His wife, Tracy, was hired as an English teacher at the high school, however, Poches was not involved in any candidate selection or oversight then or now, he said. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. width: 100% !important; MLive/Kalamazoo Gazette partnered with the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of Michigan to provide candidate information for readers. color: #6db24f; I believe that having my own children in the schools ensures not only that I have up-to-date information every day, but also that I have a vested interest in making the best decisions for our students, for the teachers, for the staff, for our teams and clubs, and for our community as a whole, said Hees. He has served on the Portage board for more than five years. top: 0px; width: 100% .non_result_row { All responses in the voter guide were submitted directly by the candidate and have not been edited by the League of Women Voters, except for a necessary cut if a reply exceeded character limitations. I think that taking away money from local school districts to give vouchers to other cities makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, I'm totally against that there is a place for the voucher program, but not to the extent that it's being proposed right now and to rob one entity to give it to another to that extent just makes no sense to me whatsoever. Theres even an Archery Team! Each student deserves the best resources, technology, teachers and role models to succeed. The other thing I bring if Im comparing myself to my opponent is that I still have kids in school. PORTAGE, MI -- All four incumbents will remain in their seats on the Portage Public Schools Board of Education. Learn more about Emily Crawford. I see things from both sides and understand that constructive debate is OK. You can cancel at any time. WebPortage County, Wisconsin, is holding elections for local offices in 2023. .contact_office { margin-top: 0.3em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} } The board should make sure to speak openly with parents, community members and local police about the current protocols and continuously look for ways to improve them. Local school boards emerge as hot races in November election By JULIE CARR SMYTH and PATTY NIEBERG October 9, 2021 COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) In a school district near the Ohio state capital, school board members up for reelection this year have been subjected to a steady stream of lawsuits and attacks, both in-person and And, to take resources and money away from programs for kids is unforgivable I think. Information on other state, county and local primary races can be found at Vote411.org. See how they responded below. General election for Portage Community School District, At-large Incumbent Kelly Behnke, incumbent Nicky Cross, and Chad Hayes are running in the general width: 35px !important; Donate. margin-bottom: -2px !important; .votebox-results-cell--number { } } Counties | Its our duty to build future leaders. All rights reserved. display: inline-block; The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. I have a passion for education that ensures all our students educational needs are addressed, said Levzow. margin-bottom: .75em; There are many ways for students to be successful and prepare for life. It would be great to increase this relationship with a resource officer assigned to each school who can build positive relationships with students. font-size: 2em; He has ran unsuccessfully for the Portage board in 2018. .race_header.libertarian { She added that it is these values, not any personal agenda, that drive her decision-making on the board. (bottom row, from left) Bo Snyder, Dean Prowse, write-in Derek Dee and Kevin Hoffer. I'm visible, you'll see me at everything. All rights reserved (About Us). I feel my commitment to excellence, my love for this community and my 12+ years of experience qualify me for another term on the PPS Board of Education, especially when considering the current challenges we face. She and her husband Mike have raised two Pardeeville graduates, Zachary and Rebecca, who she says have inspired her to become involved in the district. I have been very involved in my childrens education and our school buildings in Portage and want to continue to be involved in a bigger and better way. Each school district in Michigan is governed by a board of education. padding-top: 8px; Candidates seeking election to the Portage Public Schools board in 2022 include (top row, from left) Ean Patrice Hamilton, Keith Crowell, Emily Crawford, (bottom row, from left) Randy Van Antwerp and Kimberly Larson. Synder, 56, is a healthcare management consultant and president of a healthcare consulting company. background-color: #f9d334; display: inline-block; color: black; There are seven seats on the board; four at-large in the city and three representing residents in rural areas. margin-bottom: 1px; The City of Portage la Prairie has announced the list of candidates for city council, mayor, and school board trustee . } Hamilton: Gun violence has affected so many schools and communities across our country. Kevin Hoffer, 48, is a network Engineer with schooling at Davenport University. .contact_office { font-size: 0.8 em; margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} What specific steps should the board take to ensure that students have a safe and successful academic year in view of Covid-19? Covid has given us a great opportunity to expand our thinking about educating kids. Elections in 2023 | .votebox-results-metadata { Our kids. Anyone with questions can contact the superintendents office at 715.345.5444 or visit the districts website at www.pointschools.net. I am a team player who will continue to work for continued educational success in Portage. I believe we need to be safe and take precautions, I also believe our students deserve the best possible education we can provide. As a school board member and a collaborative partner with the people I serve with, we have created goals, action steps, and outcomes that support our educational mission. We are focused on providing challenging and applicable learning for all students - from top achievers through our IB program, to help for students who need it. In 11 years on the board, Ive developed positive relationships with school administrators, teachers, parents, and Portage citizens. } I think we really need to improve on our communication and Act 10 hurt every district immensely, but I think we need to get back to that whole idea of consensus building, making decisions together. It requires hardening our facilities to prevent intrusion and incorporating safety in the design of new facilities. .inner_percentage.Libertarian { Currently, he has two children enrolled in Pardeeville schools, a daughter and a foreign exchange daughter, as well as a granddaughter who will be entering 4k in two years. "I, An Interview With KPS Board Candidate Jason Morris, An Interview With KPS Board Candidate Jermaine Jackson, KPS Trustee Craig Herschleb On Why He's Seeking Another Term, PPS Trustee Joanne Willson Tells WMUK Why She's Seeking Another Term, An Interview With KPS Board Candidate Tandy Moore.
. As a parent of four Portage Public Schools graduates52 years of schooling!I understand parents choices. color: white; The PPS student population is large enough where we can offer and array of opportunities for each and every child and were small enough where we can focus on the needs of each and every child. margin-right: 10px; Voelker: I think it's ridiculous. My Human Resources and management experience translates well, particularly with policies, training, and employee maintenance. } background-color: #db0000; } Dealing with COVID 19 has created challenges as it relates to community and parental involvement, however I will continue to encourage parental involvement, because I feel when our parents and community are involved it shows our students their parents and community want what is best for them. Droppers is a senior vice president working in private wealth management. First-ever Fun Run commemorates 30 years of Southport Aerospace, Portage School Trustees thankful for provincial recognition, Portage educator takes a bow after over three decades, Headingley speeder busted going 66 km/h over the limit by RCMP, Westbound traffic being diverted on Portage bypass due to semi fire, Budget 2023: What you missed, from phone chargers and concert fees to air travel, $491B federal budget invests heavily in green economic transformation, Terriers look to put Nighthawks' backs against wall in Game 3, Neufeld comes close but fails to defend provincial seniors curling title. } What actions will you take to promote further parental or community involvement in schools? .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { Publication of candidate statements and opinions is solely in the interest of public service and should NOT be considered as an endorsement. display: inline-block; margin-top: 16px; background: #4c4c4c; .votebox-scroll-container { DR: How would you retain high-quality educators and programs while funding continues to be cut? Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). It requires active engagement with all students to identify potential threats and it requires a welcoming environment where every student is given fair and impartial treatment. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Whether or not kids are in a building each day, provide them with the technology they need to stay connected and give them more opportunities to get additional help, to report bullying, and to report issues at home. } } Three candidates are running for the at-large seat, including incumbent Andy Maletta, Bruce Sawochka and Julie Sausman. Apart from her board service, Levzow is involved with the Pardeeville Methodist Church as well as the Pardeeville FFA, the latter of which she serves as treasurer. width: 150px; Winners are noted with an asterisk. Teachers, parents, students, and community members want to be heard and respected. I believe in the Portage Public Schools. Antwerp: To keep students safe in our schools, we must continue to build a culture of safety. Walker is a lifetime resident of Pardeeville, having raised two children and two step-children in the area, with a grandson currently attending school in the district. } School districts | School Board Member At Large. Incumbent Congressman Bill Huizenga faces 3 challengers in race for U.S. Houses 4th District, Country club plans golf course at site once eyed for homeless housing in Kalamazoo, Man accused of driving drunk, killing Western Michigan student headed toward jury trial. Contact Us 269-384-8080 [email protected] Office Hours overflow-y: hidden; Guide for Prospective School Board Candidates. .clearfix { .race_header.republican { font-weight: bold; position: relative; He has ran unsuccessfully for the Portage board in 2018. Why are you running for a board seat? .widget-row.value-only.black { height: 50px; overflow-y: hidden; I have learned how to have a cool head and diffuse difficult situations, treating everyone with dignity and respect. No other candidates have filed as write-ins for this race as of Friday, Oct. 2, according to the Kalamazoo County Clerks office. Emily Crawford. PORTAGE, MI -- All four incumbents will remain in their seats on the Portage Public Schools Board of Education. . padding-left: 0; .widget-key { Stevens Point Precincts Reported: 28/28. font-size: 0.9em; } font-weight: bold; Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. It is an ever-changing conversation and we need to work with the administrators, the staff, teachers, parents and students to blend a support system that will present a safe environment for learning. CAN-1 Candidate Filing Challenge; CAN-12 State of Economic Interests for Local and School Board Offices; CAN-16 Town Office Declaration of Candidacy by a Democratic, Libertarian, or Republican Party Candidate When No Primary if Conducted in 2022 WebBoard of Education Each school district in Michigan is governed by a board of education. margin-bottom: 0; letter-spacing: .03em; .votebox-covid-disclaimer { If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; What's on my ballot? I want parents and the community engaged in our district. @media (max-width:600px) { If re-elected for another term, I will continue to serve the students, the staff and the community to the best of my ability.. I believe the Board and Administrative team have developed a solid Covid-19 Return to Learn plan assuring safety while maximizing educational opportunities. background-color: grey; max-width: 75px; Terri Lynn Beck of Mauston and the Madison area was arrested and is being held in the Columbia County Jail on tentative charges of theft and b, The Illinois murder suspect who fired at Kenosha County Sheriffs deputies and shot K-9 deputy Riggs in the head while attempting to flee from, The spurning of community colleges has implications for the national economy, which relies on their graduates to fill many of the jobs in whic. A long time Portage parent and volunteer myself, I encourage parents I talk with to be involved at whatever level they can be in their childs education. Kevin Belson did not complete the survey to be included in the voter guide. A man has been accused of sexually assaulting an intoxicated woman in her home in Portage. WebTwo candidates are seeking the vacant city seat on the Portage School Board left open by Mary Ann Kindschi. Droppers, 63, is a senior vice president working in private wealth management. It doesnt focus enough on our future, and the kids are our future. It requires regular drills to maintain preparedness. Larson holds a bachelors degree from Michigan Technological University and a masters degree from Cornerstone University and serves on an anti-bias, anti-racism leadership team where she works. They genuinely care about the students & their academic success. width: 250px; My experience as an attorney has taught me to listen first and to respect opinions even if I dont agree with a particular perspective. } Incumbent Ann Vang did not file for reelection, which will guarantee at least one new board member this spring. Our Portage School administrators have done a fantastic job of working with local officials to research the science and stay on top of the directives from the governmental health guidelines. I am honored to have the opportunity to give back to the Portage Public Schools. Rathburn, 55, is the president and owner of Rathco Safety Supply, Inc. You can cancel at any time. And, the way things are now with budgets being cut, I have been in charge of a lot of budgets, and I think that might be a valuable part with not more money coming in, but less. Voelker: I think there's got to be communication from the top all the way down and from students to staff to aides and administrators everybody needs to understand what it takes for everybody else to do their job and to it in the most economic way possible. Few people will have heard of me, but Im a hard worker and I listen to people and Im willing to roll up my sleeves and get to work. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { Every childs safety and educational needs are different, as are family needs. In the coming years it is this Boards intention to maximize Engagement through Owners Linkage strategies that involve direct outreach and use of social media. } The impact of the pandemic on students has made the need for these supports even more important. Voters in the Tuesday, Nov. 3, election chose Teresa Novaria, Bo Snyder, Rusty Rathburn and Kurt Droppers from a field of five candidates vying for the six-year terms on the board that sets policies for the school district, according to unofficial election results in Kalamazoo County. word-wrap: break-word; display: block; background-color: #003388; Crowell: I am always impressed with teachers awareness and ability to meet each student at their best point of learning. } I look forward to nurturing this collaborative sprit. .inner_percentage { } .top_disclaimer { padding-left: 16px; } Jackson, who has worked for, Kalamazoo Public Schools Board of Education Trustee Craig Herschleb says the district has made big strides on its graduation rate in his six years on the, The Portage Public Schools district is in the midst of overhauling its facilities. Why are you running for a board seat? MLive Media Group partnered with the League of Women Voters of Michigan to provide candidate information for readers. The fact that we have an experienced, well-functioning, cohesive board has been key to making good decisions in a time of uncertainty and unprecedented challenge. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { Alex Sommers 7424 This means a clear understanding of right and wrong, an appreciation for cultures, beliefs, and ethnicities different than their own, and a commitment of service to community and others. We have a duty and a responsibility to create and implement the platforms for learning that can ensure educational success for all of our students. Larson: Portage does an excellent job at promoting physical safety in our schools and has a great relationship with Portage Public Safely. I earned bachelors and masters degrees in Finance and Investment, have over 30 years experience as an Investment advisor, over 20 years of volunteer Board experience, over 20 years of teaching experience to both adults professionally and kids as a volunteer. Students have diverse opportunities through the IB program, programs like Band, Forensics, Drama, and various other Arts. Visit the Vote411 voter guide online for Dees responses, Click here for more of MLives Election Day coverage, here for full coverage of Kalamazoo-area elections. I am looking forward to continuing this work. While learning is paramount, engaging kids, empowering kids and giving them hope is key to assuring kids on the future. : -2px! important ;.votebox-results-cell -- number { } } Counties | Its our duty build! Educational opportunities promoting physical safety in the voter Guide { font-weight: bold ; community Rules to. Role models to succeed senior vice president working in private wealth management if. 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Articles F
I am committed to providing an excellent education for all children, a positive school environment that promotes learning, continual support to administrators, teachers and all staff as well as maintaining open communication with them and our community, continual review of our curriculum and student offerings and fiscal responsibility with transparency, said Walker. padding-bottom: 7px; .race_footer { There were seven candidates running for four seats: incumbents Teresa Novaria, Bo Snyder, Rusty Rathburn, and Kurt Droppers were joined by challengers Dean Prowse, Kevin Hoffer, and Dee. position: absolute; And if there is stuff that comes up, then I wouldn't vote. overflow-x: auto; I think thats a benefit. .widget-row.Republican { } .widget-row.value-only { His wife, Tracy, was hired as an English teacher at the high school, however, Poches was not involved in any candidate selection or oversight then or now, he said. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. width: 100% !important; MLive/Kalamazoo Gazette partnered with the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of Michigan to provide candidate information for readers. color: #6db24f; I believe that having my own children in the schools ensures not only that I have up-to-date information every day, but also that I have a vested interest in making the best decisions for our students, for the teachers, for the staff, for our teams and clubs, and for our community as a whole, said Hees. He has served on the Portage board for more than five years. top: 0px; width: 100% .non_result_row { All responses in the voter guide were submitted directly by the candidate and have not been edited by the League of Women Voters, except for a necessary cut if a reply exceeded character limitations. I think that taking away money from local school districts to give vouchers to other cities makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, I'm totally against that there is a place for the voucher program, but not to the extent that it's being proposed right now and to rob one entity to give it to another to that extent just makes no sense to me whatsoever. Theres even an Archery Team! Each student deserves the best resources, technology, teachers and role models to succeed. The other thing I bring if Im comparing myself to my opponent is that I still have kids in school. PORTAGE, MI -- All four incumbents will remain in their seats on the Portage Public Schools Board of Education. Learn more about Emily Crawford. I see things from both sides and understand that constructive debate is OK. You can cancel at any time. WebPortage County, Wisconsin, is holding elections for local offices in 2023. .contact_office { margin-top: 0.3em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} } The board should make sure to speak openly with parents, community members and local police about the current protocols and continuously look for ways to improve them. Local school boards emerge as hot races in November election By JULIE CARR SMYTH and PATTY NIEBERG October 9, 2021 COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) In a school district near the Ohio state capital, school board members up for reelection this year have been subjected to a steady stream of lawsuits and attacks, both in-person and And, to take resources and money away from programs for kids is unforgivable I think. Information on other state, county and local primary races can be found at Vote411.org. See how they responded below. General election for Portage Community School District, At-large Incumbent Kelly Behnke, incumbent Nicky Cross, and Chad Hayes are running in the general width: 35px !important; Donate. margin-bottom: -2px !important; .votebox-results-cell--number { } } Counties | Its our duty to build future leaders. All rights reserved. display: inline-block; The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. I have a passion for education that ensures all our students educational needs are addressed, said Levzow. margin-bottom: .75em; There are many ways for students to be successful and prepare for life. It would be great to increase this relationship with a resource officer assigned to each school who can build positive relationships with students. font-size: 2em; He has ran unsuccessfully for the Portage board in 2018. .race_header.libertarian { She added that it is these values, not any personal agenda, that drive her decision-making on the board. (bottom row, from left) Bo Snyder, Dean Prowse, write-in Derek Dee and Kevin Hoffer. I'm visible, you'll see me at everything. All rights reserved (About Us). I feel my commitment to excellence, my love for this community and my 12+ years of experience qualify me for another term on the PPS Board of Education, especially when considering the current challenges we face. She and her husband Mike have raised two Pardeeville graduates, Zachary and Rebecca, who she says have inspired her to become involved in the district. I have been very involved in my childrens education and our school buildings in Portage and want to continue to be involved in a bigger and better way. Each school district in Michigan is governed by a board of education. padding-top: 8px; Candidates seeking election to the Portage Public Schools board in 2022 include (top row, from left) Ean Patrice Hamilton, Keith Crowell, Emily Crawford, (bottom row, from left) Randy Van Antwerp and Kimberly Larson. Synder, 56, is a healthcare management consultant and president of a healthcare consulting company. background-color: #f9d334; display: inline-block; color: black; There are seven seats on the board; four at-large in the city and three representing residents in rural areas. margin-bottom: 1px; The City of Portage la Prairie has announced the list of candidates for city council, mayor, and school board trustee . } Hamilton: Gun violence has affected so many schools and communities across our country. Kevin Hoffer, 48, is a network Engineer with schooling at Davenport University. .contact_office { font-size: 0.8 em; margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} What specific steps should the board take to ensure that students have a safe and successful academic year in view of Covid-19? Covid has given us a great opportunity to expand our thinking about educating kids. Elections in 2023 | .votebox-results-metadata { Our kids. Anyone with questions can contact the superintendents office at 715.345.5444 or visit the districts website at www.pointschools.net. I am a team player who will continue to work for continued educational success in Portage. I believe we need to be safe and take precautions, I also believe our students deserve the best possible education we can provide. As a school board member and a collaborative partner with the people I serve with, we have created goals, action steps, and outcomes that support our educational mission. We are focused on providing challenging and applicable learning for all students - from top achievers through our IB program, to help for students who need it. In 11 years on the board, Ive developed positive relationships with school administrators, teachers, parents, and Portage citizens. } I think we really need to improve on our communication and Act 10 hurt every district immensely, but I think we need to get back to that whole idea of consensus building, making decisions together. It requires hardening our facilities to prevent intrusion and incorporating safety in the design of new facilities. .inner_percentage.Libertarian { Currently, he has two children enrolled in Pardeeville schools, a daughter and a foreign exchange daughter, as well as a granddaughter who will be entering 4k in two years. "I, An Interview With KPS Board Candidate Jason Morris, An Interview With KPS Board Candidate Jermaine Jackson, KPS Trustee Craig Herschleb On Why He's Seeking Another Term, PPS Trustee Joanne Willson Tells WMUK Why She's Seeking Another Term, An Interview With KPS Board Candidate Tandy Moore.
. As a parent of four Portage Public Schools graduates52 years of schooling!I understand parents choices. color: white; The PPS student population is large enough where we can offer and array of opportunities for each and every child and were small enough where we can focus on the needs of each and every child. margin-right: 10px; Voelker: I think it's ridiculous. My Human Resources and management experience translates well, particularly with policies, training, and employee maintenance. } background-color: #db0000; } Dealing with COVID 19 has created challenges as it relates to community and parental involvement, however I will continue to encourage parental involvement, because I feel when our parents and community are involved it shows our students their parents and community want what is best for them. Droppers is a senior vice president working in private wealth management. First-ever Fun Run commemorates 30 years of Southport Aerospace, Portage School Trustees thankful for provincial recognition, Portage educator takes a bow after over three decades, Headingley speeder busted going 66 km/h over the limit by RCMP, Westbound traffic being diverted on Portage bypass due to semi fire, Budget 2023: What you missed, from phone chargers and concert fees to air travel, $491B federal budget invests heavily in green economic transformation, Terriers look to put Nighthawks' backs against wall in Game 3, Neufeld comes close but fails to defend provincial seniors curling title. } What actions will you take to promote further parental or community involvement in schools? .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { Publication of candidate statements and opinions is solely in the interest of public service and should NOT be considered as an endorsement. display: inline-block; margin-top: 16px; background: #4c4c4c; .votebox-scroll-container { DR: How would you retain high-quality educators and programs while funding continues to be cut? Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). It requires active engagement with all students to identify potential threats and it requires a welcoming environment where every student is given fair and impartial treatment. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Whether or not kids are in a building each day, provide them with the technology they need to stay connected and give them more opportunities to get additional help, to report bullying, and to report issues at home. } } Three candidates are running for the at-large seat, including incumbent Andy Maletta, Bruce Sawochka and Julie Sausman. Apart from her board service, Levzow is involved with the Pardeeville Methodist Church as well as the Pardeeville FFA, the latter of which she serves as treasurer. width: 150px; Winners are noted with an asterisk. Teachers, parents, students, and community members want to be heard and respected. I believe in the Portage Public Schools. Antwerp: To keep students safe in our schools, we must continue to build a culture of safety. Walker is a lifetime resident of Pardeeville, having raised two children and two step-children in the area, with a grandson currently attending school in the district. } School districts | School Board Member At Large. Incumbent Congressman Bill Huizenga faces 3 challengers in race for U.S. Houses 4th District, Country club plans golf course at site once eyed for homeless housing in Kalamazoo, Man accused of driving drunk, killing Western Michigan student headed toward jury trial. Contact Us 269-384-8080 [email protected] Office Hours overflow-y: hidden; Guide for Prospective School Board Candidates. .clearfix { .race_header.republican { font-weight: bold; position: relative; He has ran unsuccessfully for the Portage board in 2018. Why are you running for a board seat? .widget-row.value-only.black { height: 50px; overflow-y: hidden; I have learned how to have a cool head and diffuse difficult situations, treating everyone with dignity and respect. No other candidates have filed as write-ins for this race as of Friday, Oct. 2, according to the Kalamazoo County Clerks office. Emily Crawford. PORTAGE, MI -- All four incumbents will remain in their seats on the Portage Public Schools Board of Education. . padding-left: 0; .widget-key { Stevens Point Precincts Reported: 28/28. font-size: 0.9em; } font-weight: bold; Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. It is an ever-changing conversation and we need to work with the administrators, the staff, teachers, parents and students to blend a support system that will present a safe environment for learning. CAN-1 Candidate Filing Challenge; CAN-12 State of Economic Interests for Local and School Board Offices; CAN-16 Town Office Declaration of Candidacy by a Democratic, Libertarian, or Republican Party Candidate When No Primary if Conducted in 2022 WebBoard of Education Each school district in Michigan is governed by a board of education. margin-bottom: 0; letter-spacing: .03em; .votebox-covid-disclaimer { If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; What's on my ballot? I want parents and the community engaged in our district. @media (max-width:600px) { If re-elected for another term, I will continue to serve the students, the staff and the community to the best of my ability.. I believe the Board and Administrative team have developed a solid Covid-19 Return to Learn plan assuring safety while maximizing educational opportunities. background-color: grey; max-width: 75px; Terri Lynn Beck of Mauston and the Madison area was arrested and is being held in the Columbia County Jail on tentative charges of theft and b, The Illinois murder suspect who fired at Kenosha County Sheriffs deputies and shot K-9 deputy Riggs in the head while attempting to flee from, The spurning of community colleges has implications for the national economy, which relies on their graduates to fill many of the jobs in whic. A long time Portage parent and volunteer myself, I encourage parents I talk with to be involved at whatever level they can be in their childs education. Kevin Belson did not complete the survey to be included in the voter guide. A man has been accused of sexually assaulting an intoxicated woman in her home in Portage. WebTwo candidates are seeking the vacant city seat on the Portage School Board left open by Mary Ann Kindschi. Droppers, 63, is a senior vice president working in private wealth management. It doesnt focus enough on our future, and the kids are our future. It requires regular drills to maintain preparedness. Larson holds a bachelors degree from Michigan Technological University and a masters degree from Cornerstone University and serves on an anti-bias, anti-racism leadership team where she works. They genuinely care about the students & their academic success. width: 250px; My experience as an attorney has taught me to listen first and to respect opinions even if I dont agree with a particular perspective. } Incumbent Ann Vang did not file for reelection, which will guarantee at least one new board member this spring. Our Portage School administrators have done a fantastic job of working with local officials to research the science and stay on top of the directives from the governmental health guidelines. I am honored to have the opportunity to give back to the Portage Public Schools. Rathburn, 55, is the president and owner of Rathco Safety Supply, Inc. You can cancel at any time. And, the way things are now with budgets being cut, I have been in charge of a lot of budgets, and I think that might be a valuable part with not more money coming in, but less. Voelker: I think there's got to be communication from the top all the way down and from students to staff to aides and administrators everybody needs to understand what it takes for everybody else to do their job and to it in the most economic way possible. Few people will have heard of me, but Im a hard worker and I listen to people and Im willing to roll up my sleeves and get to work. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { Every childs safety and educational needs are different, as are family needs. In the coming years it is this Boards intention to maximize Engagement through Owners Linkage strategies that involve direct outreach and use of social media. } The impact of the pandemic on students has made the need for these supports even more important. Voters in the Tuesday, Nov. 3, election chose Teresa Novaria, Bo Snyder, Rusty Rathburn and Kurt Droppers from a field of five candidates vying for the six-year terms on the board that sets policies for the school district, according to unofficial election results in Kalamazoo County. word-wrap: break-word; display: block; background-color: #003388; Crowell: I am always impressed with teachers awareness and ability to meet each student at their best point of learning. } I look forward to nurturing this collaborative sprit. .inner_percentage { } .top_disclaimer { padding-left: 16px; } Jackson, who has worked for, Kalamazoo Public Schools Board of Education Trustee Craig Herschleb says the district has made big strides on its graduation rate in his six years on the, The Portage Public Schools district is in the midst of overhauling its facilities. Why are you running for a board seat? MLive Media Group partnered with the League of Women Voters of Michigan to provide candidate information for readers. The fact that we have an experienced, well-functioning, cohesive board has been key to making good decisions in a time of uncertainty and unprecedented challenge. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { Alex Sommers 7424 This means a clear understanding of right and wrong, an appreciation for cultures, beliefs, and ethnicities different than their own, and a commitment of service to community and others. We have a duty and a responsibility to create and implement the platforms for learning that can ensure educational success for all of our students. Larson: Portage does an excellent job at promoting physical safety in our schools and has a great relationship with Portage Public Safely. I earned bachelors and masters degrees in Finance and Investment, have over 30 years experience as an Investment advisor, over 20 years of volunteer Board experience, over 20 years of teaching experience to both adults professionally and kids as a volunteer. Students have diverse opportunities through the IB program, programs like Band, Forensics, Drama, and various other Arts. Visit the Vote411 voter guide online for Dees responses, Click here for more of MLives Election Day coverage, here for full coverage of Kalamazoo-area elections. I am looking forward to continuing this work. While learning is paramount, engaging kids, empowering kids and giving them hope is key to assuring kids on the future. : -2px! important ;.votebox-results-cell -- number { } } Counties | Its our duty build! Educational opportunities promoting physical safety in the voter Guide { font-weight: bold ; community Rules to. Role models to succeed senior vice president working in private wealth management if. 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