russian war diggers

diggers war espen introduce yank diggers land side man fought yanks 1918 aussies If human remains are discovered, in my opinion, all bets are off and there should be due care shown to attempt recovery of the remains as well as (ideally) some study as to how they came to be where they were found. The Antifake logos reference to a magic trick seems to be an unsubtle way of suggesting to viewers that they need to be wary of believing any images from social media or foreign news reports, which could be illusions designed to fool them. Because the horrifying truth of what happened in Bucha, Ukraine, during the Russian occupation last month is unpalatable to officials in Moscow, the Russian government has invented a lurid fantasy to tell its own people. KOSTYANTYNIVKA, Ukraine A lone Russian soldier stumbling along a track through an open field suddenly reels as a burst of gunfire kicks up the dirt around him. The Russians are very good at digging in, Yaroslav added. A local man recently found an un-exploded Hotchkiss shell on his farm, about 15 yards from where he had found another almost 30 years prior. Even when there are bullets flying a meter over their heads, they will just crawl.. The boy was then taken by Russian officials to the Hague for a news conference at the headquarters of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, where they claimed that his account proved Russias case that the attack had been a hoax, staged by the rebels. Regarding ordnance; you do not know what you can run into this is not remnants of (kind of cute in comparison) American Civil War. BERLIN By day, the workers used heavy machinery to dig pits and trenches. The Antifake logo, prominently featured on its set, is an illustration of what seems at first to be a rabbit ready to be pulled from a hat, until the image is flipped upside down to reveal that it is actually a villainous con man in a top hat. WebWW2 Relic Hunters Here is a video from the Russian War Diggers where the Germans Hurriedly threw their Equipment in the River Ukrainian forces are using reconnaissance drones to watch for Russian military movements and help coordinate artillery fire on advancing enemy troops. In fact, the video was posted on Twitter on April 2 by a member of Ukraines parliament and then broadcast on Ukrainian television at 7:03 p.m. that night. Btw, does anyone know if they ever recovered those buried Spitfires from Burma/Nepal (I dont recall)? In that case, Russia claimed, incorrectly, that the only evidence of a chemical attack was video of children being doused with water by rescue workers in an area held by Syrian rebels until the next day. Do you mean ME 262 or AR 234? I think many Germans would prefer to leave their national past in the past, which is very different from the attitudes of many American WWII enthusiasts who seem to treasure any artifact from this period. Anyone can read what you share. On Sunday, Russian state television broadcast video of the dead in Bucha, but in a conspiratorial report that echoed false claims from defense officials in Moscow who mistakenly said two of the figures could be seen moving and so must be crisis actors just pretending to be dead. Dead bodies lie on a street in Bucha, northwest of Kyiv, Ukraine on April 2, 2022. WebDue to this fact there is now a group known as the Black Diggers who make it their mission to illegally dig up the lost remains of German and Russian soldiers in order to sell any military artefacts they happen come across. The town is destroyed, she said. What about the law ? Some of them actually work with us (the boring archaeologists) on our sites (because of their experience and skill), but most of them dont really mind the context (nor would they recognise an archaeological feature in the soil). People never debate the ethical dilemma of having a working K-98, STG-44, or MG-42 yet such weapons could very well have been pulled off the body of a dead Nazi/Russian. In the first month every day, five to six times a day, groups of 10 to 15 people were advancing on our infantry position through the tree line, said the units media officer, who uses the code name Zmist. More troops were brought in to repel Russian advances there. Due to this fact there is now a group known as the "Black Diggers" who make it their mission to illegally dig up the lost remains of German and Russian soldiers in order to sell any military artefacts they happen come across. It depends on level of decomposition with many factors behind. Apprently the cannons were still loaded and they did fire when tried with the planes original ammo Standard Group Plc HQ Office, The Standard Group Center,Mombasa Road. Sending unarmed diggers into the front lines and near certain death, Russian troops are making slow but inexorable progress. When he came under fire, Yaroslav noted, the Russian looked back to his own lines. Dated 1936. I believe it may be the only one in the USA. Many of those sites were on public lands but not within the confines of protected areas like National or State Parks, etc. This week, Russias Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, angrily accused Western and primarily the U.S. media of not only spreading fake news and disinformation, but of being an accomplice in the massacre in Bucha., ? But the producers of Antifake and other Russian state television shows misled viewers about the date when the video of the bodies they played on a loop was actually recorded. After introducing his guests, Smol then screened video of the bodies on Yablonska Street, with the word fake in English and Russian written across the images. But thats probably the exception rather than the rule, unfortunately. On their latest excavation mission in Klessin, VBGO volunteers found the remains of 15 German and one Russian soldier. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to identify them. The irony seems to be lost on the producersthat by using the show to trick Russian viewers into believing that genuine video of atrocities inUkraine is fake, Antifake is itself part of a hoax. Immediately after the war, there were reports that units destroyed or burried supplies so as not to have it dumped on the market and supress domestic production of consumer goods. Infantry from the Third Assault Brigade spent the past three months fighting waves of Russian soldiers around Bakhmut, many of them former prisoners recruited by the Wagner private military group. A screenshot from a discussion of the Bucha massacre on the Russian state television show Antifake, in which the killings were described as a hoax and genuine images of the victims were stamped Fake in Russian and English as they played in the background. Relic hunting equals the loss of information about the past. It is quite common in MD, VA, WV, and PA to hunt for American Civil War items. Nazi War Diggers Renamed Battlefield Recovery Britains Channel 5 TV Accused Of Disrespecting WWII Dead. In March 2014, National Geographic announced that it would not be broadcasting a controversial series of four one-hour documentary films, entitled Nazi War Diggers. Not that one shouldnt exercise caution anyway.. A lot of old tools of war, are burryed around the world. And he was not /is not alone in his pursuit. Why does the US have 800 Military Bases around the World? Again, this is just my opinion, not trying to speak for the German people. If areas was heavily moisturised than you get a less chance of part being preserved,but if relics was sit in dry areas it more chances for it to be functional things like STG44,Luger or walther p38 related items. One man lost his life in one of the teams when a French 75mm Pack howitzer round was improperly handled and exploded taking out the individual and destroying a M151 Jeep which was parked about 30 feet away. Ignore local starving bums, and worry over the diet deficiencies of a mummy? Please select the Tab Content in the Widget Settings. I had the experiience of destroying World War 1 Projectiles as part of rangw clearance project and we found that the Explosives thay are used in US and British munitions will detonate with improper handling. Our guys are wondering if they are on drugs. A screenshot from the Russian news talk show Time Will Tell on Monday shows that the pundits were standing on a stage with the Russian phrase For the truth under the Z symbol used by Russias military. And, of course, at all times I hope the diggers are being as safe as possible when UXO is encountered. Ian, there was a tank training site here in Az during WWII. There were some interesting questions raised about the guy running that expedition. Instead of trying to suppress apparent evidence of Russian war crimes in Ukraine, Russian state television inundated viewers with video of the Bucha massacre it calls a hoax. But the most surprising element of the coordinated effort to keep the Russian public from learning the truth is that the state television channels most Russians rely on for their news have reported incessantly on the video showing dead bodies lining a street in the Kyiv suburb hour after hour. Plus it seems like everywhere you dig over there, you find something! Inch by Bloody Inch in Ukraine War, Russia Is Closing In on Bakhmut, There are tons of ammunition buried here (Belgium), digging on WW1 & 2 sites always brings the risk of touching dangerous ammunition ! President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine won strong backing, officially became the military alliances 31st member, in the fiercely contested city of Bakhmut. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. In one instance, Yaroslav said, the Russians feigned a retreat from forward positions at dusk. My examples just happen to be in nicer condition. Since most metal parts are corroding away and everything organic (leather and wood) is long gone, Ive got not issue with their being recovered . One Antifake guest, Alexander Artamonov, the former editor of a government radio station, then echoed the Russian Defense Ministrys claim that the scene was staged, observing that it looked to him as if the bodies had been carefully laid out for the media. Here is what it will look like when complete: Olga Skabeyeva:"The West is using Bucha to legalise future purges in areas previously occupied by the ?? Spending hours watching reams of video footage from the battlefield, the soldiers have been able to study Russias methods and tactics, including its use of diggers and porters. On Monday, Poddubnyy, who was embedded with Russian forces outside Kyiv before their retreat, appeared on a state news channel and falsely claimed that the victims of the Bucha massacre were a mix ofactors and civilians killed by Ukrainian soldiers after the Russians withdrew. in the same way now you dont have a guarantee 1 shot kill to t series t series dont have a guarantee 1 shoot kill after pening the turret of abrams or xm1, so stop aplying ninja nerf only to the nation you In mid-February, Ukrainian assault units began a series of concentrated attacks to push the Russians back from the T0504 highway. Again they are very rare in the US but are a common dug part in Russia. But he insisted that Ukraine should hold the city to thwart Russia. Hi All, I live in Colchester, Essex. Might be an interesting field trip when the summer temps drop off. Russian officials, and state television,said the fact that the mayor made no mention of dead bodies on Buchas streets inhisbrief statement was somehow proof that the victims had not yet been shot. A soldier from the Third Assault Brigade mortar unit near Bakhmut this month. To sustain the deception that the killings in Bucha happened after Russias four-week occupation ended, news broadcasts and discussion programs have rigorously avoided mentioning that the governments story has been contradicted by drone footage, satellite images, and witness testimony. Hi in Alaska there are lots places to look for ww2 equipment I personally go out and search for it . They're the best in the area of information operations. I think this is a very good thing. A month later, Russias foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, claimedRussia had irrefutable evidence that British agents had directed the staging of a chemical attack in the Syrian town of Douma, which Russian officials insisted was a hoax intended to frame the Syrian government forces it was fighting alongside. G43s usualy located at bunkers becouse thats where snipers used to hide.. Copies of that video appeared the same night on Facebook, Telegram, YouTube, and Twitter and quickly went viral. As soon as we forget the pain and cost of world war, we will enter into it again. I suspect it is picked clean now. Hello!I would like to know whether it is legal or possible under authorisation to search for WWII relics in French or Belgian territories. The Great War - Documentary Series (2010) Russias volunteer body hunters individuals who are willing to devout their time and effort to scouring previous WWII battlefields to look for the remains of missing soldiers; their act aimed to giving them a proper burial and a name. After Navalny survived the assassination attempt, he tricked a Russian intelligence agent into admitting that he was part of a team that had tried to kill him. Brought to you by the Premier Content Network, The Great War Documentary Series (2010), The Great War Documentary Series (1964), The First World War (2003) Documentary Series, World War 2: The Complete History Documentary Series (2000), The Great War (Soviet Storm ) Documentary Series (2010), The World at War Documentary Series (19731974), Battlefront Documentary Documentary Series (2001), Victory at Sea Documentary Series (1952), Apocalypse: The Second World War Documentary Series (2009), Regimental Stories Documentary TV Series (2011), Elizabeth I, The Virgin Queen Documentary Series, Royal Marines Behind the Lines Documentary TV Series (1985), Britains Bloody Crown Documentary Series (2016), Britains Bloodiest Dynasty Documentary Series (2014), King Henry VIII: Man, Monarch, Monster Documentary Series, Britains Biggest Warship Documentary Series (2018), Wings Over Vietnam: Documentary Series The Missions (1988), The World Wars Documentary Series (2014), Greatest Tank Battles Documentary Series (2010), Churchills Bodyguard Documentary Series (2005), Andrew Marrs History of the World Documentary Series (2012), Russias Lost Princesses Documentary Series (2014), Walking Through History Documentary Series (2013), Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire Documentary Series (2006), Royal Secrets Documentary Series ( 1996 ), Finnish Troops in Afghanistan Documentary, Russian War Diggers : We found a huge Pit with Soldiers & German things from WW2. At the end of February, they destroyed a bridge on the Chasiv Yar road to stall the Russian advance from the north. They are extremely un-safe. It was fused and the explosives would destroy a tank as it was intended. In fact, I bought one myself I found a seller who had, among other things, an extremely deteriorated (it goes well beyond rusty) Gustloff carbine (aka VG1-5). Heres an example: I know these to be true as my father was a boy at the time and watched these pits get filled with everything that came off the local air bases, from trucks and jeeps to guns, ammunition, tools the lot.. the question I have is is it possible to try and find this stuff or are there any legal channels that you have to go through? Another worry is that some french shells and almost 80% of the Japanese artilary shells were loaded with PICRIC ACID and when thes shell deterate they leak a crystal byproduct which if cracked will detonate. All that said, I collect WWI-WWII Maxims. the scary part is that most of it is small stuff (something like 75mm) the really big stuff is still making its way up The footage was still playing on a loop behind Loseva as she handed the floor to a guest, Gevorg Mirzayan, who teaches politics at Moscows Financial University. I think there is always a difference here between Grave Robbers and people looking to make a little on the side and people who love to treasure hunt! The majority of a Nazi mortar fuze was the best find. Digging for WWII Relics. It is too often that human remains are simply discarded. Id never take Indian pottery, but I will and have collected arrowheads. Russia has likely deployed these new recruits to frontline defenses in Kherson, saving more experienced troops for secondary positions, analysts at the Institute for the Despite this evidence showing that the timeline laid out by Russias Defense Ministry is false, Russian officials and state television have continued to mislead the public by claiming that the video of the bodies on Yablonska Street did not appear until Bucha had been back under Ukrainian control for four days. I dont have picture up yet of the bracket I was talking about but if there is any real interest, I will be happy to post. The comment at the start of that video, which seems to have been first posted on Instagram by a local government official from the neighboring city of Irpin, conveys a sense of stunned horror from the man recording it. Wasnt it the same in Srebrenica? Zakharova asked, according to an official transcript. A screenshot of a discussion on Russian state television this week of video from the Ukrainian city of Bucha on the new show Antifake.. I know At least 8 diggers from europe 5 from Latvia,2 from Russia and 1 from Ukraine,those fellas sold preatty nice items to me compared to others who selling rottened junk for crazy money.. As an Explosive Ordnance Officer I would take exceptopn to the statement by DistalRadius, Oh and on the subject of explosive hazards; even under ideal conditions, explosives of the type used in WWII would have degraded to the point of being either impossible to ignite, or burning at an extremely low (non-explosive) velocity. Without giving mucht of the details, I can recall two serious incidents this year with WW1 UXO in Western Flanders.. You captured that well: Germans are NOT interested about their war past. Of a mummy burryed around the world alliances 31st member, in the Widget Settings fuze the. 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