2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. Anthony Rosario, Music Clearance Supervisor
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Alex Gibney Bio, Career, Net Worth, Salary, Income Sources, Antonio Rossi, Assistant Camera
Camerota, also one of Ailes accusers, shared Blooms sentiment. But according toDivide and Conquer,the abuse didnt start and end with Ailes. When she first joined Fox News, Camerota was actually optimistic at the idea of working somewhere different, as she said Ailes had promised the network would be. Patrick Kollman, Interns
Back then, the contagion wasnt a virus, it was a financial panic brought on by the collapse of what had been the American economys most stable pillar: the mortgage. According toUnited States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of the director is around$92,220 a year. Theres tremendous pressure to make sense of it quickly, rather than saying, Something happened, but we dont know yet what it means, Gibney told the Guardian of the drive since 2016 to pin down an easily digestible, solid narrative of Russian interference. Why Did Elon Musk Change the Twitter Logo to the Dogecoin Cryptocurrency Meme? Catherine Ledner
A two-part series from Alex Gibney attempts to definitively explain Russian interference, from troll factories to hacking to a mutual seduction of greed Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in 2017. The film explores a common purpose by Russia and pro-Trump players, sometimes in tandem and sometimes covertly. Photograph: BPA/Reuters They can end the filibuster and ignore the business lobbyists and the donors trying to halt their legislative program, which may be the last chance to help workers and ward off a climate cataclysm.
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Citizen K tells the story of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a Russian oligarch-turned dissident, who built a vast fortune in the years of Wild West capitalism that flourished after the Soviet Unions collapse. Ultimately that theme to us is science versus politics, that tension and conflict between the two. It was just a purely a device to prevent political damage, to prevent the American people from seeing how badly the administration was handling the situation. Billionaires are doing better than ever, while more and more Americans are getting economically pulverized and simmering with rage. Alex Gibneys HBO documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief is already a commercial hit for the network. Using chaos to amass power, said Gibney. Unless we start fixing some of these problems, were done., Agents of Chaos premieres on HBO on 23 September with a UK date to be announced, 'A climate change-scale problem': how the internet is destroying us, Hack the vote: terrifying film shows how vulnerable US elections are, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. I have a lot of things to say: one girls life growing up homeless in New York, I read the book out to the girls. Just a year out from the midterm election, the latest polls show Bidens approval rating plummeting, with particular erosion among Democratic constituencies who were promised change, but seem to be feeling like theyre only getting more of the same. Gibney was the executive producer of the Oscar-nominated No End in Sight, consulting producer on Who Killed the Electric Car?, and producer of Herbie Hancock: That fundamentally misunderstands a Russian operation. It was really tough: Andrea Elliott on writing about New Yorks homeless children, It literally saved us: what the USs new anti-poverty measure means for families, Millions of families receiving tax credit checks in effort to end child poverty, No one knew we were homeless: relief funds hope to reach students missing from virtual classrooms, I knew they were hungry: the stimulus feature that lifts millions of US kids out of poverty, 'Santa, can I have money for the bills?' NEW YORK (AP) Not unexpectedly given the subject matter, HBOs two-part documentary The Crime of the Century opens with a body bag. Stephen A. Schwarzman, lecture
It showed up everywhere. Amid this financial pandemic, though, there was a glimmer of something better Barack Obama, who had campaigned on an inspiring promise to bring a new era of responsibility and accountability to Wall Street and to Washington. John McCullough, Supervising DI Conform Editor
Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence In The House Of God. FILM Archives, Inc.
He told all the insane stories that unfortunately we were only able to include a percentage of, everything that went down. US kids' Christmas letters take heartbreaking turn. The Trump administrations own intelligence agencies have concluded Russia intervened to influence the 2016 presidential election. Its both more ridiculous and more corrupt than I had originally thought, said Gibney of the Trump associates. Clare Major
I dont understand why our federal government would commission this giant multi-agency exercise and then not use the results to actually respond. And I think theres something very intoxicating about winning.. I had several conversations with communications directors from all of those agencies and spoke off the record to a number of people. While Chechen thugs initially were blamed, the Russian government much later pointed to Khodorkovsky and his right-hand man Leonid Nevzlin as architects of the contract killing an arrest warrant forces Khodorkovsky to remain in exile in London. This film was made to investigate and hold to account public officials on how they handled the coronavirus, but it was also made for the American public. The filmmakers Carlos Valdivia, Archival Footage and Photos
When youre a justice, In the year 2007, Alex was anexecutive producer of the doc u mentary No End in Sight. Corbis
Deadline is a part of Penske Media Corporation. Congressman Brad Miller, a Democrat from North Carolina, tried to hold Obama to his promise to let judges write down mortgagors loans. All Rights Reserved. Going Clear director Alex Gibney wants the IRS to revoke the Church of Scientologys tax-exempt status. He was convicted and dispatched to Siberia in chains. Jacqui Lewis
That did not sit well with Putin. The film explores a common purpose by Russia and pro-Trump players, sometimes in tandem and sometimes covertly. But there are those people who hate the Catholic Church, and they are ecstatic. Joe McCartan
The short hop from there to the faux democracy of Vladimir Putin, with his flimsy election theater and his 18-year stranglehold on the Kremlin, is a chilling cautionary tale. Constructed from over 500 hours of never-before-seen footage, this documentary centers on the career of celebrated football player Diego Maradona, who played for S.S.C. Then we would use a tool called EyeDirect or a teleprompter where the subject would look into the lens, but they would actually see the image of the interviewer, which would be projected. Gibney refused to listen to. 2023 Deadline Hollywood, LLC. Then, Roger saw how successful it was. Doug Dunderdale
Meanwhile, Trump and his Republican mini-mes are barnstorming the country preening as populists, all while a new crop of rightwing media hucksters are converting popular discontent into increasing support for rightwing authoritarianism. An establishment calling not for aggressiveness and boldness, but for half measures and compromise. propaganda. We need to think about Putin and Russia because of what happened in 2016, Gibney affirms. And I think its that search for quick meaning that lead so many people down the road to conspiracy theory.. His vague assertion in present-day interviews that he was too busy at the time to pay much attention to the Petukhov murder doesnt inspire much confidence. told the Church of Scientology any of the allegations they used to build their Gibney was born in New York City, the son of Harriet (Harvey) and journalist Frank Gibney. His stepfather was the Rev. William Sloane Coffin. After attending Pomfret School, Gibney earned his bachelor's degree from Yale University and later attended the UCLA Film School . of HBO. Boosted by Glenn Becks blubbering broadsides and Rick Santellis CNBC dog-whistle rant against mortgage losers, Republicans were able to divide the country and portray themselves as populists and shellack Democrats in 2010s Tea Party election. Gibney classifies efforts by the Russian government or Russian business interests given the top-down structure of corruption in the country, its difficult to discern the two to sow chaos in America into four categories: disinformation campaigns orchestrated by Russias Internet Research Agency, the so-called troll factory which injected divisive meme campaigns and partisan accounts into American social media discourse; sophisticated cyber-attacks, such as the one by the GRU, a Russian government intelligence agency, which leaked Democratic National Committee emails in 2016; Russian hackers infiltration into state election systems, which are criminally out of date and vulnerable to manipulation; and stoking an information system primed for outrage by widely broadcasting and encouraging support for an inexperienced showman and would-be oligarch named Donald Trump. AP Archives
By the time of Yeltsins 1996 re-election campaign, the country was an economic shambles, the incumbent presidents health was failing and his government on the verge of collapse. But lets remember: the past does not have to be prelude. A number of celebrities who defected from the Church of Scientology have praised the new HBO expos Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, after the film made its cable debut Sunday night. Now that I work someplace different, Im stunned by when I think back to how pervasive the sexuality was, she said. Venue: Venice International Film Festival (Out of Competition) We want to hear from you! A riveting political thriller with uneasy echoes close to home. Nowhere, Gibney asserts, is this more evident than on Park Avenue in New York. Rick Fatke
If the Democrats are willing to learn from recent history, they still have time to make different choices. Alex Gibney is one of the distinguished directors who is consideredthe most talented doc u mentarian of our time. As of 2010, the 400 richest Americans controlled more wealth than the bottom 50 percent of the populace 150 million people. Fox News created Donald Trump as a presidential candidate, she said. Associated Press
Chad Beck
Well, oil is sometimes regarded as a state asset. Oscar-winning writer-director Paul Haggis has condemned the media for its failure to hold Tom Cruise accountable for the movie stars leading position in the controversial Church of Scientology. For those who have their finger on each sluggish inch of the Trump campaigns overtures to Russian interests so much as hard evidence exists for a connection whose symbiosis required no explicit statement of purpose the series will answer or explicate on outstanding questions: that the FBIs investigation into Russian cyber-attacks began in 2014, with evidence of its activity in Ukraine, not in 2016; that security officials under Obama considered significant counter-measures to Russian hacking, including releasing sensitive information on Russian officials, but ultimately decided against it; that the FBIs investigation into Trump officials began as a reaction to reports that the campaign knew about Russian hacking of the Democrats when only the FBI was aware of the attacks. Daniel Shapiro
Alex Gibney's four-hour HBO documentary, Ice-T reflects on how he was turned into a political football as the police were coming under fire around the time of the L.A. riots. Jeff Faber
Getty Images
. Almost everyone did. He had created Russias first commercial bank and, in his biggest deal, acquired control of a group of Siberian oil fields under the name of Yukos, paying $310 million in a dummy auction for an operation valued in the billions. Chris Pratts Final Speech on Guardians Vol. Sometimes I had too many beers. Darren Lew
Roger wasnt really a journalist, he was a showman, she told THR. It was later regurgitated by Gibneys co-producer Lawrence Wright for a New Yorker article and book before ending up as the substance of Gibneys film. Kate Twomey
His public profile gives him a certain amount of protection, but at the same time, he said, Look, if theyre going to kill me, theyre going to kill me. I liked beer. Axel Arn SVT
I now see that it doesnt have to be, but it was very, very prevalent. If this sounds familiar, it is not only because it describes this current moment, but because it is the experience we lived through 12 years ago a political meltdown that destroyed many Americans remaining faith in their government, and ultimately birthed Donald Trumps presidency. Democracy Pictures LLC, Steps International, BBC, DR, ZDF/Arte, Arte G.E.I.E.,
The president struck a Faustian bargain by accepting loans from the oligarchs that the state could never repay, thus enabling them to snap up Russias most valuable assets. The agents of chaos in both countries had common interests.. And if Democrats continue making the same choices again, we should expect the same results or worse. There are people who got settlements and left. However, much of the direct aid in that legislation has been stalled, cut off or scheduled for expiration even as nearly one in five households lost all of their savings during the pandemic. Gibney interviews several top-level intelligence officials, such as lead prosecutor of the Mueller investigation Andrew Weissmann, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, former CIA director John Brennan, and Celeste Wallander, the former National Security Council director under Obama and a Russian foreign policy expert. The following are the complete transcripts for the interviews conducted by the filmmakers of Park Avenue: Money, Power & the American Dream. The MRC is a research and education organization operating IBA, IKON, Knowledge Network, MBC, ORF, PTS, RAI, RTHK,
In Congress, Democratic lawmakers can realize there is no middle-ground compromise with Republicans or corporate greed. There were a lot of people who wanted to talk to us and they were scared to do so for either career reasons or political repercussions. Rachel Laviola
They set the prices. Its very difficult to get access and permission inside hospitals, largely because of HIPAA challenges. All this might have remained at just the level of an interesting business story if not for what later transpired. tax-deductible. NHK, NRK, SVT, VPRO, YLE, The Open University, and ITVS International. Bryan Kennedy
In prison Khodorkovsky underwent a kind of spiritual transformation, questioning his earlier devotion to wealth accumulation and becoming an even more determined advocate of democratic reform. Citizen K recently qualified for Oscar consideration this yearone of two Gibney films to reach that threshold, the other being The Inventor. This came at a time when the government of then-president Boris Yeltsin was selling off state assets for a song, to pay wages, pensions and other debts. See more than a dozen letters sent to Alex Gibney and HBO from the Church of Scientology International with a simple request for a meeting to address allegations in Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief. Ailes died in 2017, but like Bloom said, his legacy isnt limited to Fox News, where he served as the chairman and CEO beforehe resigned after facing numerous sexual misconduct claims. Joe Fenstermaker, Set Production Assistants
Gibney: Thats what the NDAs were used for, to prevent Max Kennedy and other volunteers from talking about how much the taskforce was a complete fake and how their search for getting affordable PPE to protect doctors was completely bungled. George Rossi, Commissioning Editors for Why Poverty? While we were reaching out to members of the administration, we didnt want it to be a kind of public political football. I prided myself on trying to navigate it because I thought that maybe that was what the workplace was like. Gibney holds American nationality and regarding his ethnicity, he is a White. Winner. rsn.org. Alex Gibney, creator of the upcoming Steve Jobs: Man in the Machine, told Variety that he thought Kutcher looked good in the part, but his movie was silly, and its flattering take on Jobs wasnt interesting to me., The Church of Scientology aired an advertisement during Sunday nights Super Bowl broadcast, offering viewers an introduction to the age of answers.. Gibney: I think one reason was we were hoping to persuade a number of people to come forward and didnt want there to be a lot of chatter about the film that might dissuade them. Instead of interviewing rabbis, Jewish leaders and scholars and everyday members of the faith, it uses as its sources and interview subjects outspoken anti-Semitic bigots who sue synagogues, operate anti-Semitic blogs and regularly express to the media hatred toward Judaism. Jackie Eckhouse, Esq. After Gibney finished schooling from Pomfret School, he went on to enroll at Yale University where he earned his bachelor's degree. A first-term Democratic president with a majority in Congress and an uncompromising Republican opposition. Director Alex Gibney On His Political Thriller Citizen K, The mission of the Media Research Center is to document and combat the falsehoods and censorship of the news media, entertainment media and Big Tech in order to defend and preserve America's founding principles and Judeo-Christian values. NBCs Today Wins Peabodys Institutional Award, Documentary In Production About Pop Art Sensation Romero Britto, The Most Collected And Licensed Artist In History, Lisa Nishimuras Netflix Exit Shocks Documentary World: She Has Massively Helped Grow This Industry, National Geographic Blasts Off With The Space Race, Documentary On NASAs Black Astronauts Reaching For The Stars, Tethered By Racial Prejudice, Writers & Studios To Hold More Talks But Strike Authorization Vote Still Expected, MGM Rebrands Streamer Outside The U.S.; Signs Lionsgate Content Deal In Europe, UK News Heavyweight Chris Shaw On Harry, Meghan & GB News In Exit Chat, Ex-POTUS Pleads Not Guilty To 34 Counts; Late Night Hosts Crack Jokes, The Inventor: Out For Blood In Silicon Valley. Alisyn Camerota, a CNN anchor who appears in the film (and once worked at Fox News) said Thursday that she hears Roger all the time., Roger casts a long shadow, she said. 2023 Independent Television Service (ITVS). I was honestly surprised that it happened this late. I know that slogan. It premiered at the Venice Film Festival in September, with Khodorkovsky himself in attendance (risking the possibility he might be arrested and extradited to Russia, where he faces a charge of arranging the murder of a mayor in the oil-rich town of Nefteyugansk). But Alex Gibney and HBO turned a deaf ear to any efforts by the Church to get a fair opportunity to respond. This includes the current state of Fox News, which Bloom said exists to entertain rather than inform. Alex Gibney kick-started his directorial career by working in The Ruling Cla s sroom, in 1980. The subsequent outrage helped Republicans complete their takeover with Trump, a billionaire charlatan ginning up racial animosity and depicting himself as singularly able to make America great again.. I hope [Divide and Conquer] illuminates our contemporary America in a new way, Bloom told The Hollywood Reporter. The legacy of the financial crisis is Donald J Trump, concluded Trump consigliere Steve Bannon. Whether the subject is Scientology in Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief or the late Apple founder Steve Jobs in Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine, the common criticism is that he specializes in one-sided hatchet jobs. A dozen years later, with Democrats assuming power amid another national crisis, there were initial signs that this lesson had been learned: the Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer said at the outset of the Biden presidency that Democrats must pass bills that are big and bold and strong, and he added that we will not repeat that mistake of watering down legislation. Soon after, the Wall Street-bankrolled Obama administration scaled back its economic stimulus plan, backed off its promise to reform bankruptcy laws, refused to prosecute bankers, abandoned legislation to limit the size of too-big-to-fail banks, and allowed bailout money to subsidize lavish executive bonuses. A country disillusioned by a previous administrations corruption and mismanagement. Written by Cy Coleman and Dorothy Fields
to visit or film inside a Church of Scientology or Church property. That FDR-esque rhetoric resulted in a 2008 election landslide, a huge Democratic congressional majority, and high hopes that a new administration would fight the Great Recession with the same kind of robust New Deal that Franklin Roosevelt deployed to successfully combat the Great Depression. An establishment calling not for aggressiveness and boldness, but for half measures and compromise. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
Across the river, less than five miles away, Park Avenue runs through the South Bronx, home to the poorest congressional district in the United States. Gibney talked with Morning Edition about how the opioid crisis took off over the past 20 years, with the help of lobbyists and doctors, and the role of the Department of The director of Roger Ailes documentary 'Divide and Conquer,' CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota and exec producer Alex Gibney talk about the late Fox News CEO's political legacy and alleged sexual misconduct. I think Putin took a very dim view both of the idea that Khodorkovsky would bring a transparent business model to what was essentially a gangster capitalist model, and also that ExxonMobil would own a large portion of Russias oil industry.. Grace Fardella, Sound
But every other stratum saw incomes decline, and countless neighborhoods were eviscerated by more than 6m foreclosures, dooming families to losing battles with bank bureaucracy, government red tape, and a judicial foreclosure machine. WebFavorite Documentary Films. Really the world public, but in this country, the reason for releasing it before the election was to say, this is a film that will give you an intensely factual account of how the federal government handled this pandemic vote accordingly. The intent of the film was to look at the federal response and to see how the federal government met the challenge or didnt meet the challenge of how you respond to a global pandemic. In the following year, he was a director of the movie Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. 2012 Democracy Pictures LLC and Steps International. Martin Pieper - ZDF/Arte, Executive Producers
This is an excerpt from the interview with Alex Gibney in the August issue of The Progressive. Harutyunyan: We made the film start to finish in quarantine. That simple objective is often obscured in the social media-driven miasma of politics. His six-part documentary series Why We Hate, executive-produced with Steven Spielberg, debuted on Discovery Channel last month. The Democratic thinktank found that larger proportions of underwater homeowners were prominent features of more than a third of the 206 counties won by Obama in 2012 that flipped to Trump in 2016. NPR's Michel Martin speaks with filmmaker Alex Gibney about his new documentary, which goes inside the Trump administration's handling of the coronavirus. After a while, you can channel Roger. Subscribe for full access to The Hollywood Reporter. Written by Count William Basie and Foster Frank
The connections between Trump and Putin, explored in the second episode, constitute a seduction between two like-minded people, said Gibney, rather than the now-fraught word collusion. Trump initially was after a Moscow tower deal. Agents of Chaos finds no single story, operation, locus of blame, or clear measure of impact by the Russian government. Earlier this year his documentary The Inventor: Out For Blood in Silicon Valleyabout disgraced Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmeshit HBO. I think we need to have a better understanding of how Russia works., The director continues, The film isvery much a cautionary tale. Nicholas Renbeck, Dialogue Editors
WebThe official website for Alex Gibney explores the origins, extent and fallout of America's opioid epidemic in this riveting two-part documentary. Sales: Kew Media, Sign up for THR news straight to your inbox every day. It was a very different and bizarre experience working on a film and not actually having to physically be in the same room. There are so many rigorous plans available, and some of them were written by the Obama Biden administration. In Khodorkovskys assessment, Putin had a quintessential KGB talent for convincing whomever he was with liberal, moderate, conservative that he was a like-minded ally. The Conus Archive
Listen to article. EXPOSED: CNN Shills for Corporate Overloads With Trump-Bashing Doc, NY Times Runs Full-Page Ad for Scientologists, Not Jihadist Critics, Its fascinating to see The New York Times promoting a new left-wing documentary hit for HBO by noting the Church of Scientology has bought a full-page ad in The New York Times to fight it. Every day that simple objective is often obscured in the House of God alex... Of those agencies and spoke off the record to a number of people for Blood in Silicon Valleyabout Theranos! Divide and Conquer, the Open University, and they are ecstatic, Power the! Surprised that it doesnt have to be prelude to any efforts by the Church to get a opportunity! Yle, the Open University, and they are ecstatic start to finish in quarantine and some of were! Hate, executive-produced with Steven Spielberg, debuted on Discovery Channel last month to any efforts by the government! The Life and work of Dr. Hunter S. 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