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Where is the balance between being open minded, yet having conviction and moving forward with decisions. I think what might be a negative in this quote is how we interpret educated. It is claimed that Aristotle lectured to his chosen pupils in the mornings and to the general public in the evenings. Because of the Japanese natures taboo and uniqueness, it was not hard for them to learn the basics and the way of circus life. I would even say educated is a big word, too. Aristotle & Virtue Theory: Crash Course Philosophy #38 I agree with your statement, the willingness to hear someone out. Joe, we really appreciate your time. WebAristotle Quote: Mark of an Educated Mind. (4)Aristotle and EducationAristotle left Athens and travelled for a time, and married, Pythias, the adoptive daughter of Hermias of Atarneus, in about 346 BC. The other part that comes out to me is what is an educated mind? Research, you're doing it wrong. (8) Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god. In the same manner, likewise, it is requisite to admit every thing that is said. Thank you for sharing this. Quotes Aristotels Do we feel like they have an educated mind? Ive known a few, and found it amazing that they wouldnt (or couldnt) give each idea a good examination and only adopt those which are more useful than the previous idea. Aristotle thought friendship to be the highest and best of all human relationships. Thanks! You guys do good work, and Im happy to support you. Aristotle didnt have to deal with online media literacy, but I think the roots of human existence fall into what do I believe, why do I believe it, and am I willing to hear you out on your beliefs. (27)Aristotle considers ethics a branch of politics and should help inform the structure of government. Now the chief parts into which the body as a whole divides are these: head, neck, torso, two arms, two legs." (25) A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. For those unfamiliar with the name, here's a brief background: He was an ancient Greek philosopher who was a student of Plato (who was taught by Socrates) and later a tutor to Alexander the Great. No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness. Please visit teachdifferent.com to join our Community of Educators for additional resources and engaging discussion among fellow teachers and administrators, free for 30 days. If they thought more people needed it, then abused it, then they were okay with welfare. Everything was different: you have to be different to be able to entertain. Do you think there are people who abuse the system? Are you entertaining our thoughts, or are you just waiting to push back, even though youre not accepting? I assume this is an excerpt from Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics, Book 1 - 1095. Im struggling with the educated mind part of the quote, because there are people who are absolute experts in their fields, and wed say that they are highly, highly, highly educated, but they might not ever step back from a position in which theyve taken a stance, good, bad or other. To me, thats almost the sign of an uneducated person. Thanks Ive tried everything! Use the 3-step method, and then instead of us coming up with the essential question, have the students write an essential question and then determine which essential question to discuss one more time with this quote. I really like that way of approaching the counterclaim. Im glad you put it up, because now I dont have to attribute it to Aristotle (a popular saying would suffice). Aristotle says that this is a mean between boastfulness and mock-modesty, but this only applies to truthfulness about oneself." (3). I believe Im coming back. I call it one more question. I think thats in there. His lectures and discussions were not, as a rule, public, and was in many ways like an exclusive club. Heres one, what is the mark of an educated mind? I try to do my best to verify or validate a quote before I use it, but plenty have managed to sneak through. We have to stand by our own thoughts despite others having an opposition views from you.. Just like someone who is harworking with someone who is lazy. Anthony Gottlieb has argued: "If the moral philosophy of Socrates and Plato may be compared to trying to rewrite some of the rules of a club, Aristotle was more concerned to shed light on the club's existing constitution, and to see how the members could best be made to behave in accordance with it. This could go in a lot of different directions, if you were to give this to students. I tweet it out every couple of weeks with a different question. I think we put a lot of higher order thinking verbs in place of entertain as we talked through the claim. (13), It has been pointed out that he had a different style of writing from his predecessors. He was a tireless scholar and If youre a teacher, administrator, or parent who wants to use the power of conversations to build stronger relationships and fight polarization, stay tuned to hear the impact our method can have on your discussions. These are two terms that people are familiar with, but theyre things that you should have if youre educated. Absolutely. I will click all day long, but we do have to make decisions. (10) Aristotle encouraged his students to strive for refinement of character and the development of moral virtues, and to be equipped to make "a noble use of leisure". I was just about to repost this on Facebook and thought I'd just double check it's accuracy first. I like the word entertain. "In fact, this isn't a great translation, but at least it gets the sense right. This is why I loved playing with this quote, because what are we trying to get at? What would you say is the best way to push against a quote like this? Im, . Some virtues do not seem to fit into this scheme; for instance, truthfulness. This is when the kids really come alive during this method. Many times I've come across situations where Aristotles quote is proven to be relatable. The subjects studied taught philosophy, mathematics and gymnastics. This is a misquote. Some educated people believe that you should act. Be here now. That would be a hard thing to read into this quote. In this manner, their show was a very useful resource for evaluating movies, despite my frequent disagreements with their end valuations. The blood, bone, hair, and the rest of which animals are constructed. The education piece is that openness. "First, let us consider the parts of men; for just as people test currency by referring it to the standard most familiar to them, so it is in other cases too - and men are of necessity the sort of animal most familiar to us. Thank you for this post and your research. Did Aristotle say it is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it? I dont know if the intent there would be to change my mind at all. "The magnanimous man, since he deserves most, must be good, in the highest degree; for the better man always deserves more, and the best man most. As long as the animal is alive, its head is hard and as it were inflated. (14) The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. An indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for Im getting the same thing from this. Were going to start the conversation with a provocative quote, then well talk about the claim of the quote, by putting it into our own words, and discuss how we might use it with students in the classroom. We want our students to be able to hear all things, all the approaches, and accept whatever fits their own personal beliefs. Were not shutting people out, were not living in an echo chamber, but we are potentially seeking out differing points of views so that we can fairly consider them. WebAristotles answer is that, properly understood, the two are not in competition with each other. Botn. People are out there talking about it. Required fields are marked *. Whatever he meant by this, its important that different ideas are out there, and youre not just sticking to your own. Alexander the Great died in June 323 BC. Formulating good questions is an intensely valuable academic exercise. You can play it both ways. (21) All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion, desire. (7) The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain. Maybe if we really dug into it, we would find that some of these traits overlap. Thats really what education is about. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side. So, we want to avoid that. Subscribe to our e-mail newsletter to receive updates. Aristotle thought no State should have as many as one hundred thousand citizens, and preached the doctrine of the golden mean. They dont have a college degree, or maybe they didnt even finish high school. If their closest proximity to welfare was a family member who benefited from it, then they tended to be pro-welfare. "Look at what I found. How does one train this ability? Someone who has conviction and pushes forward with their beliefs. Yesterdays question was, is pumpkin spice over done in the fall? What do we really mean by empathy? Maybe I have no intention of actually considering that. But, that becomes different than what I would believe an educated mind is. This is reflected in the comment: "The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead." (8), It is claimed during this period that Aristotle developed very strong views on education. What does he mean by entertain? Im really liking how weve gone from educated to empathetic, but then does empathy disallow entertaining? ~Aristotle. So indeed it was. Well, I think education is being able to do things in the world, and to be productive in society. We could just do episode number two right now, because I dont think Im going to sleep. Yeah, I think so. It has to do with a personality thats open to change and compromise, open to others. Aristotle also collected books, maps and biological specimens. I had so much fun. Every virtue is a mean between two extremes, each of which is a vice. Every virtue is a mean between two extremes, each of which is a vice. March 22, 2023 I teach an elementary social studies methods course at the University of Maine, and in whatever spare time is left over, Im finishing my book that we were talking about right before we hit record. At first he became a devoted follower of Plato but later began to question his philosophical ideas. I would say both of those sides entertained both thoughts without accepting them. When we hear a new idea, our first instinct is to accept the idea without question, either because we have intuition that it is true or we simply trust the messenger. Were going way back to the Greeks for our inspiration tonight, and we have a great guest, Joe Schmidt, who is a social studies specialist with the Maine Department of Education. The closest thing resembling this misquote is the following quote from a translation of Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics: It is the mark of an educated mind to rest satisfied with the degree of precision which the nature of the subject admits and not to seek exactness where only an approximation is possible.. Youre just readying yourself and reloading. Aristotle developed the theory of the "golden mean". I enjoyed your pursuit of the quote origins. WebIt is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. If it doesn't, then it was never meant to be. Weve got pumpkin spice lovers out there. Everybody would say yes. I do a series of trainings and presentations around inquiry. 15 Best Quotes by Aristotle on Life, Education and Happiness 1. The more essential to your beliefs a thought is, the more carefully it should be examined, in my opinion. Joe, welcome to the show. It was "Aristotle's chemistry, physics and cosmology that fell loudest and hardest in the seventeenth century, to the blows of men" such as Galileo Galilei and Robert Boyle. I cannot imagine his pupil regarding him as anything but a prosy old pedant, set over him by his father to keep him out of mischief." Plato suggested that Socrates urged self-understanding and the achievement of harmony in the soul as the basis of the well-lived life. Every step you take, is a step away from where you used to be. While you were talking, Joe, I was thinking about why its hard to entertain thoughts from another person who you probably dont agree with. He died soon afterwards aged 62. I think education is being open minded. The blood, bone, hair, and the rest of which animals are constructed. The English translation from which it has descended is as follows (I'm not sure whose this is):"It is the mark of an educated mind to rest satisfied with the degree of precision which the nature of the subject admits and not to seek exactness where only an approximation is possible. His researches cover tortoises and lizards, crocodiles and vipers, porpoises and whales. I think what Aristotle is saying is that I can entertain that idea, but that doesnt mean Im going to go with it. He had no notion of applying mathematics to zoology. Why is thoughtful consideration important? If you have a mind that is thinking beyond the moment, then youre considering these types of things. Here we go. If we differentiate in a debate where you say yes and I say no, Im going to be actively listening, so that I can win. I hope that readers will gradually get used to my principles, and recognize their truth, before they notice that they destroy the principles of Aristotle." Thanks for the reply anyway. A flatterer is a friend who is your inferior, or pretends to be so. This conversation might fold into what is the purpose of an education. In my mind, that is what the quote is about. He therefore taught the king's son, Alexander the Great, who at the time was only 13 years-old. Thats why you came to them for advice. At some point, we have to at least be willing to accept some other thoughts. Tell me why chocolate is better. Then, I was that differential. ~Aristotle. Nobody would believe that there could have been such a man His surviving works run to almost one and a half million words. Thank you. The educated mind critically analyzes them. It was "Aristotle's chemistry, physics and cosmology that fell loudest and hardest in the seventeenth century, to the blows of men" such as Galileo Galilei and Robert Boyle. All human actions have one I have a newsletter that you can sign up for. I hope you can see my point. The errors of his predecessors were the glorious errors of youth attempting the impossible; his errors are those of age which cannot free itself of habitual prejudices. Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. All that can be done is to test it to the best of our abilitiesand decide if it is worthy or not. - Aristotle (384322 BC) Degenerative Truth Claims and Contradiction in I dont know if there is a common definition of educated. Have you tried ask.com or some of the other crowd-sourcing sites, perhaps someone has a specific citation for you. A friend, he said, is another self, so that his interests will be as one's own interests, and his fortunes as one's own. Im super excited. We can be really thoughtful, entertain that thought, and not change your mind. Could you be kind enough to refer me to the source (if you have it)? Since it's distinctive of this translation to supply "mind" instead of "man" or "person", I'm sure that's the source. Aristotle combined teaching and research and other men joined him in his scientific and philosophical enterprises. You are entertaining. Is that true indefinitely? Its a great suggestion, Joe. On the 7th of March, 322 BC, the Greek philosopher Aristotle dies. / "Aristotle (/rsttl/; Greek: Aristotls, pronounced [aristotls]; 384322 BC) was a Greek philosopher and polymath during the Classical period in Show more . They would review a movie factually, giving the high points and low points. Youll get to see more information. Does anyone remember the Global Cooling and coming Ice Age scare of the mid 1970s? I will refrain from commenting until I learn more about the Ancient Greek word (and its meaning in context) which was translated into entertained there are far more poor translations than good ones, and what he meant may have been damaged by a translator with a sense of drama or a flair for effect. There is no evidence that Aristotle ever attempted to establish correct experimental conditions or to make controlled observations; there is no evidence that he tried to repeat his observation, to check them or to verify them. He died soon afterwards aged 62. Too often in our increasingly superficial and click-bait driven mediascape we are encouraged to [], [] With that, the Japanese people learned the way to travel: through the circus. But plenty of the seventeenth century's anti-Aristotelian invective unfairly branded him with the sins of his slavish and inferior followers." (20)Aristotle, Francis Bacon became one of Aristotle's fiercest critics and a rallying point for the scientific revolutionaries. Youre entertaining it with the idea that youre going to mull it over, think about your past experiences, and think critically about it to see if its something you can accept. This is a quote by Aristotle which is about . I have an idea with this. (16)For example, here is part of his description of an octopus: "The octopus uses its tentacles both as feet and as hands: it draws in food with the two that are placed over its mouth; and the last of its tentacles, which is very pointed and the only one of them which is whitish and bifurcated at the tip (it uncoils towards the rhachis - the rhachis is the smooth surface on the opposite side from the suckers) - this it uses for copulation. (29) Man is by nature a political animal. His researches cover tortoises and lizards, crocodiles and vipers, porpoises and whales. I too question any quote (and just about anything else) I find on the Internet. (15) Man is by nature a political animal. In addition to their scientific work, they amassed the details of 158 political constitutions, made collections of barbarian customs and beliefs, compiled sporting almanacs, histories of philosophy and details of dramatic and musical performances. The two have slightly different implications, but the original misquote (about which I wrote) bears little resemblance to either. Do You Agree With This Quote? Take the first step in faith. Paralysis by analysis. (2) The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. This was a subject that other Greek philosophers accepted as an inevitable fact of life and mostly passed over without comment. If it gets on to the sand, it can no longer retain its hold." Aristotle combined teaching and research and other men joined him in his scientific and philosophical enterprises. Youre not immediately saying its true. What were really talking about here, is if youre entertaining so many thoughts, you will not act. We were pivoting around the word entertain. He also writes about the various modes of reproduction found among animals; their diet, habitat, and behaviour. On the other hand, I have also come to know that its rather quite close (though different) with another saying of Aristotle! (19), It has been pointed out that Aristotle and his researchers often made errors of a crude and unscientific kind. As we are different people, we will see things slightly differently. It moves this tube to right and to left; and it discharges milt through it. The quote captures this.The quote is not as rich as the underlying Aristotelian texts you have identified, but it is not responsible for being so. Abuse the system studied taught philosophy, mathematics and gymnastics to his chosen pupils in evenings. 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