rappers that don't believe in god

Kamilah T. Harris Hold up, maybe slavery and segregation were condoned in the scriptures, but prejudice, intolerance, and racism never were. If jesus is not real then those do not believe has nothing to worry about and all christians will be alright, but if He is real christians will still be alright what about those who don't believe?The believers has being a central part of Every BLACK movement, N.A.A.C.P, MARTIN LUTHER KING DIED defending his people, MARCUS GARVEY betrayed by the very people he so loved, check your black history and see how many educated people without GOD stood up for their people. I feel sorry you don't believe in our Lord and Savior. People think I am Christian because of my last name. Until then you are a dam arrogant fool. No, the only obvious is that you epic failure in your arguments. There is no need for religion, god belief, any belief, drugs, alcohol, or smoking. I'm para-phrasing but Allah puts forth this challenge in the book. 6. Religion is such a part of the culture that people often think theres no such thing as a black atheist. Tangie Miner I really hope and pray that you eyes and your heart get opened. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE ABOLITIONIST MOVEMENT__ The goal of the abolitionist movement was the immediate emancipation of all slaves and the end of racial discrimination and segregation. But really though, how and where does it hurt you to believe? YOU OUGHT TO BE UPLIFTING THEM AND HELPING THEM FIGHT AGAINST THE EVIL POWERS!!!!!! BUT GUESS WHATTHAT IS WHY THEY ARE LOOKED DOWN UPON BY THE EUROS AND GUESS WHAT, OUR POOR BRAINWASHED PEOPLE GO ALONG WITH THEIR EVIL PROGRAM SAYING THAT HAITI SOLD THEIR SOULS TO THE DEVILWHAT THE HECK. @ron jones yeah my fellow mexicans have the same plight forced upon them but with semi-different bvllshit,catholic church. It's also obvious that you don't know laws of thermodynamics or anything science related either. Once I realized she wasn't I decided I lost interest in discussion with her on this subject. If my last name HAD to be a disease I would prefer chlamydia. One written by historians, not theologians. Seems we are either one extreme or the other, no Balance. Bad things happen to everyone. There are many artists who rap about positive messages and life experiences. You don't know me. Personally, I don't care whether you belong to a religion or a cult as long as you 1) don't use scare tactics to get people to join, 2) don't shun science, 3) keep your faith out of the law, and 4) harm no one. You honestly have no clue. Death is just being in an unconscious state, not knowing nothing (Eccl. We should value that instead of religion. Lisa, did you mark my response as spam?! It is just stupid for a black person to worship a white Jesus. Easy mistake. "" Gilbert Santiago Riiight nice going *sigh* why does it always devolve into personal attacks with you insecure people. Ironic last name, Samantha! I fully expect that two generations from now, the mental stranglehold that religion and other forms of superstitious thinking (aka 'spirituality') have had on people of color for millennia will finally be broken and replaced by a more reality-based view of our world and our existence. The problem is, Jesus is not the son of God. Why do you think none of them especially in that video has ever collected a Nobel Prize if they are so certain of "God's existence?" Jesus is now and forever, He is real. Lori Nichole Atheists and agnostics aren't mutually exclusive. (As you can easily see from some of the comments here.). Thereby, introducing evidence/proof (even though it was fully subjective) that science vastly backs yours and others' claims that "God exist." Put down the symbol of death (the cross) and Sankofa. I love this! The one who gives you life. There are agnostic theist scientists as well. by things that really doesn't make sense. Its fashionable to do away with religion. Where is your evidence? and he loves me even tho I screw up a lot! I know I don't need a piece of paper to honor me as to what I'm good at doing. That is inexcusable. Well ~~~~newsflash~~~~ IT DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT NOW AND NEVER WILL! First they create the scenario by infecting you with this virus "sin" then offer you an imaginary cure "salvation". However, he. I can proudly say that I will never confess to something that is not true. Fact is they were told by the slave master what to believe for so long it became ingrained in their psyche. Then I have to remind myself that I don't f*cking believe in hell. You care more about your false beliefs than the life, health and happiness of your REAL nephew. Keep proving me right. it is dispersed like smoke before the wind, I will pray for you. WHAT YA'LL NEED TO BE UPLIFTING IS HAITI AND ITS GLORIOUS HISTORY OF HOLDING ON TO THE TRADITION. No need to try to separate "spiritual" from "religious" when the truth is that you are religious and a member of a religion. While we may not be your particular definition of traditional Buddhism, ours is the vehicle closest to the Daishonin's spirit and has always stood up for all justice. Their excuse is that the Bible was written by men, well, every book was written by someone (man or woman) but you believe most of the information that's in those books? 10) LL Cool J - "The Power of God". Than there is the other place; not of rest, but of contempt. I'll wait. Christianity lives everywhere in the world. I did not convey it as proof of God's existence, it was use to show how some scientist are coming to their conclusions about God." Apparently not. The idea of questioning without questioninga kind of obedience without questioning comes from this idea of being a former slave. 2: something believed; especially : a tenet or body of tenets held by a group However, free-will is the term present-day believers use to dodge today's science vs prophecy, or the fact that their scriptures are full of contradictions & fairy tales. I don't care if the whole world don't believe in Jesus and God. I simply suggest that you have faith. In fact, it's the most objectively correct thing to do considering all objective evidence and proof trumps all stories, testimonies, hearsay especially on questions of if there is a God or not. There's much we don't know. 1 of the biggest tricks God does is to say Satan exists.. Amazing to see so many believers and non-believers alike so FIERCELY defending something they cannot prove. I don't care. Fix your priorities! Atheism is not a faith. Toby's solo career began in 1999 after the band disbanded. Gods don't exist. So how did we get Jesus? Cheryl South Ummmmthey weren't loving one another during the crusades. That's what I said , and now I am leaving this page before some of the Devil's work tries to affect me , for I"m in the Army of the Lord and planning on staying there. Lecrae, who many refer to as the present leader of Christian rap movementfurther highlighted the desire for more religion driven music to be incorporated into the culture when his 2014 LP,. I accept the Holy Bible for what it is many allegorical stories absorbed by its authors from mostly Egyptian methology used to explain the universe. Or is it telekinetic. Love everything you said. Ruth Ware It was a lot of fluff, crap, and stuff I had to address so sorry for the multiple posts to your post. Estevan Carlos Benson HAVE A BLESS DAY YOUNG MAN. Elliot C. Myrick Actually Jesus was real. Elliot C. Myrick if that is so where did you come from how do you come to Exsist? I've debated Muslims before including my own stepfather several times. I just believe in God. Of course relatively, I don't need you or anybody else as a mouthpiece if God actually existed in the form/s claimed. GOD bless you and may he be with you the devil is a liar. I hope you find your faith. Hebrews 9:27-And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. one was the overview, the next was the method of doing so. Can you consistently demonstrate that with sufficient evidence to make me believe that the world is older than 5 minutes??? is traversed by the movement of its wings, BY CHANCE PLEASE STOP BELIEVING IN THE BULLSHIT YOUR SEEING ON TV JOH SOMEIGE MENSE KAN RERIG DOM WEES LAG MY GAT AF, samantha.a.christian COME ON YOU REALLY CAN'T BE THAT NAIVE YOUR SO DUMB THAT YOU BELIEVE IN PETTY THINGS THAT MAKE NO SENSE FAIRY TALES.THE TOOTH FAIRY , PRINCESS GROW UP THAT IS CHILDISH AND PLEASE GO A HEAD AND BE YOUR ANTI-CHRIST AND SEE WHERE HOW FAR IT GO LASTE LAG DIE LEKKERSTE SIEN HOE VEER KOM JY MET JOU KAK JA EK HET DIT GESE MAAR DIE ALMAGTIGE VADER GENAADE OP JOU SIEL HET AND THAT GOES FOR THE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE THE CHILDISH SHIT YOUR WRITING DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND GO BACK TO PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A DUMB PERSON IN MY LIFE SO DELUSIONAL ALL I CAN DO IS PRAY FOR YOU GOD BLESS , you don't exist!!!! however, in this country, i will support your spiritual right to call on whomever you choose when u get in trouble. However, there are some celebrities who dont believe in Jesus or God at least not in an orthodox way. shows me what kind of unbeliever you are." Out of all the people in the Bible, can you name one burial place? God strengthens my faith. Helps the planet!!!" Black people continue to apply extreme pressure to each other to believe in Christianity. A million Likes for your long rants in form of epistles will NOT reduce the number of Christians around the world! He loves you . you like her better than me huh? Winston Sherman maybe he is , but not the saviour of any body of any color , including you!!!!! Sin doesn't exist. Also, gods plural (polytheism) was invented and existed long before your god singular (monotheism) was invented and existed. Kudos to you. Even as a child when I attended church I always thought is was strange that here I was attending a black church and there was a picture of a blond, blue eyed man on the wall that someone said represented Jesus. I totally agree with you Samantha! Simply, what I am saying is that we cannot allow a culture or group of people who have a history of brutalization who at the same time claim to be the most religious to turn us away from search for the true expression of the Divine. Personally I have faith in the Almighty but I do not own religion . As a general rule I care less than zero about 'celebrities,' but based on the way that millions of sheeple pay attention to them, this is GREAT NEWS and at least a start. Just my opinion. Savannah G. is the case in point. Also some are born fortunate while others are not. Just because a person is not "religious" doesn't mean that they aren't Spiritual in any kind of wayYes he is right by saying he work hard to achieve his success. Pretty funny and very hypocritical. Truth. The biggest trick ever played by a group of rich, powerful people was to convince the dumbed down, gullible masses that there is a big "sky man who made it all, and this sky man wants you to remain completely devoid of freethinking in any way. "Intelligent conversation?!" Would that not make HIM responsible for all evil? Staples. No Kofi, YOUR A Pathetic Loser As is Joy Hollo-Head. "Yeshua".You need to"Study to show thy self approved~2 Timothy 2:15 ", God's word saids.Proverbs 12:15~ The way of a fool is right in his own eyes:". in what tyler perry play do u think that will happen. They are real and they need US. Sounds legit. Oh and your all loving god is responsible for over 2 million deaths in the bible and the devil ten. The Father's name is clearly noted in the KJV version of Psalms 68:4. Also, the only arrogant fool is you for being so bigoted. It is so amazing to read these ignorant comments about Jesus the son of God. This is the reason why black Americans are on the decline. You're the one who believes that humans came from magic tricks performed using dirt from imaginary beings who call themselves "daddy/father." As a Christian, it is important to be careful about the music you listen to. Good Christian morals, what a joke. 3: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence. And why is his lot among the saints? Must already separate faith with religion. If there is no God, than you have no worries. I would apologize for the late response as I have been enjoying a vacation here in Ocho Rios, Jamaica for the past few days. No, Islam is a spinoff of faiths/religions that preceded it. Everyone OUT of the closet!!! Wow! Still stuck on your slave masters religion huh sister. now everyone will believe me, I agree w/ Eustace you can"t all people form any group, religion, race in 1 bucket. but look around. It the savage nature of mankind. Now, until you actually know "people who don't believe in God," I suggest that you do not talk about them or their Non-Theism. Instead I man up and face my problems head on myself (or with the support of family and friends), with my feet planted firmly in reality. The faithless will never truly understand until it is too late. The whole thing about Satan convincing people be doesn't exist is a line from a Shakespeare play, not the Bible. I can tell you testimony after testimony! If we are to be judge by the heart, or if we believe in Jesus Christ, we are all saved. Garth Blair OMG, this made me laugh so hard! I don't care what you believe but don't blame all people for the behavior of a few. I also don't care so much that these "celebrities" don't believe or are questioning the cult following.However it is nice that this is even being spotlighted.It is more than past time black stop grasping on to magic and focus on reality. Not me. AND if there is no God, how the heck did we get here?? I am not here to force at all. You don't even know what the scientific method or critical thinking is. It should be an IT! Lies on the lips of a priest. You seem to think you know it all without any evidence to back it up. Maybe just maybe there is a message for us to ALSO MOVE AND EVOLVE instead of grasping on to the first belief system that feels comfortable and becoming dependent on it as everything else continues to move.. Secondly, there is not one person who is 100% sure how the universe started, the difference between most atheists and Christians is that atheists have no issue with this fact, Christians however need an answer for everything and can't handle the unknown. It's Arabic meaning "The Perfect One." Remember man is fallible and he interpreted biblical text to suit him. We are all one last breath from eternity. Isa Massi Well, I'm human. You are screaming for the hell fire and making way for it fast. That would require growing up and maturing. America itself is on a serious decline so what you people are talking does not make any damn sense. Joan Dean-Edwards, This article quoted SLJ; ask Sam what he meant by that quote! You Talk about Choose Life who made Life it was ALmighty God and all that you talked about war ect. The same Century Jesus lived in. Sensitive. Why does all religions have a name for there god except Africans (the first people)? Don't ignore truth just because you don't like it. There is only one God. That is the true name of God and even the Egyptian Christians know it. 4) Humans created God and not the other way around. Lol. You're quite comedic and I like laughing at adults who believe things I did as a child. The article didn't say he was an atheist. Having a relationship with God is a choice. True, but that is Christianity. because unlike your fairytale, i actually exist.. Jody Javiera Andrew, just because a person doesn't have enough evidence to where our origins came from, doesn't mean that a God named Jesus was the creator. By not having imaginary friends one can be a better person and be there better for the real people who love and need us every day. God maybe a concept, but Allah most certainly is not, and John Lennon is probably burning in Hell as we speak. Right ok. *sigh* sometimes I think this world is fucked. You can have your own beliefs (no matter how ridiculous they are) and be entitled to them but you are not entitled to your own "facts." White religion was never designed to uplift Afrikans. Really. Second of all, though you are somewhat right in asserting that Christians and Jews are supposed to worship the same God as Muslims, it is not always the case so again you error. For God is a human invention for humans perpetuated by humans to dictate, indoctrinate, and assimilate humans. I noticed lately that Snoop dropped the "Dog" part of his name and adopted "Lion' in its place to commemorate a conversion to Rastafarianism. Of course, you don't read anything that's not religious/theistic so you wouldn't know and from the looks of it, never will. if you dont believe he was the son of god, thats a different "story". Dennis Spurling What? Jesus himself practice the religion of Judaism. Who so ever will let them come..He don't force nothing on People. how ironic that 90% of the non believers and stupid talkers are americans no wonder???!!!!! It's like every other theism/religion. Nice try on attempting to make your particular prophet seem like he was more than he actually was. Where did you get the arrogance to put words in my mouth ? Came to earth in the body we now have we lived with our Heavenly Father we were sent here and given the choice. Why do African Americans believe in such garbage After all Christianity was force on our ancestors as it was also used to justify slavery Even one step further have you really read your bible, and do you follow all of what it teaches, or do you cherry pick certain scriptures to your benefit. What is this gods name, birthday, who are its parents, what species is this god? The history of the monotheistic faiths bear out nothing less than this fact. I grew up a Methodist and I don't regret it . And please don't cite the bible. 1) A biased video about God is not proof/evidence that God exists. they are so convinced that they are going to meet some sky daddy in some mythical end times, they have no savings no health care, losing their homes, while I planned for my future I am sunning myself in secular country laughing my butt of at stupid religious nuts in America. Isa Massi just another salesman..its like fucking commercials !! both are mindghosts! Rappers like The Game, Chris Brown and Jay-Z have thanked God at award shows and in interviews in the past, which is surely something to question since a lot of hip-hop's lyrics are . It's contrary to you and has been for centuries. You all better get right , Only people who have never felt the power of God and seen his wonders make these claims. Each of its, Own. Belief is just wanting something to be want you want it to be. I don't mind playing the fool every once in awhile to instigate a full time fool. But to think that its something we fully understand when we havent flown past the moon defeats all logic. . Interesting irony. Nothingincluding Islam. Present some if you got it. Its like she needs someone to say "YES you are hot!!!" Under duress, maybe. You have to call people who don't believe what you do "demon possessed"? Of course, anything Mark has claimed & asserted has been practically debunked not just by us but many people over past centuries. BTW I'm on medical leave and extremely bored so I'm going to keep this going as long as possible. Any reasonably thinking person can deduce that the god of the bible with its all knowing, all loving and all powerfulness is conflicted , murderous and incompetent. Guys.. most of us know most Christian rappers are bad at rapping or rap too much about themselves and not God. It is CHILD ABUSE to force any of them upon your child. For those of us that went to College we base our careers off of what we learned from the text books and we take it into the workforce. Ya'll need to be bothered and uncomfortable because what believers live in is not the real world. It's you, Christians, who want us atheists to kowtow to you all and your beliefs. They made shit up. Most black peopleespecially entertainers, come from a Christian background. Cheryl South it's not only a part of being Christian it's our evolutionary empathetic behaviour, other species also show empathy and help others of their kind without believing in a deity. Surprisingly it is quite possible to be a decent, kind and loving person without being a church member. Look it up for yourself. It is very sad indeed. 10. You are so brainwashed that you would even force your own REAL nephew to swallow this bullshit. Ultimately, I don't have a problem if someone doesn't believe in God as long as they don't ridicule my belief in a higher power. The devil isn't the liar (it doesn't exist) religion is. It's as if many black people have traded in being enslaved by whites to being enslaved by an imaginary terrorist (gods) meaning it is self enslavement! We need to let go of this horrible mental illness and move on. Furthermore, he added that they . "I don't understand therefore god!" Prayer does just as much as your over-the-counter maximum strength placebo. I LOVE the Universe, God, Source Spirit, The Creator WHATEVER you want to call it. After wars are actually people in the extreme and sometimes excuse to dominate others. when jw or catholics ask "youre mexican why arent you catholic" i'd replied well i gre up chistian but out grew santa easter buuny and god plus biggest reason why latin folk are catholic? I wish (if Jesus were real and alive today) for him the middle easterner that he was to show up at your front door, bleed from his hand into a cup and hand it to you with request to drink it JUST so you can remember him. Only a fool who would believe this. Honest introspection works wonders. You don't have to believe in an invisible omnipresent supernatural entity in order to be a good and decent person. Remember, the Lord giveth and the Lord can taketh away. It is not an easy walk, but the reward is worth it. There was no messiah named Jesus, The problem is, Jesus is not the son of God. and it passes like the remembrance of a guest Your place of worship is not tax-exempt because it is a "personal relationship institution." Cant we just respect the difference and move on with these 'accidents' we call lives? Carl. But nor do I care to try to invalidate atheism to the atheist, or validate Christianity to the Christian. but the way of the Lord we have not known. For you sir, are a bigot. Too bad you failed science and world history in addition to possibly having failed or never taken religious studies. Estevan Carlos Benson "a God" doesn't exist. and we journeyed through trackless deserts, As long as you worship a white god you will always be a slave. Glad to see I am in great company! Christians and Jews claim to live the way they thought Prophets lived according to what they know of them. You claim this"there is plenty of factual data and signs for those who believe" but have yet to know that all believers "factual data and signs" presented so far has been subjective, biased and not objective, unbiased. While religion may be a major part of some rappers' lives and lyrics, there are many rappers who don't believe in Jesus or God. Anyway, I just know better and I don't go by 2000+ year dead men's words like you. We do what we do because it's needed. If you can prove a god exists then I will believe it. Some of my brothers and sisters in the faith have forgotten that. you like her better than me huh? People needs to know they can't do nothing on their own. Go tell that to the people who believe what you believe and leave those who do believe in God alone. However, scientists are humans so they need brains and objective evidence/proof as stated in last post/s in order for them to be considered credible and professional. This is silly, and scientifically unsound. Believe in what you believe in and allow others believe in what they wanna believe in, You write with so much hate and anger as if to say Christians are about to snuff life outta you! Actually, African-Americans have been on the decline since Christianity put them there as a result of slavery which is condoned by the bible; poverty where churches are popping up like popcorn while libraries, grocery stores, & community centers are closing; preaching is the new shortcut to wealth career path like athletics/rapping/drug dealing; & Black women are disproportionately single mothers struggling while feeding the church instead of their babies. There is a lot the church doesn't teach. If someone thinks that you're being condescending when you are not, let them think that and be absolutely wrong. We evolved and developed. Around the same time Ol' Dirty Bastard started calling himself as "Big Baby Jesus," Tupac Shakur's 1996 album The Don Killuminati . I have been in countless debates/spats/discussions to know. The biggest deception is Satan making you think that he doesn't exist. -NON religious over 60%Countries with religious population over 60% -well you can probably take a guess. otherwise stfu!! You can't see either one. God has been debunked for centuries. I'm no coincidence. Gods don't exist. Huge difference. You need not be a Christian to help others. Who do you "know" beverly. Right. I am saved by grace after I do all I can do to help my fellow man I would bet any amount of money on this. Yet 2000+ year dead men had all the answers which is why they created God in the first place. Once they found out I do not go I did not hear from them again. Samantha A. Christian: Allow me to quote the Legendary Morpheus from one of my favorite sci-fi films, "THE MATRIX," because I think he sums up religion quite perfectly. You think she's hot don't you? Belief/Faith is assertion, assumption, and presumption without proof and evidence. Religiosity isn't a necessity. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. I am not very religious but their does exist good and evil in the world. You obviously don't know enough about my Christian faith to even have an intelligent conversation which is why it feels like I have been exchanging messages with a fool. Its like she needs someone to say "YES you are hot!!!" Winston Sherman maybe he is, Jesus is not proof/evidence that God exists rappers that don't believe in god I have faith in first. Wonder??!!!!!!!!!!!!! did. In hell go tell that to the atheist, or validate Christianity to atheist! Existed in the KJV version of Psalms 68:4 of evidence challenge in the world fucked! People think I am Christian because of my brothers and sisters in the Almighty but I do n't ignore just! However, there are many artists who rap about positive messages and life.! Discussion with her on this subject is quite possible to be a Christian background Satan... 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