Ensure that your rabbit is not being overfed, as this can result in diarrhoea, leading to a dirty groin, Feed greens and fruit in moderation, as some rabbits cannot tolerate an over-abundance of green food, again leading to diarrhoea and a dirty anus . And, were good at it. With enough time, the bonding will usually stick, but its important to be prepared with a plan in case it does not. These cookies do not store any personal information. This type of hay contains a bit more protein and a bit less fibre than timothy hay but it is cheaper (due to being more easily grown) and appears to be tastier than timothy hay. Bunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis. Whether you board your bunny with us or not, we strongly recommend you talk to your veterinarian about vaccinating your rabbits. For the same reason, take care when putting your rabbit out on the lawn in the summer, not to allow too much access to fresh grass, Check your rabbit twice daily to ensure that it is clean and dry. As they grow older, the amount of pellets should be slowly reduced. Here is a checklist to try and avoid this condition; 1.Plenty of fibre in diet, are you giving too many starcy treats? This is a big question that many people have because its not always as obvious as you might think. WebThe bonding process takes approx. link to 6 Reasons Rabbits Will Flip Over Their Food and Water Bowls, Learn more about what kind of chasing behaviors are normal during bonding, Learn more about stress bonding and how to use this technique, 10 Tips for when bonding rabbits is NOT working. * This is a very good way of introducing them without them meeting, so its not such a shock for them when they do meet. You can choose whichever technique you want to get started, but if the bonding is not working, try moving to a different technique and see how it goes. If you hate the smell of vinegar (like I do), try adding 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil to cover it up. If one rabbit is much more active than the other, it may end up causing friction in the relationship when one rabbit wants to play, but the other just wants to cuddle. Cost Single rabbit: $55/day Pairs: $60/day Trios: $65/day If you are boarding for a month and need a discounted rate, please contact us. We rely on boarding and bonding fees to help pay our extensive veterinary services. This includes house rabbits, who can also be at risk, Keep the rabbit dry and use a cleanser to remove faeces. If you have adopted from Fat Fluffs or we have started the bonding of your bunnies for you then the above will be covered but you will still have the responsibility of bringing them home and making sure they are happy and settled. Below is a process we used to bond our bunnies Poppy & Tino. Bonding bunnies can seem like a Herculean task, but with patience, understanding, and the proper guidance it can be a great experience for both pets and pet parents alike. Rabbit food is very different in that you only need to feed a little bit due to the high nutrient content. "Bunny Date" instructional video (Bonding 101). We think all pet bunnies should be spayed or neutered for health and behavior reasons. Drop off one or two, bring home a snuggly pairwhat a great deal! Make sure you do your research, however, since When they come back the other rabbit might think they are a stranger and attack. I have a diploma in Rabbit care, welfare and behaviour, I also have a certificate in Rabbit training. Below is a process we used to bond our bunnies Poppy & Tino. In general, its harder to bring any rabbit (whether male or female) into a home where the original rabbit is female. Any of these techniques might be right for you. Its easier to control aggressive or anxious rabbits. Just like humans, rabbits need to choose their own friends. We will do our best to accommodate you at other times on a case-by-case basis. Before your rabbits move into any space or enclosure that has been used by either bunny in the past, you want to do some serious cleaning. Recovery from this disease is rare and euthanasia is often necessary to prevent suffering.
You can also close off your rabbits access to part of the home (such as a bathroom) and do a deep clean of the area. You could easily suffer a bite while doing this; heavy leather gloves can help to protect your hands from teeth.
Bonding Support Consultation 0.00 Book Now Rabbit Bonding Support Consultations To prevent the rabbits injuring each other, or injuring you when they go for each other, youll want to wear appropriate clothing and have some equipment available. It is a deadly virus with an almost 100% fatality rate for rabbits. It includes some top tips & we hope it helps others. If the two rabbits mostly get along, but you just dont trust them together unsupervised, there is actually another option. I like to break apart pieces of hay cubes and sprinkle them around the enclosure, that way the rabbits get a healthy treat rather than a lot of sugary pieces. WebProfessional Bunny bonding Servive Our Experienced Bunny Bonding Service Rabbits are very social animals and need companionship of their own species. Youll also want to have two of everything because sometimes rabbits dont like sharing litter boxes and food bowls to begin with.
We will make an exception only if you have already booked your boarding as of April 26, 2022. If your rabbit lives in an ex-pen then youll want to clean the flooring as well. This allows for the rabbit to heal and for his/her hormones to balance. Bonding takes time. Does your rabbit like to flip over their food bowls? You can bond rabbits quicker than gentle bonding or starting small. Every day you will want to swap your rabbits so they are living in the others enclosure. This will give them time to heal and it will give their hormones time to calm down. This is possibly the healthiest type of hay you can feed your rabbit. Buying hay from local farmers is the cheapest way to go as you can buy bales of it provided you have the storage space. This will allow the rabbits to have a playmate sometimes, but it wont make you feel afraid for their safety when youre not there to watch them. Place the two rabbits side by side and start petting them and giving them little massages. WebOur Bonding Support Service Options We have a number of bonding support services designed to help you make a success of bonding your rabbits. However, you can find a friend for your rabbit if you take the time to plan and prepare for bonding. The rabbit may eat normal amounts of food up to the GI tract shutting down and therefore the stomach may contain a large bolus of food when GI stasis occurs. WebWe have been helping bond all varieties of rabbits for many years and have a 100% success rate. They used to have a bit but I was weary of the calcium content as Nibbles also had slightly thicker urine. However same-sex pairs can also work. They tend to be more territorial, so its more difficult to convince a female to live with another rabbit. Most of the time, this is not a realistic expectation. A small box, pet carrier, or laundry basket are good options. One rabbit will be happy because they are getting a yummy treat, and the other will be happy because they feel like they are being groomed. A list of veterinarian offices with the vaccine can be found at the bottom of this page. Whether its planning to have two separate enclosures permanently in different areas of the home or having an agreement with a family member or shelter to give the new rabbit a place to stay if the bonding doesnt work out. I am here to make sure all of you rabbit lovers have everything you need to care for your fluffy little bundle of joy. Maybe someone on the internet told you that your rabbit will never be happy unless they are bonded. Adopt a friend that is the opposite sex of your rabbit. Whilst it sounds nice to me, Im not sure if carrot and apple are very healthy additions to hay. Lucky for you, Special Bunny offers fabulous boarding services! We have a number of bonding support services designed to help you make a success of bonding your rabbits.
We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. If you take the time to introduce and bond your rabbit with another bunny friend, it is usually beneficial to their mental health and will cause your rabbit to be overall happier.
WebBonding Service - The Littlest Lives Rescue Bonding Services Rabbits prefer their own company, so we offer a bonding service for our resident rabbits to be paired up with yours. Professional rabbit bonding service; If you dont have the time to bond with your pets, or if youre too nervous to try it yourself, you can always get a professional to do it for you. A high fever occurs and eating and drinking becomes progressively more difficult. However, you can find a friend for your rabbit if you take the time to plan and prepare for bonding. However long it takes, its important that you stay patient and avoid rushing the process. Serious injury can easily occur without you there to supervise their interaction. These tips can help get your rabbit through a rough patch in their relationship, or set them up to have a better chance at getting along. The rabbit becomes lethargic and has no appetite , becomes disinterested or may hunch up in a ball as if cold. Once you feel they have bonded, you can test them. It may take several days before any fecal pellets are seen. WebProfessional Bunny bonding service We offer a range of services for rabbits at Celebunnies 5 star rabbit boarding, we are passionate about all aspects of rabbit welfare, this includes educating on the correct standards of living for rabbits and why space is very important. Ive designed adorable bunny apparel! It will be your responsibility to monitor these negotiations and to intervene when appropriate to prevent things from getting out of hand. I put together a guide that goes over all the basics of rabbit care so you have it all in one place. This technique puts the two rabbits together full time from the start. WebBunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis. To correct this condition involves patience in allowing the treatments to work. Once bonded the rabbits should be housed together in a space large enough to accommodate them both comfortably. Oat hay has grain husks that many rabbits enjoy the taste of. Then you slowly increase the space so that neither rabbit gets either territorial of the new space or uses it to nervously stay away from the other rabbit. Find a vet before you need one! ##Firstly. I use meadow hay as the main hay as they eat more of this. When youre first starting out, its best if you can give your rabbits some bonding sessions in the middle of the afternoon. Some are made from alfalfa and these pellets contain a lot more protein. These are the behaviors that can lead to injuries between the rabbits. 2023 - Special Bunny. If this area has a slippery floor, then towels or an area rug can placed on the floor. This means that if you immediately place a second rabbit into your original rabbits home, they will likely end up fighting. Bonding can take a considerable amount of your time and effort in order to be successful. You can also buy large bales of timothy hay from farmers but you will need a place to store it. A neutral space is a place that neither rabbit will consider to be their own territory. It is full of fibre which helps keep the intestine moving. Rabbits who are friendly and have a special bond with a human will continue to show affection. If no feces/droppings are being produced by your rabbit, you should consider GI Stasis and immediately take your rabbit to the vets. If the kitchen isnt working, try a pen in the living room. Wait 2-4 weeks after the surgery before attempting introductions. While I cant make the promise that any two rabbits can be bonded, most can learn to coexist with enough time and patience. A lot of people who have a very close bond with their original rabbit will worry that they wont show the same kind of affection after a new bunny is introduced. Please see our boarding rateshere. Prices We have updated our boarding prices. Exercise pens work wonderful for bonding are financially more reasonable than adequate housing and have many uses even after the bonding is completed. WebWe can help you bond your rabbit, so that they lead happier lives and are more content and less prone to depression or loneliness. At night, they would share a 6ft double hutch, having access to only half of the hutch each to prevent fighting. A good way to do this is using vinegar. Once your rabbit has a friend, he/she will not forget you! While you dont want to use this tip too often because too many treats are not good for a rabbits digestion, its a good trick to use if the two rabbits seem to be getting along and just need a little extra nudge. A rabbit's intestinal tract can become static for several different reasons such as stress, dehydration, pain form an underlining disorder or illness, dental problem, wind, infection, intestinal blockage or insufficient fibre in the diet. Our insulated and heated equipment ensures we can keep both indoor and outdoor rabbits comfortable during their stay. This might be necessary if youre waiting for one of them to be spayed or neutered, or if you want to wait to start the formal bonding until you have more time and attention to devote to it. Almost inevitably, you will experience setbacks along the way, making you wonder why you decided this was a good idea to begin with. Feed your rabbit plenty of hay and you are on the right path to a healthy and happy bunny. Our spaces fill quickly and may all be reserved by the end of October. This reserves your spot. This is especially important when working in small spaces or long periods of time. All of the information out there can seem confusing and contradictory. It usually takes between two weeks and two months to bond a pair of rabbits.
Make sure you do your research, however, since They tend to be more territorial so you may want to give them more time together to solidify their bond before the move-in. Use your own commonsense in the matter. Boarding area is cleaned daily and bunnies are checked on several times per day. Alfalfa King also does bags of alfalfa hay. The owner intervening at the wrong time or in the wrong way. You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. It is very rare that two bunnies will meet and get along perfectly. Obviously, if you are away or on holiday or and have someone looking after your rabbit, that can't be helped but under normal circumstances, exercise is a must. They look fun but they encourage selective feeding. The action of chewing hay is good for wearing down teeth. Bonding is a stressful process. A rabbits diet must be very high in fibre. It is very important to try to end every session on a high note. It can also be useful in cases where one rabbit is seriously scared of the other even if there is no serious aggression. Your bunny will be housed in an 2 by 6 x-pen or double condo, depending on availability, fed high quality pellets, fresh greens, and unlimited hay. Plenty of both. Fly traps catch many flies but not all. GI Stasis (ileus) is not an illness but a symptom of another underlying problem and it will become an emergency extremely quickly and if left untreated, will be fatal. Youll also leave treats and piles of leafy greens around so that the rabbits can see this as a fun playtime. Care and thought must be given when considering a friend for your rabbit. Rabbits are social animals that benefit from living in pairs or groups. Repellents may work temporarily, but one must remember to use them repeatedly. Or, you may bring food of your own choice. We study and analyse your rabbits behaviour to use the best method for them and assess things case by case. **Get each bunny used to the others smell before they meet**. This can be an indirect cause of GI Stasis. Of course, some rabbits will naturally hit it off better than others. Fly strike in domestic rabbits is a common problem throughout the summer months. In addition, if the cecum/caecum is not emptying quickly enough, harmful bacteria will override the cecum's natural defence system emitting gas and causing the rabbit terrible pain. Just like humans, rabbits need to choose their own friends. The texture of the hay is hard and provides a good texture for the wearing down of teeth. The boarding area is cleaned daily and bunnies are checked on several times per day. Rabbits are social animals that benefit from living in pairs or groups. This start small technique is most useful in bonding rabbits who are more anxious or aggressive toward each other. Give them lots of toys to play with and hay to munch on. Wounds also provide a perfect place for the fly to lay its eggs, as the odour and moisture from the flesh attracts them. You want to be on the lookout for actively aggressive rabbit body language. Either outside if it is nice or around your house. WebThe bonding process takes approx.
In our experience though, it is often as much about a safe bonding process as anything else! Some people recommend giving your rabbits as much space as possible to start, while others swear by starting your rabbits in a small box or laundry basket. This is a legume hay which contains as much fibre as timothy hay. The size and age of the rabbits generally dont affect their ability to get along, but you might want to look for a rabbit with similar energy levels. Dont panic if you see this behavior occasionally. Because state law requires an exam prior to vaccination weve listed each price where known, but prices may change. It is tempting to move too quickly. However, if the rabbits are not showing signs of aggression or severe anxiety, its okay to start sooner. Our dedicated bonding facilities at The Hoppy Hub in Kirkintilloch are designed to focus the rabbits' attention on each other without distraction from their own territory and belongings. The symptoms are no fecal pellets/droppings or very few compared to the amount your rabbit usually produces. Most rabbit foods state on the packaging that hay should also be offered in unlimited amounts nowadays. We study and analyse your rabbits behaviour to use the best method for them and assess things case by case. Even more confusing, every bonding is different so there is no set of rules you can follow that will 100% lead you to success. 2. to set up this second space. For the treatment and aftercare of your rabbit, work with your vet. Fly strike (Myiasis) is predominantly caused by the green bottle fly (Lucilia sericata) and related fly species which lay eggs on living rabbits. Your rabbit does not need a lot of pellets per day so if you find your rabbit is not eating much hay, try cutting down on pellets gradually as you may be giving too much. Rabbits are bonded when you can trust them to not hurt each other. unusually loud? We offer discounts for long-term boarding. Bonding rabbits can be an incredibly difficult and stressful process (but not always). from Small Pet Select! Our boarding spaces fill up quickly and advance reservations during the holidays is required. Bonding takes time, patience and effort; it will be up to the rabbits how much of each are necessary. Carry them around. Occasionally a longer and more protracted disease course occurs with multiple skin modules. If the rabbits show a mutual interest, we will house them together here at SaveABunny for a recommended minimum three days. Remove them from their carrier, if they are in one, and allow them to explore the area and one another, paying close attention for any signs of aggression. They would spend every day in a large play area inside our house, and I would be in it with them all day. WebOur Bonding Services We are always happy to bond your spayed or neutered single bun to one of our adoptable bunnies. GI Stasis is the condition of food matter not moving through the gut as normal or not moving as quickly as normal. This is soft yellow/green hay that smells quite sweet. Bring both rabbits into the room; you will need to be right in there with them at all times. It can take several weeks to months for a bond to solidify between the rabbits. This also means you'll need another litter box, water crock, food crock, etc. Initial consultation is $125 on-site for 1 hour, then $65 per hour after, up to 5 hours, if needed. Then only after a 5-10 minute massage should you bring your rabbits back to their separate homes and end the session. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. What you will do is start each session with 10-15 minutes of stress bonding, then give them another 10-15 minutes to sit together without the stress, so that they can also get used to interacting with each other and comforting each other even when there is not something scary going on at that exact moment. It is typically the fastest way to bond rabbits, but it requires you to be with them full time for at least 1-2 weeks, bringing them with you in a carrier if you need to go anywhere out of the home. this is why i make sure i actually see that all rabbits are eating and they have a constant supply of hay. WebIt can take several weeks to months for a bond to solidify between the rabbits. If you are looking to adopt a friend for your bunny companion, SaveABunny is here to help! It will be a stressful and potentially confusing process, both for you and the rabbits, as you figure out how to help your rabbits to coexist peacefully. Our Service We have bonded over 1400 rabbits over the last 9 years We can help you find the perfect partner for your rabbit. Cost Single rabbit: $55/day Pairs: $60/day Trios: $65/day If you are boarding for a month and need a discounted rate, please contact us. The only time I would say to give up and stop trying to bond them is if the rabbits have actually hurt each other in a fight. WebA Bonding service you can trust. WebBonding rabbits can be an incredibly difficult and stressful process (but not always). The first few pellets may be small, hard misshapen, perhaps covered in mucus. These pellets usually have hay or grass as the first ingredient. WebTurn the vacuum cleaner on near the bunnies. We specialise in Rabbit Psychology, Behaviour and Training and are extremely passionate about animal behaviour. Many rabbits enjoy this hay so I am under the impression that its tastier as given a choice, my rabbits would rather nibble on alfalfa than timothy hay. But also as a rabbit lover I have decided to learn a lot more about their behaviour and wellbeing. On average, bonding two rabbits will take anywhere from two weeks to two months. The two brands that I use when buying food for my rabbit areOxbowandSmall Pet Select. Rabbit bonding and behaviour service. Place a small amount of this yummy treat on the forehead of one or both of the rabbits. Male rabbits are also still viable for a number of weeks after the surgery. WebProfessional Bunny bonding service We offer a range of services for rabbits at Celebunnies 5 star rabbit boarding, we are passionate about all aspects of rabbit welfare, this includes educating on the correct standards of living for rabbits and why space is very important. I recommend using a good quality plain pellet food. The bonding has gone on for more that 6 months with little or no progress. If it was just nipping, they should continue negotiations. Two females are very likely to be much more difficult to bond also. We only try bondings between bunnies of the opposite sex, and only between a pair of bunnies (never a trio or more). These will be important steps that will give you a better chance of success no matter what technique you use for bonding, so dont skip the preparation and planning stage. If bonding looks possible, we recommend boarding your bunnies at SaveABunny, which is neutral space, for a minimum of 3 days at $60 per day. If the rabbit ignores you, then carefully separate the rabbits. You can also leave them living in this side-by-side situation for a longer period of time. Typically there are negotiations that need to be worked through in regards to who gets what role in the relationship. and let him eat grass. You need to be prepared from the start for this scenario. This will provide the best opportunity for a neutral introduction and support for their initial encounter. Professional rabbit bonding service; If you dont have the time to bond with your pets, or if youre too nervous to try it yourself, you can always get a professional to do it for you. WebProfessional Bunny bonding Servive Our Experienced Bunny Bonding Service Rabbits are very social animals and need companionship of their own species. However, the idea of bonding your pet rabbits sounds daunting and overwhelming. However, as the time together gets longer, no toys or treats could lead to an irritated rabbit, and they may end up directing their pent up frustration at the other rabbit. It is also a good hay to help stimulate underweight rabbits to eat. WebADOPTING A FRIEND FOR YOUR RABBIT BUNNY BONDING SERVICES. Bonding usually takes a shorter amount of time (1-2 weeks).
Ive tried two types of oat hay with my rabbits. Syringe feeding to ensure the rabbit continues to get essential nutrients. Please be respectful of these hours. Usually you will want to bring them to a room in the house that your rabbit hasnt been to before, such as a kitchen, a bathroom, or a section of a hallway. It is very rare that two bunnies will meet and get along perfectly. You also dont have to spend the time slowly increasing the rabbits space to make sure their bond doesnt break. In my opinion, it would be better to shred some fresh carrot and mix it into hay. Follow the Bunny Lady and her bunny partner Elusive and they seek to educate rabbit caretakers and make sure everyone is able to have a happy and healthy bunny in their home. Rabbit Haemorrhage Disease (RHD), also known as Viral Haemorrhage Disease (VHD) is a very serious condition which causes a high fever, internal bleeding and liver disease. You can use a tabletop, being careful to block off the edges to prevent your rabbits from falling. It is a rich green colour with a distinct smell and many leaves. You can bring your bunny or bunnies to our shelter in Carnation and board your bunnies under the watchful eye of and loving care of Angie, our founder.
Lack of fibre is a common cause. You can also work with changing the size of the place you are working in. The idea here is that the rabbits will likely remember the positive feeling they had at the end of their session and will be more likely to continue the positive feeling into the next day. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. However, you can find a friend for your rabbit if you take the time to plan and prepare for bonding. The hairball is more likely a result of GI Stasis, not the cause. You can connect the individual cube pieces to form a flat barrier in between your rabbits using small zip ties. For short periods of less than an hour, the rabbits will likely be fine with minimal activities. WebBunny bonding basics Before introducing two rabbits, both should be spayed or neutered. You can leave your rabbit in a run on your lawn (supervised!) Bonding bunnies can seem like a Herculean task, but with patience, understanding, and the proper guidance it can be a great experience for both pets and pet parents alike. WebWe have been helping bond all varieties of rabbits for many years and have a 100% success rate. It is good for younger rabbits and lactating does, but due to its high calorie/protein/calcium content, it is unsuitable for rabbits that are over a year old. Match-making and Bunny bonding services We love to help bunnies fall in love. Stress bonding is a technique used to scare or stress out the rabbits in order to get them to comfort each other. If your rabbits do not like timothy hay (yes! Plain pellet food zip ties large bales of timothy hay and you are working in small spaces or long of! House, and i would be in it with them all day bonding. 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