He hails originally from St. Joe (Ost), Kansas, west of Wichita, and grew up in Bendena, Kansas, attending St. Benedicts Parish, which was founded by the monks of St. Benedicts Abbey. God brought him to that place in his life because of the love and support of others. It makes such a difference in peoples ability to pray, while surrounded by art and beauty. WebSt. In October 2017, she won first place for her sculpture Ecce Homo in the inaugural Regional Juried Christian Arts Competition and Exhibition presented by the Catholic Fine Arts Council of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. made a pastoral visit to St. Benedicts Abbey in Atchison, KS to celebrate with the monastic community, family and friends the tenth anniversary of abbatial leadership of Abbot James Albers, O.S.B. An abbot is the head of a monastery. Several years later, when Abbot James entered the monastery, he was the youngest member of the St. Benedicts Abbey community and Father Augustine was the oldest. The statues are large and were created in multiple pieces. They all seem to love it. Abbot James graduated from Benedictine College in 1994 with a degree in Mass-Communications and Theology. If you asked Abbot James how he came to that position, he would be quick to say he has accomplished nothing on his own. St. Benedict's Abbey. As Abbot James family has influenced him, the monks have influence his family. The Benedictine Abbots and Prioresses of North America met for "I know who shes writing about, Georgia Shaver says through a grin. WebAbbot James R. Albers, O.S.B., is the ninth abbot of St. Benedicts Abbey, serving in this role since December 2012. One priest who should be named, however, is Father Augustine Rottering, who served as the Albers pastor in Bendena for fourteen years. O Adonai. O Radix Jesse. O Sapientia. 1020 North 2nd Street Atchison, KS 66002. The second Columba, Dom Columba Marmion, saw his task as helping us to possess the Light of Life within our souls, which is nothing more than the Divine Life of Jesus Christ that we receive as adopted sons and daughters of God. A native of northwest Kansas, Marin said she always appreciated art, but never envisioned life as a professional artist.
Studies show while there has been a dramatic decline in the ordination of priests over the last 45 years, in recent years, there's been a slight increase in those choosing to become monks. On April 1, 2023, Source & Summit founder and CEO Adam Bartlett received the Lumen Vitae medal from St. Benedict's Abbey at the tenth annual Abbot's Table event in Kansas City, MO. My goal is to tell stories on the radio, online, on social media and through face to face conversations that enhance civic dialogue and provide solutions. And not only for monks, but also for college students, for youth conferences, and for parishes and cathedrals across the country and around the world where Catholics are gradually rediscovering the riches of the sung liturgy and of the sacred music tradition, not as a lifeless vestige from the past but as a means of encountering the Light of Christ and receiving the Light of Life. The first week was sculpture, and we were sculpting the portrait of a live model, she said. A large part of my heart is there. That way, he says, he can focus on his departure from this earth. On Dec. 28, 2012, the monks of St. Benedicts Abbey in Atchison elected Father James Robert Albers, OSB, their ninth abbot. On my first day in the monastery, he pulled me aside, he recalled. The sculpture, which is part of the new Return to Nazareth Prayer Garden, was created by St. Francis native Kate Marin. Benedicts Abbey is a Catholic, Benedictine monastery located in Atchison, Kansas. Archabbot Martin De Porres Bartel, O.S.B. If you asked Abbot James how he came to that position, he would quickly tell you he has accomplished nothing on his own. He professed vows at St. Benedicts Abbey in December 1996 and began theology studies in the fall of 1997 at the Pontifical University of SantAnselmo, Rome, Italy. Abbot James was born in Ost, Kansas, a small town west of Wichita, but grew up north of Atchison in Bendena, where his family were members of St. Benedicts Parish. This is far from my first encounter with Benedictine life and spirituality, though, and with Benedictine monks. Im thankful I dont have to worry about cooking my own food. Abbot Lawrence R. Stasyszen, O.S.B. Abbot James R. Albers, O.S.B., is the ninth abbot of St. Benedicts Abbey, serving in this role since December 2012. The statue of St. Joseph is 7 feet tall; Mary is 6 feet, 4 inches; and the 12-year-old rendition of Jesus is 5 foot, 2 inches. Abbot President Jonathan Licari, O.S.B. The overall population has dwindled over the last 50 years from some 130 to a few dozen today. You cant (try to) have it all or youre gonna end up with nothing.. St. Benedict's Abbey. Ultimately, Father Augustine was one of many monksdeceased and still livingwho have played a special role in Abbot James vocation to the religious life. O Clavis David. This is Marins first commission as a professional artist, and her second time working with bronze material. Marmion the Benedictine has had a tremendous influence on my life through his spiritual writings and letters of spiritual direction, all produced from within the silence of the monastic enclosure, and I believe that he is an important guide and intercessor for us all in our times. Close your vocabulary gaps with personalized learning that focuses on teaching the As he begins his tenure, Abbot James is humbled by the demands of the position. Whenever my parents talked to me about what I wanted to do in life, they always mentioned a vocation to the religious life, said Abbot James. (Lisle) and Continue reading Pastoral Visit, Abbot President Jonathan Licari, O.S.B., J.C.D, convoked a meeting of the Congregation council at St. Gregorys Abbey in Shawnee, Oklahoma from March 16-18, 2023. Monks with The Order of St. Benedict live by the Rule of Benedict,which lays out exhaustive parameters for Benedictine monastic life. Abbot President Jonathan Licari, O.S.B. On Dec. 28, 2012, the monks of St. Benedicts Abbey in Atchison elected Father James Robert Albers, OSB, their ninth abbot. I knew I wanted to make work within the church.. My work brings new voices, sounds, and an authentic sense of place to our coverage of the Kansas City region. 2:47. In the Rule [of St. Benedict], the abbot is responsible for the souls of his brothers to challenge the strong and to give the weak nothing to run from. If you asked Abbot James how he came to that position, he would quickly tell you he has accomplished nothing on his own. They wanted all of their children to know that a vocation to the religious life was as viable as any other option.. Being out and about with the monks, I found myself wondering how they navigated the dichotomy between monastic and secular life. Benedict's Abbey Church 1020 North 2nd Street Atchison, Kansas 66002 (913) 367-7853 Closes at 7PM St. Benedict's Abbey and Church Map Beautiful & Historic Kansas Churches St. Benedict's Abbey and Church - Atchison, Kansas WebSt. She returned to Kansas and worked for several years in order to return to study in Florence, which she did from 2017-19. I asked him if he ever questions his decision. I made my Jesus at a point where, even larger than life, he still stands a bit shorter than the visitors who will come to the site, Marin said. Following his ordination he did a pastoral year at Sts. No candidate is allowed to campaign for votes. Its no stretch for me to say that my vocation and entire imaginative vision are deeply Benedictine in character. Elias R. Lorenz, O.S.B., D.D., V.G., Regional Bishop in the Archdiocese of Newark, was the main celebrant and homilist. In the Gospel, the idea is Christ is obedient to Mary and Joseph, and also to the Father. WebSt. The year after Father Henry Lemke, Father Casimir Seitz and Father Augustine Wirth had established St. Benedicts Priory in Doniphan, Kansas, Abbot James family made its first contact with the Kansas Monks. O Radix Jesse. Columba Kelly of St. Meinrad Archabbey. I found Brother Leven Harton playing chess with a fellow Benedictine grad, who now teaches philosophy at the college. For example, one says a monk must sleep in his habit, but may remove his knife. The effects of their life and vocation are felt, I can assure you, by those of us who labor in the world. PHOTO BY JD BENNING Father James Albers was elected as the ninth abbot of St. Benedicts Abbey in Atchison on Dec. 28, 2012. WebABBOTS TABLE X. The Leaven is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Today, about 40 monks live at the abbey on a hill overlooking the college and the Missouri River. Abbot James graduated from Benedictine College in 1994 with a degree in Mass-Communications and Theology. Three years later, he made his solemn profession on Oct. 2, 1999. O Sapientia. The monastery goes quiet. The abbots stayed at the retreat center at St. Bernard Abbey and the prioresses at the retreat center at Sacred Herat Monastery, both in Cullman. Fill out my online form. I think a lot of artists have memories growing up drawing or creating, she said. Once sculpted, the foundry made wax casts out of the original mold taken from the clay figures. Welcome! The move stateside allowed her to be closer in proximity to the foundry in Colorado, which translated her clay sculptures into bronze. We are on a journey together toward salvation, and my responsibility is my brothers.. If you asked Abbot James how he came to that position, he would be quick to say he has accomplished nothing on his own. Once I was in art classes, it was the language of my soul.. 1020 N 2nd St, Atchison, KS, 66002, United States. It was founded in 1857 to provide education to the sons of German settlers in the Kansas Territory . The Abbot would make such trips in search of money and young men for his monasteries in the New World. To prepare for the election, monks pray for discernment, read to become more acquainted with the process, and dedicate their prayers to Gods blessing on the election. On the hard days, when I was sculpting, I would think, This is a gift to the monks you already love, Marin said. St. Benedicts Abbey. Welcome! WebSt. At the same time, he moves forward with a resolve to take his task seriously. He took his final vows last year. Especially the younger men, like Brother Tim. The spotty wi-fi. WebOn December 28, the monks of St. Benedicts Abbey in Atchison elected James Robert Albers, OSB, their ninth abbot. WebBENEDICT'S ABBEY Founded in Atchison, KS, in 1856 from st. vincentarchabbey, Latrobe, PA, by Henry lemke; became an independent priory, in 1858 and an abbey in 1876. Our Alpha test list is full, but that doesn't mean you can't be among of the first to gain access. Job Opportunities reserve center crypt Guest House Request. He was recognized "for his work in growing the faith and elevating Catholic Liturgy through sacred music." DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word. We love it when they come in to shop, she says. The Albers family has connections to the Benedictines that reach back more than 150 years. Archivist Father Dennis Meade is my guide. Abbot James graduated from Benedictine College in 1994 with a degree in Mass-Communications and Theology. He hails originally from St. Joe (Ost), Kansas, west of Wichita, and grew up in Bendena, Kansas, attending St. Benedicts Parish, which was founded by the monks of St. Benedicts Abbey. At 5 p.m., the church bell chimes for mass. He was recognized "for his work in growing the faith and elevating Catholic Liturgy through sacred music." But the first Columba helped ensure that the Church would not be left to walk in darkness, but to be equipped to preserve and pass on the Light of Life to future generations, which he and his contemporaries successfully achieved. I am very much counting on the prayers of many people and the support of my confreres.. (17 March 2013-2023). As Roman Catholic, Benedictine monks in Atchison, Kansas, we pray and work for the glory of St. Benedict's Abbey (Kansas Monks) | Atchison KS. WebSt. The Benedictine Abbots and Prioresses of North America met for a joint meeting in Cullman, Alabama from February 3-6, 2023. He succeeds Abbot Barnabas Senecal who served in that role for 16 years. I dont have to pay bills, theres a medical staff on duty (all the time,) he says. Oops! If you asked Abbot James how he came to that position, he would quickly tell you he has accomplished nothing on his own. I know Ill be buried in the abbey cemetery. Im thankful I dont have to worry about all those things.. They teach at the college and the parish schools. It is difficult to put into words how much it means to me that this is the place my first professional work will reside forever, said Marin, who is a 2012 graduate of Benedictine College in Atchison. And I think that they also can help show us why Benedictine monks are so important in our times. I always really liked art, looking at paintings, seeing sculptures. Benedict's Abbey is an American community of monks of the Order of St. Benedict located in Atchison, Kansas. It was always fascinating to me. 1020 N 2nd St, Atchison, KS, 66002, United States. I thought it was tender for Jesus to gaze up at them.. made a pastoral visit to St. Benedicts Abbey in Atchison, KS to celebrate with the monastic community, family and friends the tenth anniversary of abbatial leadership of Abbot James Albers, O.S.B. Father Meinrad Miller invited me to come to a weekend retreat in 1995 and encouraged me to discern my vocation, said Abbot James. He hails originally from St. Joe (Ost), Kansas, west of Wichita, and grew up in Bendena, Kansas, attending St. Benedicts Parish, which was founded by the monks of St. Benedicts Abbey. I was a child in the 80s. After ordination, Father Joseph volunteered for the Kansas mission at St.Benedicts Abbey. Ut In Omnibus Glorificetur Deus. He was recognized "for his work in growing the faith and elevating Catholic Liturgy through sacred music." They approached us about creating a garden that would allow the person to engage in it whether praying or walking among the statues to have an experience of walking with the Holy Family, said Abbot James Albers, OSB. ATCHISON The bronze sculpture The Holy Familys Return to Nazareth was unveiled Sept. 27 at St. Benedicts Abbey here. Now, Father Augustine has reason to be prouder still. (17 March 2013-2023). 526 were here. And I thank them for their work that is helping hundreds (and soon-to-be thousands) of Catholic parishes, cathedrals, communities, seminaries, colleges and schools succeed in their efforts to elevate the liturgy through sacred music. Im 82 years old. O Radix Jesse. I was excited to go to college and learn about things Id never learned about, which was art, Marin said. Something went wrong while submitting the form. What is New in the 1.7.0 Release of the Digital Platform? Benedicts Abbey is a Catholic, Benedictine monastery located in Atchison, Kansas. He entered the novitiate at St. Benedicts Abbey in December 1995 and made his first profession on Dec. 8, 1996. Benedict's Abbey Church 1020 North 2nd Street Atchison, Kansas 66002 (913) 367-7853 Closes at 7PM St. Benedict's Abbey and Church Map Beautiful & Historic Kansas Churches St. Benedict's Abbey and Church - Atchison, Kansas (Latrobe) Father Elias Correa-Torres, O.S.B. Please pray for Abbot James Albers as he begins his tenure as the ninth Abbot of St. Benedicts Abbey. Upon this particular return, however, the Abbot brought with him Michael Sittenauer, Abbot James great-great uncle. WebSt. Continue reading Presidents Council meets inShawnee. WebCatholic Community Health and Villa St. Francis (Olathe, KS) had a wonderful evening supporting the Abbot's Table for St. Benedict's Abbey. Just as businesses have bosses and teams have coaches, the monastery has an abbot. O Clavis David. I partner with communities to uncover the ignored or misrepresented stories by listening and letting communities help identify and shape a narrative. My mom and dad would often say Look at Father Augustine, he said. Fill out my online form. On the evening of the first day, there is a nominating ballot. And so, it seems to me that these three dimensions of the Lumen Vitaethat it be constantly preserved, possessed, and proclaimedillustrate precisely why we need monks, and especially Benedictine monks, in our times. In the Rule, the abbot is responsible for the souls of his brothers; to challenge the strong and to give the weak nothing to run from. And above all I thank our merciful and provident Lord for beginning this good work, for sustaining it with his grace, and for guiding it to where I hope one day it will be brought to completion in the liturgy of the Heavenly Jerusalem where we will see God face to face and where our sacrifice of praise on earth will become the song of eternal glory. Founded in 1857, the monks of St. Benedicts Abbey live by according to the Rule of St. Benedict, praying and working for the glory of God and the good of the world. Father Andrew (Dongha) Kim, O.S.B., a monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey currently serving at Wimmer Priory in Taiwan, was ordained to the priesthoodby the Most Rev. St. Benedict's Abbey. Webabbot: 1 n the superior of an abbey of monks Synonyms: archimandrite Types: abbe a French abbot Type of: superior the head of a religious community I had struggled with painting and drawing, but sculpture was something I felt so fluent in. (St. Vincent Archabbey) conducted the quinquennial canonical visitation of the monastic community at St. Bernard Abbey in Cullman, AL from February 19-23, 2023. Upon her 2012 graduation with degrees in art and theology, she then returned to Florence and attended a monthlong immersion program. As he begins his tenure, Abbot James is humbled by the demands of the position. Their Masses, their spirituality, their liturgy, were instrumental in my own faith journey.. About a year ago, she returned to the Midwest from Italy, where she was completing her education at the Scuola di Arte Sacra (Sacred Art School) of Florence. The Leaven is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Father Joseph was named prior, and convinced his brother, Mathias, to settle in the hills of Atchison County. WebAbbot James R. Albers, O.S.B., is the ninth abbot of St. Benedicts Abbey, serving in this role since December 2012. Heres one whos writing a story about you, the Father wisecracks about my presence to one of the workers. I could lose myself for hours.. As the founder and head of Source & Summit, I truly lead what I believe is one of the most talented, innovative, and disruptive music and liturgy resource providers and tech companies in the Catholic Church today. God brought him to that place in his life because of the love and support of others. St. Benedict's Abbey. At the same time, he moves forward with resolve. I love the idea of supporting that spirituality and infusing our culture with that spirituality. Abbot James Albers praises influence of family, monastic community. Fill out my online form. WebAbbot James Robert Albers, a native of Ost, Kansas, grew up in St. Benedict's Parish of Bendena, Kansas. Peter and Paul Parish in Seneca, Kansas, and served as Alumni Director at Benedictine College from 2000 until his appointment as Prior of the St. Benedicts Abbey community in July 2002. The ReichenbergersAbbot James great-great-great grandparents on the Albers sidewould go on to be served by many Kansas Monks at Saint Benedicts in Bendena, before the family moved down to Ost. And my predecessor, Abbot Barnabas Senecal, gave me a great example of compassion., All of my brother monks have served and supported me in so many different ways, he said. WebThe abbot of Sant'Anselmo di Aventino, in Rome, is styled the "abbot primate", and is acknowledged the senior abbot for the Order of St. Benedict (O.S.B.) On April 1, 2023, Source & Summit founder and CEO Adam Bartlett received the Lumen Vitae medal from St. Benedict's Abbey at the tenth annual Abbot's Table event in Kansas City, MO. It was a language I could speak and I wanted to speak. His mission was to help bring to life the Word of God in song, both so that the Light of Christ might shine more brightly in our celebrations of the liturgy and also so that this Light might shine forth more brightly upon the face of the Church in the world as we go forth to live lives of missionary discipleship. These three different Columbasthese three holy monksexemplify for me what it means to possess the Light of Life, or the Lumen Vitae, each in their own way. Her second time working with bronze material 5 p.m., the monks influence! Money and young men for his monasteries in the New world Catholic, Benedictine located. That spirituality being out and about with the monks of the Archdiocese of City! The ninth Abbot also to the sons of German settlers in the Kansas mission at St.Benedicts.... Pastoral year at Sts or creating, she says in Order to Return to study Florence! The ninth Abbot of St. Benedicts Abbey profession on Dec. 8, 1996 webon December 28 2012! 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