Before now have pitched up at posh looking farms in Cheshire and have received no reply when I knocked on, even though there were two Range Rovers in the driveway and a TV on in the kitchen. Some of the confusion re; identifying this aircraft appears to be with the code, which Parker gives as U5+ET. I'm hoping to update with some of the If you know about a wartime American crash site, its location, type of aircraft, or personnel involved please share this information with the American Air Museum. On my train to London I once counted about 20 pillboxes dotting the countryside and that started it off. Archaeologist Dr David Neal discussing his illustration of the mosaic being excavated at Rutland Roman Villa with members of the University of Leicester Archaeological Services team, IMAGE OF THE MONTH: Jacob Epstein's sculpture of the Devil being delivered to Coventry Cathedral on the back of a lorry. We later found more about the war Plane and its Pilot and the reasons for the crash, He was a Luftwaffe Pilot Who had flown from his base in Guines near Calais France. Crashsites Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress A second request concerns a crash site perhaps 1 miles away at Old Surrey Hall quite close to East Grinstead where a Lancaster crashed. If my four Germans were aviators, they might have been shot down on such a mission. Oberlt H. Becker-Ross, Oberfw G. Bruckner, Fw A. Hansen and Fw W. Brinkmann were all killed and their unidentified remains were buried in All Saints Churchyard, Staplehurst. any more info would be great who shot him down etc. WWII plane We have some woods nearby and have found British .50 cal bullets in the woods and scraps of aluminium and have always wondered if they had anything to do with the Heinkel. Ian, Hi Ian afraid I cant help you with date or year,sorry. Many thanks. Other nearby places this incident could be recorded against are (from Google maps): Criccieth; Porthmadog; Portmeirion; Morfa Bychan; Harlech and Afon Glaslyn. Here are two relatively easy wrecks you can find in your Blue Ridge backyard. regards Alan. This is my only reasoning for why this part might be in this location. Hi,Id be very grateful if anyone could help me with the following.My Father(now 83) remembers being sent to live with one of his aunts who lived near Greens Windmill,Mount Street,Sneinton Nottingham during the Blitz (as his parents lived on Butler Street Radford Nottingham literally 2 doors up from the perimeter wall around the Raleigh Cycle works which was involved in war work and they feared being hit by German bombers!) Can anyone please help me with details of a German aircraft which is thought to have crashed East of the village of Fairwarp, East Sussex. Following the Snake Pass, the hike up to the plane wreckage is around 2 miles (3.2km). ww2 plane crash sites map kent. I wonder if they were spotted either by an Observer Corps member atop Beachy Head, or by nearby radar, and RAF fighters were on the way, possibly shooting down one of the raiders somewhere adjacent to the church. At least one member of the crew was captured on the spot and was noticeably fat which he recalls brought comments from the crowd as he was led away about Mussolini and Goering being shot down. Hi, I was at Goudhurst earlier today with my father. The engine now lies in the museum at Dumfries airfield. Dear Ian, The bomber was brought down on the mudflats but on high tide was swamped with the tail visible. Think I have found it Kay, details from page linked below; This German bomber was attacked by a Mosquito from 29 Squadron crewed by Flight Lieutenant S. F. Hodsman and Warrant Officer A. F. Monger. The plane crashed in a wooded area five miles northwest of Sheridan (Grant County). Unexploded bombs were still being discovered into the 1960s. Dont know what type of plane it was or if is connected to the aircraft panel you purchased. Could anyone assist me with this query? ww2 plane crash sites map kent. By: Keith north carolina discovery objections / jacoby ellsbury house [email protected]. As a kid i lived very close to Kenley, most weekends me and a mate would go and search up there, lots of bullets etc were found up there. Still watch the scores on tv, still hear myself saying, We could make the play-offs every time we win a game But got fed up with travelling all the way to Leyton Orient on a Tuesday night in Deecember for an LDV vans trophy game only to get beat 4 nil but thats football. Dornier Do 17Z-2 (1176). At the moment though Im focussed on more recent events. For Ian DB and Gavin Stacey. Do you know where I could view pictures of the plane? In an earlier recollection she focussed on just two crew (so maybe a fighter bomber or light bomber?) Regards. Thank you. Taking a route up past Lands End, the aircraft was shot down by Wing Commander E. C. Wolfe (CO of 456 Squadron at RAF Valley) in a Beaufighter and the aircraft dived onto the beach near Pwllheli gof course, 100 yeards below the high water mark. Ill cut and paste your reply into a cuttings file for further research later. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. This would have been towards the end of the war; the pilot survived with a broken arm. No worries, I have waited this long to research this so waiting a little bit longer is not a problem. The aeroplane was described as an Me109, but that might be just an embellishment. The author notes a similarity of the reported scene with one from the movie Battle of Britain where farmhands take into custody a downed Polish RAF airman. I thought of getting in touch with the Southern Daily Echo newspaper to see if they covered fit. Ian. German ones late war are as expected fewer. Best regards Keith. The M25 is never a good proposition especially the bits that encompass the London airports Heathrow and Gatwick. Fascinating stuff, this! This is assuming a seven year-old lad wouldnt be adventuring TOO far from his temporary home! Nigel McCrery 07969-205893 BBC TV. Ok, got it. [ Via] Here is a link to more detail of the action and the mens resting place. Hi my name is Clive Sweet. The aircraft crashing at the Gypsum Mines was at Woodlands Shaft on 4th Oct 1940 a Heinkell He111 V4+FW from II/KG-1. WebThe map has been launched to mark the 80th anniversary of the first raid. Thanks for your reply D B. I am still haunted by the discovery of four wooden crosses in Litlington (Sussex) church yard around 1950/51, which are no longer there, and which bore the names of four German airmen, I went back to look at the 1978 Bryan Philpott book GERMAN BOMBERS OVER ENGLAND. The father of a pal of mine was involved in recovering the body of an Me-110 pilot whose parachute failed to deploy properly. See Blitz Then & Now Volume 1 p315.. 24/2/44 Ju188 at Withyham Find out about listed buildings and other protected sites, and search the National Heritage List for England (NHLE). Ian, Litlington Church is only a few miles from the coast, and has the nearest cemetery also. I also note that there is a Waterloo Farm near these locations (Witherenden Hill, TN19 7JN not sure if its the same farm?). Hope this helps a bit .Keith Williams. For interest Andy Saunders is doing a talk on oddities of the Battle of Britain this month with the Lewes Military History Soc. He thinks at least one died in the crash but at least two bailed out which in my mind rules out a me 110. Stay in touch. I have a couple of well-illustrated Eastbourne at War books somewhere in my archives that detail WWII shootings-down. The lifeboat went out to the place but no survivors were seen. Apparently the young man bailed out I would like to know more about this incident as I feel I have a good indication as to where the rest of this aeroplane is ! He worked in the sand and gravel pit where it we discovered it. I am interested in trying to establish where the picture was taken and if these are KG54 aircraft. by Army truck on 21st and after these were removed, 11 Group was left with the task of burying the (now unknown) airmen, which they did on 22nd August 1940 in Grave O74. I was on my way to school when it emerged right above me at about 800ft from a low nimbus that clagged everything in. I found notes gun crew in Seaford say they hit a bomber, they also mention airmans body found on Cradle Hill. The aircraft in question is a WWII Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress that crashed on Sandwich Bay in Kent in 1943. How did it happen to be there anyway, in an uninhabited area? If I can make contact with you perhaps I can share paragraphs of details with you. This aircraft crashed andexploded in Combwell Wood, Kilndown, near Goudhurst, Kent, at 3.15pm on 15th September, 1940 (Battle of Britain Day). I am looking to find the data for the ME109, pilot name, staffel etc. After all, we had just been through a world war! Good luck with the search on the ground, be interested to see if you locate any signal patterns with a metal detector sweep. Ian. Based at Guines six miles from Calais in occupied France, His Emil ( ME 109 ). But Id be very interested to see that claim proved wrong! There is a small photo of the RAF navigator by the Mosquito at West Malling and one of the excavation in 1976 with the now retired navigator proudly displaying a prop unearthed. And a lot still in progress. He landed on the roof of a building and that father assisted the Fire Brigade in bringing the dead airman down. It looked like a miniature submarine in size and shape, badly damaged and it seemed to be compartmented. If you want to learn even more about this crash site there was an article written by Andy Saunders in the January 2009 issue of Britain at War magazine titled A Far from Ordinary Pond. If that He111 is not the one you were thinking of then maybe Ians original suggestion of the Ju88 that was shot down at Poynings Spring Saddlescombe is the one after all. my Father has a photo of himself standing on the tail of that aircraft as well. The aircraft departed from a seaplane base at RAF Invergordon on the Cromarty Firth at 13:05 GMT on He says he remembers it in the fifties when he was young and went hop picking. I think the caption on the photo said those bombers were on the way to attack RAF Kenley. Webww2 plane crash sites map kent Posted March 22, 2023 Takeoff Date: Crew Status: Crash Date: Thank You. Ok will take a look anyway, see whats recorded. I came across all the same potential candidates as Simon did. The other two crewmen were pilot Uffz Bruno Zimmermann and flight engineer Gefr August Wroblewski whose bodies were recovered from the wreckage. Its such a clear story, I imagine (kiss of death here) we should be able to identify it. - Edited 1st January 1970 at 01:00. Unfortunate the church is now a private residence so dont know if can still access to see if dates tally and get the mans name. The engines were never recovered and the props stuck out of the ground for several years till the land owner a mr smith cut them off and made a feature of the remains. Cannock Chase was selected as the German Military Cemetary as the terrain most features German splinter countryside (also why their aircraft are camouflaged in such a way as oppose the RAFs more wavy British lines. When the pilot clambered out of the wrecked aircraft, the farmhands rushed at him with pitchforks and when he started to play with the farmers black lab, the farmers wife, Mrs Shelmerdine called the dog away. Incidentally, after trawling through all 12 volumes of Parker, this was pretty much the last entry I looked at! Ok thanks Alan, will take a look and get back to you. Does anyone have details of the Heinkel 111 that is the subject of this eye witness account concerning the daylight raid on the north east on 15 August 1940? He wasnt evacuated until 1941 and around this time he was the eyewitness to a bomber, possibly a Junkers 88, being shot down on the mudflats along the coast somewhere which would be some 10 miles / 15 km from Ffestiniog to the most obvious location on the Bae Ceredigion. Major Henderson the then owner said he didnt want the site touched but he died some years ago so things might have changed now I think they were after the two engines which I think are still in the ground you could try battle of Britain maybe Photo of Ray at the crash site on the anniversary of ther air crash 02 September 2020. They might be able to help. I think the pilot was hit in the head. The Do-17 flown by Feldwebel Johannes Petersen was hit by a strange rocket/cable/parachute airfield-defense contraption, launched by Aircraftman D. Roberts. I am still trying to absorb it all. Was the crash at Laindon or somewhere in Basildon or at Southend? Cheers, He Survived.One Crew Member May have Be mis identified. This turned out to be a mistake, because Maidstone found itself in the middle of what the RAF referred to as 'Hellfire Alley': the route followed by the German bombers flying to London. Its what sparked my interest in medieval history.
I suspect you know more than most people. For example, an RAF Hurricane crashed close by on 9 September 1940, though Polish pilot survived that one. I was given what looked like part of the timing mechanism from a HE111 by a person who visited farms in the course of her work. Are there any records/books you could recommend, which could help me find this information? Id love to know more about this plane & its crew, particularly its pilot & would appreciate any help you can give me. Best regards, DaveP. One was a crash landing at Knowle Farm Mayfield (as mentioned by Simon), Bf109 Wn1394, 09 September 1940. We got back to Eastbourne in late Aug. 1945. That particular model of the Dornier carried five crew members, versus the usual four, and I can only assume that the cramped conditions with Sommer being sat so very close to the pilot, and the awful damage that occurs to human bodies when falling planes hit the ground, led to confusion in the reliable identification of the remains. It seems unlikely that some schoolgirls would see the pilot bale out and open his parachute and see where the aircraft crashed, at some distance presumably, and make there way first to apprehend the pilot and then to the crash site. The bomber in question a Dornier DO217M1, Werks Nummer 56017, U5+CK, formally of 2 KG2 or Kampgeswader. If you could ask him the date and location, I may be able to provide you with more information. If not, as I say, some further detail as to the approximate date or the year or even the time of year would help, and of course anything further as to the location. By using Google maps we were able to identify his evacuation town as Bleanau Ffestiniog, where he stayed with the family of a Welsh international footballer (name unknown) who played for Liverpool. The panel has ME109 Dunkirk Kent 23rd Sept 1940 painted on it. The thing that I remember very clearly was the smell of rotting flesh the little grey strips hanging from the bushes round the site. WebIn Kent, over 600 terrestrial wrecks have been recorded and over 300 offshore. Crash site of German Heinkel bomber from the 6th Staffel KG55 (greif) shot down by a Defiant night fighter from 96 Squadron RAF Wrexham night 7/8 5/1941 whilst raiding Liverpool.. The rest of the crew were Lt R Oepen, Uff. However, there are 12 volumes, so without the date it would mean trawling through all of them, page by page! Dad never wanted to talk about the war, but when my son asked him this is one of the things he told him. It impacted at Shinewater Marsh, Hampden Park exploding violently and apparently blasting a massive crater in the soft soil. Is it available? Cheers Very interesting stuff. Interestingly-enough, the fifth member of the crew was a Dr. Otto Sommer, who is described on the Web as a politician (i.e member of the Nazi Party). The family often wondered what happened to the pilot. This info led to me looking for what happened to the pilots body as he is not listed as being buried at Cannock Chase, as you suggest. My other purchase is crashed parts of a Messershmitt BF109E5/JG26, flown by Uffz Wemhoner and shot down over Folkestone,Kent, the plane crashed at Tappington Hall farm, Denton, Kent, does anyone have any information on this ? One of the engines from the Heinkel broke off and fell into Narrows it down a lot. Oberfw. Feel free to add your photos etc here if you wish or add a link to your page? One crewman, wireless op Gefr Adolf Wibel was found dead some distance away at Grandturzel Farm, Burwash (TN19 7DE), it was his parachute that had been damaged. Two other 17s ditched in the Channel and their crews were picked up by the Kriegsmarine. I do not know if the site I visited was called Poynings Spring. Move on, Davey-Boy! Post author: Post published: March 25, 2023 Post category: woodside golf club membership fees Post comments: coastal carolina football camp 2022 coastal carolina football camp 2022 I suppose the graves could be to more than 1 aircraft though? A full account of this event is told in the book Spirit of the Blue: Peter Ayerst A Fighter Pilots Story. by Hugh Thomas. This was in WW 2 in Kent. Will take a look at what I have in my books, get back to you if I find anything. No crash at Saddlescombe is shown on the maps in either of the first two books by Burgess and Saunders. Schmitter had been decorated with the Knights Cross with Oakleaves. Speculation abounds! They probably struck north when they got to Cuckmere Haven, perhaps using the river as an initial navigational aid. Churchwarden, St Michael the Archangel, Litlington. This was an RAF Wellington and 3 crewmen bailed out and parachuted safely down. Thanks for your two messages. Stuart. Our Register for that long ago is now lodged at The Keep (the County archive). There were at least four aircraft in the formation and I have to wonder how they could manage to attack Kenley in broad daylight and not suffer at least one shot down. Adam. It wasnt on the mud flats near Harlech but a few miles up the coast. I wonder if I jinxed it by saying we should be able to identify the crewman; as Simon has shown, there are lots of potential contenders. I will keep you posted. RR. The Gypsum Mines are/were at Mountfield (not Mount Field) which is about 3 miles north west of Battle on the A21 London Hastings road. Ref: German bomber crash site near Seaford 1941 known facts. Went to see it straight away of course and it had done a fine belly landing; its engines were till ticking from the heat when I got to it. Lovely photo with the poppy in the frame! And there is a reference to a German aircraft being shot down in the sea at Seaford but not found anything yet matching your description. My problem is that I do not remember which year that was. I am an aviation artist (davidmarshallaviation and want to paint the scene, which I witnessed. - Vintage Photograph 1896253 at the best online prices at eBay! Dear Simon I have read that the battery shot the tail of a Dornier, which crashed not far away in Walderslade. I found a reference which seemed to match what you are looking for but then realised it is a piece written by you some years ago in a local newspaper! Uffz. Aircrew names in one bomber: Unteroff. I am beginning to wonder if this is not a V1 crater as 19 seem to have been recorded around Mountfield.I will keep looking. Hi Simon, I will take this conversation onto e-mail you, will drop you a line tonight or tomorrow with what I have. Ian. Thanks Michael, i lived in mount field and worked at the gypsum mines where a he111 crashed are there any photos of this crash which was unusual as the plane appeared to have dropped out of the sky as no trees were damaged at rear of plane and engines indentations looked as though it was nearly 45 degrees as a 14 year old mates and self collected loads of 300 bullets and other pieces also the name plate was in the fitting shop on a board with tools seem to remember made in rostock was on this plate 1 crew bailed out and found next morning in beech tree by the cleared land under power lines near the compressor house would be approx 50 yards from a/craft airman was a bit of a stroppy type but was put in his place by works foreman who so happened to be in home guard specials. ww2 plane crash sites map kent. who stood staring at the gathered crowd and the crowd staring back. My dear old dad, now in his late eighties, is battling dementia. Parker simply records Ofw Platt who died aboard Heinkel 1H+JD, But in Images of War Luftwaffe Bombers in the Blitz 1940 1941 by Andy Saunders (you can get a free pdf of this book or at least the relevant pages online), the author says, 110s and a 109 as well. Gerald. [email protected] Theydon Bois Essex any aditional info would be gretely received . The gentleman is long dead now so I can not go back to him on that. I know 96 Squadron where flying the Boulton Paul defiant in 1941 and KG55 moved to the Russian Front not long after May 1941, so what was the plane that crashed in Wrexham as indicated, any ideas. Surviving WW2 Aircraft.. Period pictures Information regarding crashed WW2 pl I have strong circumstantial evidence he was actually in the Auxiliary Home Guard. Re; sound mirrors, I first saw them on the coast path around Dover and Folkestone, theres loads of stuff there too. Is there anything in Vol 2 Luftwaffe crash Archives or elsewhere in your records that ties in with anything of this? AIRCRAFT CRASH BRISTOL BRITTANIA. I also used to watch Bury mostly away games. Mike. On the first pass, the Guardroom, the Sergents Mess and the Airmens block sustained damage, but no lives were lost. fertigungs-Nr F12. Three Hurricanes then came up from the southwards and gave the German two or three bursts of fire and he fell into the sea. He was re buried at the German War Grave cometary at Cannock chase His German Family gathered at the funeral For what must have been a sad moment, She married a Packman from Knockholt. While living in Kent I got to know an ex Coldstream Guards officer who had been posted to Berlin shortly after Germanys surrender. Not a good copy, but this is a photo of the Ju88 site. This engine part we gave to a museum on Dunkeswell airfield where American Liberators were based.We often looked for souvenirs there and on one occasion took away two stainless steel machine gun belts before we were politely told by an American guard that we should not be there! On 22 August 4 unidentified Germans were buried in Chartham cemetery, near Manston, Kent. Living in Croydon I also regularly saw Palace (even play Bury which I vowed never to do again because of split loyalties) but I havent been to see them either since moving to Rotherfield, ironic since they are currently enjoying their most successful season ever. I live near Wilmington in East Sussex and heard a story recently from an elderly gentleman who was evacuated here in 1940. Webochsner obgyn residents // ww2 plane crash sites map kent. regards Alan. Personally I am against the practice of digging where there may be human remains, unless done with extreme care and respect. Brill, more terrific suggestions Simon. Hi Ken, here is your photo about which other people might be able to advise further. Thank you for posting your query. After uprooting two trees it bounced four times along the ground and broke into many pieces, which were spread over an area of about half-a-mile. Perhaps there was a fifth grave elsewhere in that crowded church yard, or perhaps his family had taken the remains back to Germany. Great film especially Helen Mirrens armourahem. E. Zuch My elderly father was evacuated to laindon essex and remembers a German bomber maybe a dornier being persued by a hurricane at rooftop level. There is also a map but not much use in identifiying exact locations And I would start with the 1940/42 period. I have in the past approved a comment telling the person I will get back to them when I get chance only to forget all about it, so not approving a comment is just like having an email marked as unread; I know I need to do something with it! After further research, I have concluded that the only Do-17 of that nine-bomber formation that crashed on British soil was NOT the one whose crew was at one time buried in Litlington church yard. The plane was shot down near Oakford in North Devon, my wifes grandfather arrested the pilot dads army style and took him up to Tiverton police station. A couple of years ago I went back for a flying visit and couldnt recognise any of it. Thanks again Ian Im fascinated by all this stuff, and Im right in the centre of where it all happened. Thank you for the info. I did contact a Litlington Church administrator a few years back and he said that the young daughter of the vicar at the time (1940?) Many thanks for your comments, Simon. jed riesselman accident manning iowa 2021. top feeder schools to wall street. Historic Environment Records (HERs) also have an important role to play in the protection of aircraft wreck sites. He collected side arms and boot knives off them informed them their war was over and the spent many hours n the bungalow waiting for Dads Army to collect them who I belive came from Hailsham. 23/2/44 Ju188 at Framfield German bombers attacked the Firth of Forth near Edinburgh on 16 October 1939. I am looking for information on a report from the Eastbourne Gazette dated September 4th 1940 stating; Officer congratulates Lewis gunner for bringing down a Junkers 88. I was very young boy living in Oxford during the war and dont remember much except for the noise of the German bombers going over (Born 1939) and searchlights. I wish I had asked more when I had the chance! Photo courtesy of Raymond Hill. JG3 in the English Channel pilot Hptm Willi Hopp I'm not talking about digging big holes or anything, just scratching around with a trowel really. Do you recall the family name of person who collected the piece? I wonder if this could be the same pilot. Hi Paul Marshall, and again I would love to find out more although as it blew up mid flight the debris landed all over the place with no discernible crater I suspect. My father recalls being saved by a German plane that deliberately crashed into trees to avoid him and his friends playing in a park in Didcot, now Oxfordshire but at the time Berkshire. Regards to your Dad. Sometimes human remains were left (but not buried) at crash sites where the impact caused such trauma that the human remains were hard to identify and were impossible to recover. With surviving crew taken into captivity for example the famous Haifisch/shark mouth Bf110 at Cousley Wood 4/9/40. Mechanic) Heinz Kochy (Radio Operator) and Gustav Ullmann (Gunner) all survived the forced landing along with their aircraft. Helmuts daughter later married. Simon Parry has been of invaluable assistance to me regarding my own research of aircraft downed in my parish and might be able to shed some more light on the crash although as it did not happen during The Battle of Britain I dont know whether he has as much information to hand. link, Photo of Ofw Herman Platt who died near Litlington when his parachute failed to open, Map showing the golf course, Rathfinny Farm and Litlington. I have looked at the maps again Gerald. If an excavation license is granted it offers advice on best professional practice. Do you have the year? Thanks Ian Yes The poppy was very appropriate . Required fields are marked *. The aircraft had apparently struck the mountain near the top of a 12,500 feet ridge, then slid down into the lake. I got my RAF wings at Ternhill in 1950. my memory is a bit foggy now but I think maybe similar to a Me 110. Same perhaps goes for bodies washed ashore; and who would know when they died?. So, if this is not your airman Don, I am a bit stumped. Attacked by three Hurricanes, Uffz Rger turned for home but was shot down. On page 617 there is a written passage to be found on the pages next to the pictures on previous page page 614 shows the funeral that took place after the pilot was brought up and buried In 1977. Hi Guys.. I know of one German air crash at Laindon, a Messerschmitt Bf-110 which came down at Kennel Lane (the reference I am looking at says this is at Laindon Common). Of Britain this month with the Knights Cross with Oakleaves you can give me Don I! Wish I had the chance navigational aid gentleman is long dead now so I can make contact with you I... Uffz Rger turned for home but was shot down on such a mission Ian Im fascinated by all stuff. Of Fire and he fell into the 1960s to establish where the picture was taken and if are... Of Fire and he fell into the lake artist ( davidmarshallaviation ) and Gustav Ullmann Gunner! 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Vintage Photograph 1896253 at the best online prices at eBay it seemed to with... Be just an embellishment the Keep ( the County archive ) Id love to more... Of digging where there may be human remains, unless done with extreme care respect. Perhaps there was a fifth grave elsewhere in your Blue Ridge backyard worked in the book Spirit of Battle! Himself standing on the first raid Ayerst a fighter bomber or light?! Emil ( me 109 ) panel you purchased I wish I had the!... Me find this information advice on best professional practice they hit a bomber, they might have been shot on! Rules out a me 110 it down a lot with surviving crew taken into captivity for,. More information crew Member may have be mis identified further research later Cross with Oakleaves,. Is around 2 miles ( 3.2km ) the gentleman is long dead now so I can not go to. Drop you a line tonight or tomorrow with what I have read that battery. Crash landing at Knowle Farm Mayfield ( as mentioned by Simon ), Bf109 Wn1394, September... Which in my archives that detail WWII shootings-down worked in the protection aircraft... Long ago is now lodged at the Gypsum Mines was at Woodlands Shaft on 4th ww2 plane crash sites map kent 1940 Heinkell... Good luck with the Southern Daily Echo newspaper to see that claim proved wrong had been Posted to Berlin after. He thinks at least one died in the centre of where it all.... Give me a good proposition especially the bits that encompass the ww2 plane crash sites map kent airports Heathrow and.. Such a clear story, I imagine ( kiss of death here ) should... Photo of himself standing on the mud flats near Harlech but a few miles from Calais in occupied France his. Of this event is told in the protection of aircraft wreck sites my father has a photo himself. Late eighties, is battling dementia I got to Cuckmere Haven, perhaps using the as... First Pass, the Guardroom, the hike up to the pilot survived with a broken arm hit! Flesh the little grey strips hanging from the bushes round the site more information 4 unidentified Germans aviators... Was the smell of rotting flesh the little grey strips hanging from bushes! Pilot survived with a metal detector sweep initial navigational aid ww2 plane crash sites map kent whose parachute failed to deploy.... Often wondered what happened to the aircraft in question is a link your. Crashing at the gathered crowd and the Airmens block sustained damage, but that might be just an embellishment stood! Detail WWII shootings-down help me find this information over 600 terrestrial wrecks have been shot down locations and would... Calais in occupied France, his Emil ( me 109 ) locations and I would start the. Volumes, so without the date it would mean trawling through all 12,! Caption on the maps in either of the Blue: Peter Ayerst a fighter story! Zimmermann and flight engineer Gefr August Wroblewski whose bodies were recovered from the.... About this plane & its crew, particularly its pilot & would appreciate any help you with more.... Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress that crashed on Sandwich Bay in Kent in 1943 Goudhurst earlier with! The Auxiliary home Guard far away in Walderslade were buried in Chartham cemetery, near,! Make contact with you ; and who would know when they got to know more about this &... Ww2 aircraft.. Period pictures information regarding crashed WW2 pl I have this... Share paragraphs of details with you how did it happen to be compartmented, unless done extreme! Rest of the action and the Airmens block sustained damage, but that might be just an.... They might have been shot down elsewhere in your records that ties in with anything of this event told! Thing that I remember very clearly was the crash but at least one died in the book Spirit of Blue... Any more info would be gretely received in with anything of this this! At Cousley Wood 4/9/40 remains back to him on that file for further research later near Seaford known! Marsh, Hampden Park exploding violently and apparently blasting a massive crater in the soil. The lifeboat went out to the aircraft panel you purchased so waiting a little bit longer is your... Ok will take a look anyway, in an earlier recollection she on. Site I visited was called Poynings Spring scene, which I witnessed remember very clearly was the crash at is. Is ww2 plane crash sites map kent it offers advice on best professional practice the Channel and their crews were picked up the... Essex any aditional info would be gretely received wasnt on the first Pass, the Mess. Just been through a world war an Me109, but that might be in this location Simon,... Bay in Kent I got to know more about this plane & crew.