For example, the layout might include a mix of individual and group work spaces, as well as areas for hands-on activities and experimentation. Managing student behavior. Extraordinary but effective Classroom Desk Arrangement Ideas, The stadium seating classroom desk arrangement is a configuration for arranging desks in a classroom. This classroom seating layout again makes it easier for the teacher to see if all students are on task as the desks are angled to one point in the classroom. 3. Asmr relaxingDesk arrangements, decor the desk Im always tripping over someone or something! Or perhaps youre hoping to support classroom management by minimizing the chances of students getting distracted. I currently have 6 small group tables of 5. What I mean by this is either pairing the desks up in 2s,3s, or one long row. Limited privacy and individual space: The pairs arrangement may not provide enough privacy or individual space for students to work independently, which may be a disadvantage for certain teaching styles or activities. The students I placed there were the ones that did better with fewer distractions or ones that I wanted to check in with more frequently. An add-on to this format is the butterfly layout, where additional desks are placed in the open space in the middle of the classroom if you need to fit more students in. I also have couches, bean bag chairs, and a pub table around the room as other options. Desk arrangements are important in organizing and managing your classroom. Classroom Seating Arrangements. Sign up to get fresh ideas, content updates, and freebies! U-shape The U-shape or the horseshoe. 1. Students are all facing directly at a singular action zone in the front center of the classroom. Most kids gave great reasons.I focus better in a row, I like/dont like working with others, facing the front helps me pay attention. But if you use a small group teaching style, pods of desks that leave space in between for walk-throughs make better sense. Pairs. Suitable for small to medium-sized classes: The many Us arrangement is well-suited for small to medium-sized classes, as it provides enough space for students to work comfortably and allows for adequate teacher supervision. I hope youre having a great year! You can always begin with one seating chart on Day One, but very quickly you start to learn whether the current desk configuration will work with your students or will need to be modified. It allows for easy movement and accessibility for the teacher, and promotes visibility and accessibility for all students. Practice with your class having them immediately stop and give your attention after a cue such as ringing a bell or a clapping sequence. WebThe Mathmagician's Market. I have found that students can be intimidated about speaking up in this environment. The Double E This is the setup that I used the most. I have tried this layout with larger classes and havent been able to fit all students at the group desk. Thats one of the many challenges of teaching, as you know It involves placing desks in two rows facing the front of the classroom, with an aisle in between the rows. May not be suitable for larger class sizes: The modified double horseshoe arrangement may not be suitable for larger class sizes, as it may not provide enough space for all students to work comfortably or may not allow for adequate teacher supervision. Source: @mscamilavasconcelos 3. This desk configuration creates two smaller carpet areas in the middle of the desks, which would provide some space for small group work as well. All 15 arrangements were created with student engagement in mind. Looking forward for more. You can even rotate the desks to match the exact angles in your room! Educational Technology, Research and Assessment: Cindy Koh, Saurav Mukhopadhyay, Jane Hsia, Angie Cheng, Riyani Riyani. The layout of a classroom refers to the arrangement of furniture, equipment, and other elements within the space. Suitable for small to medium-sized classes: The double E arrangement is well-suited for small to medium-sized classes, as it provides enough space for students to work comfortably and allows for adequate teacher supervision. And, all of your students will be facing the front of the room. Classroom Expectation Posters: Setting the Right Tone for Your Classroom. Hey Cecelia! Any suggestions for a bigger group? Desks in groups allow for easy group work scenarios and build up classroom community. This arrangement allows for easy movement and interaction between students, as well as visibility and accessibility for the teacher. I really like this arrangement and also works well if you dont have a large room. This setup works well for partner work. I have the two side groups split up into smaller groups of 4-6 with a small (about another desk width) space between the groups. Students can take resources from the middle as they need. Students find it very hard to communicate with one another and cannot look at each others work. Some teachers may want ask students to be silent and work along, mimicking a rows and columns format (see above). May require specialized flooring or seating: The stadium seating arrangement may require specialized flooring or seating, which may be more costly or difficult to install or maintain. Straight lines: This is the most common arrangement. Its important to consider the specific needs and goals of your students when selecting a seating arrangement. Limited flexibility: The pairs arrangement may not be as flexible as other desk arrangements, as it is more difficult to rearrange or modify the layout of the desks. May not be suitable for certain teaching styles: The group of 6 arrangement may not be suitable for certain teaching styles that require a more formal or structured setup, such as lectures or presentations. You can still walk around and access each students desk easily and it makes group or team work easy to manage. Five or more teachers. This is a neat way of arranging Now in this classroom, the teacher created much larger groups.This is a great option if you have a larger class. I use tables.
and learning materials, with locking protection. It allows for easy movement and accessibility for the teacher, and promotes visibility and accessibility for all students. Students who need to be by themselves wouldnt even be in this setup, right? Promotes visibility and accessibility for the teacher: The pairs arrangement allows the teacher to easily see and access all students, which can be helpful for managing the class and providing individualized support. Can be adapted for different teaching styles and activities: The double horseshoe arrangement can be modified to suit different teaching styles and activities, such as group work or individual tasks. A collaborative learning environment can foster teamwork, creativity, and critical thinking skills, and may be particularly effective for project-based learning or problem-based learning activities. I have done the horseshoe but instead of connecting the two sides I leave a space between the sides and can easily move between the back and front. The breakout groups setup: If youre looking to facilitate group work and project-based learning activities, consider arranging desks in small groups, with each group facing each other. It may also not be suitable for certain teaching styles or activities that require a more formal or structured setup, as the desks are arranged in a less traditional configuration. It sounds like it would be crowded but it's not and I have lots of floor space for my composite 2/3 class. Hey there! Can be easily rearranged: The rows arrangement is relatively easy to rearrange, which can be useful for adapting to different teaching styles or activities. May not provide enough privacy or individual space: The stadium seating arrangement may not provide enough privacy or individual space for students to work independently, which may be a disadvantage for certain teaching styles or activities. The arrangement can be changed on a day-to-day basis or be permanent. By facing two desks against the end of the group, this teacher still has large desk groups, without taking up as much room! This teacher got creative and put her desks into varying sized groups of 2-3. May not be suitable for larger class sizes: The rows 2 arrangement may not be suitable for larger class sizes, as it may not provide enough space for all students to work comfortably or may not allow for adequate teacher supervision. I would often sit my chair in the middle of one of the U shapes to have small discussions with each group when needed. Your gift is tax-deductible. Suitable for small to medium-sized classes: The group of 8 arrangement is well-suited for small to medium-sized classes, as it provides enough space for students to work comfortably and allows for adequate teacher supervision. I use a miniature version of the horseshoe. Can facilitate both individual and group work: The rows and lines arrangement allows for a combination of individual and group work, as some students may be seated in rows facing the front of the classroom and others may be seated in lines facing their peers. click HERE to see the archived list of all 87 options, Classroom Seating Chart: Birds Flock Together, Classroom Seating Chart: Table and Chairs. May not be suitable for larger class sizes: The pairs arrangement may not be suitable for larger class sizes, as it may not provide enough space for all students to work comfortably or may not allow for adequate teacher supervision. Hannah, May not be suitable for certain teaching activities: The rows and lines arrangement may not be suitable for certain teaching activities that require more group interaction or collaboration, as the desks are arranged in a less traditional configuration and may not be as easily accessible to other students. The group of 6 classroom desk arrangement is a configuration for arranging desks in a classroom. School starts Wednesday, so well see how it goes! So, this article provides a description of each major classroom layout theory and an explanation of how each desk layout connects to learning theory. Promotes interaction and collaboration: The group of 6 arrangement allows students to easily see and access each other, which can facilitate interaction and collaboration. Group involvement. Got it (Step 1: Redirection, Step 2: Warning, Step 3: Parent Phone Call and Consequence, Step 4: Referral to Administrator). Computer and laptop use. Can be adapted for different teaching styles and activities: The many Us arrangement can be modified to suit different teaching styles and activities, such as group work or individual tasks. Can be adapted for different teaching styles and activities: The rows and lines arrangement can be modified to suit different teaching styles and activities, such as group work or individual tasks. Consider placing taller students in the back row. It was also easy for group work. Cons to pods desk configuration include: Lets face it, in a classroom of 30 or so students, there are going to be a variety of learning styles and learning requirements. However, Im hoping this list of suggested seating arrangements spark some inspiration to help you get your classroom working. Thanks!! So go ahead and try out these classroom desk arrangement ideas to optimize your classroom and enhance student learning. There are many ways to arrange desk groups from only a few desks, to large groups. May not be suitable for certain teaching styles: The group of 8 arrangement may not be suitable for certain teaching styles that require a more formal or structured setup, such as lectures or presentations. Students face forward, keeping their concentration on their work on their desk, the board at the front of the room, and the teacher standing at the front. Explore a selection of PDF resources curated for Free Members. Can be easily rearranged: The pairs arrangement is relatively easy to rearrange, which can be useful for adapting to different teaching styles or activities. This is because in many shaped classrooms this is how the desks fit best. The starting layout contains 25 desks and a teacher's desk, but you can easily ADD or REMOVE DESKS as needed. We cite peer reviewed academic articles wherever possible and reference our sources at the end of our articles. $286.95 $215.21. Set up strict guidelines around when students should stop to pay attention to the teacher. WebOliver Classroom: The Oliver Classroom seats 40 at 20 tables on casters. This classroom is popular amongst behaviorist teachers who prefer teacher-centered environments. Pair-up activities feel very natural in this situation. This blog highlights a number of classroom desk arrangement ideas to inspire you! Can be adapted for different teaching styles and activities: The pairs arrangement can be modified to suit different teaching styles and activities, such as group work or individual tasks. 8. Then, theres the highly mathematical thought process of re-arranging the desksthroughout the year to suit the changing needs of the students in your class. Know which teaching methods you prefer to use more often. Active learning. I love this Classroom Desk Arrangement Ideas. In particular, I have had students with autism struggle in these spaces. The drawback is that it doesn't really allow for collaborative work. It may also not be suitable for larger class sizes, as it may not provide enough space for all students to work comfortably or may not allow for adequate teacher supervision. It is almost universally accepted that social interaction helps stimulate learning. (See I Dont Have Room for a Circle! on page 14 for more ideas.) Zig-zag down the rows asking each student to present a thought defending their side of the debate. Horseshoe or Semicircle Finding a classroom desk set-up that suits you and your students can be a tricky task. Oh, nice suggestion! WebStudent Success & Enrollment Management: TRIO SSS-STEM. After being in elementary education for 14 years, and as founder of Create-Abilities, Cassie is passionate about helping fellow educators empower their teaching. This is another arrangement that I really loved. Having a simple way for certain number of students to move into group work makes it easier on yourself and quicker to keep the learning going throughout the day. Suitable for small to medium-sized classes: The stadium seating arrangement is well-suited for small to medium-sized classes, as it provides enough space for students to work comfortably and allows for adequate teacher supervision. I find myself using a few of these throughout the year. PIG activities (partner, individual, group). Pros Easy to separate students that dont work well together, everyone faces the front, Pros Discourages talking, everyone faces the front, great for testing, Cons Takes up a lot of space, not good for group work, Cons Some students do not face the front, difficult to get to all students, Pros Leaves space in the middle for activities, easy to share materials, Cons Some students do not face the front. What a great idea! Allows for easy movement and accessibility: The group of 6 arrangement allows the teacher to easily move around the classroom and access all students, which can be beneficial for monitoring and assisting students. Suitable for small to medium-sized classes: The modified double horseshoe arrangement is well-suited for small to medium-sized classes, as it provides enough space for students to work comfortably and allows for adequate teacher supervision. Web 1. WebIn this resource, you will get the tools needed to create a floorplan style class seating chart.Editable & resizable furniture: student desks, teacher desk, Subjects: Classroom Community, Classroom Management Grades: Not Grade Specific Types: Professional Documents Add to cart Wish List Google Slides Classroom Seating Chart by Small children. This allows the teacher to easily see and address the entire class. Here are some pros and cons to eight different classroom desk arrangement ideas that have been tried and tested by teachers in the know. 33, sheesh! We'll consider that for a future blog. That's great to hear Augusta! Limited privacy and individual space: The double horseshoe arrangement may not provide enough privacy or individual space for students to work independently, which may be a disadvantage for certain teaching styles or activities. Are you looking for creative and effective ways to arrange desks in your classroom? Teachers can use this design during a lab or an activity that has rotating stations. 12 Classroom Seating Charts Compared 1. Points to keep in mind: Allow enough space.You need an area big enough for a circle that lets I loved being able to walk between each row and check on my 2. What are some of your favorite classroom desk arrangement options? Item #: 5009335. We have some Flexible Seating Expectation posters that would also help with the change over if this is something that you are thinking of doing. One con to having bigger desk groups (or pods as some teachers call them), is the talking. Teacher support. Geetha Mahalingam, Hello Hannah, Ive never imagine there were all the classroom arrangements you have share,. 2. A bit like flexible seating, students can move around to the desk configuration that is going to work for them for different subject areas. Is there any way you could could the students chairs and the front of the classroom? Yes that would be good as well as a class full of behaviour issues. I would love to see some options that have room for carpet/mat at the front of the classroom. Allows for room up the front, collaboartive work in the column, space in the wings and a traditional back row for students who like to work together but benefit from front facing not face to face placing. It also allows for easy movement and accessibility for the teacher, and promotes visibility and accessibility for all students. Suitable for small to medium-sized classes: The rows and lines arrangement is well-suited for small to medium-sized classes, as it provides enough space for students to work comfortably and allows for adequate teacher supervision. I like this option because everyone can see the board. The furniture in a classroom plays a crucial role in creating a comfortable and functional learning environment. It also depends on the age of your students. One of the things I really appreciate about this desk arrangement is that its effective even if you dont have a particularly large classroom. It is nice to be able to use either the front or the back of the classroom. Limited flexibility: The group of 6 arrangement may not be as flexible as other desk arrangements, as it is more difficult to rearrange or modify the layout of the desks. Students will learn to go quiet and stop their work when you walk towards your regular teaching spot. Follow Hannah @ The Classroom Keys board Teaching Tips on Pinterest. Thank you for all of these amazing ideas! Then you will want desks that face the front of the room. I like to mix it up every term and quite often I run out of ideas. Furniture and equipment should be sized appropriately for students of this age, and the layout should allow for a degree of flexibility to support different teaching styles and learning needs. To create groups of four, have students turn around and work with the pair behind them. Another popular way to arrange student desks is in groups, or pods. Theoretical Connection: Banduras Social Learning Theory. Worried about the cost and how to set it up? This layout wont suit a classroom that does involve a lot of group work/collaboration. Browse by curriculum code or learning area. Promotes visibility and accessibility for the teacher: The modified double horseshoe arrangement allows the teacher to easily see and access all students, which can be helpful for managing the class and providing individualized support. For this, a semicircle or row This post will cover 13 ways to set up your student seating, with photos! Again, this layout makes it easier for the teacher to get around and help out individual students. Explore fun facts about Earth to get kids in your class excited about our planet, plus teacher tips for incorporating them into your lesson plans. This may be beneficial for certain teaching styles or activities that require more individual space or privacy, such as taking exams or completing individual work. It is also a good layout for show-and-tell sessions where students can show-off the props they bring into class. Seating: Similar to a school arrangement with participants seated behind a row of desks or tables. Provides more individual space and privacy: The many Us arrangement provides more individual space and privacy for students compared to other desk arrangements, as the desks are arranged in a U-shape with the desks facing inward towards the center of the U. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The benefit of this method is that it allows the teacher to walk between the rows. Small classrooms. If you struggle controlling the flow and behavior of your students, consider using another table layout until you can trust your class to move into this more free flowing classroom layout. Aim to stand in the front, middle only when seeking students attention. Which arrangements am I missing? This is another one of my favorites if you have a wide room. LOVE, love love this desk arrangement! WebMega Seating Plan is one of the most popular initiatives with staff we have added over the past few years. Your gift is tax-deductible. 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