naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction

Rated T for mentions of and consumption of alcohol. After the quick mental battle between her loyalty to Zabuza and her wanting to get what was on her mind out she decided to tell him, some but not all. Haku smiled at the suffix and snuggled into Naruto as he hugged her tightly. Haku said defensively not wanting to have her master thinking that. Once they managed to pull the pants off, Haku looked at Naruto's boxers and saw her attended target was fully hard. ", The said Uchiha just chuckled in response as he pushed Arashi off him and brushed himself off. ", And with that said Zabuza rushed towards the mercenary army. ", Jaune Arc having been parishes two weeks after being accepted by beacon academy, Fate however seemed to have different plans for the young Knight instead, he caused him to reincarnate into a body of an infant born of a samurai father and a civilian mother. There are infinite histories throughout the infinite timelines, and Fu is a bored dimensional traveler; he wants to change the course of history from one of the countless worlds he has explored. ", Haku blushed deepened. ", Haku cursed mentally at Zabuza being able to read her like a book. Truthfully I wanted to stay dead, but, The universe decided to give me my memories with a new life. She kept this us till it reached the back of her throat. I wouldn't have any problem reading one if it's well written. Haku swirled around the cum in her mouth and decided she like it before gulping it down greedily before licking off some of it off her face before wiping the rest off. "So what did you two do?" After that I became a gennin and well, the rest is history since I'm here. He saved me and gave me a purpose. Broken Glass 3. So I came out here to cool off. As he raced towards the bridge he noticed something odd. A perfectly executed Kawarimi placed Naruto at point-blank range with no desire to deflect or dodge. A few of the more curious animals got closer to see the heart warming scene. She had told Zabuza she needed to cool herself down after Gato had tried to hurt Zabuza and she snapped his arm like a twig. What the hell! "Well, I guess I'll start from the beginning. She nodded and braced herself as Naruto pulled back a little before thrusting in, breaking her hymen. "That was the worse beaten I ever had and they never got worse than that. I love this pairing. Haku following its example relaxed her throat muscles and slowly slid Naruto's member into it. They would give me questions that no one in the room could answer, including themselves. Their son - Naruto Namikaze - grows up haunted by the attack, reviled by the village he hopes to one day save. Find the original work here. Now Naruto is forced to cope without the one thing everyone takes for granted the most. "Well I better go train with teme or he'll get worried, even if he doesn't show it.". I Do Not Own Naruto. He holds her burden: the Fox. Naruto sniffed the air as he caught the scent of something weird. Sasuke looked at him like he was a moron. A kunoichi who doesnt have a clan to fall back on must be prepared to make the world her own. So until he sees I'm no longer fit to be a weapon, I will serve him.". Patting herself on the back for managing to swallow it all, Haku started to hum lightly like the praised orange book said. Zabuza seeing this had eyes widen to the size of dinner plates. Naruto looked curious as to why someone would worry about having one since they seem to gain you instant respect in Konoha. He did not have the strength to stop the kitsune so he did the next best thing he sealed it. "That was wonderful. Naruto pulled out a green moss looking plant and gave it to Haku. Unable to take it anymore Haku screamed so loudly as she orgasmed from Naruto's ministrations that she was heard through Nami. Seeing nothing, he deactivated them and looked at Arashi. This is the first time he has actually attempted to train me in something while he taught Sasuke some fire jutsu and gave Sakura some sessions in genjutsu. Naruto cursed whatever deity that gave him false hope before sighing in resignation. Oh, and became Hokage too, I guess. One, it was her time of the month or two, something had happened and it made her irritable and he was going with the latter seeing the flush she had on her face or possible both as it was right around that time of the month. "I sure did, I even got the rookie of the year. ", Zabuza's eyes widen hearing this. And, I'm pretty sure that has a great deal to do with Naruto's finding and establishing a new nindo. ", Hearing this had tears falling like streams from Naruto's eyes before he glomped Haku. Immediately, my first thought was: If Sasuke changes and not Naruto, then Naruto would remain a prankster because that aspect of Naruto disappeared sometime around Wave. ", With that said Sasuke turned around and walked off leaving a smirk on Haku's face and a horrified Naruto. You were supposed to stay outside!" Naruto kissed her forehead and spoke softly to her. A woman, outwardly able to present as such, respected, powerful, not persecuted for her bloodline - but accepted. She grabbed his boxers and pulled them off much easier then his pants and gasp as she saw how well endowed Naruto was. Orochimaru know the formula idiot dead last, attention starved orphan= seal master, cocky arrogant and power hungry genius=ninjutsu architect/ master. Haku nodded accepting the answer as she pulled out another moss plant before looking at Naruto once more. As she realized what she said she slapped her hands over her mouth in horror. I enjoy the ship as well. ", Not wanting to hear about this anymore, Sasuke turn to Sakura. Naruto nodded his head. He was glad that Sasuke and Sakura had taken his side but it still frustrated him to no end with the man. She gasped hearing that and nearly threw up as it was sickening to hear of something like that happening. Keep up with the good work! "How the hell did you get her so fast? Haku bit her lip as she kept herself from screaming out in pain as it was one of the most painful things she had ever experienced. Naruto curled up into a ball and started to rock back and forth as he shivered. Haku's blush deepened and made sure her shoulder strap was on. Troo_Fst 3 yr. ago ", As he finished speaking an arrow lodged itself in front of him. Aku melakukan ini semua demi cinta kita, demi dirimu. After his parents continually neglect him he leaves and stu Naruto Uzumaki met someone during his mission in Wave. Not getting a response she could only figure it was. ", (A/N: This is just a summary of what happened as the same as cannon). We will meet again, Naruto. As the first load of the stick white liquid spilled into her mouth Naruto forgot about whatever he was thinking of and moaned loudly in ecstasy. "What, the reason you didn't bring any food?" Sakura raised an eyebrow and Naruto's face fell. Most of the Anbu like me so they did their job but a few didn't so they purposely let me get beaten during their watch and sometimes would even help. Sasuke's eyes soften at that even if she was an enemy not to long ago. Murdered by vengeful villagers, Naruto discovers startling facts about life and the afterlife. maybe going down the same path as orochimaru. He is more interested in training Sasuke-teme and Sakura over me. Im very interested in reading this. Kakashi non existent training of Naruto, Sasuke's prick attitude and betrayal, Sakura for sometimes being a bitch and belittling Naruto, Jiraiya and his suppose training of Naruto during the two and a half years, etc). "Well I better go. . Unlike the original, Orochimaru finds Naruto to be too much of a nuisance to be ignored but too intriguing to just kill. ", Naruto nodded having the same thought track going through his mind. He is my only precious person and I will do anything to protect him. ", Sasuke rolled his eyes at her before shaking his head. Picking himself off the ground, Naruto rushed over to help Sasuke. ", Zabuza couldn't resist the urge this time and smacked his forehead and howled in pain for doing so. Inari looked at Naruto in aw as he saw this, but still had a little bit of his old nature still with him. Naruto at birth is tranfered to Third earth by his mother to protect him, from Konoha he is trained in ninja arts thanks to his father Kurnama . And with that said she disappeared in a swirl of flames. 'OH HELL NO! I've change the time span of how long it takes Zabuza to recover and changed up the occurrence of some events. Kakashi's eyes widen remembering it as Kyuubi's and looked down to Naruto, expecting it to be coming from him, but was stunned when it wasn't. As he saw Haku take off her kimono, Naruto got the idea and unzipped his jacket before wiggling out of it and his shirt as he was pinned between a beautiful looking girl and the ground. The crimson youki around her started to change her features, making her fingers into claws, growing fangs and her face become feral as the youki condensed and for the shape of a fox with one tail. It was someone he came to cherish and care for within a span of ten days. ", This of course woke Haku up as well and both looked towards the direction of a flushed Sasuke. ", Haku looked shifty eyed as if she was looking for a way out. ", It all clicked in Haku's head as she heard this. It smelt a little like honey and fish? Haku accept, glad that she lost her virginity to a caring person like Naruto instead of some jerk that just wanted to get his jollies off, though they never did get the opportunity as they either had a senbon end their ability to procreate or had a pissed off man swinging a head chopping sword at them. ", She smiled lightly at Naruto. They left without me! ", Arashi smiled at his mother and asked excitedly. Finished. Haku jumped down into it as it started to clear and came face to face with Naruto. 'What the fuck? A New Generation, A New Team 8. brainy, top of her class bookworm=medic nin. If we both manage to get out of this, would you like to go out for something to eat? Sakura's eyes widen and looked down in sorrow as she tilted her head towards where he was. Naruto noticed this but that wasn't what intrigued him. In which a blunt, and eccentric OC is placed into the body of one Sakura Haruno at the start of Naruto. Copyright 2020 studio 3S | Eat, Live, Travel --. I'm bad at descriptions but this will be a Naruto x Female Haku story Side note: No art is mine unless I say so Shipping options for sasuke. Seeing this, Sasuke jumped in the way taking the blow instead of Naruto. . When she drew the senbon out Zabuza looked a little worried. He licked his way around the inside getting a feel for it and added another finger as he removed his head to breathe. So, heres a rewrite of canon where Naruto is born with only disadvantages and he becomes the best ninja that has ever lived through stubborn hard work. "You two did something didn't you? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Why not do it? All rights reserved. Now what happened? Screamed Haku shaking Naruto as his eyes closed. She really doubted that he would be there but decided to go anyways. Once she was out, Zabuza turned to Kakashi. "Um, how did you know? I was wondering. October 10 The Kyuubi attack happened but at the same time a legend a being more powerful than god was born Naruto UzuKaze was born along with his siblings Na Naruto always knew he wasn't the same as everyone else. "What, the reason you didn't bring any food?" Sakura raised an eyebrow and Naruto's face fell. ", The mercenaries knowing they were out numbered ran off like cowards. 13 adeerae 3 yr. ago Haku looked up at Naruto and had a genuine smile on her face before kissing him lightly. How would this change the outcome of Naruto. "Hey, what's up? Honestly, she just wanted to know what it was after hearing his little mumbling. What the hell! ", Arashi smiled widely and jumped around like a certain blonde would have done. She chuckled as she pried him off of her. Zabuza-sama!" He loved her with all of his being. ", Naruto winced at those words and mumbled under his breath so low that it was almost unable to be heard almost. Her chance to just be some random girl in her alone time. ", "Hey Haku." He jumped up in fright and pulled out a kunai ready to defend himself from a nearby threat and noticed the girl bending over him. She licked her lips at the thought of that and gripped his shaft in her hands and slowly started to pump it as she pulled herself closer to it. Her eyes widen in alarm as she heard him and noticed that she was a somewhat wet. What if no one knew he was smart? I mean very! ", Naruto blinked for a second then it dawned on him. A/N: Not all of these will end up as a happily ever after, so don't be surprised if a few end so. Though, each light has its flaws. He made it a law that anyone that were to talk about Kyuubi would be counted as treason and be thrown in jail. And then Haku asks Sai to paint on him. We also use content and scripts from third parties that may use tracking technologies. Do you smell something that smells like honey and fish?". Haku walked into the room with Zabuza lying in a bed, flipping through the channels on the TV. Just being around him has gotten me wet. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Naruto had a pleasant feeling spread through him like none other before as he felt his sack was on a fire, which was odd because fire normally hurt. "Haku-chan, I can't let these people suffer anymore, and the only way to do that is if this bridge is completed. He brought his head towards her slit and licked the little nub making Haku moan loud enough that he was sure someone had to hear it. Until he disappears for ten years only to come back stronger than before to prove OPMxNaruto Pretty close to canon. He took me away with him and gave me a purpose to live for him and serve him without question. "I do have one good thing from the furball. Now being put into audio by JazzOfTheSpazz on YouTube for those who want to listen! Please do it". "Um you were just kidding up watching us if that happened right. who's to say sound can't have there own Sannin? "Dream, tch. Chapter 20. Naruto thought about it logically and realized that someone was heading towards the house and rushed back to help them. Hearing that having someone to protect gives direction and strength of character? Did he expect me to hate him because of that?' [There's only so much loss one can experience before bone deep weariness, settles in and old rage starts to boil up again. Unless she was having her period, then it would be wrong constantly. I did so and once he found me along with Iruka-sensei, he told me of my burden since even I didn't know of it. "Eh! The story is pretty fantastic. "You know it helps to talk about your pain otherwise it just bottle up inside. Haku nodded to them. I will do more than one for Yugito and Haku since they are my favorite female characters and are the best fits for Naruto, in my opinion anyways. The place to come for fanfiction stories that take place in or use characters from the Naruto universe. Tony Stark is the lews therin telamon of the MCU, Or, surprisingly enough, this might end up having, yeah imagine there roles reversed at the VotE. Naruto Fic Rec Masterpost notes: so i never actually managed to finish But when the pack is killed by shinobi, Naruto vows revenge by you dance in gravedust, between the hollows of your heart Naruto ; Life after death Ch 1, Naruto; Lost Soul Reborn Ch 3, Naruto; Transformation Ch 1, Naruto FanFiction; Oblivious Ch 1, Naruto FanFiction ", Naruto lightly smiled at her. "Sasuke, but why? She wont be weak. Lemons later in the Story. "Ow! "I thought I told you not to come. You're girlfriend is back! They give him his mother's name, in the hopes that anonymity will shield him from his father's enemies. Biting the zipper handle, she dragged it down till it stopped and pulled his pants off, with a little help with Naruto. Mei would have supported people like Haku to have led a meaningful life rather than one where she had to hide. Site: | Category: Naruto | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 3 | Words: 4,236 | Reviews: 36 | Favs: 76 | Follows: 128 | Updated: Dec 3, 2020 | Published: Feb 5, 2019 | id: 13198717 | Language: English | Genre: Romance/Drama | Characters: | Download: EPUB or MOBI, FanfictionBot2.0.0-beta | Usage | Contact ffnbot!ignore. She moved silently towards the source and noticed it was the blonde Konoha shinobi that managed to get Zabuza to release his hold on Kakashi. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "Naruto". He fixes Naruto with an angry glare. "I know the blonde hair boy is a jinchuuriki. After a few more moments the broke their kiss and both started panting. Naruto looked at her and spoke. "Hey teme! Towards life, towards a tyrant smothering the country in fear and turmoil. ", Haku looked sympathetically at him before brushing the bangs out of his eyes making Naruto face snap up. You would think last night would have had some effect on him. With Sakura the weakling of the team, if she ends up taking the CS for Sasuke, its an even more slippery slope into darkness for her. There will be some grammar and spelling errors so expect some and if not, something is seriously wrong. The place to come for fanfiction stories that take place in or use characters from the Naruto universe. Also posted on FFN. Kaida Aozora is t ", A large sweat drop developed on Zabuza's head at the lame excuse before growling out. I'll never understand how you and your damned son changed me.". A collection of Valentine's Day oneshots from Konohagakure. If he can no longer be a useful weapon to his savior, what is Haku's purpose to exist? naruto zanpakuto bloodline fanfiction sasuke bashing; graveyard keeper game; frank lloyd wright chicago house; . The three of them rolled their eyes as they head off, as Arashi gave one last glance at the invisible one in the tree. "I told you I never would let anything harm you, tenshi. ", She looked up to see a scowling Uchiha looking at her. This is so fucked up! ", After listening to the story, Naruto had to agree if he were in her position, he would have done the same. As she was about to answer him she noticed Naruto was sniffing her. "Um, Naruto. ", Finishing that, Sasuke turned around and started to walk off once more as Naruto walked behind him still a little shell shocked. She noticed that he activated the Sharingan and threw an ungodly amount of senbon at the two and the majority hit Naruto as Sasuke dodged his. They looked towards where it came from to see Inari holding a cross bow with the villagers of Nami armed to the teeth behind him. In a flash of light, blood sprayed over Kakashi and Zabuza. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. This. So she was pissed. "Um We weren't expecting it to happen either. "The day I was born my kaa-san hid my true gender from my tou-san since he wanted a son saying that a daughter would make his life miserable. Knowing he was about to release, she slipped it out of her throat, wanting a taste to see if it as good as all those erotic books said it was. Wedding Sniper 9. Naruto is cursed instead. If it weren't for the Anbu and Hokage-ojij arriving on time I would most likely have been burned alive as I was crucified.". Self-insert takes over Naruto right after he was knocked out from one of Sakura's punches, everyone thinks Sakura gave him brain damage because of the personality shift and memory loss. When Naruto loses everything he ever knew he gets another chance in which Kurama sends him back to a much simpler time where he was just a child trying to get attention but this time become the strongest shinobi in history basically Naruto time travel I know how unoriginal but its my first fic go easy on me. She wrapped her legs around Naruto's waist and started to slowly move her hips. "Wait it's you. Without thinking, Haku jumped Naruto and kissed him deeply, surprising the twelve year old. There's a lot of training arcs and pairings might get changed in future. Tidak, jangan lihat aku seperti itu sayang. The most progressive and crossdressing accepting dude in the whole series!". But your writing style is very good. Naruto curled up into a ball and started to rock back and forth as he shivered. ", He shrugged his shoulders and went back to picking more herbs as Haku mentally fought over whether or not to tell him. As he was thinking about how fire normally was painful, Haku felt Naruto's cock harden even further than before. Anyways, let's go get some ramen!". ", She turned around at him and spoke with an angry voice. Good luck! I don't think Naruto would change enough, if he had missed out on the Haku-ness in favor of Sasuke. ", Naruto sighed as well. But that still didn't make it right that she was nothing but a mere slave to him. Naruto finds help from A Man long thought Dead. ", Naruto was clearly had a bad day after the mourning incident and wasn't getting any better as Kakashi had actually agreed with Inari. Sakura Haruno will become a Seal Master. ", Arashi shook his head as he turned back to Sasuke. Im working on one right now. Please consider turning it on! Haku nodded in understanding as she did the same thing. The Sakura/ Various Fic No One Asked For. Power hungry genius=ninjutsu architect/ master that smells like honey and fish?.. Ago ``, the rest is history since I 'm no longer fit to heard... Smells like honey and fish? `` and asked excitedly throat muscles and slowly slid Naruto 's boxers pulled. Eyes widen in alarm as she pried him off of her throat turned! This had tears falling like streams from Naruto 's boxers and saw her target. 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