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Lateral --Away from the center of the animal. Gamey meats come with an excessive flavor of meatiness than the standard meats. 0000001221 00000 n Quality Grades--Each grade denotes a specific level of quality as determined by the UADA, RA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Radius--The small long bone in the foreshank of the an animal. Tanning--The process of the turning a hide into leather using either vegetable tannins from tannin bearing woods or barks or using chromium sulphate. WA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Warmed-over flavor--Undesirable rancid or stale flavor that can occur in precooked, uncured meats after short periods of storage time. Posterior--Sometimes known as the "caudal" meaning away from the head. Meaning: sticky and soft.Ex: This chocolate cake is light and gooey. Oxymyoglobin--The oxygenated form of myoglobin that exhibits a bright cherry red color. It primarily found in the meat cuts from the sirloin area. Carcass--The dressed, slaughtered animal containing two "sides". Moving top evisceration table--A machine that consists of a conveyor belt that has trays attached which is moving at the same rate the carcass is on the rail so that carcass can be eviscerated with slowing the slaughter line down. Also referred to as wheat meat or gluten meat, seitan is high in protein and has a look and texture similar to meat when cooked. Meat --The flesh of animals used as food. Meat packers--A company that slaughters animals for meat. Intercostal muscle--The muscle located between the ribs. Axis joint--The joint between the first and second cervical vertebrae. Splitting platform--A platform in which the splitting saw operator stands that moves in concert with the carcass so that the splitting can be performed with out slowing the movement of the carcass through the slaughter procedure. It is smooth in appearance which can indicate the sex of the animal. Monounsaturated fatty acid--A fatty acid with only one double bond in the carbon chain. Examples: Yogurts and mousses are foods that have a creamy texture. U.S. Gamey: a Meaning: easily changes shape when pressed.Ex: I like my carrot cake to be soft and moist. Web1/7 #1 Bring your food to life with appetizing adjectives Delicious; great while these words work for day-to-day life, they barely convey any information to readers. Percent Muscling--The percentage of muscle in a carcass. B1) which functions as a coenzyme in carbohydrate metabolism. Belly thickness--The belly wall thickness of a hog; used to determine minimum quality for grading purposes. A band--The broad, dark band that is doubly refractive or anistropic in polarized light in the sarcomere. The Jungle--The name of a book written by Upton Sinclair which described the conditions in the meat packing industry at the turn of the century. Tender stretch--A procedure of suspending an animal by the aitch bone so that the muscles of the loin and trib area are physically restrained from contraction. The onset is 2-4 hours and the duration is generally 1-2 days. The color develops with the heating of meat early in the cooking process. Evisceration--Removal of the internal organs from the animal at the time of slaughter. . The symptoms appear 8- 24 hours after ingestion and include acute abdominal pain, diarrhea and gas; fever, nausea and vomiting are rare. Transverse tubules -Invagination of the sarcolemma to forma network of tubules into the center portion of the muscle fiber. Cheers. Spent hen--A laying hen that has been culled from the laying flock. Captive bolt pistol--A device used to render an animal senseless by shooting a steel rod into the brain. They are found in and on muscle foods but play only a small role in the ecology of these products. In beef this takes approximately 20 minutes. PSS--Porcine Stress Syndrome. Butchers dollar--A round silver-dollar-sized piece of the femur that is cut when the loin and round wholesale cuts are separated. Uncle Sam (Samuel Wilson)--A meat packer that provided meat to the United States army during the war of 1812. Dark cutter--Beef with lean tissue that is dark in color. Bubbles form slowly and break below the surface. Web16. These include. 0000009865 00000 n Lactic acid is also produced by some bacteria which are used in the manufacture of fermented sausage products. A traditional ponytail is a style where the hair is brushed back and tied towards the back of the head. Connective tissue-- Forms cellular structure of most animal tissues including bone, fat, and muscle. Webate texture is that they can integrate several perceptions in order to determine whether they like the texture of a product. MA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. M line--A dark band that bisects the A-band in muscle. Curare--A compound isolated from a South American plant that has the ability to block the transfer of a nerve impulse at the neuromuscular junction. Their meanings are listed below. 0000017013 00000 n ATP--Adenosine triphosphate, a high-energy molecule that is the carrier of free energy used in animal systems. Clear plate--A wholesale cut from the pork carcass located on the outer surface of the Boston butt wholesale. Animal that exhibit high stress susceptibility experience heart stroke, shock, and circulatory collapse. Both water and air are able to pass through these casings. why did boone leave earth: final conflict. It is often used for foods that are baked like cookies, biscuits, bread or some fried foods Scapula--A flat bone that articulating withe the humerus and is found in the forequarter of the animal. Saturated fatty acids--Fatty acids in which each carbon atom has at least two hydrogen atom bound to it and there are no double bonds between any of the carbon atoms. Percent cutability--The percentage of the lean boneless cut the are in a carcass. 6.5) which results in higher water-holding capacity and more light absorbency than normal thus causing a dark lean color. These proteins are generally associated with the myofibrillar structure. No products in the cart. 0000003651 00000 n TOBEC--Total Body Electrical Conductivity. Jugular vein--The principle vein draining the brain which is severed when the animal is exsanguinated. Collagen casing--A sausage casing made from a collagen source such as the corium layer of beef hides. They work to add color, depth, and feeling to the text. WebSome adjectives that may be used to describe overly ripe fruit, and which could also be used for objects with similar physical characteristics, might be soft, squishy, mushy, and similar words. Per capita disappearance--The amount of the meat that is consumed per person. Generally only used on thin meat cuts. An example is breaking fat globules in milk into very fine particles by forcing them through minute openings. A instrumental method of measuring the amount of the lean tissue in a carcass by passing it through an electromagnetic field. Its so crunchy. It has been described as a urinelike, sweaty, aromatic odor that develops when boar fat is heated. Bacteria--Single celled organisms that reproduce by cell division may be either unintentional contaminants (spoilage or pathogenic organisms) of muscle foods or intentional additives such as the lactic acid starter cultures used in the manufacture of fermented products. Also referred to as wheat meat or gluten meat, seitan is high in protein and has a look and texture similar to meat when cooked. This would be a universal code for that product. Bowl chopper (silent cutter)--A piece of equipment used in sausage making that consists a round bowl in which meat is placed that rotates so the meat is passed through a series of blades rotating at about 5000 rpm and is chopped into fine particles. Crusty: Food with a firm outer layer and soft interior. Shroud--A cloth that has been soaked in chlorinated water the wrapped around a carcass to smooth the fat, remove the blood and reduce cooler shrink. brian vincent sullivan 1998. is cannibalism legal in missouri; arizona polka dance schedule. Cod fat--Fat that has been deposited in the remaining portion of the scrotum of the a steer. Therein dwell very many peoples living in peace, and, as reported, going unclothed, nor users of flesh meat. Colostrum is excluded from the commercial milk supply. Other factor such as rib maturity and lean texture and color will be used to make the determination. Casein--A protein in milk which constitutes 80 percent of the total protein. Some words appear in both mild and strong categories. Peeler--A machine that is used to removed the edible cellulose casing from hotdogs. The reaction occurs when the glycerine is separated from the fatty acids in the triglyceride structure, and the fatty acids combine with the sodium and potassium to form soap. Fry-- To cook in fat or oil. 0000011094 00000 n They are housed in a confinement building to protect them from the weather. Biceps femoris--A muscle found in hind limb of the animal and composes the bottom round or outside round. Rib (rack)--A wholesale cut of the a beef and lamb carcass that includes ribs six through 12. There are a number of terms for how thick a persons hair is. First, choose your desired color, juiciness, and succulence (or Longissimus muscle--A muscle on the dorsal side of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. It seems to be without any flavour. Related words. words to describe meat texture. Tumbler and massager--A machine that trumbles or massages meat to extract the myofibrillar proteins to improve their binding capabilities in boneless products. Greases--Rendered fat with a melting point lower than 40C. Feather Meal--Feathers from poultry slaughter that are cooked at high pH and ground to form a high protein meal. U. S. Inspected and Passed--Meat and poultry product has been inspected by USDA-FSIS and passed under the regulations described in the Federal Code of Regulations and then marked as such. Muscle Score--Score used in pork carcass grading to denote the muscularity of a pork carcass. Meaning: a liquid containing solid pieces.Ex: The sauce is a bit lumpy. Sterilization--The process of killing all bacteria, spores and viruses in a meat product. Variety meats--Organs other than carcass meat that is used for human consumption. Electrical stunner--A device that delivers an electrical charge to a hog to render it senseless at the time of slaughter. Retail cuts--Cuts of meat that are sold in a retail market. Meaning: easily falls apart into small pieces.Ex: This cheese is supposed to have a soft and crumbly texture. Agitate. I could hardly swallow the meat. We will look at phrases with yourself. It can be sweetened by adding 18 percent sugar. Institutional meat purchasers specifications (IMPS)--Developed by the USDA to provide hotel, restaurant and institutional meat businesses with uniform cutting guidelines. Examples of the such methods are roasting, broiling, grilling, panbroiling, panfrying, stirfry and deep fat frying. On a sclae of 1-5, 1 indicates a pale pinkish color and 5 indicates a dark purplish color. Meaning: food that needs to be chewed a lot before swallowing.Ex: The food you made was tasteless and chewy. Texture is essential for the enjoyment and reception and acceptability of food. A heart healthy fish. Webj bowers construction owner // words to describe meat texture. This parasite is a nematode worm sometimes found in pork muscle in the larva stage. Aerobic metabolism--Metabolism in the presence of oxygen. WebAnswer: It depends on the meatballs. Webate texture is that they can integrate several perceptions in order to determine whether they like the texture of a product. Flounder caught in clear ocean beaches tend to taste more sweet. Al dente Firm to the bite, a description of the texture of correctly cooked pasta. Webwords to describe meat texture. Branded Product--A label put on a product by the processor or distributor to identify for the consumer food products that are of a particular quality. 2% milk --Milk containing 2% milkfat by volume. EA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. E-coli 0157:H7--The specific serotype 0157:H7 produces a toxin that can cause hemorrhagic colitis which includes severe abdominal cramps, followed by diarrhea (often bloody), nausea, vomiting, and occasionally a low-grade fever. Chuck--The wholesale cut of beef which includes the first five ribs of the forequarter minus the brisket and shank. Gelation--The process of forming a protein matrix that will entrap water. 0000001077 00000 n Leg--A wholesale cut of the lamb carcass which includes the hind and sirloin regions. Smoke house--A large oven that is used to heat process meat products in which smoke and can be introduced and humidity can be controlled. The texture is often described as smooth or rough, soft or firm, with a fine crust, mat or glossy, etc. Intermittent power rail--An overhead rail system that transports carcasses from station to station during the slaughter process. Sarco--Derived from the Greek words sarx or sarkos which mean flesh. PFF--Protein fat free--Refers to a formula used by USDA to calculate the amount of added moisture in cured meat products. Generally is the retail cut of most value. Weasand-- The German term for the esophagus, the tube leading from the throat to the stomach. Ill give it a whisk. meat (noun): animal or bird flesh eaten as food - Jason quit eating meat, but he still eats fish and seafood. Sarcoplasm--Cytoplasm of muscle cell; major water depot of muscle cell containing soluble proteins. Sarcoplasmic reticulum--A specialized form of endoplasmic reticulum in myofibers. Diaphragm--A muscle and connective structure that separates the abdominal and thoracic cavity. Delicate: A light, fine texture that may come apart easily. Achilles tendon-- The tendon that is found in the hind limb of the beef animal that is used to suspend the beef carcass from the rail. Weblamb (noun): 1. a young sheep 2. meat from a young sheep - People have been eating lamb for thousands of years. Last month we focused on words and phrases that are used to describe problems and difficult situations. Guideline for the amount of nutrients that are required by 97.5 percent of the population. 16 Phrasal Verbs Related to Technology and Computers. My Lingua Academy is an online school of English language. Meaning: that makes a sharp noise when eaten.Ex: I like the way you make toast. Just the way I like it! Immobilized water--Water molecules that are farther from the polar protein molecules than bound water so the bond is successively weaker. The name is derived from the fact that originally this process involved "packing" meat in barrels with salt for shipment. words to describe meat texture. Fermentation--The addition of a specific microorganism to a meat or dairy product for the production of lactic acid and other chemicals to give the product a distinctive aroma, flavor and texture. The formation of permanent bonds between actin and myosin after the depletion of the ATP in muscles. Welcome to a new lesson. WebThis is what literally describes fruits/vegetables that have sat around too long and are no longer at the peak of taste and texture, as you describe. Salimeter--A hydrometer for indicating the percentage of the salt in a solution, Salinity--The measure of the amount of the salt in a solution. Savory foods The most important textural properties of meat include This could be Colostrum--The clear liquid secreted from the udder of cows shortly after the birth of a calf that contains the antibodies to protect the calf from disease. Meat pieces should be tender and cut very thin because cooking time is short. Medial --Closest to the center of the animal. Nitric oxide myoglobin--The compound formed when nitric oxide is bound to myoglobin forming a dark red color. Delaney clause--Section of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1959 requiring that foods be free of residues of pesticides or other compounds found to cause cancer in experimental animals. Braise-- To brown meat in a small amount of fat then cook slowly in a covered pan with a small amount of liquid. RDA--Recommended Dietary Allowances. 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