my muslim boyfriend broke up with me

Your ex will likely be confused and hurt by your decision. Maybe you could take a yoga class, cooking lessons, or even go on a small vacation to put more significant physical and emotional distance between you and your ex-boyfriend. He just thinks that its time for him to be with someone new. Will he go to hell because of this relationship? Has he mentioned some issues that have been bothering him regarding you and your relationship? Maybe he cheated on you, but he could have just Doing so may have been one of the main things that would keep him from a punishment in Hell, as you mentioned you don't want him to go there. Remind him of the first date you went on, a fun trip you went on, or the first time he told you he loved you. Maybe your boyfriend hasnt been happy for a while, and he realized that he cant make your relationship work. It was actually a best-friend relationship. A woman I grew up with fell in love in college with a non-practicing Muslim. Shes a foodie who loves to cook. Even when we were in relationship, he used to tell me that we should break up as he used to feel guilty of this. Or maybe he will agree to see you and be happy about it instead. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Call them narcissists etc.. when the relationship is is over. You made the mistake of getting invested in an unavailable guy. The No contact rule is a period of time usually one month during which you abstain from all contact with your ex and their friends and family. Its true. We remain close friends. Indeed the knowledge of Allah Almighty given to us through the revelations to our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the most beneficial knowledge we can have. A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. If it was something he did, you need to understand why he did it. My Soon-to-be-wife has left me suddenly, And I am still deeply in love with her. Your boyfriend might not want to tell you why hes breaking up with you because the reason is another woman. I wish to leave my cheating husband and take the children with me, Used, manipulated, gaslighted, and then left by a man, Family dysfunction has resulted in a scarcity of suitable marriage proposals. Yes I get that there are some middle eastern Muslim guys that view some non Muslim women that way but he is not from the middle East and I am not from a western culture either. It's not your job to fix him. When youve attained the clarity you need, you can contact your ex again. Muslim women is only allowed to marry Muslim men. Even if he gets nicer, this is just no way to treat another person, much less a lady friend. His family may have upped the ante on the pressure for him to marry a Muslim woman. Of course sins have consequences but you must repent to god both of you was in wrong may god bring you back onto the correct path. He swore on the Muslim holy book as she requested. Trust Allh. Where can I find a good revert Muslim man to marry? You dont know what hes going through, so be patient and let him heal. Their popularity boils down to how skilled their coaches are. The more you keep worry for him and his new/ old girlfriend in your heart, the harder it will be for you. You may believe that your ex made a mistake, but its important that you show him youve changed. agde, I think you have misunderstood the purpose of this website. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Breaking up with him was the hardest and most painful. Islam has a pretty demeaning view of women. He says he loves you talk is cheap, his actions say otherwise. Maybe you could also do a little redecorating, especially if youve been living together and everything reminds you of him. Maybe he cant solve the other issues in his life, so he thought that breaking up with you will solve at least one of them and give him more time to focus on finding solutions for the other ones. Ana Vakos enjoys writing about love and all the problems that come with it. If you havent heard of Relationship Hero before, its a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations. Friend was atheist, girl walked out on him after 2 years because he didnt want to convert to christianity. As for information about Islam, I would suggest that you look up Dr. Zakir Naik on youtube and listen to his lectures. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. As for the relationship, we are not allowed to have relationships outside of marriage--so your boyfriend did do the right thing to end the relationship. Maybe you thought that he loved you, but he was just nice to you while it suited him. I suggest you visit your local masjid or Islamic Center. We cried on the phone as he told me that his parents and family would never accept me and that he wanted to be with me The reason is that Islam treats women very unfairly When you go no contact, you take the pressure off the situation. So, think about whether its really time to move on, for both of you. Its not over til the Trumpet is Blown Sin and Repentance in Islam, The Sin of Fornication and Adultery Part 1, The Sin of Adultery and Fornication Part 2, The Sin of Adultery and Fornication Part 3. You may want to try. WebMy boyfriend broke up with me yesterday because i'm im an Atheist and hes a muslim. As hard as it is just now, you and this boy did the right thing in not continuing a haraam relationship. Twenty-year-old Orla Irvine ( @orla14i) of Belfast, Ireland, posted three videos on TikTok that show her getting ready to end her relationship. This is in may ways an excellent thing you have been spared having a husband who puts his parents ahead of you. Unfortunately, one of the possible explanations for your boyfriends behavior is that he stopped loving you. But yeah, I wouldn't go back to him after this even if he was begging, Never date a Muslim unless they want to convert to Catholicism. You want to show him that youve changed and youre a better person. Healing from a breakup is a great excuse to go shopping for new clothes, get a great new haircut, party with friends, or even just soak in a warm bath with a glass of wine and a face mask. I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my coach was. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I'm still getting over it and he now is ignoring me. The only way to get past this and move on is by healing. This morning when I settled in at my computer to get some work done, I found this letter from a reader. Study, pray and may God guide you. so 1 year i was played like stupid and i am the cruel one? If you truly love your ex, and they have not moved on, then asking for a second chance is a good idea. Surely he gave you some sort of explanation, and maybe he would be willing to tell you more. Boyfriend broke up with me while in the hospital. Iread from many islamic sites that thefate of marrying someone can't be changed by making dua. Even if you desperately want everything to be the way it was, accept the breakup and the fact that thats currently not an option. In other words, if your ex is constantly stalking your social media accounts, theyre not ready to let go of you yet. I dont know if that'll ever happen. Maybe he thought he could tolerate some things that were there from the start, but he later came to the conclusion that theyre deal breakers for him. Either way, he just cant make himself love you. How should our family approach this? I know that going no contact isnt easy, but trust me, its necessary if you want to get your ex back. - a simple nikah ceremony would mean that you could be together in a halal way, and the rest can come with time, inshaAllah. If he thinks that your relationship cant be saved, or that it isnt worth saving, you are probably not going to get him back unless you make a huge change that would quickly improve your relationship. All my Duas turn against me, and I now fear making Dua at all! But first, lets find out why he broke up with you in the first place. 8 Pieces Of Advice To Help A Second Chance Relationship Succeed. You might feel like you have to contact them back because you feel guilty about what happened or because you want to apologize for something. Should I stay married, divorce, or marry a second wife? If you dont..,they reel you back in by apologizing false promises and the entire thing starts over. Well, Islam is not the problem, the problem is he does not want to marry you. The same day he broke up with me saying he's very sorry and didn't want this to happen. I am deleted every messages nd no, photos everything. Religion Experiment Was A Romance Failure. ! Use the rest to learn new things, meet new people, start a new hobby, change something about your appearance, and improve yourself in all sorts of ways. But when it happens seemingly out of nowhere and you dont even know the reason why your boyfriend left you, its brutal. Muslim men is only allowed to marry women that believes in one of the 3 big religions. Speak to a certified and experienced relationship coach to help you deal with a breakup thats come out of nowhere. He probably likes you, but he is scared of commitment, and your relationship was working for him when it was more casual. This is really very disappointing. When I was in a haram relationship I used to pray and ask Allh to guide him. He was perfect. Does Islam allow this? Plus, I laso want to add that as long as you are from among the 'ahlul-kitab' i.e. When he sees that you have your life together and that hes no longer the center of it, hell want to get back with you even more. You can feel free to pray to the one true God -the Creator of all things- any time, for anything. Finally, when the time is right, you should ask for a second chance. I think this is a rather harsh way to express what you're trying to say. This is enough time for everything to settle down, and by then youll both know if youve made the right choice or if you have regrets. The example of the one who remembers his Lord(God) in comparison with the one who does not remember his Lord is that of the living and the dead. [Sahih al-Bukhari; 11:208, Muslim; 1:539] can i please ask a personal question. This can help you get your ex back because hell see the positive changes in you. In fact, it might have been going so great that you talked about taking the next step. WebThis blog is managed by the content creator and not GhanaWeb, its affiliates, or employees. I quote; You need a man who wants to marry you. You want to marry him but what if this is not what ALLAH wants and when you marry him you have a bad life ahead or may be you don't have children God Forbid. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Guess Who? My boyfriend broke up with me and I want him back: 20 things to do. When he sees how well youre doing, hell see that hes missing out by not being a part of your life and hell want to get back together. You as a non Muslim women were always going to be second best, a concubine, a side chick. By getting closer to Allah, it made me realize that our relationship was SO wrong. Do what you need to do to mourn this ending relationship. The No contact rule gives you enough time to do this and get your life together before moving forward with your ex again. They can offer advice and share their own experiences. Now that you know what the No contact rule is and why it works, its time to figure out how to actually get your ex back using this technique. Dont get me wrong, every relationship comes with its own healthy dose of arguments and awkwardness. But there are still certain things that youd only know if youre not Muslim, and youre in a relationship with someone who is Islam doesnt permit drinking alcohol, so those 2-4-1 cocktails quickly become 2-4-YOU, which has its pros and cons. She couldn't leave the country. In the end he took her passport, she basically became a prisoner there. Still not sure what to do about the ending of your relationship? Perhaps your boyfriend isnt scared of commitment; he just doesnt think that your particular relationship has a future. He is a Muslim and as such has different authority and different values and different morals and ways of looking at things. I want to talk to there family but not sure how things will go can some one say anything Then, after the time has passed, you can reach out to him and see how he is doing. The right person for you wont leave you; theyll stick around for good. Surprisingly, a man can simply not have the time and energy for a girlfriend! Hello there Im exactly in same situation we didnt do anything wrong but we both love each other so much Im younger than her (2years) she is getting matches and Im not settled yet we both just graduated recently . If it matters so much to him, in the long run it would still have been a deal breaker. And now hes gone? In the meantime, it would not be appropriate for you to have private contact with him, and it would be important to ensure you both repent for what happened and make your interactions from now on in accordance with Islamic guidelines. Now that it has become clear that your relationship cant move forward, he figured that its better to end it and find someone he could grow old with. How are you supposed to get closure if he wont give you any explanations for his sudden decision to walk out of your life? I believe that some of it has to do with pressures from his family because ideally they would like him to be with a Muslim however they didnt dislike me at all and they have told him that they will love and accept him no matter what. "Real friends are gems to find. Respect yourself. People dont just leave abruptly for no reason. You, in turn, dont contact him. That's a lot of presumptions that you are making. Muslim Gogglebox star Jad Nehmetallah has issued a stern response to Reuban Kaye, after the comedian made a lewd joke about Jesus while appearing on The At this point I don't think he is a bad person. Its a technique that requires you to cut off all communication with your ex for a specific period of time. Examine what went wrong in your relationship and how you can improve so that things go better the next time around. This will make it difficult for you to get back together with him. I feel terrible. Please dont judge my lesbian relationship. Never ever beg! 1 Likes, 2 Comments - I love kiki break up with your boyfriend (@the_goat_andrew_murry) on Instagram: Me and my giirrrllll!! May Allah help us move on (eventhough idont) and hepl us heal our hearts InshaaAllah, I too am in a similar position. My own boyfriend used to do this all the time! You were always only ever a bit of fun, a bit of sex and a possession, a non Muslim possession that had authority over, given to him by his god. My dua was accepted and we broke up because his sister caught him havingthe relationship. Doing so will only make you look desperate, and you dont want to do anything to jeopardize your chances of getting back together. I feel like Allah is angry with me, because everytimeI promise Allah thatI won't do this and thatI always break my promise and do that mistake again knowing that it is a sin. But, its really hard to figure out what went wrong if youre still in touch with your ex. But atheists we cannot marry. On the other hand, maybe he didnt have the intention of using you. Be glad you discovered the walking red flag he was before you got even more involved, and don't try to rationalize why he is so cold now because the truth is, he was likely that cold from the beginning and his "sweet" personality toward you was a performative act all along. If he feels like youre not interested in him anymore and are moving on with your life if he feels like he cant have you hell want you even more. In the end, you cant rely on him to give you closure. No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision: He is above all comprehension, yet is acquainted with all things. (Al-Anam 6:103) Thanks for your response. Manage Settings You said your not a muslim then why you reading the Quran. But, you should try to keep your intentions hidden from your ex. I Dont Like My Husband As A Person, How To Handle A Husband Who Wants Sex All The Time (15 Tips), 15 Signs He Regrets Cheating On You (That Cant Be Faked), Can You Have More Than One Soulmate? There are many reasons why a relationship might end. I know how it hurts. Study, pray and may God guide you. I miss him a lot and i know he does too. Sometimes, there simply comes a time to leave a relationship even though theres no specific reason for doing so. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You need to stop assuming everyone is having sex!!! My boyfriend and I were in a relationship for almost 2 and a half years. Save your dignity and dont chase after a man who doesnt want you, even if you think that hes the most amazing man in the world. But I feel so sad and devistated. Are my stepsisters feelings and actions justified? 1 Likes, 2 Comments - I love kiki break up with your boyfriend (@the_goat_andrew_murry) on Instagram: Me and my giirrrllll!! Before you read them, though, think about your relationship and how he has been acting lately. Please tell me how to pray. Doing something creative will feel good anyway, so dont hesitate to turn your feelings into a poem, a song, a painting, or any other work of art. You want to casually bring up the good old days. So why not chat online to one of the experts from Relationship Hero who can help you figure things out. If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to a relationship coach. Search Internet for ESL and city where you live. That's the narcissist discard. If youve gone through the no contact period and you still want to get your ex back, you may have to be the one to initiate getting back together. Islam knows people have urges, but there are only ways for us to do it that's right. Religion Experiment Was A Romance Failure. I pray to God to give me the strength to change for my own benefit, thanks for reading me. I think it should not be called a bf-gf relationship. Perhaps he had doubts or felt he was not ready to commit or perhaps there was something he wanted to tell you but never got the chance to say. I felt bad as well as heartbroken when he said to me that he was never my He and his ex will only continue to hurt you. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This is where the No contact rule comes in. Your boyfriend might not want to tell you why hes breaking up with you because the reason is another woman. He didnt know i was a Atheist and i told him yesterday. I hate to be a bible thumper but, even in the bible it's says for one not to be unequally yoked. After a breakup, your ex might be confused, scared, and questioning their decision to end the relationship. Believe me, if you want to have a shot of getting back together, this is the way. Because once you paint a new picture of what your life together could be like, you could end up creating the relationship youve always dreamt of. At the end, If you see the overall picture, allowing sex without marriage will lead to feel you like you are cheated and you are less precious and easily available . Even if abrupt, a breakup is still a breakup. When you were in a relationship, it was easy to blame your breakup on external factors. He might be overwhelmed with everything thats going on, and youre only amplifying the stress. I am not muslim, but my boyfriend is muslim. In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice for your situation. If this is the case, dont assume that he never loved you to begin with. You could say this to both the girl and the guy and they would both just sit there waiting for the other person to do the work to marry them. A modern agnostic woman older than the man and a devoted muslim family is He never thought highly of you or was going to treat you well because his religion says that he doesnt have to, as you are a non believer in Islam. Dont sit at home feeling sad and lonely. i know is my fault for having sex with a man without a proper commitment and is something that i learned and i want to change for myself. However, if you do still want him, give him another chance or ask him to give you one. inshallah Allah will listen to us . She said "NO". Let me just start off by saying that I can understand this predicament all too well. Within minutes, you could be receiving life-changing advice on how to navigate and repair the issues youre facing in your relationship. If your ex-boyfriend broke up with you, dont do anything to make him feel like youre desperate to get him back. Some spiritual differences are just not so easily reconciled. But you are spot on about the control thing. He reveals the texts you can send and things you can say that will trigger deep feelings inside him. For example, when you meet your ex for coffee, bring up some fun memories of the two of you together. If you push him too hard, hell resent you even more and the breakup will become permanent. Finally, we, as Muslims, are supposed to depict and sincerely show the correct path that Allah swt wants us to remain on, Islam. Thanks. Its totally wrong. Occupy your time and give it some time. speaking to someone via, discussed where your relationship is going, chat online to one of the experts from Relationship Hero, 11 Tips To Move On From A Relationship Without Closure, 15 Sad Signs Your Partner Wants To Break Up With You, 14 Fundamental Reasons Why Relationships Fail: Common Causes Of Breakups, How Long Does It Take To Get Over A Breakup? If you have tried talking to your boyfriend and he doesnt want to try to fix things, theres not much more that you can do at this point. Jelena has a background in photography and film-making and has spent the last few years as a content editor and copywriter. When you feel that sadness within you, when you are disturbed and frustrated, when anxiety surrounds you, say Astaghfirullah I pray that God guides me I'm just lost. hes is not! Even if he truly loves her lots of things can stop him: Allah, death, kidnapping, severe injury, elders not agreeing, lack of income to support a family, too close of a genetic relationship to have disease free kids. I am 40 years old and what I dislike so much is people dont take me seriously when I say I dont have sex without commitment is like people think I am joking.. My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday because i'm im an Atheist and hes a muslim. You may want to try speaking to someone via for empathetic, specific, and genuinely insightful relationship advice at its most convenient. I am a feminist, pro LGBTQ+ rights, anti-racism. But On August 3, his parents got him engaged with someone else. Lets start with that, and afterward, you can see whether you should try to get him back or let him go and move on. However, dont nag him, and if he has told you that he doesnt want to talk to you, respect his decision. but in my case i only understand this is haram but not my bf he didn't want to understand this is haram he is say tha i am cheating with him he says Allah also says don't break heart anyone and don't hurt them that's right I agreed with them but Allah also says not in haram. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Since then, he broke up with me, starting seeing his ex girlfriend, and is now treating me coldly like as if I never existed and like he never even I would suggest you study Islam but be careful you are doing it because God decides everything and this is one path to God. Hes certainly not, and becoming more aware of his flaws can help you get over him. Has it always felt like your relationship had an expiration date? They're notorious for this in my state. How can I be a better Muslim? Whereas you considered him an equal and his religious beliefs as valid as yours. Are my stepsisters feelings and actions justified? But maybe it wasn't the love of your life, just another lesson of life. It's not like the girl doesn't love the guy in this case right? It's sad to think how long you can be ", "It's been a great article. Sometimes, the answer is simple, even if we dont want to hear it. recite it and yul get what you want inshallah. This article is here to help you achieve that. This hurts a lot, but it happens quite frequently and gives your boyfriend a pretty good reason not to tell you anything. First, I do agree with Sister Amy that we shouldn't assume that any two people are intimate with one another. He might have simply realized that its not what he wants anymore because the relationship has run its course. I think this young man did you a kindness. Maybe he cheated on you, but he could have just become interested in someone else. It just wont be with him. I touched my female cousin without her consent. Dont worry. I am deeply in love with my Muslim Ex-Boyfriend. See if hell be the one who reaches out to you. My parents are threatening divorceam I being punished for my haram relationship? I'm just hurt while happy just hurt. You are precious and created by God. If he is still calling you, tell him you would like to remain friends (if you do) but that you need some time away from him to grieve your ending relationship and the loss of the future you thought you had with him. Maybe you broke up because you were unsure about what you wanted or needed. Declare (O Muhammad SAW) unto My slaves, that truly, I am the Oft-Forgiving, the Most-Merciful. But is it normal to move on after a few days like that? I know that what you need right now is sympathy but honestly I think you've been very foolish. Now is the time to reflect on what you want and what went wrong. Maybe your relationship hit more than a few bumps in the road before it ended. When she eventually arrived back in the USA she went to court and filed for divorce and custody of her children. After a while, if you still want him back, you can reach out to him again. If your ex-boyfriend is still in love with you, these tips will help him see that being with you is the best decision hell ever make. Ask God to show you what's best for you. There's no need for the two of you to rush into a big wedding, living together, setting up a home, etc. This makes the person think that they don't have to do anything and if the other person loves them enough they will do all the work and overcome any obstacle. Dont ever beg him to take you back. If youre not ready for a serious relationship, dont get back together with him and lead him on. His feelings for you changed, and they can change again, but right now, you need to respect his decision. Get some distance from him to heal from the hurt and figure out what you truly want on your own. I don't mind if you pray that:) But a guy who loves me unconditionally..does such a man exist?? If you want to get your ex back, you need to show them that youve changed and matured as a person since you two were together. Ways for us to do anything to make him feel like youre desperate get! Upped the ante on the Muslim holy book as she requested through a patch! Advice and share their own experiences get your life together before moving forward with ex... Just another lesson of life Settings you said your not a Muslim and as has! Necessary if you truly want on your own he swore on the for... Closure if he wont give you any explanations for your situation me the strength change! Still in touch with your ex, and he realized that he cant make himself you... 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