. . . . . . . . . Have PTO inspected and rebuilt as necessary. . . . 855 844-SALE | 855 844-7253. . . Here are some breakdowns of the potential causes and solutions for troubleshooting the PTO. . . If the problem recurs, proceed with Step (4). . . . Allison DOC For PCService Tool displays NA until transmission shifts are adapted. . . . . . . Hydraulic problems are detected by comparing the speed sensor information for the current range to that ranges speed sensor information stored in the TCM memory. . . . . . . . Review the Installation Checklist in the 3000 and 4000 Product Families transmissions Tech Data for proper installation. . . . . . If the retarder is not functioning, test PCS5 solenoid for an open, short-to-ground, or short-to-battery condition. . . . . It depends on the transmission and PTO. The engine should never be operated for more than ten (10) seconds at full throttle, CAUTION: with the transmission in range and the output stalled. . . . . . The lever shift selector can have as many as six forward range positions (seven for the 7-speed models), as well as R (Reverse) and N (Neutral). . PTO . . . . . The SCTI addresses and phone numbers for parts outlets are: 3000/4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES 4TH GENERATION ELECTRONIC CONTROLS TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL. . DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE TROUBLESHOOTING, DTC C1312 Retarder Request Sensor Failed Low, DTC C1313 Retarder Request Sensor Failed High, DTC P0122 Pedal Position Sensor Low Voltage, DTC P0123 Pedal Position Sensor High Voltage, DTC P0218 Transmission Fluid Over-Temperature, DTC P0610 TCM Vehicle Options (TransID) Error, DTC P0634 TCM Internal Temperature Too High, DTC P063E Auto Configuration Throttle Input Not Present, DTC P063F Auto Configuration Engine Coolant Temp Input Not Present, DTC P0657 Actuator Supply Voltage 1 (HSD1) Open, DTC P0658 Actuator Supply Voltage 1 (HSD1) Low, DTC P0659 Actuator Supply Voltage 1 (HSD1) High, DTC P0702 Transmission Control System Electrical (TransID), DTC P0703 Brake Switch Circuit Malfunction, DTC P0708 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit High Input, DTC P0711 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Performance, DTC P0712 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Input, DTC P0713 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit High Input, DTC P0716 Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Performance, DTC P0717 Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal, DTC P0721 Output Speed Sensor Circuit Performance, DTC P0722 Output Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal, DTC P0726 Engine Speed Sensor Circuit Performance, DTC P0727 Engine Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal, DTC P0741 Torque Converter Clutch System Stuck Off, DTC P0752 Shift Solenoid 1 (SS1) Valve Performance-Stuck On, DTC P0776 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 Stuck Off, DTC P0777 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 Stuck On, DTC P0796 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 Stuck Off, DTC P0797 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 Stuck On, DTC P0842 Transmission Pressure Switch 1 Circuit Low, DTC P0843 Transmission Pressure Switch 1 Circuit High, DTC P0847 Pressure Switch 2 (PS2) Circuit Low, DTC P0848 Pressure Switch 2 (PS2) Circuit High, DTC P0881 TCM Power Input Signal Performance, DTC P088A Transmission Fluid Filter Deteriorated, DTC P088B Transmission Fluid Filter Very Deteriorated (Expired), DTC P0894 Transmission Component Slipping, DTC P0897 Transmission Fluid Deteriorated, DTC P0960 Pressure Control Solenoid Main Mod Control Circuit Open, DTC P0962 Pressure Control Solenoid Main Mod Control Circuit Low, DTC P0963 Pressure Control Solenoid Main Mod Control Circuit High, DTC P0964 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 (PCS2) Control Circuit Open, DTC P0966 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 (PCS2) Control Circuit Low, DTC P0967 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 (PCS2) Control Circuit High, DTC P0968 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 (PCS3) Control Circuit Open, DTC P0970 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 (PCS3) Control Circuit Low, DTC P0971 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 (PCS3) Control Circuit High, DTC P0973 Shift Solenoid 1 (SS1) Control Circuit Low, DTC P0974 Shift Solenoid 1 (SS1) Control Circuit High, DTC P0975 Shift Solenoid 2 (SS2) Control Circuit Open, DTC P0976 Shift Solenoid 2 (SS2) Control Circuit Low, DTC P0977 Shift Solenoid 2 (SS2) Control Circuit High, DTC P0989 Retarder Pressure Sensor Failed Low, DTC P0990 Retarder Pressure Sensor Failed High, DTC P1891 Throttle Position Sensor PWM Signal Low Input, DTC P1892 Throttle Position Sensor PWM Signal High Input, DTC P2184 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Input, DTC P2185 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit High Input, DTC P2637 Torque Management Feedback Signal (SEM), DTC P2641 Torque Management Feedback Signal (LRTP), DTC P2669 Actuator Supply Voltage 2 (HSD2) Open, DTC P2670 Actuator Supply Voltage 2 (HSD2) Low, DTC P2671 Actuator Supply Voltage 2 (HSD2) High, DTC P2684 Actuator Supply Voltage 3 (HSD3) Open, DTC P2685 Actuator Supply Voltage 3 (HSD 3) Low, DTC P2686 Actuator Supply Voltage 3 (HSD3) High, DTC P2714 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (PCS4) Stuck Off, DTC P2715 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (PCS4) Stuck On, DTC P2718 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (PCS4) Control Circuit Open, DTC P2720 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (PCS4) Control Circuit Low, DTC P2721 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (PCS4) Control Circuit High, DTC P2723 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 (PCS1) Stuck Off, DTC P2724 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 (PCS1) Stuck On, DTC P2727 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 (PCS1) Control Circuit Open, DTC P2729 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 (PCS1) Control Circuit Low, DTC P2730 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 (PCS1) Control Circuit High, DTC P2736 Pressure Control Solenoid 5 (PCS5) Control Circuit Open, DTC P2738 Pressure Control Solenoid 5 (PCS5) Control Circuit Low, DTC P2739 Pressure Control Solenoid 5 (PCS5) Control Circuit High, DTC P2789 Clutch Adaptive Learning at Limit, DTC P2808 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (PCS6) Stuck Off, DTC P2809 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (PCS6) Stuck On, DTC P2812 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (PCS6) Control Circuit Open, DTC P2814 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (PCS6) Control Circuit Low, DTC P2815 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (PCS6) Control Circuit High, DTC U0001 Hi Speed CAN Bus Reset Counter Overrun (IESCAN), DTC U0100 Lost Communication with ECM/PCM (J1587), DTC U0103 Lost Communication With Gear Shift Module (Shift Selector) 1, DTC U0115 Lost Communication With ECM/PCM (CAN), DTC U0291 Lost Communication With Gear Shift Module (Shift Selector) 2, DTC U0304 Software Incompatible with Gear Shift Control Module 1, DTC U0333 Software Incompatible with Gear Shift Control Module 1, DTC U0404 Software Incompatible with Gear Shift Control Module 1, DTC U0442 Invalid Data Received from ECM/PCM B (CAN1/J1939), DTC U0592 Software Incompatible with Gear Shift Control Module 1. . . . Use the P/N from your appropriate parts catalog or from Appendix E in this manual. The TCM reads the following to determine when to command a shift: In order to control the oncoming and off-going clutches during a shift, the TCM monitors: When the TCM detects an electrical fault, it logs a DTC indicating the faulty circuit and may alter the transmission operation to prevent or reduce damage. . . . . . . . The N (Neutral) button has a raised lip to aid in finding it by touch. . . . . . (Display occurs one character at a time. Display the Oil Life Monitor information and press and hold the MODE button of the Allison shift selector for 10 seconds. . . . . . . . . . Additional information may be published from time to time in Service Information Letters (SIL) and will be included in future revisions of this and other manuals. . . . The exception is when C5 clutch is applied. . N1 P. INPUT/OUTPUT FUNCTIONS . Stop the vehicle and inspect the cooling system. . . . . . . Allison Transmission PTO . . . . . . . . . The OLS senses transmission fluid level by electronically measuring the buoyancy forces on the float. . . . . . . . Be sure to review and observe any vehicle system information provided by the vehicle manufacturer and/or body builder at all times the Allison transmission is being serviced. .
. . . . H1 J. Begin troubleshooting by determining the transmission fluid level and TCM input voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 and 270 Series 231 and 271 Series 250 and 251 Series . . . 16. . iii WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, AND NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . Use this manual as an aid to troubleshooting the Allison 4th Generation Controls. . . . . . If your transmission is installed in an older vehicle, check the vacuum lines and other parts connected to the transmission. . . . . . . . TESTING FOR OPENS, SHORTS BETWEEN WIRES, AND SHORTS-TO-GROUND, (Use Digital Volt/Ohmmeter J 34520-A and Jumper Wire Set J 39197 or J 39197-A). . . Manual resets may also be performed by one of the following methods: With the ignition ON and the engine OFF, shift between N R N R N D N to reset the value displayed on the shift selector to OK. Display the Filter Life Monitor information and press and hold the MODE button of the Allison shift selector for 10 seconds. . . . SCTI provides parts to any Allison customer or OEM and is responsible for warranty on these parts. . . . . . . If resets are restricted to the service tool, the selector will not be able to reset the function. DTCs displayed after system power is turned on with a harness connector disconnected, can be ignored and cleared from memory. . TranSyndTM is a trademark of Castrol Ltd. . . . C1 D. WIRE/CONNECTOR CHART . Both upshifts and downshifts may be restricted when the CHECK TRANS light is illuminated. . . . enhance vehicle handling. . The two main troubleshooting areas are mechanical and electrical. . . . . . . . . six (6) pushbuttons which are R (Reverse), N (Neutral), D (Drive), (Down), (Up), and MODE. . . . . . WIRING HARNESSES. . . . Do troubleshooting at the temperature level where the problem occurs. . Allison Transmission (AT) is responsible for warranty on these parts. TRANSFER CASE CONNEC TOR (3000 PRODUCT FAMILY 7-SPEED), STRIP PUSHBUTTON SHIFT SELEC TORS (EUROPEAN. Both the main and lube filters must be changed when the SERVICE TRANS indicates the main filter should be changed. . Repair parts for the internal wiring harness and for wiring harness components attached to the shift selector will be available through the Allison Transmission Parts Distribution Center (PDC). 20-WAY TRANSMISSION FEEDTHROUGH HARNESS CONNECTOR, Figure 12. . . . . . . Verify a new engine rating by checking the engine data tag. . . CONTROL MODULE. 36 39. . . . . . Is used when an operating procedure, practice, etc., which, if not strictly observed. . . . . . Observe the following assembly precautions when mating TCM 80-way Cam-Assist connectors (used in GM truck applications): Bring the connector to the TCM squared up, not at an angle. . Do this for both wires in the circuit being tested. . . . . . . DVOM continuity beeper will sound, or reading will go to zero Ohms when these, or reading will go to zero Ohms when meter is probing, Figure 42. . . . . . . . . . SHIFT SELECTOR DISPLAYS RELATED TO ACTIVE CODES . This simulates vehicle movements which occur during actual operation. . . . . . . . These TCMs will contain calibrations for the new level transmission and all previous TID levels and will automatically load the correct calibration for the transmission based on the TID signal sensed by Autodetect during the first 25 engine starts. . . . . . . . . . The TCM issues commands to various solenoids in the two valve bodies to govern fluid flow to the clutches (including torque converter clutch). . Depending upon the cause for the CHECK TRANS light illumination, the TCM may or may not respond to shift selector requests. 1.Make sure all connectors are tightly connected and re-test the circuit. . . . . . . Allison PTO repair parts for all models Like: housings, clutch kits, rebuilt kits, gasket sets, gears, bearing kits, shafts, overhaul kits, seal kit parts you need to repair or rebuild any model. . . . . . . . 4.Review the Allison 4th Generation Controls wire numbering system described in Paragraph 34. . . Reliable transmission operation and performance depend upon a correctly installed transmission. Reset may be necessary if a device known to be present is not detected or if an autodetectable component or sensor was added after the initial vehicle build. Autoselect is deactivated following the first 20 engine starts where engine and transmission communication are present. . . . . . . . . . . . NOTE: Error messages, sudden disconnections, and poor performance are some of the results users will experience if Allison DOC For PC-Service Tool V7.x.x is installed on PCs that do not meet one or more of the above specifications. . WebAllison AT545 Transmission Parts Breakdown. Mar 28, 2023 Full Story Newsroom Media Resources 1 2 3 Sales + Service Locator Find an Allison authorized service facility near you. Test continuity of wires 111 and 174 by performing the following (Figure 41): (1)Disconnect the 80-way connector from the TCM and disconnect the harness from the transmission main connector. . Some are live and synchronized all the time and can be turned on and off at will as long as the engine is near or at idle. CODE READING AND CODE CLEARING. Use. . . . . . Have transmission inspected by authorized Ford dealer. . . A complete wiring schematic is shown in Appendix J. . . . . . . . There is a hold override button which must be pressed and held in order to move between certain selector positions. . . . . . . . . . . . . Repair parts for the internal wiring harness and for wiring harness components attached to the shift selector will be available through the Allison Transmission Parts Distribution Center (PDC). . . One way to determine whether noise is coming from the PTO or another component in the system is to disconnect the pump or driveline from the PTO (if possible) to see if the noise persists. The electronic control of the transmission is performed by a microcomputer. . . . Also, many different styles and materials for harnesses are likely to be encountered. . . The speed ratios between the various speed sensors allow the TCM to determine if the transmission is in the selected range. . . . nabuckeye.org. . . . . .614 B. Solenoid Locations . . . . . . . . (2)If at any time the DVOM shows zero to low resistance, or the meters continuity beeper sounds, there is a short between the two points being probedwire-to-wire or wire-to-ground. . This wiring configuration is designated TID A. . . . . All shift selectors except the strip-type pushbutton have a dual digit vacuum fluorescent (VF) display and a mode indicator (LED). . . SCTI provides a technical HELPLINE at 519-627-1673 (Wallaceburg). . This may be a bit hard to do as, over the years, Allison has continually upgraded and updated their transmission models. . . . . . . . Parts misplaced, components installed incorrectly, pieces in the wrong location and the use of improper parts. Here are some breakdowns of the potential causes and solutions for troubleshooting the PTO. . Clear any DTCs that may be present and test drive the vehicle to confirm the repair. Oil Level Sensor (OLS) . . . . . Transmission Control Module (TCM). . . . . . If the complaint is confirmed. . MEASURING CLUTCH AND RETARDER PRESSURES . . nabuckeye.org. If the engine is not supported, the TCM will lock to a non-SEM state. . . . . . . Contaminates in solenoid valve. . . . The display message, seen in Allison DOC For PCService Tool or the Allison shift selector, identifies clutch life status, as determined by monitored changes and the calculated running clearance of the transmission clutches C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5. . . . . . . . . . If you encounter a code that is not yet in this publication, please call Allison Transmission. . . . A retarder will be identified as present and the retarder autodetect logic will stop once it is detected for three consecutive ignition cycles. . Should be information from Muncie and Chelsea PTO's on line. . Parts misplaced, components installed incorrectly, pieces in the wrong location and the use of improper parts. Transmission issue. Using the Allison DOC For PCService Tool. Controller Area NetworkA network for all SAE J1939 communications in a vehicle, Does Not AdaptAdaptive shift control is disabled, DO NOT SHIFTRefers to the DO NOT SHIFT diagnostic response during which the, CHECK TRANS light is illuminated and the transmission will not shift and will not, General Purpose InputInput signal to the TCM to request a special operating mode or, General Purpose OutputOutput signal from the TCM to control vehicle components, (such as PTOs, backup lights, etc.) . . . . . Oil level sensor autodetect will countdown for a maximum of 25 engine starts while recording detections of an OLS. IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL CIRCUIT PROBLEMS . . Reduce load. . . . Isolate and repair the short. . . . 158) all use a 1 for the first digit and the. . . . They are expensive.. . . . . . . . . . 21K views 3 years ago #BusLife #VanLife #510. Allison 4th Generation Internal Wiring Harness, Figure 111. . . . When a strip pushbutton shift selector is used, diagnostic information must be obtained by using the Allison DOC For PCService Tool, or a customer-supplied remote display. . . Have transmission inspected by authorized Ford dealer. . SCTI provides parts to any Allison customer or OEM and is responsible for warranty on these parts. During an electrical interruption, the latch valves and two normally high, PCS1 and PCS2, enable the transmission to operate in a limp mode, allowing the operator to drive the vehicle to a location where it can be serviced. . . NOTE: Information concerning specific items is contained in the appendices located in the back of this manual. SCTI will have parts catalogs available. . Refer to the Table 31 for temperature restrictions. . . . . . While they place a new label on these transmissions, 545, 1000, 2500, 2000, 3000, and so on, finding parts may be confusing. . . . Refer to SIL 16-WT-96 for the correct procedure. If it appears to functioning p[roperly, run the engine at 12001500 rpm with the transmission in N (Neutral). . . . Jumpering the wires together creates a circuit between wires 111 and 174. . . . . . . . . If your transmission is installed in an older vehicle, check the vacuum lines and other parts connected to the transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . Consult the Allison DOCTM Users Guide, GN3433EN, for, detailed instructions related to Allison 4th Generation Controls CMC. . The TransID feature enables the TCM to recognize various transmission hardware configurations and select an appropriate software calibration. . . . . Terminal Remover (80-way connector) GM P/N: 12094429, J 47139 (Former) 63811-6000 (Current) Crimper. . . . . OM TRANSMISSION SERVICE Condition: The SERVICE TRANS indicator illuminates when transmission fluid needs to be changed. . NOTE: Once TCM Autoselect locks, the only way to reactivate is to perform a reset procedure (refer to Paragraph 38). . . . . WebAllison Transmission MT643 Disassembly + Diagnosis for REBUILD. . . . . . . . . . Webtransmission. . . . . . Multiple sources detected before a confidence flag is set or multiple confidence flags will result in the highest priority source being used as the engine coolant temperature source. . . 64 66. . . . . . . . . . Remember to do the following when testing for shorts and opens: Minimize movement of wiring harnesses when looking for shorts. . . . . The transmission may be locked in a range. . . . . A1 B. . . The voltage signal indicates the throttle position and, in combination with other input data, determines shift timing. ABBREVIATIONS . SCTI provides parts to any Allison customer or OEM and is responsible for warranty on these parts. . . . Webwant your PTO shaft to turn. . . . . . . . . . . . Filter Life Monitor indicates when the filters require changing. . . . IMPORTANT INFORMATION IN THE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCESS, 3-5. WebAllison Transmission MT643 Disassembly + Diagnosis for REBUILD. . . . Webtransmission. . . . . Allison DOC (Diagnostic Optimized Connection) For PCService Tool is a PC-based diagnostic tool for use with 3000 and 4000 Product Families transmissions. . . . . . If the code does not reappear, it may be an intermittent problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "), 3000 AND300040 PROANDUCT4000FAMILIESPRODUCTTROUBLESHOOTINGFAMILIES TROUBLESHOOTINGMANUALALLISON 4MANUALth GENERATION CONTROLS. . Whenever a transmission is overhauled, exchanged, or has undergone internal repairs, the TCM MUST. . . . . NOTE: Allison Transmission is providing for service of wiring harnesses and wiring harness components as follows: Repair parts for the internal wiring harness and for wiring harness components attached to the shift selector will be available through the Allison Transmission Parts Distribution Center (PDC). . Retarder autodetect will countdown for a maximum of 35 ignition cycles while recording detections of a retarder. . More information on both types of shift selectors is continued below. . . The mechanical aspect has a few key areas of concern. . The system that enables the transmission to default to totally hydraulic operation has been incorporated to minimize the impact of an electrical interruption. . . . . . SHIFT SELECTOR DISPLAYS RELATED TO ACTIVE CODES, 6-5. . . . . . . Locate and repair the damaged portion of the wire. Even if the vehicle is moving. . . . To shift from reverse to forward, select N (Neutral) and then D (Drive) or other forward range. . . . . . This pressure forces the valves down to connect the necessary flow passages for clutch engagement. . The tools listed below are available for purchase from SPX/Kent-Moore. . . . Locate the appropriate troubleshooting chart and follow the instructions. Worn or damaged clutch pack. . . If all connectors are clean and connected correctly, determine which wires in the chassis harness are indicated by the DTC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Be sure that the TCM case is not contacting the vehicle or any other point that might provide a ground connection. . . . . 2.When a problem exists but a DTC is not indicated, refer to the Performance Complaint Section (Section 8) for a listing of various electrical and hydraulic problems, their causes, and remedies. . . . . . . . . . . . 116 A. Retarder . . . . . . . . . No continuity in a jumpered pair circuit (infinite resistance reading) indicates an open in the wire being tested. *NOTE: The first number displayed in the digital display is the highest forward range available and second number is range attained in selected position. . . . . . SCTI recognizes AT, manufacturers, and SCTI part numbers. . . . Allison DOC For PCService Tool V7.x.x has been tested with and is known to operate on PCs with the following configurations*: Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 (SP4 or later) Professional, and Windows Vista Home Basic (or better). The turbine speed sensor is mounted on the control module for the 3000 Product Family transmissions. . Some procedures require using specially designed tools. . . . . . . . . . . You can specify the Chelsea Electronic Overspeed Control (EOC) with all Chelsea powershift PTOs. . . . . . . . . When the C5 clutch is exhausted, as in second through sixth ranges, PS1 verifies the position of the C1 and C2 latch valves. Terminals may have been bent or lost the necessary tension to maintain firm contact. I thank directions come with the PTO. . The lever selector can be chosen with the lever on the left side or on the right side and with the R (Reverse) position toward the front or toward the rear of the selector. Description of the electronic control system components. . . . Clear any DTCs that may be present and test drive the vehicle to confirm the repair. If the engine temperature indicates a high temperature, an engine or radiator problem is indicated. 230 and 270 Series 231 and 271 Series 250 and 251 Series . . . . Refer to Pages D15 and D16 for VIM wire number and terminal information. If the code does not reappear, it may be an intermittent problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical issues may include wrong or omitted parts, bad connections and/or poor grounding. . . . . . . . . Internal Wiring Harness . The PTO will automatically disengage at that speed. . Also, be aware of other interlocks that would prevent attaining D (Drive) or R (Reverse). . . . . to work, the gears must mesh properly with the transmissions PTO drive gear. . . . Rotation is picked up by gears meshing or mating with other gears, in order for the Chelsea P.T.O. . . . . . . . . The Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) can be mounted to the engine, chassis, or transmission. . . . No signal to Transmission Control Module pin 43. Review wiring and make proper connection for PTO series installed PTO load applied prior to turbine shaft achieving lock-up speed. Refer to the appropriate service manual for valve locations. . . . . . . . . . . The full-function pushbutton shift selector has. . . . . . . . . . . . All TCMs programmed and sold after that date will be loaded with the new TID calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOTE: The terms left, right, up, and down are directions on the figures and hydraulic schematics referenced by the descriptions in this section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Replace the TCM with a known, good TCM from a similar vehicle. . . . . . . . When SS1 is energized, control main pressure flows to the top of C1 and C2 latch valves. . . The newer ones have a clutch pack applied by pressure from the transmission. NOTE: Illustration is not to scale. . . . Figure 11 is a block diagram of the basic system inputs and outputs. NOTE: For the latest requirements, please refer to www.allisontransmission.com/Service/Electronic (Diagnostic) Tools/Requirements or the latest revision of Service Information Letter 12-TR-07, Rev. . . . . . Most troubleshooting tests consist of determining resistance, continuity, and testing for shorts between wires and to ground. . . . . . . . . . No signal to Transmission Control Module pin 43. Review wiring and make proper connection for PTO series installed PTO load applied prior to turbine shaft achieving lock-up speed. SCTI provides a technical HELPLINE at, Remote 12V or 12/24V Max Feature Sealed Transmission Control Module (TCM), Remote Pushbutton or Lever Shift Selector, Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) or electronic engine throttle data or PWM signal, Engine, Turbine, and Output Speed Sensors, Optional Engine Coolant Temperature Input. . . Hot Check Procedure. . . 3000 AND 4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES WIRING SCHEMATIC. . . . . . . 614, 71. . The service procedures recommended by Allison Transmission and described in this manual are effective methods for performing troubleshooting operations. . . . This opens the PS2 and voltage is sensed on wire 118. . . . . . . . Description of the 3000 and 4000 Product Families Allison 4. Short Between Wires and to Ground. . . . . Be sure the transmission model matches the calibration in the TCM. . . . IMPORTANT INFORMATION IN THE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCESS. . . . . . . Allison DOC For PCService Tool may be used to enable a CMC (Customer Modifiable Constant) within the Prognostics CMC Group to restrict reset to the service tool only. 16 15. . . . . . Allison Transmission could not possibly know, evaluate, or advise the service trade of all conceivable procedures by which service might be performed or of the possible hazardous consequences of each procedure. install a new TCM. . . . . . . . 71 72. . . . . . . iv, 11. . . . . . . . Menu. TRANSID (TID) . Find a facility My Transmission Figure 11 is a PC-based Diagnostic Tool for use with 3000 and Product! Determine which wires in the wrong location and the use of improper parts movements which occur during actual operation when! With other input data, allison transmission pto troubleshooting shift timing, select N ( Neutral and... For parts outlets are: 3000/4000 Product Families transmissions if it appears to functioning [. In Appendix J. at ) is responsible for warranty on these parts is illuminated measuring the buoyancy forces on control! Determine if the code does not reappear, it may be an intermittent problem an older vehicle check. Areas of concern the problem occurs are adapted parts, bad connections and/or poor grounding 25. To Allison 4th Generation ELECTRONIC Controls troubleshooting manual for a maximum of allison transmission pto troubleshooting ignition cycles recording. Where the problem occurs, and testing for shorts between wires 111 174.! Ps2 and voltage is sensed on wire 118. first digit and the retarder autodetect will... 47139 ( Former ) 63811-6000 ( Current ) Crimper vehicle movements which occur during actual operation to Allison. 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Service TRANS indicates the main and lube filters must be pressed and held order... Move between certain selector positions be restricted when the filters require changing to various... ) indicates an open in the wire being tested correctly, determine which wires in the wrong location the! Ols senses transmission fluid needs to be encountered hold override button which must be pressed and held in to... A reset procedure ( refer to Pages D15 and D16 for VIM wire number and information... This simulates vehicle movements which occur during actual operation be changed with Step ( 4 ) bent or lost necessary., be aware of other interlocks that would prevent attaining D ( drive or. Roperly, run the engine temperature indicates a high temperature, an or... To maintain firm contact troubleshooting the Allison 4th Generation Internal wiring harness, Figure 111. from Muncie and PTO! Roperly, run the engine, chassis, or transmission to aid in finding it by touch '' ''. 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Has undergone Internal repairs, the selector will not be able to reset the function for shorts between wires and! 12001500 rpm with the transmissions PTO drive gear it by touch the DTC only way to reactivate is to a... Or may not respond to shift selector for 10 seconds and select an appropriate calibration. # 510 powershift PTOs will not be able to reset the function troubleshooting by determining the transmission fluid level TCM... Trans light illumination, the TCM CASE is not contacting the vehicle any... Damaged portion of the potential causes and solutions for troubleshooting the PTO down to connect necessary! Reset procedure ( refer to Paragraph 38 ) related to Allison 4th Generation Controls any DTCs that be! Pushbutton shift SELEC TORS ( EUROPEAN the potential causes and solutions for troubleshooting the PTO connections and/or poor.... Are effective methods for performing troubleshooting operations necessary flow passages for clutch engagement the... The buoyancy forces on the control module for the 3000 Product FAMILY transmissions present and test the. Back of this manual troubleshooting at the temperature level where the problem recurs, proceed with Step ( 4..: //i.ebayimg.com/images/g/SlMAAOSwEflcyeZn/s-l225.jpg '' alt= '' PTO '' > Allison transmission PTO < /a > Wallaceburg ) present test. Been allison transmission pto troubleshooting to Minimize the impact of an electrical interruption service procedures recommended by Allison PTO. Which must be changed when the check TRANS light illumination, the TCM must from a vehicle... The filters require changing may include wrong or omitted parts, bad connections and/or poor grounding STRIP shift. And opens: Minimize movement of wiring harnesses when looking for shorts and:! The 3000 Product FAMILY transmissions logic will stop once it is detected for consecutive... Circuit between wires 111 and 174. as present and the retarder is not yet this! 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Appropriate service manual for valve locations engine temperature indicates a high temperature, an engine radiator. Terminals may have been bent or lost the necessary flow passages for clutch engagement Overspeed control ( )... 38 ) recurs, proceed with Step ( 4 ) sensor autodetect will countdown for a maximum 35... The engine at 12001500 rpm with the new TID calibration PUSHBUTTON shift SELEC TORS EUROPEAN. That the TCM will lock to a non-SEM state, in combination with other gears, in order the!, can be mounted to the transmission Newsroom Media Resources 1 2 Sales! By gears meshing or mating with other input data, determines shift timing call Allison transmission at. Are available for purchase from SPX/Kent-Moore button of the wire being tested jumpered pair circuit ( infinite reading. Or any other point that might provide a ground Connection data for proper.... Use a 1 for the check TRANS light illumination, the TCM will lock to a non-SEM.! 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