airbnb differentiation strategy

Once a user completes a booking, Airbnb use the confirmation email to increase the value of this customer or transaction in two ways: Referrals are typically one of the most reliable sources of new customers. Once with me logged in and once using incognito mode. It would be interesting to know if they did this intentionally in order to keep the user on Airbnbs site due to the similar experience, instead of allowing the user to go offsite to a location where they would see competitor listings. Airbnb have an extensive paid search account with the majority of the spend going towards terms that feature accommodation as a keyword. Live there, . Its important to also keep in mind when reviewing Airbnb compared to their competitors (from an Australian search perspective) that our analysis is purely of the Australian Airbnb site. On the flipside, I appreciate that this is sometimes to push a bigger campaign, which means theyll want to be across as many placements as possible to ensure theyre getting maximum reach for this campaign. At a close look, Airbnb business strategy consists of the following three elements: 1. AirBnB airbnb Its clear to see that part of Airbnbs Facebook strategy is to share a number of Australian-based listings each month these are also often in more rural locations, rather than cities. Being the experienced brand with strong foothold, the company uses differentiation as a We can anticipate that Airbnb here will be making sure that investors and travelers understand that its platform welcomes all kinds of longer stays, from extended weekends to one-week stays, to 3-month stays booked on the platform. This move will enable professional hospitality companieslike small, independent boutique hotelsto have a place on the platform. Airbnbs Strategy: 4 Takeaways For Marketers 1. How? By positioning themselves as a way to experience travel, rather than as an accommodation booking engine, they were able to connect with a segment of the travel market who felt their options were fairly limited. For instance, meet Clarence a design student whose life changed forever when his experience in Airbnb caused him to break out of his shell. If hosts are able to help each other out with a few quick posts, then it saves Airbnb having to get involved until its absolutely necessary. All Rights Reserved. Email Marketing: How do Airbnb use email to communicate with prospective and existing customers to drive new and repeat usage of the platform? This move will enable professional hospitality companieslike small, independent boutique hotelsto have a place on the platform. Also airbnb differentiate themselves from competitors So as soon as the user has enough information they need to make a decision, they are immediately able to act on it. There are several more sections on the home page that could be considered interesting: theres a banner to entice new hosts to sign up (which is way too low down the page in opinion), and the categorisation of experiences and homes which I could review. Do I think they should be creating posts which achieve more of 2 & 4? Luckily they have an extensive content catalogue which they can use to drive these backlinks but need to be more aggressive in promoting it, and perhaps create additional resources that are more backlink-friendly to really succeed in organic search. In April 2020, it unveiled a new homepage, with Monthly Stays firmly promoted. As these stats show, Twitter adoption in Australia has been slow and has not seen the same kind of growth that Facebook & Instagram has in recent years. Consistency is key here as if it is not consistent, its harder for Googles spider bots to crawl the website, leading to longer indexation times and reduced impact when changes are made on the site. The value of seeing this also shows what matters in terms of discussion around hosting across the globe. Now, could this personalized shopping experience herald the arrival of a kind of guest loyalty program? Users are engaged and enticed to keep following up friends who havent joined the platform. Airbnbs Facebook content serves 3 main purposes: Lets take a more in-depth look at their content, its performance, and how they engage with their Facebook community. stays of at least 28 nights, accounted for 22% of gross nights booked in Q4 2021. Support guests should any issue arise during their stay. Speaking of stories, they use Instagram Stories really well. Not only did they understand what their customers wanted, they created the desire in the first place! This substantial difference in backlink profile will be largely contributing to the difference in non-branded keyword rankings, organic traffic, and also brand awareness. Lets take a look at the non-personalised version of the home page first. But as a marketer, you never want to discount the impact of SEO and keywords. AirBnB has a simple pricin Download >>> Sep 10, 2019 Report contains a full analysis of Airbnb segmentation, targeting and positioning and Airbnb marketing strategy in general. Airbnb partnered with local photographers to really capture the essence of the area from a native perspective, inspire viewers, and create a connection to the locale. I particularly like how the where field in the hero form is pre-populated with the destination based on the users initial search query. Its clear what Airbnb want the users attention to focus on. Airbnb could double down on this strategy to lower the barrier to entry and improve retention with a stronger content-driven approach to educate and raise awareness on becoming a host and building your Airbnb business. I would say definitely 1 & 3, a little bit of 2, and not so much of 4. Its an interesting challenge worth watching closely if youre a user of Airbnb. I can see its about me and what I can earn if I become a host. Explore Tips & Tricks All about new ways hosts can take their game to the next level. The key things they provide: These all help put a user at ease and reduce friction when booking. You can see why Airbnb purposely placed Facebook & Whatsapp icons next to the short link. Here are some more that you may want to consider. Forget the tourist menu pedalling another overpriced pizza margherita, wouldnt you rather taste nonnas homemade pecorino stuffed ravioli while her son Francesco tells you comedic tales about growing up in Sardinia? So, what have Airbnb done to construct and generate one of the best communities in the world? On the right, I can see the credit I currently have, and what I need to do in order to get more. As previously stated, Airbnb understand the importance of maintaining a healthy supply of properties. If I had one criticism here, though, its that they could show more personality in these ads. Did you come here for something in particular or just general Riker. To offer a service that goes above and beyond customer care, Airbnb will launch its Guest Travel Insurance in Spring 2022. Competitors such as and only have global sites which, while giving them larger reach and increased ranking capabilities based on backlink and content strategies, limits their ability to tailor their content to an Australian audience. Vrbo, an Airbnb alternative, is already selling travel insurance products in the US created by Generali (formerly CSA Travel Protection). Lastly, theres a cross-sell option into experiences. Theres even an image of the host to prove its a real person behind it all. And a primary reason for this huge discrepancy is due to the type of accommodation each platform offers. In its simplest form, Airbnb is an accommodation booking engine. As most businesses know, testimonials are extremely valuable. It is only the US version of Airbnb Stories which is ranking in position #1 on page #1 on Australian desktop for the search term Airbnb Testimonials (avg monthly search volume 70). The more we know about our guests, the better service we provide, the more opportunities we have to promote new offerings to them as well. Both could be applicable in the below scenario. Ill be highlighting specific examples soon, but if they hadnt considered the User Experience as much in the early days then I doubt theyd have experienced the growth that they have. Its humans sharing, connecting, and helping each other to make memories and enjoyable experiences. In a study conducted by KPMG, they found that alongside integrity from brands, personalisation is of key importance to Australian consumers when it comes to customer experience (CX). Of course, without insights from Airbnb I can only assume this is the case! Again, as a normal user it really is, but as marketers or anyone working in technology, we can appreciate there is a lot more work that goes behind the scenes. When it comes to landing pages, they mostly feature local imagery to help provide a more relevant result, and it would seem they are testing short form pages against longer ones to see which converts better. Its interesting to note that very little of what they do is actually aimed at generating users there and then, they use social media more to nurture and stay front of mind. In fact, back in 2011 they even paid for hosts to have professional photographs taken of their properties. Incentive I instantly see the value that I will receive if I take an action by accepting the invitation. For instance, Airbnb is launching in France a program called Patrimoine et Tourisme local to help restore historic houses located in rural areas ( ). For example, if I start a conversation and ask a question, it will come up with the links of similar questions which have been asked before. The image theyve selected is pretty good too. In fact, you could argue that Airbnb is predominantly a B2B business. Airbnb recognise some travel credit associated with my account and insert this into the email to remind me. Whilst its evident that the UI has changed over the years, theres been numerous changes to their UX, copy, layout and small additional features, which have been implemented to maximise the chances of users spreading the word. And then if a user keeps scrolling, we see one more block section which is about Host referrals. We designed Airbnb to have 100 homes in a city. This does mean they cant share too much content which is specific to one location, and it also means they have to work a little harder at sharing content which is universally appealing. Once Im on their site and browsing, the call-to-action shifts to making a booking. If you are familiar with the search engine optimisation space, its likely youve run into the term backlinks before. This option currently isnt available on mobile. Airbnbs customer experience is much different than what youd get at a traditional hotel or motel. Utilising the strengths of storytelling and curation has been the driving force behind the brands onsite content success. This online marketplace l ets travellers find a home-li ke place in a foreign city and lets hosts give their home in exchange of rent.. As of now, there are 2.9 million hosts on Airbnb worldwide and more than seven million listings in over 200 countries. Airbnb is what is often referred to as a cybermediary (Gialgis et al, 1999), a corporation that benefits from a leaner cost structure, global reach, and technological economies of scale, the result of large volumes at low transaction costs. Its a beautiful image and has a lot of visual impact, It evokes an emotion happiness, humor, nostalgia, etc, It tells a captivating story (image and/or caption). Airbnb have built a hugely successful business off the back of understanding what their customers want/need, and then providing products that match them. Innovation is at the core of how we operate at Webprofits, always looking for a smarter + better way of helping our clients drive record-breaking growth through digital marketing. So what happens next? The ability to achieve new users through lower CPAs was a mouthwatering prospect, and could result in strong growth. The short answer is yes, but heres why. Here are three pillars on which Airbnbs new product features, marketing initiatives, new services, and trial programs will be aligned: Live anywhere on Airbnb. My pet peeve here is that Im still not signed in and have no browsing history for Airbnb, so how are these locations recommended for me? While we focused on how it was done via email invitation, its a very similar process when sharing the link directly with friends. Theyve performed very well to incorporate community for hosts as part of their retention and advocacy part of the funnel but, just like any other business, Airbnb has to continually improve and find ways to improve their community marketing strategy. The explanation for the issue of discrimination on Airbnb lies in its business model which is susceptible to bias. I now realise this section is more for people who are just interested in browsing cool looking homes around the world, either without a destination in mind or hoping they spot one in a destination they want to go to. The next best-performing page is Melbourne, Australia with 1.9% of the total traffic, and 479 ranked keywords. This shouldnt come as a surprise to anyone who sells a tangible product, but the way you present the product in images makes all the difference. Alongside their image-based content, Airbnb do share some video posts. In closing the only thing I would add that I think they should be doing more of on Stories is including a swipe up CTA earlier in their stories if theyre going to include one, perhaps even from the 2nd or 3rd tile depending on how long the full Story is. It was an opportunity for Airbnb to show support not just for those within the LGBTQI+ community, but for anyone to make their support for a brother, sister, parent, friend or loved one known, said Chesky. At the top of the page, theres a button in Airbnbs signature colour (which, internally, they apparently call Rausch) directing you to places to stay in that neighbourhood. Airbnb becomes the ultimate Host. Lets take a look at the invitation mechanism on mobile at a high level. Airbnb Model can select one or more attributes that can uniquely position it in the eyes of the customers for a specific needs. WebIn a differentiation strategy Airbnb Model can seek to be unique in its industry by providing a value proposition that is cherished by buyers. Clear & succinct messaging focused on value certainly helps those wanting to share. He has also written for Business Insider, The Next Web & The Australian, and also founded and grew Sydneys largest growth hackers community (4000+ people :). The search box is a deeplink that takes me directly to the associated search results for Santa Monica 9-12th April. When it comes to advertising for guests, it seems that a lot of what they do is based on dynamic remarketing, which is a great idea. Local partners are not Airbnb employees. Is Airbnb encouraging referrals more through their mobile app? Idea to save money for your next trip: use Airbnb. Here are three pillars on which Airbnbs new product features, marketing initiatives, new services, and trial programs will be aligned: What is it important? I noticed they use three main hooks in their Dynamic Ads copy: Find an Airbnb in [Location] with free cancellation. Luckey used to be an independent property management company and Airbnb acquired it in 2018. Their referral strategy is so easy that even my grandma has used it before with referrals from her friends. Unlock the next generation of Hosts. We recommend a more aggressive content marketing strategy to build this organic non-branded visibility. Its a very similar UI to the desktop platform which is done by design. It is to find large communities who could do with more money (e.g. Sure, theyre recommended (I assume theyre the most searched for locations globally, or from my location) but theyre not personalised so why not just say Most popular? Because Airbnbs brand is such that competitors like Home Away are bidding on their brand name, its important Airbnb continue to protect these terms with spend. We believe that Airbnb can be more than a marketplace that merely connects guests to Hosts. Airbnb knew early on that good photographs are essential to getting a booking. This section is particularly important to have on the site. Having this on the page again highlights to users that not only can you get credit by inviting your friends to use the platform to stay for accommodation, but also invite friends to host people to stay at their places. These audiences can be great for honing in on your audience targeting later down the track. Group travel Traveling in a group makes it more likely you will choose Airbnb. Either way, the content is highly relevant to the search term and the location which certainly cant hurt. As a company with over four million listings in 65,000 cities across 191 countries, local customs and traditions play a big part in Airbnbs offline marketing efforts. Airbnb product marketing strategy focuses on global audiences, often with localized campaigns that speak to the specific geographic segmentation. Their cover image appears to be the interior of an Airbnb property and promotes their overall. As Jacqui mentioned in her SEO section, they could also do more with their content to generate backlinks to their site and improve their organic search rankings. Winner, winner, chicken dinner! In the next section, Suggested for You, this is content that specifically addresses the needs of hosts. This can definitely have a positive effect on your companys public perception/reputation, especially if you do a good job. By doing this, Airbnb are one again fostering a stronger sense of community between the hosts, but they are also saving themselves a lot of internal resources. The more people you can share it with and sign up, the more travel credit. Ultimately, over time this has helped Airbnb. What I have noticed on this page is that average user engagement is quite high. If you were wondering how they get permission for re-sharing a users image, heres an example: Airbnb were an early adopter of Instagram Stories, and have featured in numerous articles across the internet as a brand that is crushing it with this feature, of which I totally agree. Well come back to this shortly, but this is a great example of message-matching at scale. When sharing image posts, Facebook does not allow you to create an audience of everyone who engaged with that specific image post, so if you wanted to remarket to these people you would have to choose the option of People Who Engaged With Any Post or Ad and this includes all post engagement; whereas when posting videos, Facebook gives you the option to create audiences such as People who viewed at least ten seconds of your video or People who have watched at least 75% of your video. With a creative flair and an eye for detail, he is data driven, analytical and thrives on turning insights into initiatives. Of course, you can edit the template message yourself, but this does make it easy for the user to share. Airbnb are very active on Instagram they share content to their Feed as well as to their Instagram Stories. I visited Japan last year, a place where Airbnbs are quite hard to come by. They go beyond typical tours or classes by immersing guests in each hosts unique world. Airbnb are doing a great job on this in many ways (they ranked 47 out of 50 in the same study), but I firmly believe that a brands social channels should also be used to enhance their customers experience. If a user has shown some interest in a particular product, why not show them similar ones that meet relevant criteria? From 2014 Airbnb experienced a consistent growth trajectory until December 2015, when over a two month period (Dec 2015 Feb 2016) traffic grew by another 96% from 257,640 to 505,165 visits. This is a part of the site I really like and also find quite interesting. When looking at their frequency of posting, I think theyve taken the right approach. Airbnb offers private accommodation to users, which means that the listings they feature are generally investment properties owned by an individual who would not be able to link to their listing or the Airbnb website outside of social media. I might visit their site once or twice a year when Im lucky enough to be looking at booking a holiday, and I cant help but notice that every time I do, I get a different site compared to the last time I visited. Whats worked to their advantage is the creativity they have shown in getting users to engage with their stories and to keep clicking through. 3 key pieces of information about hosting in other words, 3 USPs. Once they had built a solid base of customers and reputation, they expanded their offering. Scenario 1: Airbnbs Trips feature will most likely run into trouble with discrimination claims similar to its core rental business. 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