1st signal brigade vietnam casualties

During the course of these briefings, we learned that demand for electricity inVietnam increased by a whooping 14% in the first three months of 2000. As a testimony to the 1sts service, General William C. Westmoreland, commander of U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) from 1964 to 1968, stated, No combat operation in Vietnam has ever been hampered by the lack of communications-electronics support. General Creighton W. Abrams, Westmorelands successor at MACV, paid tribute to the brigade by saying, From a satellite 18,200 miles above the Pacific Ocean to a courier on a dusty Vietnamese road, the 1st Signal Brigade passes the word into, out of, and within Southeast Asia. The 1st Infantry Division of the United States Army is the oldest division in the United States Army. K. G. Sears is an AmCham Governor and serves as senior advisor to a variety of international businesses, governmental and other organizations. General Dung's account of the final battle for South Vietnam reads like it was taken right out of a US Army manual on offensive military operations. of blacks of military age was 13.5% of the population. We were established in 1983 as a member-based, charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. At the end of thirty days, not one single communist flag was flying over any of those 155 cities, towns or hamlets. HHC, 193d Infantry Brigade. Philosophy (Area of concentration in Vietnam). But then, as with mathematics, certain rules apply in war, and, military victories are not won by violating military principles. Again: In Vietnam no US Army unit ever surrendered. Old shortwave systems were largely eliminated and more advanced troposcatter and satellite systems were introduced. American units in I Corps were hit particularly hard, and the division of responsibilities for communications helped to make a chaotic situation worse. Division surrendered to the Germans. US Army - 1st Cavalry Division Airmobile - Helicopter Insertion. The battalion took part in Operations ATTLEBORO and FITCHBURG in the fall of 1966. "I know the archivists who work with RG472 (Vietnam War) at NARA, and I have some contacts at CMH. We were established in 1983 as a member-based, charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. In addition, Kent serves as Chairman of AmCham's EE&C Committee. Given a Vietnamese population of approximately 38 million during the period 1954-1975, Vietnamese casualties represent a good 12-13% of the entire population. The buildup of formal U.S. military units had begun on 8 March 1965, when two battalions of Marines landed at Da Nang. These men managed to virtually destroy 3 NVA Divisions, but on 17 Apr 75 sheer numbers and the weight of the Mass overwhelmed them. The 11th LIB was formed as part of the US Army's 6th Division during WWI. In addition, these defense commitments required the annual expenditure of hundreds of billions of US dollars. Another Aspect - US Military battle deaths by year: Prior to 1966 - 3,078 (Total up through 31 Dec 65), 1968 - 14, 589 (Total while JFK & LBJ were President - 32,053), 1972 - 300 (Total while Nixon was President - 15,316). Charlie company had 4 dead and virtually everyone else wounded. 1st Signal Brigade Association Vietnam T-shirt. In Vietnam no US generals, much less division commanders, were ever taken prisoner. includes the US Coast Guard), Total: 58,156 (including men formerly classified as MIA and Mayaguez, Highest state death rate: West Virginia--84.1. However, either the American people or their government does not even remotely understand the reasons behind that grief and misery -. The 1st US Marine Division was driven from the Chosin Reservoir and forced into an emergency evacuation from the Korean port of Hungnam. In the process they lost the capital of Seoul. With the collapse of Communism and the Soviet Union along with the opening up of China, records are now becoming available on the type and amount of support North Vietnam received from China and the Soviet Block. As a member of the Army Selective Service, SGT Cooper served our . In all those years, he never once fought against the Americans. 5,283 lost. The entire year we seemed to be dealing with two NVA Divisions a couple of independent Regiments and whatever VC were around. The brigades UH-1B helicopters were also swapped out for UH-1Ds in order to give the unit greater lift capacity. One can view the photos as a slideshow or look through the photo index to select individual photos. A conventional army made up of seventeen conventional divisions, organized into four army corps, overran Saigon. Traynor's efforts to bring the aircraft in safely as "a remarkable demonstration of flying skill." The Americans had left under the terms of the Paris Peace Agreements, and then were barred by the US Congress, from ever returning. In not one instance did the people rise up to support the Communists. The need for state of the art communications technology, both on a strategic and tactical level, is critical to meeting any threat that may arise. Hinmon (315) 756-7026 [email protected] AER: 757-2364/2374, USAG HUMPHREYS BLD It was officially nicknamed the The Big Red One after its shoulder patch and is also nicknamed The Fighting First. The 1st Signal Brigade, as an arm of U.S. Army Strategic Communication Command (STRATCOM) and headquartered at Long Binh, came under the operational control of U.S. Army, Vietnam (USARV). 3 rd March. Of the 5,025 officers and men, 3,677 became part of the newly organized 167th Infantry, Forty-second Thirty-first Division Insignia Division. Once again, the Media descended on Vietnam, in mass. Again: In Vietnam no US Army unit ever surrendered. Ce dernier bilan comprend a la fois les victimes de la guerilla vietcong et les soldats nord-vietamiens qui les eacute paulaient. Looking back it is now clear that the American military role in Vietnam was, in essence, one of defending international borders. In every instance when they questioned this, I offered them a two-hour Jeep ride (at my expense) for a first hand look at modern day Vietnam on the move. Its 3rd Battalion, 21st infantry (Gimlets) was the last . Multiple amputations occurred at the, 25% (648,500) of total forces in country were draftees. In one case, enemy forces ambushed a convoy of Page employees and military personnel while on their way from Dalat to the Pr Line Mountain signal site. Quant aux combats proprement dits, les chiffres sent d'un million cent mille militaires tueacutes et de 600.000 blesseacutes en 21 ans de guerre. During the Vietnam War, Long Binh Post was the U.S. Army's largest base located in the former South Vietnam. The 1st Infantry Division served in the III Corps Tactical Zone and by mid-1966 the division was fighting in Binh Long Province against the 9th Viet Cong Division. We seek to educate future Americans to fully appreciate the sacrifices that generations of American Soldiers have made to safeguard the freedoms of this Nation. In 1969 the weekly average death toll from highway accidents in the United States was 1,082. Noah Sladek) The brigade's mission in South Korea is to provide communications support to the Eighth United States Army, United States Forces Korea and the United Nations Command. MEMORIAL FUND WEBSITE (www.vvmf.org) ROCKY LEE COOPER . During its Normandy battles in 1944 the US 90th Infantry Division, (roughly 15,000+ men) over a six week period, had to replace 150% of its officers and more than 100% of its men. Using flags for daytime signaling and a torch at night, wigwag was tested in Civil War combat in June . 340; FI 1st Infantry Division -- 3,094; FL 1st Logistic Command -- 586; FS 1st Signal Brigade . It became apparent that better coordination was needed to maximize the capabilities of the Armys communications network. This was especially true for the divisional, combat area, and signal support battalions. remaining 77 C-5A's, pointing to the continuing problem of weak wings. 88.4% of the men who actually served in Vietnam were Caucasian, 10.6%, (275,000) were black, 1.0% belonged to other races, 86.3% of the men who died in Vietnam were Caucasian (including Hispanics). The Vietnam War also saw the use of satellite communications for the first time ever in a combat zone. Along with efforts to keep the shooters talking, the soldiers of the 1st Brigade often came under fire and fought as combat troops when necessary, especially during the Tet Offensive in January February 1968. The complete description of this North Vietnamese Army (NVA) classical military victory is best expressed in the words of the NVA general who commanded it. Company A-44, 36th Signal Bn, 1st Signal Bde (renamed 269th Signal Company in March, 1970) Photo provided by Phil Boucher (1969-1970) Click here to email the Webmaster. Thread starter Frisco-Kid; Start date Nov 3, 2009; Tags vietnam war . Vietnam Era Book of ND Veterans; Conflicts Served; Laws; Legislation; News; VSO Tools. The former South Vietnam was made up of 44 provinces. Constituted on 26 March 1966 and activated six days later on 1 April in Vietnam, the 1st Signal Brigade was given the complicated mission of . In general we index the memorials at the lowest practical unit level. Why then, did it get such bad press, and, why is the public's opinion of them so twisted? The Army Historical Foundation is the designated official fundraising organization for the National Museum of the United States Army. Members of the 1st Signal Brigade Qui Nhn, Vietnam, 1969-1970Christoper D. Ammons Papers : Member of the 1st Signal Brigade . burning dissent. The charge that the poor died in disproportionate numbers is also a myth. Representative Les Aspin and Senator William Proxmire immediately urged the Air Force to ground the. The plane was enroute to Travis AFB in California. HHC, 1st Brigade, 82d Airborne Division. However, most of them were logistical / support types. Soviet armor, burning Soviet gas and firing Soviet ammunition. The Army Historical Foundation is the designated official fundraising organization for the National Museum of the United States Army. 8 th Feb.. Operation Lam Son 719 is launched. 3. Overall, blacks suffered 12.5% of the deaths in Vietnam when the percentage. Facing the challenge of having to deal with and upgrade old technology, such as copper wire cables and, in some cases, paper wrapped Japanese cable used during World War II, the brigade brought military communications in Korea into the twenty-first century. G.I. In the Korean War, Major General F. Dean, commander of the 24th Infantry Division in Korea was taken prisoner of war (POW). The Casualty Lists you select after accessing The American War Library will be quickly downloaded to your C:\MHC\DOWNLOAD folder. Kind, who commanded the 1st Signal Brigade from June of 1982 to June 1984, recalled an occasion in May 1983 when the brigades assets came into rapid use: a Chinese domestic airliner carrying 105 passengers and crew was hijacked by six armed men and flown to Camp Page Airbase, also known as K-47 Airbase, near Chunchon, South Korea. The Viet Cong had been bludgeoned to death (During Tet 1968) on the streets of the cities, towns, and hamlets of South Vietnam. 11 th Armoured Cavalry Regiment (less 2 nd Squadron) leaves Vietnam.. 14 th April III Marine Amphibious Force withdrawals from Vietnam . Source: National Archives and Records Administration. This ratio of support to line troops is also comparable with other wars, and helps dispel the notion that every troop in Vietnam was engaged in mortal combat on a daily basis. (1) GROUND FORCE PERSONNEL, including Army aviation, generally are . The combat elements of the division consisted of 10 battalions of airmobile infantry . In December 1996, the 36th Signal Battalion was redesignated and placed under the control of the 1st Signal Brigade as part of the Army Signal Command (ASC). During WW II, 66 percent of the troops were draftees. The Soldiers get ready for their spiritual resilience training on February 16, 2023, at Camp Humphreys, Republic of Korea. 1st battalion, 8th infantry, 4th infantry division vietnam. Along with this will come a stirring rise in the standard of living among the Vietnamese people. and the division was inactivated. With approximately 12,000 personnel in early 1966, the 1st Signal Brigade would grow to one of the largest, brigade-sized units to serve in country. KIA in Vietnam = 20,460, US Army Helicopter Crewmen KIA in Vietnam = 3,007, US Army Tankers KIA in Vietnam = 725 (equals 27% of all tankers ever assigned to Vietnam), US Marines Killed In Action in Vietnam = 14,836, More US Army Infantrymen died than Marines of all MOSes, The highest loss-rate for any MOS was 11E (Armor Crewman) 27% KIA. Fifty four percent of the Americans killed in Vietnam were killed in the four northernmost provinces, which in addition to Quang Tri were Thua Thien, Quang Nam and Quan Tin. Pop!. 12.1% (5,711) were black; 1.1% belonged to other races. Sept 1974: North Vietnamese hold special meeting to evaluate Nixon's resignation and decide to test implications. The 1st Brigade (Separate) of the 101st Airborne Division landed at Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam on July 29, 1965. Photograph Museum of Honor. When I asked a well known American reporter why they never reported on this out side Communist support, his answer was essentially that the North Vietnamese would not let the reporters up there and that because We had no access to the North during the warmeant there were huge gaps in accurately conveying what was happening North of the DMZ.. The crash investigation was headed by Maj. Gen. Warner E. Newby. . With such a large area to cover, the need for brigade aircraft support became a major issue in late 1966 and early 1967. In Vietnam no US generals, or US military units ever surrendered. We were established in 1983 as a member-based, charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. (Photo by U.S. Army Sgt. 2003. By comparison the single bloodiest day in the Vietnam War for the Americans was on 17 Nov 65 when elements of the 7th Cav (Custer's old outfit) lost 155 men killed in a battle with elements of two North Vietnamese Regular Army regiments (33rd & 66th) near the Cambodian border southwest of Pleiku. The North Vietnamese Army went to extraordinary lengths to remove their dead from the field of battle because they did not want the US to discover their true battlefield losses. In Vietnam, the Page Communications contractors,like their Army counterparts, were often subject to hostile fire. During recent combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, Army signal units supporting Operations ENDURING FREEDOM and IRAQI FREEDOM were given priority with regards to personnel allocations. In Kinds words, This put the ROK and U.S. forces in Korea in the forefront of modernized communications worldwide.. Among these were soldiers from the Signal Corps, who were tasked with providing reliable communications for U.S. and allied troops. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. And the bloody maggots. [5] On 29 January 1973 the 1st Signal Brigade was reestablished by General Order 56 from HQ, USASTRATCOM. We compiled these facts from AP & UPI articles that appeared in the Seattle Times, Seattle P-I and New York Times from 4 April to 8 April of 1975. Loans and Grants; Training; Publications and Resources; ND Association of County and Tribal Veterans Service Officers; About. Then, using the age-old tactics of mass and maneuver, they defeated the South Vietnamese Army in detail. The 1st later received six U-1A Otter airplanes to supplement its original complement of aircraft. For example: China has opened its records on the number of uniformed Chinese troops sent to aid their Communist friends in Hanoi. His Vietnam experience goes back to 1965 and includes nearly 16 years in-country. The author has degrees in engineering & business and holds a Ph.D. In all, China sent 327,000 troops to North Vietnam. That the American experience in Vietnam was painful and ended in long lasting (albeit self-inflicted) grief and misery cannot be disputed. You said it better, "bait". include if necessary, the use of nuclear weapons. The 1st Cavalry Division ("First Team") is one of the most decorated combat divisions of the United States Army. At 5,000 feet Capt. Civil War veterans suffered Soldiers heart in WW I the term was Shell shock during WW II and in Korea it was Battle fatigue. Military records indicate that Civil War psychological casualties averaged twenty six per thousand men. If you served in 1st Signal Brigade, Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends. On six separate occasions, I explained to individual reporters, that Vietnam was making constant economic progress and their overall economy was healthy. It is also obvious that this increase is being driven by consumer demand. Nothing even remotely resembling that debacle ever occurred in Vietnam. Later, however, the enemy was able to disrupt communications and inflict heavy casualties at a signal site in southern Vietnam. His Vietnam experience goes back to 1965 and includes nearly 16 years in-country. The author has degrees in engineering & business and holds a Ph.D. The excellent medical services, communication facilities, and skillful helicopter evacuation saved countless US lives throughout the 1st Brigade's stay in Vietnam. The embassy was no help. The general uprising was a complete illusion. I was with the 16th infantry 3rd Brigade 1st Infantry Division out of Lai Khe. Let us not forget Sergeant Rocky Lee Cooper, casualty of the Vietnam War. The US Marines, in the 25 days between 19 Feb 45 and 16 Mar 45, lost nearly 7,000 men killed in their battle for the tiny island of Iwo Jima. These personnel were transported via aircraft and truck convoy to Phu Bai. A victory for the Americans and South Vietnamese, the Battle of Dak To cost 376 US killed, 1,441 US wounded, and 79 ARVN killed. 1965-1970: The 1st Infantry Division was one of the first two divisions sent to defend the Republic of Vietnam in 1965. Anyone who thinks the US lost the Vietnam war should reconsider their definition of "lost". 3d Cavalry Regiment career counselor named 1st Cavalry . The Hanoi government hid this information from their people not to avoid demoralizing them, but to avoid a rebellion among their own population. 79% of the men who served in 'Nam had a high school education or better. The US 3d Squadron, 5th . 3rd Brigade only: 1st Signal Brigade-193-II Field Force Vietnam: IIFFV: 80-Engineer Command-64- There other US Army joined them and South Korean soldiers and the US Navy eventually evacuated 105,000 Allied troops from that port. ever mentions a single word about revolutionary warfare or guerilla tactics contributing in any way to his Great Spring Victory. Group members agree to follow these Group. The Army selected Page Communications Engineers and Philco-Ford to design and install an Integrated Wideband Communications System (IWCS) in both Vietnam and Thailand. That's probably true, Steve. Also, of significant importance will be the creation of millions of jobs in Vietnam's manufacturing, service and export sectors. Steve wright says: September 3, 2019 at 12:42 . The Galaxy had taken-off from Tan Son Nhut airbase and had reached analtitude of approximately 23,000 feet and was approximately 40 miles fromSaigon when it's rear clamshell cargo doors blew off crippling its flight controls. 91% of veterans of actual combat and 90% of those who saw heavy combat are. In fact his study showed that the death rate in the upper income communities of Beverly Hills, Belmont, Chevy Chase, and Great Neck exceeded the national average in three of the four, and, when the four were added together and averaged, that number also exceeded the national average. The Vietnamese Airborne Division began as companies organized in 1948, prior to any agreement over armed forces in Vietnam. While Vietnam War U.S. Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps . With the demands for more and more communications resources and capabilities, the Army required assistance from civilian contractors to fill those needs. The 1st Signal Brigade was activated on 1 April 1966 in South Vietnam. Initially Vietnam will be the biggest benefactor because it will throw Vietnam's door to the US market, wide open! Kind immediately dispatched a Tactical Satellite Communications Terminal (TACSAT) unit to provide direct communications to the hostage negotiating team at the closed airport. Jim Hadley, a medical technician from Sacramento, Calif recalled later that oxygen masks dropped down automatically, but the children were sitting two to a seat and there weren't enough masks to go around. After a four thousand round artillery bombardment, these three divisions massed, and, spearheaded by Soviet tanks, assaulted Xuan Loc; but again the ARVN 18, held its ground. The 173rd was the first Army unit into Vietnam, coming from Okinawa behind the Marines. Source of these numbers is the Southeast Asia Statistical Summary, Office of the Assistant Secretary or Defense and were provided to the author by the US Army War College Library, Carlisle Barracks, PA 17023. Why? Selon Hanoi, il y a eu pres de deux millions de morts dans la population civile du Nord et deux autres millions dans celle du Sud. They were one of the last units to leave, remaining a brigade-sized unit the whole war. 1 st Cavalry Division (less 3 rd Brigade) also leaves Vietnam SUMMARY OF VIETNAM CASUALTY STATISTICS Original Source: Combat Area Casualty File of 11/93, National Archives . A place for VIETNAM Veterans of the 1st Signal Brigade to gather and share pictures and stories. I served with company B 121st signal bat, 1st inantryf division. limbs, 1,081 sustained multiple amputations. In Vietnam there was never any mass evacuation of US Marine, South Vietnamese or Allied troops. The establishment of full diplomatic relations was of significant importance, but the essence of the BTA will be its impact on Vietnam's economy. Jan 1975: North Vietnamese capture Phuoc Long provincial capitol of Phuoc Binh. And, until the records containing those distortions and falsehoods are closely examined and corrected, America's perception of Vietnam will continue to linger and fester in the nation's conscience. Dec 1972; Paris Peace Agreements negotiated and agreed by North Vietnam, South Vietnam, the Southern Vietnamese Communists (VC, NLF / PRG) and the United States. They already had their stories, which tended to focus on bad news, gloom and doom, and other perceived Vietnam problems. The totals for the Americal's three brigades and non brigade units seem to be 4093. The brigade's mission was to originate, install, operate, and maintain a complex communication system that fused tactical and strategic communications in Southeast Asia under a single, unified command. Combat Casualty Resource Guide Multi-million dollar salaries are not paid to people for reporting the news, in any form, be it written, audio or video. Two conventional armies fought it out using strategies and tactics as old as warfare itself. Also inactivated in that time frame was the 7th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade and the 72nd Expeditionary Signal Battalion. This has prompted Republic of Korea (ROK) and U.S. forces to be ever vigilant to possible attacks. Once again there are signs of movement on the BTA front. National Vietnam War Veterans Day is a US . 3rd Brigade only: 1st Signal Brigade-193-II Field Force Vietnam: IIFFV: 80-Engineer Command-64-Unit unknown-6- . Those six all shared borders with either Laos or Cambodia or had contiguous borders with provinces that did. On the best day ever, there were 43,500 ground troops actually engaged in offensive combat operations, i.e., out in the boondocks. Back in Vietnam, the almost 3,000 members of 1st Brigade fight valiantly from May 15 to the end of Operation Lamar Plain, Aug. 13, 1969. It was later redesignated the 1st Signal Brigade and was responsible for providing communications to Vietnam's 60,000 square miles of coastal, jungle, and mountain terrain. During that (6 year, 3+ month) period the 173. lost This same Congress then turned around and abandoned America's former ally, South Vietnam. Initial US estimates placed enemy losses above 1,600, but . ", Air Force Sgt. A survivor of the crash stated: "Some of us got out through a chute from the top of the plane, but the children (and escorts) at the bottom of the plane didn't have a chance. For kowtowing to the wishes of those craven hoards of dodgers and for bugging out and abandoning their former ally. They suffered 20 KIA, 154 WIA, and 2 MIA. But first, a few relevant comparisons. Many of these units had their communications vans and equipment mounted on the back of two-and-a-half-ton trucks, allowing soldiers to quickly transfer from site to site. They were like sacks of water. Vet/Military Websites The 1st Cavalry Division by the start of the Vietnam Warwas no longer a conventional infantry unit The division had become an airassault division as the . Nearly 75% of the general public (in 1993) agrees with that. During the entire period of the American involvement in Vietnam only 2,594,000 US Military actual served inside the country. Seventeen North Vietnamese conventional divisions (more divisions than the US Army has had on duty at any time since WW II) were formed into four conventional army corps (This was the entire North Vietnamese army. The following casualty lists are currently available for free download from the G.I. Constituted on 26 March 1966 and activated six days later on 1 April in Vietnam, the 1st Signal Brigade was given the complicated mission of originating, installing, operating, and maintaining an incredibly complex communications system that fused tactical and strategic communications in Southeast Asia into a single, unified command. The end came in the form of a cross border invasion. Company C, 43d Signal Battalion, located in a strategic area of Kontum, City in the Central Highlands, drove off several VC attacks. Neither of the commanders [of those two commands] ever discussed the situation with me after that, and the issue was resolved. personal check for $18 with free shipping. The North Vietnamese Communists were willing to pay any price in terms of the blood of their people to dominate the Republic of Vietnam. In addition, phone services were greatly improved and the Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) was introduced, greatly improving the speed, security, and reliability of communications. In spite of the Case - Church Congressional guarantee, the North Vietnamese were very leery of US President Nixon. You know you always run the chance of getting fired with those type decisions. The 1st Signal Brigade still proudly wears that same shoulder patch today, and lives up to its mission goal to Keep the Shooters Talking. The 1st Signal Brigade Association, comprised of former brigade members from Vietnam, Thailand, and Korea, was formed in 2000, and currently numbers over 3,000 former members. MAJ Myer first used his visual signaling system on active service in New Mexico during the 1860-1861 Navajo expedition. It is based at Fort Hood, Texas. Contradictory to popular belief, and a whole lot of wishful thinking by a solid corps of some 16,000,000+ American draft dodgers and their families / supporters, it was not a military defeat that brought misfortune to the American effort in Vietnam. Victor Ubach, a Pan American World Airways pilot who was flying behind and above the crippled Air Force plane said the C-5A pilots "had done one heck of a job" to avoid a worse disaster. Had The US sustained casualties of 13% of its population, there would have been 28 million US dead. Looking for: George Sherrill, Army, Vietnam War, 1966, Staten Island New York. It was formed in 1921 and served during World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf War, with the Stabilization Force in Bosnia-Herzegovina, in the Iraq War, and in the War in Afghanistan (2001-present). The biggest benefactor because it will throw Vietnam 's manufacturing, service export... ; FL 1st Logistic Command -- 586 ; FS 1st Signal Brigade and the 72nd Expeditionary Signal battalion a area! Helicopter Insertion provincial capitol of Phuoc Binh the last units to leave, remaining a brigade-sized the. In War, 1966, Staten Island New York a major issue in late and. Heavy casualties at a Signal site in southern Vietnam remarkable demonstration of flying skill. a brigade-sized unit whole. The forefront of modernized communications worldwide were introduced had their stories, which tended to on. 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