medieval army size calculator

It is also worth noting that the Bulgarian army maintained a heavy cavalry. However, save for the rare chance at plunder in a foreign land, peasants didn't get paid so they had little incentive to comply with their feudal obligations (which forced upon them by conquest) so getting enough men to show up was a constant struggle. Archers became an increasing necessity in medieval warfare. Dwarf. Each feudal lord depended on his own resources to defend himself against his neighbors, so culling against competence seems a tricky calculus. Since the web of relationships was often theoretical above a certain point (certainly too difficult to enforce effectively), much of Europe during the Middle Ages (or Japan during the period before the Tokugawa Shogunate or China during the Warring States periods) was divided into much smaller polities run by minor or "mid level" nobility. This organization of the army did not change very much throughout the mamluk period. = 51, 092, 000. A knight who was trained to fight since puberty by the best mentors will be able to defeat many militias who were trained in a few weeks. To set up your army and run it for a year, fighting a battle every month, you need: 650, 000 + 8, 700, 000 + 41, 742, 000. Top Image: Bibliothque nationale de France MS Arabe 2824 fol. Nevertheless, Europes medieval period may be Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? It only takes a minute to sign up. Any piece of information would be helpful and would greatly be appreciated. On campaign they formed the bulk of the light cavalry and the infantry. Few armies claimed to have more cavalry than infantry due mainly to the expense of maintaining horses and trained riders. "but were generally higher ranking Feudatories" what? Most are not listed in detail. Agincourt also demonstrates other advantages of an expensive, small, relatively professional army. What would a recession look like in medieval times? All of this was possible for these mamluks due to their close proximity to the sultans. What was the size of these forces? In real history, often the efficiency in getting everyone to show up for a war was extremely limited. The Mamluk sultanate lasted from 1250-1517. Its members disbanded at the end of a campaign and returned to their feudal holdings, fields, etc. Military service in the medieval and early modern periods. As noted, fighting men didn't exclusively "fight", but were generally higher ranking Feudatories, who acted in administrative roles for those of higher feudal rank to whom they owed alligence. I'll see what i can track down. Furthermore, these feudal armies were seasonal and rarely stayed mobilized for significant periods of time. They had to rent boats to sail across the waters, for example. This gives you some benefits. In the later period of the sultanate the halqa disappeared as a major element of the army, but new gunpowder unit(s) were created shortly before the fall of the sultanate. Their weakness lay in their inability to fight protracted wars at a distance without wrecking the economy. During medieval England, there was a requirement for every man and boy to practice archery - should a war with France requrire additional soldiers. During the Diet of Worms, a conference held by the Holy Roman Empire in 1521, it was set forth that a force of 20,000 infantry and 4,000 cavalry. Even religious wars such as the Crusades fall within these general guidelines, although paying the army was a much less significant concern (since it wasn't paid by the Pope). Is it possible for a medieval society to produce enough food for dragons (with the help of magic)? Certainly, the sources for medieval strategic thought lack the literary appeal of the classic histories of ancient Greece and Rome. This will also allow our fans to get more involved in what content we do produce. The mamluk army was one of the few large standing armies of the medieval period. As an experiment, let's look at a fairly typical medieval-fantasy kingdom, and try and draw a few inferences. However, these numbers were not set in stone, and it is not uncommon to see the sources mention amirs of fifteen, twenty, or thirty. When considering some of the largest forces in the medieval ages, the range can be quite large, even double the total mass of force. I am still grateful for this information, however, as I can use this information for any future ideas I may have. He states that in Egypt the army was composed of 24,000 halqa soldiers, 10,000 Royal Mamluks, and 8,000 amirs mamluks. Vassals didn't receive military training as such, and from their point of view combat was a bloody brawl with a chance of loot. It is usually commanded by a captain, who discharges the basic responsibilities for training, discipline, and providing for the welfare of the personnel. On the other hand, Julien Loiseau contends in his monograph Les Mamelouks XIIIe-XVIe Sicle: Une Exprience du Pouvoir dans lIslam Mdival that these numbers indicate the minimum number of mamluk cavalrymen the amir had to maintain at his rank and he states that some of the high ranking amirs, who were very wealthy and powerful, could have had significantly more than one hundred mamluks in their service. Baybars created a new halqa (a unit with this title had already existed under the Ayyubids) when he became the sultan, but it held a position of secondary importance to the mamluk regiments. WebMake games, stories and interactive art with Scratch. The first of these was composed of those mamluks whom the ruler had personally acquired, raised, and trained. Such a large army both drained food reserves and took too many laborers from the fields. Which types of units could be found in their armies? So, you're free to make up whatever you wish for your setting. Who will link the chainmail together? What makes a Medieval state a Medieval state is that there is more or less zero organizational ability at the high level. - Town: Between 1,000 and 10,000. No they weren't; maybe the knights, but the bulk of the army weren't knights. What percentage of the population can act as a standing military long term during peacetime? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Late medieval nations varied tremendously in their "unfree" populations, ranging from less than 5% in England, Scandanavia, and Silesia to 40% or more in Muscovy and parts of France and Byzantium. miles) is wilderness. The culmination of years of war was the Ming conquest of Yunnan. Then there's the importance of ransoms to feudal warfare. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? This feudal system determined that all holders of a certain amount of land were obliged to accept knighthood and do military service for their feudal overlord, either in person or by raising forces. The planting and harvest seasons require quite a lot of manpower, so would not be a time to go to war. Of course any peasant could be made to pick up a pitchfork. The European military warrior class the so-called "nobility" comprised roughly 5% of the population. Although this type of army may seem like a permanent force, it was in fact not a professional army and was composed of bands of tribal warriors. How would you make sure you have enough to eat? Dot product of vector with camera's local positive x-axis? Did George Washington Have a British Accent? Women and children take over the remaining work to be done. The political and interpersonal realities of your world will determine which nobles withhold their retinues. Ibn Shahin outlines all of these armies and units in his book, Kitab Zubdat Kashf al-Mamalik wa Bayan al-Turuq wa al-Masalik. Mamluk Under Age Rule and the Later Qalawunids. More information on the background for this calculation is available through the article What percentage of a population can be part of a medieval military? In addition to the standing army, the mamluk sultans could call upon large numbers of auxiliaries during major campaigns. The reason for that was quite simple. When this happened, a charismatic leader often united these groups and forged them into an empire building army from disparate bands. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Based on Medieval Demographics Made Easy by Based on Medieval Demographics Made Easy by S. John Ross. The reality of hunger in Northern and Central Europe kept most men in the fields, not the practice yards. How would a roughly medieval military be changed by flying couriers? The halqa played an important role in several of the Mamluks early battles. If the city was attacked they could round up regular joes and put them on the walls for defense of a sort. For example, Baybars I (1260-1277) is said to have had between 4,000-16,000 Royal Mamluks, Qalawun (r. 1279-1290) had 7,000-12,000 Royal Mamluks, Barquq (r. 1382-1389 and 1390-1399) had 2,000 Royal Mamluks at the end of his first reign in 1389 and 4,000-6,000 at the time of his death in 1399, Barsbay (r. 1422-1437) had 2,000-3,000 mamluks, and Qaytbays (r. 1468-1496) mamluks numbered 8,000 men. Warmaster Armies. It was once an odd concept to not own your own farm. So this won't affect your theoretical maximum, but consider what the standing military is doing when in peaceful times. The sultans personal army numbered between 2,000-3,000 janissaries by the late 14th century. Presuming a high household size of 2.4 persons, removing the children, conscripting all the remaining males, gives you 7,500 men in the village. The sultan was the ultimate commander of the army, under him there were four major officer ranks in the Mamluk military society: amir of one hundred (amir mia), amir of forty (amir ablakhana), amir of ten (amir ashara), and amir of five (amir khamsa). There are additional published and printed search resources available at The National Archives site in Kew, and these are listed in section 10.2. Each of these typically numbered 5,000 to 10,000 troops depending upon the size of the army. In the sources from the later period of the sultanate they are referred to as julban or mushtarawat (meaning those bought/purchased). I am currently writing a story based on medieval combat and it would really help me if I can learn the average size of armies back then. Shafi ibn Ali an eyewitness and participant in the battle who describes the deployment of the mamluk army states that there were only 4,000 halqa soldiers present. Before the outbreak of the Civil War in 1642, there was still no regular standing army; forces were raised for specific purposes and then disbanded. We aim to be the leading content provider about all things medieval. Fighting by human cannonball - medieval kamikaze (part 1 - steering). We hope that are our audience wants to support us so that we can further develop our podcast, hire more writers, build more content, and remove the advertising on our platforms. However, we must keep in mind that this is a simplified look at this topic and that most of the most recent studies on this period and the regime that ruled Egypt and Syria have argued that there were very complex networks of power and relationships between the sultan and the great magnates of the realm and their households and that this standing army was in fact not one unified entity (although in the field it acted as such) and was feudal in some sense and there were intricate relationships and networks connected these various households and the individuals within them to the royal court in the Cairo citadel. Make it 2-tier or have a long chain of command at your pleasure and call them whatever you wish. Total War: MEDIEVAL II - Definitive Edition. Conversely, when the Republic feel and the Legions chose the Emperors, trust broke down and an Empire with something like 30-40 times the population of the Republic couldn't deploy armies a tenth as large as the Republic did repeatedly in the Punic wars. Studios I Curate Transport it? These are all the numbers on paper giving a total of 42,000 soldiers in Egypt (24,000 halqa and 18,000 mamluks) and 30,500 soldiers in Syria (23,500 halqa and 7,500 mamluks). Jacobs answer above offer's an figure of no more than 10,000 with logistics, animals. One historian says before we got good quartermaster returns Amazingly, the mercenaries managed to consolidate their power and rule over large swaths of Greece for more than 75 years until an army from Florence finally defeated them in battle. During the early 14th century the contractual system gradually replaced the feudal system as a means of raising armies. WebMedieval Army Size Calculator by rodrigoG57; Mathemagic by rodrigoG57; Jan Ken Po by rodrigoG57; Grand Prix v1.2.1 by rodrigoG57; Mathemagic II by rodrigoG57; Maths by rodrigoG57; Favorite Projects View all. These numbers increased to 10,000-13,000 janissaries by the mid-15th century in addition to the 2,100 heavy cavalrymen of the six cavalry divisions. Small border conflicts or castle garrisons could involve anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand soldiers. Land holders and military service: knights' fees, scutage and serjeanty, 5. However, the Black Army was disbanded shortly after the kings death. The halqa was composed of several different groups. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. No, but I'd like to see a slightly less doctrinaire treatment of the subject. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. However, the sources are quiet clear that such large numbers of halqa soldiers were not present even at major battles such as the Battle of Hims in 1281. One of the most famous mercenary companies, the White Company was not the largest of mercenary companies but arguably the most successful, some would say due to its size and maneuverability. The Royal Mamluks received the best training, weapons, armor, and the highest wages in the sultanate. 2/3 of soldiers died of disease in unsanitary camps with little food and constant exposure. Military service in the medieval and early modern periods, 4. Our website, podcast and Youtube page offers news and resources about the Middle Ages. WebWalter Scheidel has estimated* the Romans achieved (depending on which estimate for population size we use) somewhere between 6-12% mobilisation of the entire population (that's including women and children, we're talking about up to 25% of all adult men) at the height of the crisis of the Punic wars. These were the mamluks who were in the service of the sultan and formed his personal regiments. - City: Between 10,000 and 20,000. Let's march Ruritania's army off to war. This left only 10 percent of the population to the specialized classes, including everything from governing bodies of education to soldiers and mercenaries. This factor would act in the first stage, when determining the size of the "draft pool.". miles) is arable land, and 61% (80 thousand sq. Some auxiliary groups were also responsible for policing the more remote parts of the realm and keeping its roads safe and for capturing and punishing bandits and highwaymen. Ruled European battlefields for nearly 150 years with pikes and crossbows. if the need arrives. We've created a Patreon for as we want to transition to a more community-funded model. Military service in Wales, Scotland, Ireland and overseas, 6. Mercenary units and formations of the Middle Ages (3 C, 23 P) Military units and formations of the Hundred Years' War (7 P) Military units and formations of the medieval They could hit several places on the coast before the central land power heard of the first creating the impression of multiple forces hitting simutanously.). A 'military outpost' where much of this work is outsourced can be extremely military oriented. There may also be accounts referencing soldiers who served in foreign territories amongst the series listed in section 4, section 6 and section 7. Soon great value was seen of having a trained and dedicated fighting force at the ready. Prior to that, wars were races to see who could get the most men to battle field before everyone dropped dead from dysentery, plague or whatever. There is no standing army per se, rather, the state is broken into little districts and each soldier is supported by the farmers in that district. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? Bandit suppression is done by these local forces, if they care to. The medieval soldiers' database 1369-1453, 9. However, a big difference between the system in Mamluk regime and in Feudal Europe was that the military elites and the army were mostly concentrated in Cairo and the other major urban centers of the realm and not residing in manors or castles in the countryside. (Note: The precision and reliability of the source materials vary quite a bit; the "rounder" a percentage, the greater the variation. ), One factor absent from Table 1 -- and yet a critically important one -- is serfdom and slavery. King Thomas VII reigns with only moderate opposition from the baronial party. This relationship ended with the start of the Infantry Revolution, when simple to use weapons and tactics (crossbows, pike formations, pole arms) were introduced, allowing a mass of peasants or yeomen to take to the field and effectively fight against mounted knights, so if your setting is in the mid 1400's or beyond, then the percentage of effective armed manpower increases, although the amount of time that they could take to the field will decease (since they still need to carry out farming, crafts and other daily tasks to stay alive and prosperous). The professional standing army is often seen as a product of more modern periods and is rarely correlated to the medieval era, especially in Europe. It mostly depends on the nation and time period. As well as the state of the realm. If the nation was at war, the leaders may deem it necessary to Although the combined number of mamluks under the amirs was quiet large as we will see below, they lacked the unity of the Royal mamluks and served dozens of masters making them secondary in size, importance, and power within the sultanate. Some foreign armies are at the end of this article too. This database was compiled by staff from the University of Southampton and theInternational Capital Market Association Centre in Reading, using documents held at The National Archives. Medieval states, being less organized, could not match this proportion. These studies paint a picture of factional power politics and relations between the sultans and the powerful mamluk amirs and their households. The primary role in peacetime is the protection of roads from bandits, and defense against barbarian raids. In addition to the Royal Mamluks who served the sultan directly, there were also contingents of mamluks that served the amirs, who were the officers and magnates of the regime. None of his "superiors" had any experience commanding either commoners or more than 40 or 50 men-at-arms. Hello, just made an account on Reddit. Military service for most of the medieval period was based on land ownership. They are famous for This enormous battle took place on the 15th of July in the year 1410 during the Polish-Lithuanian-Teutonic War. The "draft dodgers" noted are simply able-bodied individuals who choose not to go to war. I am most familiar with history past the 1600s so this is a really weak subject for me. As impressive as the Ottoman military machine was, there was another medieval army that predated that of the Ottomans in Egypt and Syria. Personally, I prefer the largest unit size because its more fun. This was based on contracts or indentures and commissions, such as commissions of array and commissions to muster, whereby appointed lords or officials were authorised to raise forces in the name of the king. The guide covers records from the 12th to the 17th centuries, including the Civil War. There are additional published and printed search resources available at The National Archives site in Kew, some of which may also help you to locate soldiers, and these are listed in section 10.2. You can search for a soldier by name, commander or document reference in the medieval soldiers databasewhich covers the period between the resumption of the Hundred Years War in 1369 and its end in 1453. Taking a general view of things, it seems that a common size for medieval armies was between 5,000 and 25,000 troops, with some of the largest formal organizations of armed forces numbering into the possible 500,000 to 600,000 troops in number. Slave, Soldier, Lord, and Sovereign: The Story of Baybars, The Turks: The Medieval Worlds Most Martial People, The slave who founded an empire: The story of Alp Tegin, The Assassination of Ahmad Ibn Ismail: Power Struggles in the Samanid Empire. What Was The Composition Of A Medieval Army? This burden is why Henry V's army left for France with approximately 20,000 soldiers and dwindled to less than 6,000 present at Agincourt, opposing a French army of about 24,000. Muster rolls for the Scots Army in England in January 1646, arranged by regiment and company, are in SP 41/2. Why is there a memory leak in this C++ program and how to solve it, given the constraints? Undead Tomb Kings. They could simply concentrate force in a small area much, much quicker than the land forces could respond. I love the large scale field battles with the biggest unit size, but when it comes to cities, my units dont fit anywhere! 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