It is open from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. In the event of a disagreement or discrepancy between the translation and the original English version of this web site or any notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail. scriptFallback.src = ''; } function iframeLoader(wasFallback) { typeof link.relList.supports === "function" && Fax: 701.328.4567 Click on the name of any store for contact information and a list of the Pride of Dakota companies whose products they carry. trekkie.load( You have permission to edit this article. if (trekkie.integrations) { The showcase is open from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Shopify.theme.handle = "null"; Web2021 Bismarck Holiday Showcase F - Food A - Alcohol. window.addEventListener('load', asyncLoad, false); Pride of Dakota WebA Pride of Dakota Holiday Showcase is set at the Bismarck Event Center this weekend. } We'll be expecting anywhere from 10 to 12 thousand people to come out for the show this weekend.". The showcases feature gift items, clothing, accessories, food and condiments, decorative items and more. The showcase will be held at the Bismarck event center on December 2 nd and 3 rd. Prairie Creek Pride of Dakota Store You'll find great unique products including gourmet food, wine, art, books, jewelry, apparel, children and pet items, and more! This is a great opportunity to purchase a few items to try in your store before establishing a wholesale order. (function next() { }; Admission: none Days/Hours Open: Fri 4pm9pm, Sat 9am5pm, Sun 11am4pm Address: 315 S. 5th Street, Bismarck, ND 58504 Attendance: 15,000 # Food Booths: na # of Exhibitors: tba Juried: no Prize Money: na Deadlines: Art & Craft: until full Music: na type: 'text/plain' window.ShopifyPay = window.ShopifyPay || {}; Capital Pride at the Capitol: 11 a.m. 4 p.m. Saturday on the Capitol lawn. win._boomrl = function() { var resources = [].concat( 'page', Get the Android Weather app from Google Play. LGBTQ+ Pride Month celebration set at Capitol this weekend. The showcase will be held at the Bismarck event center on December 2nd and 3rd.It is open from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. trackedResourceTypes: ["script", "img", "css"] var dom, bootstrap, iframe, iframeStyle; schema_id: schemaId, context_url: window.location.href, script.async = true; Pride of Dakota Holiday Showcase returns to Bismarck News / Dec 4, 2021 / 06:49 PM CST. Study: How healthy are NDs largest cities? var promoted = false; Admission is free. trekkie.load = function(config) { this.domain = dom; WebPride of Dakota Logo Promotion - Title 7, Article 09-01 Pride of Dakota Website Pride of Dakota Trade Show Assistance Program Local Foods and Pride of Dakota Conference Pride of Dakota Contacts Katie Huizenga Pride of Dakota Specialist 701-328-2307 [email protected] Last year our showcases were attended by more than 37,800 people and supported more than 680 } // sendBeacon was not successful Administered by the Business, Marketing and Information Division of the North Dakota Department of Agriculture, the Pride of Dakota program provides member companies with cooperative marketing and promotional events, such as in-store demonstrations, Pride of Dakota Day and the Holiday and Harvest Showcases. promoted = true; WebPrairie Creek, a retail store in the Bismarck Gateway Mall, is your one-stop Pride of Dakota store, which carries over 100 Pride of Dakota members' products. var Monorail = { } If you own a retail location that currently carries Pride of Dakota products, sign up as a Pride of Dakota Retailer TODAY! setCookieIfConversion(token);'GET', url, true); LGBTQ+ members, family, friends, allies and people who are curious about the community are welcome. ("as" in link)) {
window.ShopifyAnalytics = window.ShopifyAnalytics || {}; jquery('body').append(content); document.write = customDocumentWrite; The LGBTQ+community is hoping being at the Capitol will give us more visibility, President and Pride Chairwoman Erin Pringle said. } Shopify.routes = Shopify.routes || {}; FestivalNet is not the event & does not book the participants; we provide contact info to save you time in event research. script.type = 'text/javascript'; (call for delivery) Call us with any questions 701-751-1710 or email us at [email protected] Collection list Your collection's name Your Last year, the Toasted Frog reached out wanting to become involved in the celebration. It is open from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Kara Haff, Ag Marketing & Business Development Coordinator for the Department of Agriculture, says shoppers will find products from gourmet food, wine, and spirits to books, art, clothing, and much more. var LOADER_TIMEOUT = 3000; } link.onload = link.onerror = callback; More than 200 companies are there, selling products all made, manufactured or produced in North Dakota. This years Holiday Showcase features more than 200 companies offering unique, North Dakota-made products, said Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring. window.BOOMR = window.BOOMR || {}; Our members include food companies, manufacturers, publishers, artisans, gift manufacturers and service providers. } // XHR beacon BOOMR_lstart = new Date().getTime(); {"accessToken":"b8a5bcd3aecbbc18ac49c0565596ec18","betas":["rich-media-storefront-analytics"],"domain":"","predictiveSearch":true,"shopId":184451135,"smart_payment_buttons_url":"https:\/\/\/shopifycloud\/payment-sheet\/assets\/latest\/spb.en.js?v=2","dynamic_checkout_cart_url":"https:\/\/\/shopifycloud\/payment-sheet\/assets\/latest\/dynamic-checkout-cart.en.js?v=2","locale":"en","optimusEnabled":false} document.cookie = 'loggedConversion=' + token + '; expires=' + twoMonthsFromNow; By, Why? } iframeLoader(true); Copyright 2022 KFYR. #dynamic-checkout-cart { The State of North Dakota provides automatic translation for websites, courtesy of Google Translate. Join now to unlock additional details,