Fully editable KS1 Reading report comments organised into paragraphs for each child in your class. ________is able to compare numbers to 1000 using terms such as greater or less and greatest or least. ________ requires more time and practice to demonstrate place value concepts to give meaning to numbers 0 to 1000, identifying ones, tens, and 100s. He/she should work on voicing feelings and opinions and listening to others. WebBuild the perfect comment by choosing from the organized lists, or simply insert students names in the complete paragraph comments. Students cross out completed squares each week and report back to their t, These BINGO choice cards can be used for a weekly homework assignment or a weekly distance learning assignment. ______ is learning to listen and share. He should practice every evening at home. WebApril 29th, 2018 - Report Card Statements Comments to Write on Report Cards Other Ways to Use Report Card Comments Phonics Phonics By the Phonogram Report Card Comments Vocabulary Phonics May 5th, 2018 - Report Card Comments Some sample generic report card comments are given below Remember it is more helpful and informative for parents Seems eager to improve. Help make the kindergarten grading and evaluation process easier with this selection of It's hard to think of a unique comment to write on each students' report card. Thank you for your unwavering support and assistance from home. Simple examples of tips for parents include: As high school educator and teaching comprehension expert Anne Goudvis writes in her book Strategies That Work: It is important that you include the parents in your comment so they know the childs education is a joint mission. Just about every teacher agrees: report card comments are important to provide insights and next steps to students and families. Students cross out completed squares each week and report back to their teachers.If you have any questions or comments about this, Michelle Dupuis Education French Francais, Cette ressource numrique GRATUITE contient 10 cartes tches sur les sons initiaux. Responds well. I am confident that with more effort and concentration, he will quickly improve. A comment on a report card is meant to provide additional information about the student's progress and level of achievement. _____ pays close attention to what is being said. Or taking a responsibility-related learning skill comment from "Your child is able to take responsibility for her own actions both in and out of the classroom" to: Your child is able to take responsibility for her own actions both in and out of the classroom. the work she does. _____ is working on improving her listening skills. ________ is struggling to keep up in math. Appropriate for all grade levels, the comments and phrases can be edited or modified to suit every student in your class. Has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in ___. It's clear that you've been spending extra time with ______ on his schooling. ________ is developing an understanding of place value concepts to give meaning to numbers zero to identifying ones, tens, and hundreds. Afterward, mention the not-so-pleasant comment. ________ relates well to classmates and is appreciative of different perspectives and experiences. The comments can be applied to both Initial Observations reports (released to parents in the fall), Kindergarten Communication of Learning report in the winter (Term One) and Kindergarten Communication, This is a great bundle with extra practice sheets and fun games to help kids read and write long vowels. Comments If ______ will continue to put forth the effort he h Report Card Comments & PhrasesPersonality & Attitude. If _____ continues to put out the effort he has demonstrated in the last two reporting periods, he will benefit greatly from his education. Any comment, Kindergarten 1st 9 weeks assessment. The specific, notable strengths that a student has shown and should attempt to continue to show, The specific elements of knowledge, skills, and other outcomes recognized in the curriculum that are the most pertinent to a students achievement or development in the period of assessment, The major next steps for improvement that will: identify the students most important learning needs, offer next steps for students and offer specific recommendations for how parents and guardians can help the students learning habits and skills (or the development of those habits and skills), The students learning preferences, willingness to learn, and interests, Detailed evidence of learning or skill-development gathered from in-class observations, and/or student assignments, Language that is easy to understand for both students and parents, as opposed to educational jargon used from the curriculum. Has an inquisitive and engaged mind. If you are unclear about your schools format for report cards, request samples or consult with other teachers or staff members to clarify. ________ is able to complete word problems using one- and two-digit addition, showing his/her work and writing a full sentence answer. Likewise, consider noting a sample of a students work every week or two. When given instructions, ____ takes responsibility and follows them. _______ has done some excellent work, but it hasn't been consistent. As my previous reports have shown, _____ does not complete his schoolwork. _______ is making excellent progress reading sight words. If ______ is to overcome her attitude and social difficulties, I will continue to need your assistance and support. As I have explained in my previous reports, ______ Report Card Comments & PhrasesScience
________ shows responsibility and follows directions whenever they are given. An assortment of report card comments and phrases focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. ______ takes part in a group storytelling session. Reminders about the regular classroom schedule are required. __ needs to study his/her assigned spelling words each week. But there are few who actually look forward to writing them. WebReport card comment ideas for spelling and penmanship Behavior and General Comments Behavior, general conduct, and social skills comments. _______ shows self-confidence in writing. ________ shows responsible behavior, works well with a group and shows appreciation for the efforts of classmates. She's gotten better at using more colourful words. Dramatization is something that ______ appreciates. Unusually mature. Parents in some countries may be more sensitive and take feedback very seriously, so choose your words carefully. Please continue to practice with him nightly. When speaking, ______ utilises (complicated, basic) sentences. ______ has an easy time learning to spell words. Kindergarten report card comments are powerful tools for teachers. _____'s attitude toward school is excellent. Is learning to be a better listener. Writing report card comments doesnt have to be stressful. Enthusiastic about work in general. See Also: Teaching Tips Many teaching tip ideas for teachers and student teachers. Report Card Comments
______ can put together a number of similar sentences. ________ modeled good online learning behavior for other students. This report card reflects _______'s attitude toward school. ________ performs independent work with confidence and focus. He likes to read and write. WebReport card comment ideas for spelling and penmanship Behavior and General Comments Behavior, general conduct, and social skills comments. For example, you'll be able to take a 1st grade number sense comment like "Your child is able to add and subtract numbers up to 20 using various manipulatives" and transform it into: Your child is able to add and subtract numbers up to 20 using various manipulatives. Focus on the childs strengths, and highlight those traits. ________ has done a great job facing and overcoming big challenges this year. The 105 report card comments in this list will help you: Instill a growth mindset in students Build stronger home-to-school connections Write stronger leads and use livelier language Choose the right phrasing when writing positive and constructive report card comments Report card comment starters _______ uses colorful words while speaking. While every report card comment is ultimately about your student, think of your students parents or guardians as much as possible and offer suggestions for their participation. ________ continues to make excellent progress in spelling and reading. Has good organization of thoughts. Both you and I must continue to guide and assist _____. Classroom Management Teachers from all over offer tips for managing classroon behavior. Try to sandwich praise with feedback, so parents can see the positives. Each row contains a variety of these subjects. With her friendly, cooperative demeanour, ______ will always be a welcome addition to any class. Always arrives on time for class and is a dedicated student. ______ has shown a good attitude about ______'s excellent attitude is reflected in trying to improve in ______. I print one per student and have these in my assessment binder. In the domains of ____, _____ is capable of reaching a higher average. This will help parents be prepared, and will also ensure that any important questions they may have are addressed before the final report cards are delivered. Appropriate for all grade levels, the comments and phrases can be edited or modified to suit every student in your class. In class, _____ should take an active role in the discussion. She often checks her agenda and day planner to make sure she has all of the necessary materials to complete work at home before leaving. ________ often struggles to focus in class, which harms his/her ability to engage well with class activities and assignments. Remember, it is more helpful and informative for parents if you can provide specific rather than general comments whenever possible. Among the pressure and deadlines of writing report cards, it can be helpful to keep these key goals in mind. ___ gets along well with his peers and values varied viewpoints and experiences. Just let me know what I. WebSome sample generic report card comments are given below. ________ requires ongoing support to develop an understanding of note taking from lectures and readings in preparation for tests. ________ worked well independently and in a group setting during distance learning activities. This year has seen a significant improvement in ______'s study habits. Web1,289 Top "Phonics Report Card Comments" Teaching Resources curated for you. Has done an excellent job of navigating new technology and troubleshooting technical issues. As we mentioned at our latest meeting, ______'s work is not up to par. Turns in incomplete work or no homework on a regular basis. Please go through this with her every night. She has the potential to be a successful student if she works hard enough. Product includes 4 weeks of BINGO cards that focus on math activities, letter and sound practice, reading, writing, creative art activities, and home based activities that focus on real world skills and family bonding. ___ is encouraged to make good use of his or her time in order to finish things on schedule. The reading of ______ is still not automatic. Webexcellent vocabulary skills for his age. His progress over the last three months has been impressive. WebFive Tips on Writing ESL Report Comments. Please keep working with her on this matter. Always uses her time wisely. Can be very helpful and dependable in the classroom. Has a sense of humor we all enjoy. Possible for ___ to exceed grade expectations. ________ manages his/her emotions maturely and responds to feedback appropriately. I'm hoping that this effort and attitude will continue into the next school year. Within this post, you will find quality report card comments that save time plus help teachers clearly communicate students progress in phonics. After 1 Year Reading Progression Comments Guide 5.0 (9 reviews) General Report Writing Comments - All Subjects Year 1 to 6 4.6 (240 reviews) Level 1 Overview Plan Twinkl Phonics 5.0 (44 reviews) Year 1 Reading Checklist Assessment Sheet 5.0 (9 reviews) Thank you for your interest in ______'s personality. The handwriting of ______ needs to be improved. WebApril 29th, 2018 - Report Card Statements Comments to Write on Report Cards Other Ways to Use Report Card Comments Phonics Phonics By the Phonogram Report Card Comments Vocabulary Phonics May 5th, 2018 - Report Card Comments Some sample generic report card comments are given below Remember it is more helpful and informative for parents ________ needs to work on increasing his/her speed in math facts. Cest vraiment une ressource sans papier. An assortment of report card comments and phrases focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Is learning to share and listen. ___ takes charge of his or her own education and always asks for support when needed. Although every report card cannot be glowingly positive, do strive to write in an encouraging and informational tone. When solving problems with students, ___ displays maturity and exhibits good communication skills when sharing thoughts and ideas about a certain topic/concept. Makes friends quickly and is well liked by classmates. If the report card comments in this article didn't help, fear not, there are still plenty of tools and resources to give you a helping hand. ", "Find homework help for your child if needed. Report Card Comments for Language Arts and Reading. Thank you for your assistance. I always give a weeks notice before tests, so please be sure ________ studies and adequately prepares for them as they approach. ________ needs more time and practice in the use of correct spelling, grammar and punctuation with general writing skills. ______ has shown strong growth in _______'s reading is not yet becoming automatic. When it comes to completing learning assignments, she goes above and beyond in terms of detail and quality. _______ speaks very well in front of the class. ________ needs to show more appropriate behavior when interacting with classmates. ________ needs to improve on working independently and be sure to ask for assistance only when it is needed. ________ needs to improve his/her work with others. Can we meet to discuss this? He/she is having trouble with (dictation, copying words correctly, story writing, creating logical sequences). As elementary teacher Donna Donaghue remarks in her bookA Guide for Beginning Elementary Teachers: Getting Hired and Staying Inspired: If there is a problem, most parents will be grateful to you for telling them and will want to help you correct it as soon as possible. Demonstrates perseverance in distance learning and serves as a role model for other students. ______ possesses a strong oral vocabulary. How far theyve progressed through the curriculum, What theyve mastered and where they need more support, "Encourage your child to read. ____ is a classmate who is eager about learning and willing to try new things. ________ speaks well in front of the class, but requires improvement in written language. Problem Solving and Innovating4. ________ is having considerable difficulty with math. Each row contains a variety of these subjects. ______ has not completed her makeup work. You can edit and modify the comments as you like. Start your listening and speaking comment on a positive note. He/she is able to print on the lines, use good spacing, and form letters correctly. In class, ____ is attentive and eager to engage in discussions. Product includes 4 weeks of BINGO cards that focus on math activities, letter practice, reading, writing, creative art activities, and home based activities that focus on real world skills and family bonding. I can hold a book correctly. These notes help to watch for patterns as the year goes on, and this form is a good support tool to call upon for report card comments or for some talking points during parent teacher conferences.One box has a planning section to be filled in before intervention begins. Price: 30 pages X .10 = $3.00 WebFive Tips on Writing ESL Report Comments. Remember, it is more helpful and informative for parents if you can provide specific rather than general comments whenever possible. _____ is prone to being easily distracted. Thank you for your ______ seems eager to improve. This extra practice will help him/her feel more relaxed when doing math in the classroom. I appreciate your assistance at home. As I have stated in my reports, _______ does not manage his time effectively in class. He's working on changing this unhealthy behaviour, and he's made some progress in the last several weeks. ________ needs to put more effort into learning to calculate addition and subtraction facts to 18. He/she makes smart decisions, admits mistakes and listens to opportunities to improve. Feel free to move on and return to those students periodically or as you find the right language to express your insights. Belonging and Contributing 2. Remember, it is more helpful and informative for parents if you can provide specific rather than general comments whenever possible. Here are words and phrases that are useful able, accurate, active, aggressive, ambitious, anxious, attentive, capable, cheerful, confident, cooperative, conscientious, courteous, dependable, determined, eager, energy, energetic, friendly, generous, happy, helpful, imaginative, industrious, initiative, interested, keen, neat, nervous, observant, orderly, pleasant, polite, prompt, quiet, receptive, reliant, resourceful, studious
Is it possible for us to meet to discuss some useful strategies? Seeks information. During indoor recess, she takes time to tidy up everything she was playing with. Throughout the rest of the school year, he will require consistent guidance from both home and school. _____ frequently completes work ahead of schedule. Activities for the End of the Year It is based on the Communication of Learning (COL) report card comments for Junior and Senior Kindergarten classes in Ontario. She has the potential to be a successful student if she works hard enough. We must motivate him to take his task more seriously. If you have any questions or comments about this, Rated 4.57 out of 5, based on 143 reviews, In My Own Words: Getting Started With Report Card Comments, Kindergarten Report Card Comments - PACKAGE (All four strands), Ontario Kindergarten Communication of Learning Report Card Comments/ Assessment, Self-Regulation and Wellbeing Kindergarten Communication of Learning Comments, Problem Solving and Innovating Kindergarten Communication of Learning Comments, Belonging and Contributing Kindergarten Communication of Learning Comments, Math and Literacy Kindergarten Communication of Learning Comments, Kindergarten Progress Monitoring ELA 1st 9 weeks, Kindergarten Progress Monitoring ELA Assessments, Letter Name and Sound Progress Monitoring Sheet: Individual Student, Kindergarten Homework Bingo Choice Boards September, Kindergarten Homework Choice Boards Year Bundle, Kindergarten Homework Bingo Choice Boards November, Kindergarten Homework Bingo Choice Boards October, Kindergarten Bingo Homework Choice Card Fall Freebie, Kindergarten Bingo Homework Choice Card Winter Freebie, SON INITIAL - RESSOURCE NUMRIQUE - BOOM CARDS Distance Learning, Kindergarten Bingo Homework Choice Card Back to School Freebie. ________ would benefit from showing a greater desire to contribute ideas in class. Positive Descriptions of Student Behavior. ___ is constantly looking for ways to assist in the classroom. _____ sight words are now recognised by ____ . ___ is encouraged to take greater responsibility for completing chores without the need for frequent reminders. Is excited to tackle her tasks every day. ______ is a diligent student who should do well in the ____ grade. Appropriate for all grade levels, the comments and phrases can be edited or modified to suit every student in your class. ________ is encouraged to use time wisely to finish tasks in the time required. __ knows his/her assigned words, but needs to apply spelling skills to writing assignments. ________ is thoughtful, insightful and thorough in written and verbal communication, and has a talent for expressing his/her ideas clearly. He/she must ensure to accept a share of the work when participating in a group assignment. _____ appreciates doing nice, meticulous work. I sincerely hope that this work will continue. Writing unique and meaningful report card comments. ________ is having a difficult time in certain areas of math. Web31 Quick Report Card Comments for Phonics that Save You Time Here you will find helpful report card comments for phonics that save time plus help teachers clearly communicate students' progress in phonics. ___ has not worked hard enough to satisfy the grade level objectives. WebAustralian Humanities Social Sciences Report Bank of Statements F-Y6 4.6 (5 reviews) Report Writing Bank of Statements All Subjects Year 1 to 6 Romanian Translation 4.0 (1 review) Explore more than 301 "Report Card Comments" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "Report Card Comments Kindergarten". In other words, a number or letter or grade captures the what, while an accompanying comment captures the how. ________ consistently demonstrates comprehension of short spoken texts by answering questions, and explaining the events described. This reporting quarter reflects ______'s attitude toward our school rules, other students, and myself. Feel free to edit as needed. enjoys reading and writing. _____ is prone to making careless mistakes. He ______ has been consistently progressing. ________ requires ongoing support to demonstrate and explain the process of addition of whole numbers up to 100 with and without regrouping. ______ has shown a good attitude about ______'s excellent attitude is reflected in trying to improve in ______. Vous achetez la ressource sur TpT mais un lien vous dirigera vers BOOM LEARNING. Finished product will includes 38 pre-made BINGO cards that focus on math activities, letter practice, reading, writing, creative art activities, and home based activities that focus on real world skills and family bonding. Students cross out completed squares each week and report back to their teachers. Proofreading is something that _____ must do. _____ is unable to do individual assignments. Has an excellent attitude. All your communications to parents are a reflection of you as a teacher, and should mirror the care and attention you show your students in class. Have a fantastic summer! Web31 Quick Report Card Comments for Phonics that Save You Time Here you will find helpful report card comments for phonics that save time plus help teachers clearly communicate students' progress in phonics. Vous devrez vo, This BINGO choice card can be used for a homework assignment or distance learning activity (geared towards kindergarten). Works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities. Has been consistently progressing. WebKindergarten Literacy Report Card Categories Kindergarten Standards Student-Friendly I Can Statements Reading Foundational Skills Print Concepts RF.K.1 I can follow words left to right, Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. In written and verbal communication, ___ is thoughtful, insightful, and comprehensive, and has a talent for clearly conveying his or her ideas. ________ shows maturity when solving problems with classmates and uses good communication. I've had a great time having him in my class this year. )**************************************************, This BINGO choice card can be used for a homework assignment or distance learning activity (geared towards kindergarten). Learns new vocabulary quickly. Studying his spelling words nightly has made much of the difference. ___ takes an active interest in his or her own learning, pays close attention, and makes a concerted effort to avoid distractions that could disrupt the learning process. ________ is able to skip count forward and backward by twos, fives, tens, and hundreds to complete short patterns. Writer's block happens to all of us, including teachers. We will be working on more difficult subjects and he/she will struggle if he/she does not pay attention in class. A comment on a report card is meant to provide additional information about the student's progress and level of achievement. TeacherVisionis part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational and reference sites for parents, teachers and students. He/she is able to quickly learn new skills and is eager to apply them to his/her writing. As a next step, they should continue to add to larger numbers to encourage his skills. WebReport Card Comments for Teachers: Handwriting and Spelling Spelling Comments __ is an excellent speller. Compared to a single number or letter grade, report card comments can provide even more value to your students and their families. _____ is a cheerful, well-adjusted child, but_____. Please continue with _____ review and as many reading experiences as possible over the summer. In his or her daily labour, ____ makes a willing and conscientious effort. Although ______'s attitude toward his schoolwork has improved, it has not been consistent. I'm hoping that the current level of enthusiasm and progress will continue. Could we possibly meet to explore methods for assisting ________ in resolving this problem? Report Card CommentsAcademic Achievement & Improvement
2. I believe he/she can form letters well, but has to slow down and take a little more time. Finished Product will Includes 38 W, Looking for report card comments?The perfect tool to keep with you at report writing time!Most suitable for junior/middle level teachers.Designed to be printed 2-sided and laminatedA4 sizedContains 245 comment ideas, split into the following categories:* Managing myself* Working with others* Thinking skills* Speaking and listening* Reading* Writing, Handwriting* Spelling, Phonics* Mathematics (Perfect for New Zealand key competencies reporting! ________ can demonstrate and explain the process of addition of whole numbers up to 100, with and without regrouping. (Pronouns, verbs) are difficult for ______ to correctly use. He is capable of doing the work in the time provided, and he needs to get started. Help Your Child Who's Struggling with Math. _______ is able to blend short words using the vowel(s) _____ without assistance. ______ is a bright student who appears to ponder deeply. If you're using Prodigy Math in your classroom, you can connect parents to follow their child's progress. Uses good communication it 's clear that you 've been spending extra time ______... Without regrouping everything she was playing with writing them to those students or! Harms his/her ability to engage well with a group and shows appreciation for the efforts of classmates who eager... Feel free to move on and return to those students periodically or as find., with and without regrouping helpful to keep these key goals in mind to assist the. ________ has done a great time having him in my class this.., _____ should take an active role in the classroom readings in preparation for tests modeled. The domains of ____, _____ is capable of doing the work in the last several weeks general,. 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Into the next school year, he will quickly improve in _______ 's reading is yet! Without assistance and readings in preparation for tests correctly, story writing,,!
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