how much fire resist for illidan

First, its important to note that a raid boss mob is considered three levels above the player. a barrage of different spells that the raid needs to be ready to handle At the same time, the raid must spread out to minimize the damage taken from Illidan's Fireballs. his damage dealt. Shear, Flame Crash and Draw Soul are all basically mechanics strictly for your main tank to deal with. It will require that your raid has good coordination and everyone understands what they need to do. Many guilds will choose to ignore the trap if its placed in a bad spot for this very reason, instead having the tank rely on defensive cooldowns exclusively to survive Illidans Enrage. High Warlord Naj'entusSupremusShade of AkamaTeron GorefiendGurtogg BloodboilReliquary of SoulsMother ShahrazIllidari CouncilIllidan Stormrage(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)Loot Your raid should have enough DPS such that you only see this ability once during Phase 2, else things can get ugly. You get the fire resist pieces from badges and you're gonna have shadow resist Players finally have the chance to fight the Betrayer upon reaching the Temple Summit, the final section of the Black Temple raid, accessible only after defeating the Illidari Council. Wealth WebTradues em contexto de "had come under" en ingls-portugus da Reverso Context : Trajan had come under the influence of his military advisors, and had decided to expand the borders of the empire. prioritized to, see the links below. All raid members should set up well distributed, at least 6 yards away from each other, to avoid extra damage from Flame Burst. Illidan will stay in Phase 5 for 60 seconds, then transform into his Demon Form, starting Phase 4, before transitioning back to Phase 5 60 seconds later. of fire, and anyone debuffed by Parasitic Shadowfiend will run to the Illidan will recall his warglaives and enter the fight once again, after a ~10 second delay. Two times per Phase 5 cycle she semi-randomly places a special demon trap on the ground that can be used against Illidan. While trapped, Illidans damage taken is increased by 100% and he loses his enrage buff. killed. Generally, its believed that 4 resistance = 1% So up to the 30% mark (since that is the limit), it follows basic math: 10 resistance = 2.5% chance to resist 100 If a demon targets the warlock tank, this demon must be killed very quickly. Periodically, the tank has to move to get out of Flame Crash. Nether The tank needs to drag Illidan towards the trap, click to activate it, and position Illidan on top of it. This transition is signified by him leaping into the air, throwing his glaives at the ground around the circle in the middle of the temple summit (Throw Glaive / Throw Glaive) and then summoning 2 Flame of Azzinoth (Summon Tear of Azzinoth), one at each glaive. At 65% HP, Illidan will fly up Lastly, about halfway through the phase, Illidan will summon multiple Stack tightly on your assigned location, avoid fire patches on the ground, Illidan casts this every 2 seconds, but it is resistible. Flame Burst Deals 3,500 Fire damage to all raid members and deals splash damage to players closer than 5 yards to each other. It has a 20-second cooldown. Summon Shadow Demons 40 seconds into the phase, Illidan will cast Summon Shadow Demons, spawning Shadow Demon s at his feet. As Illidan uses Eye Blast every 40 seconds and the flames persist for up to 75 seconds, there will be periods of time where theres multiple patterns of flames up at once if both sides have a trail of Demon Fire, your melee DPS should stack up on south side of the grate, away from other groups. Fire Resistance gear. When the Parasitic Shadowfiends spawn, the mage Frost Novas them and nukes them down quickly (usually with help from some other damage dealers). Illidan Stormrage phase 2 requires 365 Fire Resist (cap) for tanking Flames of Azzinoth, this is a 4 tank fight (counting the Warlock), however. The Flame tanks need two healers each, the remaining 4-5 healers heal the raid. Every 30 seconds a random raid member receives the Parasitic Shadowfiend debuff. About 30 seconds into Phase 5, Maiev will teleport to one of 8 pre-determined spots inside the arena at random. Your main tank will need to be very careful while moving him: deal with Shear as normal, never let Illidan attack your back, and never have him face the raid, as Draw Soul can ruin your day. Here you can find Guides, News, Tools, Forums, and more for WoW Classic, TBC Classic, WotLK, and Shadowlands! Any combat rezzes should be performed at this point. Never mind the best TBC Classes, the Warlock is the best class in TBC, period. During Phase 2 no combat or self rez should be used, since upon rezzing players may be susceptible to charge (even though being close enough to a Blade). Phase 5 is very similar to Phase 3, except that he enrages after 40 seconds (attack speed and damage increased, soft enrage). If they reach that player, they will instantly kill them and then pick a new target, repeating the process anew. Typing /range 10 with a boss addon like DBM enabled will allow you to see if youre standing too close to other groups. Furthermore, the Flame of Azzinoth tanks will need to be careful while kiting the glaives around to avoid Blaze, kiting them in a circular pattern, as explained in the Phase 2 section. The resistance from these buffs do not stack; only the strongest one will be applied. use any instant-cast heals on them. They are Demon type enemies with 1.15 million HP each, and their attacks deal 8-10k Fire damage each, which is why you will need tanks with capped Fire Resistance to tank them regular tanks will simply die in 2 hits. Positioning becomes a bit easier by using the /range 5 command on raid boss addons like DBM. Illidan casts this every 2 seconds, but it is resistible. For Phase 2, it is recommended that you have 2 healers (Holy Paladins / Restoration Shamans) on each Flame of Azzinoth tank, or alternatively 1 single target healer on each of them while your Restoration Druids keep healing-over-time effects on both. When your raid is finally ready, speak to Akama by the eastern stairs leading up to Illidans room. As mentioned previously, besides your regular main tank, your raid will need 2 more tanks using Fire Resistance gear for Phase 2. 2.2. Each blade spawns a Flame of Azzinoth, when both flames are dead, Illidan lands and Phase 3 starts. Your Fire Resistance tanks will need to pick up one Flame of Azzinoth each, taking them a few yards away from the grate in the middle. A rogue can use sprint and burn all cooldowns to increase damage done when reaching the demon. Visibility is very low with all of the flames on the ground, and its really easy to die here, so they should just wait until the blue flames fade before resuming DPS. Lets see what the Boss dropped. Maiev Shadowsong joins the fight to help the raid defeat Illidan. Unknown Main tank (Warrior) requires no This is why positioning mirrors Phase 1, except ranged players are spread out, to avoid having multiple players all get hit by the same Agonizing Flames. They are level 70 Demons and only have 21k HP, so they can be defeated fairly easily, fortunately. Stunning him for 15 of those 20 seconds is obviously going to help out a lot, but most raids will opt to simply ignore the traps if theyre at a remote or inconvenient position. At the start of Phase Two, Illidan throws his warglaives begin. My Further Reading Illidan will target a random player in the raid and apply a debuff to them lasting 10 seconds, dealing 3000 Shadow damage to them every 2 seconds. Be ready to heal your tank quickly and wait He will use Dark Barrage every 90 seconds, so itll help a lot if your raid has enough DPS to kill the Flames of Azzinoth before the second one comes out, as they are very lethal. boss. soon as possible or single-target any that are outside the range of AoE. As a few of the phases are very similar and use the Shear requires The only thing that matters is that they can reach the Fire Resistance cap (365) while buffed by Fire Resistance Totem / Fire Resistance Aura, while remaining crit immune, as the Flames of Azzinoth can kill them with unlucky crits. your tanks are likely wearing Fire resistance gear and will deal lower threat into the air and Phase 2 will begin. Alliance Horde ANY raid member is more than 25 yards away from either Blade of Azzinoth, After 60 seconds of Phase 5, Illidan will transition to Phase 4, beginning a cycle of Phase 5 > Phase 4 > Phase 5 etc until he is defeated. victory in this final battle. Illidan Stormrage is the ninth and final boss you will encounter in the Your raid will need at least 3 tanks in order to take Illidan down 1 of them needs to be a Protection Warrior or Protection Paladin, while the other 2 tanks will require high Fire Resistance, capped if possible. You've wasted too much time mortals, now you shall fall! To that end, your main tank will need to always have Illidan facing away from the raid, so they are the only player getting hit. The melee Hit Cap is 9%, or 142 Hit Rating. For that reason, you ideally want to avoid getting him down to 30% during Phase 4 / his Demon Form. The flames however hurt, so your main tank should begin moving Illidan away from his original spot the moment he leaps into the air, so your melee DPS are out of the fire as soon as possible. If Illidan falls down to the ground again while hes in his Demon Form however, you managed to skip Phase 4, so the main tank should quickly go back in and deal threat once again, or your ranged DPS will die. Deal with this traitor as he deserves! A four group setup leaves away the center group. Web- Aim for 12k hp and 250 fire resistance unbuffed. Allow the tank time to pickup the boss after the stun wears out and be ready to This can be done by setting up one mage to each side of the raid, and have parasited raid members run away towards the sides. Lasts for all of Phase 4. now continue to alternate between Phase Four and Phase Five until Illidan is Furthermore, when the debuff expires 2 Parasitic Shadowfiends will spawn at that players location. Even if you get lucky and she picks a spot near Illidan, its important to remember that hes still using some of his scary abilities, like Shear and Draw Soul. defeated. High Fire damage with every attack isnt all there is to these mobs however they also have 3 terrifying abilities. The main tank picks Illidan up by simply standing closest to him. I will not be touched by rabble such as you! Re: Illidan - warlock & Flames of Azzinoth tanks.. With the nerf, you can tank the elemental almost nude, and /dance on the fire. After about 1 minute, Illidan will transition from Dealing with the parasites is complicated by the distributed setup, some plan should be made where the affected players and the mage can meet. This ability is always cast at the same time as Flame Blast, so your tanks should start moving the moment they see the frontal fire animation. Bears can definitely do it. Illidan will periodically cast two eye beams which damage all targets in a line for massive impact damage and then leave behind a persistent blue flame which deals Your healers will likely not have a good time here, but if theyre skilled enough, the first part of Phase 4 wont be too bad. Just like Leotheras the Blind in Serpentshrine Cavern, you must have a Warlock tank one of the phases of this boss. attackable and engage your raid. range away from the boss and avoid standing near any other players as Illidan's a while, so be sure to conserve Mana as much as possible. This means that if there are 2 players standing next to each other, theyll take ~7k damage. Guardian Druids has for long been known as a meat-shield that has very high HP. Illidan takes four tanks: a Warrior or Paladin for the emo elf, two fire resist tanks for the spawned Flames of Azzinoth, and a Warlock tank for the demon phase. After 60 seconds (three Flame Bursts), he kneels down again and turns back into a Night Elf, starting another Phase 3. Whenever Illidan casts Enrage, be Tanking. Illidan himself hits extremely hard, so their life will already be pretty difficult, so here is a condensed explanation of how to deal with them: Your main tank will always be the only person getting hit by Draw Soul if youre executing the strategy right. The Flames of Azzinoth will spawn a new flame every 10 seconds, so coupled with their 1 minute duration this means you can have up to 12 flames on the ground at a time, covering a very large part of the arena. Every player in your raid, including the Warlock tank, will need to be more than 20 yards away from Illidan in order to avoid Shadow Blast splash damage, while also being more than 5 yards away from every other player in order to avoid Flame Burst splash damage. The catch however is that Maiev isnt very smart; she tries to prioritize placing the trap nearby Illidan, but may place it elsewhere instead, occasionally placing itvery awkward spots. When the trap expires, a transition to Phase 4 starts immediately. tanks time to pick the boss up before continuing DPS. Health WebTake spells at 14% to be resisted, and 20 spell hit rating would increase your chance to hit with spells by 1.59%. want to avoid being hit by Shear, tanks and melee should avoid patches Your melee DPS meanwhile should switch target if the Eye Blast is coming towards the Flame of Azzinoth theyre currently attacking. The Flame of Azzinoth sends out a wave of flames in a cone front of it which travels up to 15 yards, dealing 7000 to 9000 Fire damage to all players in front of it. It is okay if you are a tad lower than cap, but do not be more than 1% or so lower in this occasion USUALLY its easier on healers to have warriors tank most of those bosses (parry, block, spell reflect), but druids hold agro just as well as a warrior. Thus it will be extremely important that every player in your raid is at more than 5 yards away from every other player during Phase 4, so nobody gets hit twice. About 10 seconds after taking off, he throws his two Warglaives of Azzinoth to the east and west sides of the grill/circle pattern on the ground, where they remain fixed. Flame of Azzinoth, simply change targets to the other one. 40 to 45 seconds into Phase 5, Illidan will enrage, increasing ALL of his damage done by 50% and his attack speed by 30% for 20 seconds. If the AoE is performed well, it's possible to kill all the Demons within a few seconds after they spawn, this has the additional advantage that nobody needs to move out of position. healing on the tank early on. The actual AoE is about 2 yards wider than the graphic. While the damage of this ability isnt too bad, the healing component is absolutely massive, and should thus be avoided at all costs. into the floor and spawns Flame of Azzinoth at the location of each The tank must use cooldowns to survive the 20 seconds until the end of the phase. This phase is arguably the hardest of the entire encounter, which is why most raids will attempt to circumvent it as explained in the Phase 3 section. Outside of those restrictions, these kinds of raids are generally not hard enough to warrant an high amount of min-maxing with respect to classes, buffs, and debuffs. Note that the damage of the residual flames isnt particularly high, so players that are trapped on one side of the flames can run through with some light healing. Temple Summit, Black Temple The last ability that you will have to deal with during Phase 2 is Dark Barrage. outside of the raid with a Frost Trap ready. Protection Paladins will be much more reliant on getting him to a trap, which can be messy if Maiev happens to place it in a bad position. Each phase transition is a threat reset, so be sure to keep cooldowns and Remember you can always swap targets if you are high on Corpsetwo: The 101.8 figure would just be for tanks with 3 defensive outcomes (block + dodge + parry). This ability will flat out kill most players that get hit by it, as this phase already has very high AoE damage. Have 3 healers on your main tank this should be your Holy Paladins & Restoration Druids, as well as a single Restoration Shaman if possible using Chain Heal on the MT for the Ancestral Fortitude buff & healing the melee. Furthermore, the beam will leave a trail of blue flames with a radius of 8 yards in its wake, lasting 75 seconds. His abilities in Phase 3 are the same as in Phase 1, with the addition of Agonizing Flames. the patches of fire can easily prevent you from dealing damage if you are on the WebIllidan Stormrage phase 2 requires 365 Fire Resist (cap) for tanking Flames of Azzinoth, this is a 4 tank fight (counting the Warlock), however. WebIllidan in Demon Form Shadow Blast: 20 yard AoE for ~11k shadow damage centered on highest aggro target, cast every 2 sec, resistible. They need to do summon Shadow Demons 40 seconds into Phase 5 cycle she semi-randomly a. Warlock is the best TBC Classes, the tank needs to drag Illidan towards the trap expires a... Only the strongest one will be applied tanks time to pick the boss up before DPS. The main tank, your raid is finally ready, speak to Akama by the eastern stairs leading to. Tanks time to pick the boss up before continuing DPS if youre standing too close other... Of Flame Crash and Draw Soul are all basically mechanics strictly for your main tank deal! 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