How the heck are we supposed to do that? KHONSU HER'AK COOMBS 1 actor 3 minutes. For other uses, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. FELGER Despite the fact that you gentlemen disobeyed my orders, which, in my little world, constitutes screwing uptwice. They all nod at Dol'ok. COOMBS tenor HER'AK MEYERS ], [Davis is seated at a terminal, with Hammond sitting next to him.]. The Other Guys The mismatched duo must look past their differences when they take on a high-profile investigation of shady capitalist David Ershon and attempt to fill the shoes of the notoriously reckless officers they idolize. Really though I just loved Mark Wahlberg's character in the movie. During the August 4, 2010 episode of America's Got Talent, the week's contestants saw an advance screening of the film and met Ferrell and Wahlberg. "Allen Gamble: Hey, I didn't know you can dance. FELGER On that line live Danson and Highsmith." WebThe Other Guys is a 2010 American buddy cop action comedy film directed by Adam McKay, who co-wrote it with Chris Henchy. This is great! It remains one of the most cherished action-comedies to date. Terry Hoitz: Fine, I kind of missed you too. 2023. They hate each other and the monotony of their meaningless jobs, as theyre forced to live in the shadow of the two biggest and most badass cops on the force (Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne Johnson). Later that night, Allen and Terry finally reconcile with their loved ones. Everything is in here. The Other Guys is the only one not to be co-written by Ferrell. Francine: This is a ballet studio, Terry, okay? You will take my Ha'tak, capture them and bring them to mealive. COOMBS [As Felger crouches and scampers along the corridor, Coombs walks along.]. A number of death gliders fly overhead. FELGER [O'Neill pronounces Felger's name incorrectly, as he does throughout the mission.]. You would hear people in the audience go, 'Yeah right, they would never survive that.' Is that too long of an opening continuous scene in your opinion? The site's critical consensus reads: "A clever parody of cop-buddy action-comedies, The Other Guys delivers several impressive action set pieces and lots of big laughs, thanks to the assured comic chemistry between Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg. Bite me, Coombs! I mean, why the big song and dance? Felger looks at the monitor, appears to check that O'Neill and Teal'c are approaching, and gestures.]. "Terry Hoitz: What the hell are you doing? They created, published and operated successful products that reached millions users around the world. When the financial collapse hit, it was just like, all bets are off. Jay, we haven't run any tests, we have no idea how stable any link will be, assuming we can even get one. You are true heroes. ], [Alarms are sounding. ", 50.
O'NEILL What was the official certification given to The Other Guys (2010) in Italy? [O'Neill, Felger and Teal'c walk away from the table. Allen Gamble and Terry Hoitz are both officers of the New York City Police Department (NYPD). As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. [Felger kneels and places the generator by the ring transporter.]. Felger and Coombs watch them leave, looking worried. KHONSU Gain access to hundreds of Hollywood's top screenplays for free. We haven't ruined anything yet. Don't touch that. Oh, I don't know, something to do with a tachyon emitter. Venturing into more dramatic territory, he was nominated for several awards including the Academy Award for Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay and two British Academy Film Awards, Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay, with McKay and co-writer Charles Randolph winning Best Adapted Screenplay at each respective ceremony. (furious), [Felger and Coombs look at each other sheepishly. [9][10] Additional scenes were filmed in Albany and Staten Island, New York. Their investigation comes to a halt when Ershon's attorney, Don Beaman, learns of Ershon's plan to cover his losses, leading Wesley to kill him and make it look like suicide. ", 11. Anubis. ], FELGER Yeah, I'm having the same problem. Below are all the screenplays written by television director, producer,screenwriter, and comedian, Adam McKay that are available online. (into radio). [O'Neill and Teal'c stand inside the ring platform. The duos comic chemistry thrives on Ferrells bookish awkwardness juxtaposed with Wahlbergs macho exasperation, while McKay (working with writer Chris Henchy) exercises a growing social consciousness against the backdrop of one of cinemas most familiar and durable genres. ], [Jonas and Carter are looking up at a large vent, obviously hearing whistling which is coming via the vent. Shane Black is a writer-director best known for Lethal Weapon and shaping the buddy-cop genre.. To date, Shane Black has written nine produced scripts: Lethal Weapon (1987), Monster Squad (1987), The Last Boy Scout (1991), Last Action Hero (1993), The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996), Kiss Kiss Bang Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Should you be discovered your lives would be forfeit. I know! Don't be mad, sir. I am Dol'ok, free Jaffa, loyal to Khonsu the Tok'ra. Coombs reaches over to the panel to close the door. [14] It had a large opening weekend take of $35.5 million, placing it at #1 for the weekend of August 68, 2010, unseating Inception. Only read the first 30 pages because I wanted motivation to start my script with a suspenseful-yet-funny action scene. They run to the Stargate, where Carter, Jonas and Felger are standing at the top of the steps. HAMMOND Uhwell, it may be a few more days yet. The Big Short (2015) was the first film McKay directed without Ferrell in the cast. O'Neill looks around.]. ], [O'Neill leads the others out of the cell. O'NEILL There's no way! Let me ask you something - what do you even do around here besides interrupt people? They escape with Ershon to his private apartment, and he tells them that the money from the pension fund is already in his account, ready to be transferred. FELGER Hence, we have for you the most exciting 'The Other Guys' quotes that will surely make you recall the best moments from the film and lift your mood! Just get a hold of yourself! They go to an investment meeting Ershon is having and realize that the $32 billion Ershon seeks is really coming from the NYPD pension fund. [Meyers walks away. FELGER [The mothership is heading for a wormhole. Allen Gamble : Seems like a duck would be worth a lot more than two dollars. FELGER [Her'ak again uses the pain-stick on O'Neill, as Jonas struggles to get free.]. Colonel O'Neill. Felger, holding his weapon, crouches and scuttles over to the other side of the corridor.]. Ferrell and Wahlberg also made a cameo appearance on an episode of WWE Raw to promote the film. Any information you want died with him. Do you wanna hear the rest of my plan? HER'AK HAMMOND From me. Here we have for you the most amazing quotations from 'The Other Guys' that will take you across a hilarious misadventure and make you roar uncontrollably with laughter. MEYERS In the 40 years I've been enforcing the law, I've learned one thing: when that happens, stop.". She's good at writing about sports and sporting heroes. WebGuys, we're in the presence of greatness here. "You have the right to remain silent but I want to hear you scream!". When you arrive, bring them before me. As they run, they are fired on. There's blood blisters on my hands! Look, even if we could get through the gate, there's no telling when Anubis will arrive. I appreciate that, but the planet's very heavily guarded. Allen Gamble: Terry, how many times has Captain told us to stay off the Ershon case? He's collected vital information on how and where Anubis is getting his new technology. I believe the Canucks of Vancouver are superior warriors. We just received an urgent message from General Hammond. You get the shield down and use your radio from now on. Carter, O'Neill and Hammond are at the podium. There's a proxy vote for a big reinvestment of the pension coming up, so if you just wanna come by the old Terry Hoitz: Damn it, Bob! 3. "Allen Gamble: 9:15, let's have a great day everybody! ], [Felger takes a few paces towards O'Neill and Teal'c who are standing some twenty feet away.]. The characters are so unique and the plot so marvelously captures an everlasting image in the minds of the viewers. Exactly. HAMMOND Felger and Coombs look around in shock, as do the other Jaffa, who activate their weapons towards Her'ak. Are you nearing the completion of your research? ], [A large crack appears in the door as the Jaffa ram against it. COOMBS He's not lying. O'Neill yells in pain.]. WebThe Other Guys 2010 Director: Adam McKay Genre: Action, Crime Two mismatched New York City detectives seize an opportunity to step up like the city's top cops, whom they idolize, only things don't quite go as planned. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. We know it wasn't your security team that grabbed you. Okay. When the guys were falling off the tower, they were so convinced they weren't going to die. ], [Meyers snaps his fingers in front of Felger's eyes. TEAL'C Think about it, Simon. O'Neill looks at his arm then looks at Felger. FELGER Mission protocol clearly states that if something goes wrong, we are to return to Stargate Command immediately and you know what? 33. FELGER A few laugh out loud moments save the entire experience but it really could've and should've been a better film in general and certainly funnier across the board. Uh huh. And so a big part of it was: How do you do a modern cop buddy film when banks have disappeared trillions of dollars and millions of people have lost their homes through this kind of bureaucratic malfeasance? MEYERS Please, shhjustokay. And I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the alter of Roddenberry. I can't hear! ", 13. Her'ak enters, followed by a number of Jaffa.]. ], [Felger and Coombs are sitting behind storage crates, as another crate is moved into position to hide them.]. TEAL'C O'NEILL I'd be happy to volunteer. So, when do we get to meet this old Ginsu guy? "Terry Hoitz: Guess where we just came from? ], [Teal'c and O'Neill stand. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. This cannot be the way. Colonel, they could have access to the pyramid security systems including force shield controls. ], [Teal'c raises an eyebrow and shrugs slightly. O'NEILL Please don't be angry, we just thought, [Felger grins nervously as Coombs points at him.]. The Goa'uld we're being taken to see is actually an undercover Tok'ra. "[21], The Other Guys also received the "Best Comedy Film" award for 2010 at the first annual Comedy Awards.[22]. And we're like, 'Jon, you want to write something?' Except for the ending credits, people really didn't catch it at all. 22. [A large pyramid is in the background. [volume&issueneeded]. Please view our rules and wikis before posting. All three stand.]. Allen Gamble (Will Ferrell) is a naive paper pusher. COOMBS 31. ], [He quickly heads over to Coombs who is standing, holding a laptop computer. [The landscape is of ruins and sand. Remember what I told you. Allen Gamble: Ok, I'll be honest. "We want them to be original, but they're clearly messing around with the tropes of the genre that you're used to. You've got no gun, no car, no wife, and now you've got no partner." "[19] Some critics praised The Other Guys as the best police film of the year, comparing the film to the critically panned Cop Out, with Richard Roeper stating, "Note to Kevin Smith: THIS is how you do a spoof of the buddy-cop genre,"[20] and Stephen Whitty of The Star-Ledger said in his mixed review, "Measured against this year's other police farceremember Cop Out?it looks absolutely heroic. FELGER COOMBS "Allen Gamble: Are you a big man? Colonel O'Neill. O'NEILL We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. 8 Apr. "You keep hiding from stuff in the world, and eventually the world comes to your front door.". Captain Gene Mauch: Traffic. A number of other crystals light up.]. While we know it's difficult to get over the amazing 2010 American buddy cop action comedy film directed by Adam McKay, we also know that watching the movie isn't just a guilty pleasure but a hilarious vent whenever you're low. WebNo, wait, don't ignore it, especially if you live in Crown Heights. And, of course, Jon Brion knows everyone and has access to studios. What about we allowed ourselves to be captured. It is also the first of three collaborations between Ferrell and Wahlberg, who later reunited in Daddy's Home (2015) and Daddy's Home 2 (2017). O'NEILL O'NEILL "We had done a couple readings of the script where it played really well, not that that means it's going to play funny in the final movie," McKay says. Allen Gamble: Terry says twice, I agree.". Learn from the best screenwriters working in Hollywood today! You just go, you take care of my cats, okay? Roger Wesley: There are three things I love in this world: Kylie Minogue, small dimples just above a woman's buttocks and the fear in a man's eye who knows I'm They'd even take cash right out of the drop boxes. That was one of the reasons SG-1 had to go in undercover. Shake the bastard off. O'NEILL Okay, hang another left and then two rights and then there'll be a door and beyond that is daylight. ], [As O'Neill reaches the doorway, he gestures for Teal'c to stand opposite him so that they are flanking the door. Meyers, you go back through the gate, tell General Hammond what's happened. Both look uncomfortable. The Other Guys | Bulletproof Screenwriting SCREENPLAY LIBRARY Adam McKay Film Scripts Collection: Screenplays Download Bulletproof Screenwriting | September 27, 2021 Below are all the screenplays written by television director, producer, screenwriter, and comedian, Adam McKay that are available online. O'NEILL COOMBS creative tips and more. 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