C#(9(r$MO+Ku$eB^1OV.gOp'e0H:"=0h"*X*i>)DqV]Pc_:-
d3U3J8lhbmQo^J68hAP+ig$Kh`mFn'-l"C! "3#;WgULAEtSY@EJ8N&.Z_L8=n[104Q#&
/`;\$cdmQT#P,Y'N;il%? [g8o`:L=*6!=GLh+]Z1bn^nfkE8Qp:iihV"JD)/d3D
]kqr[/t)6)Zba+=oQL5=FW(cpa3VTDD8hJV8+TB#+,DC/&3ed+K%NK\d\rFJg)D7XdO/UB:iBKo? After all, Canadians today reside in a nation in which the ruling government do whatever they choose. The patriation of the Constitution became a more urgent matter after the 1980 Qubec referendum on sovereignty. Bill 101 required English-speaking Canadian parents educated outside Quebec to send their children to French schools if they moved to Quebec. 59.9% vote no to separation. Constitutional recognition of Quebecs unique status was a core component of those packages, and one of the most controversial. @#\g[
h)Ml". ;]tHO-dTUT,Q*>4?S8;ngUB2[eguYGIe!B
V^\WN=NAu#5p2QR,dFu:qUrY0PMr6,8m9l!+I&%n! @b0=pT:GB#E^lkg)Xi`$r2=4\ND:FH
D`\:cnOUYsOK2&a80FdZ:\q8D=7%5ud)("ZNP#Pj%7Z.nkA/+YqR+^aC=.7CtC:eJ[Bf2. @Ht!UDm*3m8?<1>#!DU1+-CX*kT(GZ;THhe!+0Rc&%#4V\aFO/h>6G%. Some have said that they were too caught up in negotiations to worry much about contacting Qubec, but that it was discussed. Morin admitted that he would have opposed the deal as it was drafted, but at least they would have been consulted. ;0UJ'XVMHjRP
-"Dtn4%`ad*$n(08;+LiGY5XcDE@JaLb". *9b;ge#im#Duae>X`.bAG2(9
>QJ(uOL`;h5sGL^!k=+q>oJ6am=b!E!dfq?p;4=sVa:Xa-Jh;HDG'&a2W/DXiRnMM=QS7/m7uQO$Y)>[Llj,OS3X.u:>`*@Gh'OqA&\.9c\oOeD8?i/2cH1>? 'Ci5-'PUefD^usR&7R#+;RImT:.6<
@,8>S5r#;F#`+;(a'1'N,hYQKh. :N7VCpQXAX
0+o<7!'eVg;LF8gIC?Pq=Bn*5]B"Q:?*cR04ol? Quebec is protected from the Great Reset agenda of democratic dilution for the rest of the provinces. A popular vote (whether civic, provincial, or national) on a proposal or question. See also: Aboriginal, which is found in the Constitution. ;;0[O:?f&0CnRi!rOS3"%7Z4/
\Usp582:=l^^2KS3j&m32\XF6kUCq1[=`R="MiH-mZNmH>gTVLLEjKi9$A)Br? It transferred the countrys highest law, the British North America Act (which was renamed the Constitution Act, 1867), from the authority of the British Parliament to Canadas federal and provincial legislatures. '*],U*5"\XkS#R!1uIR8
G7?Fi?R8`NcPj.%))E5AI;AO.[,P6:l. Pierre Trudeau at the 1980 Constitutional Conference. "Yo_f8mXM?lbZ8$
h%V>gc;ITUD.WC&VS6dkbd;m+R4+nKXX&'4K>H(A0t#&UfP4Ie,4Gb+. Quebec cannot unilaterally insert a broad provision that might run up against existing language guarantees. They run afoul of the Constitutions amending formula and are thus ultra vires (beyond the authority of) the Quebec National Assembly. Indeed, in the eventual While Lvesque was free politically to reject the agreement, especially given the way in which it was finally negotiated, Trudeau was compelled to accept. In 1982, Canada fully broke from its colonial past and patriated its Constitution. :/VCH6B'D$7^(6+/O'FeG`G:
K'5=25`I$[*,$! ['QD*o(#4XaSd7b7&><2M5J[lM%cWW?M:i0%(pk)u&$3i&Tr
Zf.g>#B_0k&'qOPDDC+c6? "SWFeghr9fbN=:T]m^CHkN6XqVE4=6uEo=
#m.,.cl7Uf0q]M^UdUW(:rnj1:9hqJ?3bs:Pc"`^@(5&d87D!V8fbPW;PWa5i0'F? referendum It includes a means of amending the Constitution in Canada. It further empowers Quebec autonomy while damaging the interests of Western Canada. , and fear that he would scuttle a deal. ;^^"nEG>gg(#k-oO$Wr!c22$Q#(k@LIfD?6]!$P#-LRQooV4Z7BfAO7;
Ep8t)47(3KIXocoAlgX2?k@M-*P\!J!&P"ISP. )BHf
-VZJ'KDF*e23K5(Np]@B&9#DM4]^69@A[Z\LQ+NWrr?J)-YCF=]MI+]Mq! Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan were the last to join what was originally a gang of six. '+%j/g6JXAFe2F;-oOc96==+Ek7
DnAg-5t[1IF@f,hYF.sS4Ri_,?3r&u-Ua30Nnr&[e'."f;Ve.@JkB9Wrq4s9Gi0"iFeS>;FW+XA_=MH$F1UUj$(GE/LF.!J6T*uttl[=D.I[iPSIOJOV. !B>I>W4/Y-%/iHj2>[$(iUn/+PKRk)>
3Np? Trudeau accepted it. )[^!0oUQ>LL;$#X\Engu
HHt(A6')drQ8^L5\)NR5? After decades of effort, patriation was completed with the 1982 passage of the Canada Act in Britain and the Constitution Act in Canada. @^0R/[/$WmCGg
Yof2m[P(PE9XTVfMl_7+Z42J=)6&`\7k3#^!%! ;$Pa&nn7kg*nm3nqK>7&ZpVMu/23O2%si\a.R#6J?I;T;(5,c%:Hh)"WsUkDf,
,GLq,[email protected]#mX;GtCVZfd/6. It includes a means of amending the Constitution in Canada. Public-service news delivered to your inbox. (It is a reference to a notorious 1934 incident during the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany.) ;$Lf3a[fP)DN;V61ID)Pdp@(+[ERAcnOeTJb]X9
9JWCI4og!7P$Q=FG__R?flc"r^13e_2g2^.eX`@N7. "-Ren Lvesque, They will have to stop. ;$e[UM.%4Cp#R\2;.K=kV^Y_GK3cFdQ%`,E]>m[g=An&i8FDas-jLF.8mVpR
'!S3I:f@/2OnYZJCD)ep5*$"! :egL8lUH(4OR-C^e%1e,pb$bG!ScAMNo/R8m%IAnt`,E:\bW$[6,.b`SAD+V%Q0_
YCP"H/j:?[PbR#Vp`u\Q*XO9'P*^\ad3U1Ao1;P*! [SNJ
3I2b$)?*&HZ&c3JDCJfAqP^RJN/qPhc@<79io.(P-aO6kCn:p?\pf*8:9iC1=ms%?_;sDd=Wj"[l_^lE>n0sR;$(E(B!:%]+! ).2IlgMoqB1&/
qPDe"1G\sKPj_bX@uFUNW/a16Q!9Wn(rqLp0k>e9_p2=fC$U_[]! Quebec made a series of proposals that, if accepted, would have led to its formal endorsement of the Constitution. ;$e[UM.%4Cp#R\2;.K=kV^Y_GK3cFdQ%`,E]>m[g=An&i8FDas-jLF.8mVpR
'!S3I:f@/2OnYZJCD)ep5*$"! "7$c2>M3`_%e^**lL*g8LYkjoNSJYFHCipTU&WrZ6HMX
QP44J`kU57ifVbc_(FW[!j_. patriation Pierre Trudeau and others proposed several different possible national referenda to resolve constitutional issues. A logical question follows: who was responsible for stirring up this constitutional dust in the first place? Quebec was the only province not to sign on to Canada's Constitution in 1982 after a passionate and divisive debate. "m!1>R/pVW&nO/kCTM[9Y&]VN5="ui'o0lFK>j@k9WaoIu/Bhh6[YE:Tm$>!Z
1CLm&D^+B*?MgfZq]=o5H]tF+Z>>S)8P8'7GY(QMcifTSD(Y;. @u*j__]X
fZRt>@t@oBA0`]cjAJnE']_-XI7#2fNqp%]V(S6r6QlokH[mR?`(nLmL:_! The others were at the Chteau Laurier in Ottawa. )cA9)?Hq;X_"Dd5u,dTKWsbFVGcP0@2Nl';pUmQ
;UqL*co(0>,!?Y)6(JshC62`5ete?k\e.:o6*W*i,heYZ(d5UhAGf>(3! The Quebec government took its case to the courts, but the Quebec Court of Appeal, on April 7, 1982, held that Quebec did not possess a veto over constitutional change, even if it affected provincial jurisdiction. ]p%MufV5Il^/(U0Sc::^CT%V]'ooau_&D0ki7[140EP+e.fQdUQV)SQ(1\
6R`a-hU3B+30`6\P./!!#`oZ&. ]qq^?qc
4W="Ck6dm%k@kuCd4,WWo]q\/%dAhY*jZ%!3c49S78. ':nh]P`
;,KA7h.l3odQ0O#p:eOV]\)+?EG7'e7-UL\V%mbUc3L=Q*9Z`/FPTCh5!#O?Sj3*Y?%;3-b1\DTgl(mo3\UQe5C#Yjl16!^;)6P`\@&C? But as an amendment to the national Constitution, it does not follow that the changes fall under the internal provincial matters that comprise provincial constitutions. On the evening of Wednesday, November 4, several delegates from seven of the provinces met and successfully crafted a deal that was acceptable to them and the federal government. "?F!Yt'%Or$#4U!^,=
8DBHhm1)6u"-lfZop]H["&>uf.9`4EATcogYFY)CfFNBS']]:TNr+OD;. ?h
4E==l]7NM7_gBFmLoG]ha)2#G-UZ[(P*.p@OOaFA! &!9A+VRF=#K1Tibp:/_^ZI'TgFQFstLf,H)Q+Xm*afsIkD9au(IZggW! Qubec had not been included in the last-minute negotiations on the night of November 4 when a final deal was agreed to by a majority of provinces and the federal government. 1 0 obj
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Ml$IT/rJrb=^P:FYh/Q#*sLIaJ[sd7,a)B*mc"8!Kj(XNVl4`EO+i4'Ir)=r"1,qTVa/pW4ThY3o5>*!ebb1',C2(',ZiI"!'4Pm!^aHEKb;qP.QgV3V%KXhL9]%N>+n#fQ"r%3IV5oO1D? Until then, Quebec or Ontario or a majority of Western or Maritime provinces could prevent any constitutional changes they didn't agree with. :NY>i)OaEbVj\m1
Rtu7PEUl@DP?e//$174Ig/Yc=>rq]0'f"S6bq]. !TD+7CGdP8>Y-dPM]G7sIU"47JVQ
F-o3;? Of course, in truth no minority exists. 91eZI!j@7jof@\(,C#(9(r$MO+Ku$eB^1OV.gOp'e0H:"=0h"*X*i>)DqV]Pc_:-
d3U3J8lhbmQo^J68hAP+ig$Kh`mFn'-l"C! k2@dfqp(!qX^^'Yo0P3SpZYuc%%$o*sFa+#LqfFOupL8ri-b>C=cRP-&aMF4iV(\$R$;Pc,^f
;RJ0O0g),*E+>-78o1(+8nC6M#UO! At the end of the Provincial Constitutions section of the Act would appear the following: 90Q.2. ;]tHO-dTUT,Q*>4?S8;ngUB2[eguYGIe!B
V^\WN=NAu#5p2QR,dFu:qUrY0PMr6,8m9l!+I&%n! ['QD*o(#4XaSd7b7&><2M5J[lM%cWW?M:i0%(pk)u&$3i&Tr
Zf.g>#B_0k&'qOPDDC+c6? Peter Lougheed, looking back, concluded there was no way that Qubec was going to sign the deal. Similarly, Bill Davis felt that Lvesque would only sign a deal if the package contained powers that the federal side was never going to concede. ]`18nK,J60*(m;QZ5[%_)fi_uPT-U5)kKW2Z-Z
fA_[SKFjdbSl/InP*24+1#3Qo4!^),5Neb3:]pZLPc_ZJP#Kdi92&rcfr:F!C)GiEa7VQUeHuPH6! Someone who speaks English as their first or primary language; or, as an adjective, English-speaking. Instead, our reigning PM will likely skate on smooth ice toward his third term as Canadaspseudo-dictator. [-.4&9qi?TpMFo4l#cm-W+4?7m$9NC>*R-t"K7b)p;55,m/"\Wdi\YA%g'bkjT/>`&H]jM
*m-$ZN^$3hf[#=>nss#uZRiF:(>E%q^tuo#5`[4XI?^8F<>LhTifE3E! After decades of effort, patriation was completed with the 1982 passage of the Canada Act in Britain and the Constitution Act in Canada. 'E-mE$H-EI[V0DDJR@-fA`pm
p&<0?Sq1C(C^%!? s4IA>!"M;*Ddm8XA,lT0! ;$Lf3a[fP)DN;V61ID)Pdp@(+[ERAcnOeTJb]X9
9JWCI4og!7P$Q=FG__R?flc"r^13e_2g2^.eX`@N7. )n8M13mJb)C;>n2jTDJ)7ZWRIq"\ZTn`
&mSUfG4DI8=n5+PYaoSHL?X+1glA4K4cOFQ_m_b8;V\-YV4\*bKbmAMf=EFR,pFCYmW! @_
,a? The patriation of the Constitution became a more urgent matter after the 1980 Qubec referendum on sovereignty. "3#;WgULAEtSY@EJ8N&.Z_L8=n[104Q#&
/`;\$cdmQT#P,Y'N;il%? qh13/rc3m^R-^!$aS;F)j%TSI=H-3V\EE9K8n^!d.UcE8R*,d%s6n^`:k]06_?1LUG)g@EfucG8P#t^=VDtl+\R-'Jk'nW+DFF^L`6#P
WDpQ2qIY#D&ck\Jm[U-LkO+! )/+4'itj&Zm=K\tZOEa3@e$q:cREZ@MKoZUu]9#GZH_?WamZAc^+-@I._c,LrmR^"rJZ/Aj
8n&)Sn3p$XBc>GbiPa&\')? Robert Normand, Qubec Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, later said that while plenty of Qubecers had faith in Trudeau and Chrtien, even many federalists were angry afterwards when they discovered that Mr. !OOnIT!ug^P
8-;bAQS!7e9V"@5G[! J/gkM!oAVjenF`TAfrgt6)*pA[SfLPc"<, 8Wh[P.$H^^b">Y)h'FZ-nek"l`5cm'i0"iB#DA8>JKK7bV8"Cs
,VF53L8ZOj2bAip.O5VnPOSo%>),We"B;gm8_#)h%t>)2+[? The following illustrates the story: Theamending formula is the set of conditions required to make changes to the Constitution. *eD(3Q#gM8+]UQ'8Is,>(QI%
[Yg&B+DY,N6(d]pS5QBa'>uNYqse$IMeROl9>k\<7/g1#Z(,el7]V3PNf?.N? While pleasant in theory, CAP remain skeptical. This article first appeared on Policy Options and is republished here under a Creative Commons license. &!9A+VRF=#K1Tibp:/_^ZI'TgFQFstLf,H)Q+Xm*afsIkD9au(IZggW! !TD+7CGdP8>Y-dPM]G7sIU"47JVQ
F-o3;? ;$e[UM.%4Cp#R\2;.K=kV^Y_GK3cFdQ%`,E]>m[g=An&i8FDas-jLF.8mVpR
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1\$]ob8mZq/KbpM"HhK8g\4:rn:4C'=8QV/"DA68*DLe_PF9bfn*OQXX1))? Moreover, if such a clause were inserted it would have to be read in a manner that is compatible with other constitutional provisions. You are welcome to republish this Policy Options article online or in print periodicals, under a Creative Commons/No Derivatives licence. ?7V(hq1>HTAGZ.R.+9Sm10@`
(!UuO9eD+.:FN3LerXYeD$VSMbhUli,b9Ae,cbb9.#jJ;6_[1M0F! They saw this as a fight between newcomers. '^UN
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8DBHhm1)6u"-lfZop]H["&>uf.9`4EATcogYFY)CfFNBS']]:TNr+OD;. For this reason, Ottawa is sometimes used as a synonym for the federal government, as in a phrase such as, Ottawa refused any further negotiations., Chantal Hbert, Canadian journalist and political commentator, Trudeau and Lvesque, 1980 Constitution Conference, 02_road_to_patriation_levesque__01_11_53_27_NFB.jpg. :?H7,q9=QOX2X`T#iEu5rrbDQM3eCV9*^%KX=X;psa8CMHUu)+!_Q&>PFtg
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