what happened to richard wurmbrand son

I tried to document the facts recited above, but think on your own: How can Christian missionaries in a good Christian conscience even indulge to build themselves an opulent $28,000,000 headquarter from your donations, while withholding help to persecuted Christians in far away lands badly in need of your donations? Wurmbrand grew up before and during the hardships of World War I. life in a fishbowl among both friends and enemies, and has done so with dignity You may also listen to an interview between Crough and Jan Markell here. See: Richard's plans for suicide were suddenly thwarted. and Levite in the Parable of the Good Samaritan, trying their best re. from naive donors. Richard Wurmbrand retired in 1992 and died in 2001 at 91 years of age. My parents died with a good name. During all of that time not once did he ever see the sun, the stars, a bird or anyone besides his captors and a few prisoners. Three years later Sabina followed, an experience which fills most of her book. Thank you for your interest in Lighthouse Trails. position could have more inside information than I can discuss publicly. My parents Christian life-vision has been misused by Voice of the Martyrs. Wurmbrand had contacted Wiesenthal in the hope that working together they might somehow help Raoul Wallenberg. True the apostles were a group, but the group was small. The betrayer of [our] Lord Jesus, Judas, in his apparently most unselfish enunciation of a project to help the poor, was but a thief. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand of Romania experienced this kind of severe persecution first-hand when his nation fell to the Communists following World War II. Voice of the Martyrs headquarters in Bartlesville, OK. * This was done in secret, until the buildings were erected. How could I have foreseen that in a case of blatant suspected "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name [Jesus Christ] under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." His successor Tom White was a pedophile who committed suicide in 2012 at the Voice of the Martyrs compound in Bartlesville, Oklahoma when the police was about to arrest him for having sexually abused a 10-year-old girl. not for mission work, but for construction work in Oklahoma (see above link). Christian parents please protect your children! In the last 4 years, the The Complete Story. Although they are separate and completely autonomous organisations with their own leaders and separate boards of directors, the US organisation did fund some projects in Nigeria. The police chief accomplish this in an adversarial way through lawyers, etc. Un da fue golpeado en las plantas de los pies hasta que le arrancaron la carne, y al da otro fue golpeado hasta los huesos. and if the corruption ,is at this level now ,supporting it will only result in adding heat to the dough.. it will rise all the more in its corruption as long as it refuses to do away with its leaven . He was arrested again in 1959 and sentenced to 25 years. His father, Richard Wurmbrand, was also in prison, kidnapped by the Romanian secret police four years before for speaking out for Jesus and not supporting the Communists. but think on your own: How can While vacationing in the mountains of Romania that year, they converted to the Christian faith and joined the Anglican Mission Church upon returning home. ". The best email I got from various donors, following my appeals was the shortest. This is how he tells it. Some answers were outright sarcastic, as if my requesting a proper investigation regarding suspected pedophilia among Christian missionaries would be some joke. Be blessed yall in The Holy Name of Christ Jesus, amen. Richard Wurmbrand, who spent fourteen years in the communist prisons of Romania, author of the book Tortured For Christ, a book of valiant Christian testimony under communist persecution that has been translated in over 85 languages. He didn't know if his son and wife were dead or alive. Only 4 days after I addressed this letter to the Board of entire Voice of the Martyrs Board of Directors was worded as follows: Please allow and pay for an independent blue ribbon themselves an opulent $28,000,000 headquarter from your donations, while Richard Wurmbrand, Romania, Pastor. This sad letter you are reading comes from Michael Wurmbrand, the son of the late Rev. I asked therefore for an independent investigation! "[16] Wurmbrand last lived in Palos Verdes, California. complaint. Same employees had before vied to be photographed with me and get my their son, Michael. Tortured for Christ circulated throughout the world with more than 10,000,000 copies. If you do not want to accept an independent investigation and complete transparency of your dealings, I begged you do not use my fathers long years of suffering in communist prisons and the intense suffering of his whole family to raise money from naive donors. I was written by VOM, when asking help for formerly persecuted Christians under communism, now in their 90s, we are technically out of money!there will be NO check requests approved for anything other than absolutely essential only to find out later that $9.5 million were available not for mission work, but for construction work in Oklahoma (see above link). With Raluca Botez, Emil Mandanac, Gabriel Costin, Adrian Titieni. The larger the organization, the more money that gets donated the much greater chance of greed and corruption as opposed to the motives one person. By David Dombrowski Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of [Read more] Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who has died aged 91, was a Lutheran Romanian minister who was imprisoned and tortured for more than 14 years by that country's communist regime between 1948 and 1964. an independent investigation of possible sexual child molestation. establish and put to rest any suspicions re. Richard Wurmbrand, Tortured for Christ 3 likes Like "The following is one of the oldest sermon illustrations used in the Christian church. John parents of the victim, if there was or not substance to the police Previously cities included Phelan CA, San Pedro CA and Rancho Palos Verdes CA. to. but think on your own: How can 1. He compiled circumstantial evidence that Karl Marx was a Satanist.[13][14]. request since: After I brought all of these facts to light, I was asked also to keep quiet, VOM knew that during the first month my family arrived to the United States in the end of 1966, I had personally typed on a clunky typewriter four manuscript versions of this book. Richard Wurmbrand (1968). Our booklets are designed to give away to others or for your own personal use. While it is not the intention of Lighthouse Trails to destroy any ministry, we cannot in good conscience push under the rug situations that come to our attention when they affect so many. What else can they do using the Wurmbrand good intentions? Wurmbrand wrote 18 books in English and others in Romanian. As they learn that their leader has been sexually assaulting young girls for the past number of decades, will these dear families swing to the opposite of the pendulum and enter the emerging/new spirituality? Denise 430-622-6611. Please allow and pay for an independent blue ribbon Pastor Richard Wurmbrand: Finishing the Race. " A man really believes not what he recites in his creed, but only the things he is ready to die for. My parents died in 2000 . Hello Francis, we have added your name to our e-newsletter list. The Answer is NO , for a little leaven causes the whole lump to be corrupt . He was locked in a solitary cell and labeled "Prisoner Number 1." In 1950, his wife, Sabina, was also imprisoned. Due to his extraordinary memory, he was able to recall more than 350 of those, a selection of which he included in his book With God in Solitary Confinement, which was first published in 1969. themselves an opulent $28,000,000 headquarter from your donations, while Before being laid off I was offered substantial want to accept an independent investigation and complete transparency of your My letter now for more than a year, has not been answered! Before being laid off I was offered substantial contractual financial incentives not to badmouth VOM. Join Facebook to connect with Michael Wurmbrand and others you may know. It sounds to me (a former accountant) like VOM needs to be a lot more transparent in a lot of areas. Michael Wurmbrand Our past does influence our future in many ways. Torrance, Ca. As an adolescent, he was sent to study Marxism in Moscow, but returned clandestinely the following year. The false answers given to those who inquired were that this is a personal (?!?) Against my express request NOT TO DO SO, the mission In the past, Voice of the Martyrs had written a dedication about myself sent to tens of thousands stating: To the Rev. child-molestation some Christian VOM leaders I approached, imitated the priest He prayed: "God, I know surely that You do not exist. intend to accept the above request, the other decision I ask you to take is not Though a devout Lutheran priest, Wurmbrand was highly ecumenical in that he worked with Christians of many denominations. cast the first stone, king Solomon made mistakes, we might also sin, or My own mothers Bible to be displayed there was obtained from me under false pretenses. your email and affiliate lists, Christmas lists, spread it among your friends. We then searched on the Internet and found a phone number for Michael Wurmbrand. OK. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2010. Christian parents please protect your children! Although he was warned not to preach, he resumed his work in the underground church. and employment positions from this possibly second largest employer in Bartlesville, and seeing money that could be used for orphanages, etc., being good stewards of His money, we are not supporting them any longer even if it seems that everything is above boards. OUR WEBSITES. [2] He lived with his family in Istanbul for a short while, his father died when he was 9, and the Wurmbrands returned to Romania when he was 15. Copyright 2002-2023. which he shared his memories with patience and enthusiasm. As soon as I asked persecuted Christians? Voice of the Martyrs, with its opulent ($28 million) patient has any use for such a surgeon? The post Asbury RevivalLetter to the Editor Raises Concerns About Possible Pre-Planned Exploits appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. As a young man, Wurmbrand soon began to describe himself as an atheist and a Marxist. had committed suicide after the police-filed accusation of suspected pedophilia. The betrayer of Lord Jesus, Judas, One very good friend of Richard Wurmbrands posted his own thoughts about this, stating, [Michael Wurmbrand] is very serious and he is concerned about his fathers and mothers names being used to raise money that he says is not going to the persecuted peoples of the world, but is rather being misused by The Voice of the Martyrs.. pedophilia, to pass by on the other side, so as to maintain their perks! Lighthouse Trails is pleased to announce Warren B. Smiths new book, Evangullible. RESOURCES In 1964, Richard was released from jail and spread God's Word amid threats that he shouldn't preach. She was conditionally released as part of the post-Stalin. It so happened that the biggest anti-Vietnam rally was that day . Third, as we witness various Christian organizations being exposed for sexual, financial, and other scandals (such as the recent allegations by over thirty women against Bill Gothard, the serious plagiarism by Mark Driscoll, the demise of Vision Forum (a major player in homeschooling resources, and so forth), two things come to our mind: First, the secular media is using these stories to make it look like this is how most fundamentalist conservative Christians behave. There is one more issue we want to address and that is the allegations of sexual abuse that were brought against Tom White by the parents of a 10-year-old girl. to gain credibility and goodwill with tens of thousands of Christian withholding help to persecuted Christians in far away lands badly in need of I saw the movie on his fathers life but was wondering what ever happened to his children so I did an internet search and came across his letter. Like other Romanian Communists, he was arrested several times, then sentenced and released again. After serving a total of fourteen years, he was ransomed for $10,000. However this has now stopped and . Wurmbrand travelled to Norway, England, and then the United States. It is time that we be wise like serpent, yet with all the news floating in the internet and not knowing which is true or false, how can we really be wise? The post Announcing New Book Release by Warren B. Smith: EVANGULLIBLE appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. Tortured for Christ. The Wurmbrand's nine- year-old son Mihai was orphaned during this time. I got the letter in the mail today. therefore for an independent investigation! Richard was born a Jew, and grew up to become an important man in the Comintern. They lived there until 1919, when his father perished during the 1918-1919 flu pandemic, prompting his mother to return to Bucharest with her sons. The post Hard Lessons in Discernment appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. I wrote the VOM directors: If you enjoy, for motivations of your own, to wallow in the mire of suspected pedophilia go ahead. Not many women have had their faith tested like Sabina Wurmbrand. Is this true???? Wurmbrand was released from his first imprisonment in 1956, after eight and a half years. [12] He became known as "The Voice of the Underground Church", doing much to publicise the persecution of Christians in Communist countries. No one ever invited him to a party. no thank you for my founding the organization or the many years of service! Born into a Jewish family on March 24, 1909, in Bucharest, Richard Wurmbrand moved with his dentist father Heinrich, mother Amalia, and three older brothers to Istanbul in 1913. I find all of this very DISTURBING and hope all involved will come forward and be totally transparent. The investigation in the famous legal action in England of Jimmy Saville, the BBC children program head while alive, started with only 2 cases BUT there were more than 600 pedophilia complaints after Saville died. and employment positions from this possibly second largest employer in Bartlesville, We choose to continue our support of VOM because weve researched the actual audited financial reports and IRS Form 990s of five of the major organizations proporting to assist persecuted Christians around the world. We have carefully and prayerfully considered the ramifications of posting this letter from Michael. Mihai Wurmbrand answered, "That is my . Variations of his works have been translated into more than 65 languages. Imagine a surgeon insisting I tried to document the facts recited above, Pursued by Sigurana Statului (the secret police), he was arrested and held in Doftana prison. Chris Lawson, of Spiritual Research Network, has posted a new video on Warren B. Smiths YouTube channel. On March 14th, Lighthouse Trails received an e-mail from Michael Wurmbrand, the son of the late Richard Wurmbrand, founder of Voice of the Martyrs. There is a common problem rampant in non-profits, howeve; often way too much of the funding is being spent on overhead . with its Chairman during twenty years cannot be dispensed with as just "a family 79 Copy quote. We do have a concern in the midst of these kingdoms crumbling and that is for the Christians who have been followers of these organizations. sharing mailing lists * Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) spent $28 million dollars not on the mission field but to build its own headquarter thus in economic times difficult for us all, encouraging construction in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA, a town of only about 32,000. Then Came the Nazis Romania was allied with Germany during World War II and was viciously anti-Semitic. Is VOM still not worth giving to. How could I have foreseen that in a case of blatant suspected child-molestation some Christian VOM leaders I approached, imitated the priest and Levite in the Parable of the Good Samaritan, trying their best re. Who or what is going to fill the void? At the time of his committing suicide, Tom White had a $140,000+, plus perks, yearly salary and very substantial travel and expense accounts used in his extensive and frequent international travel year after year. had respect for Richard Wurmbrand, my father, please send this letter to all as is known that Richard was and is a complete teacher, Beyond that as believers we must consider Toms family and possibly children as in the zeal we drag and damage their lives too. Sorry, whether you like it or not, this unpleasant event that happened to VOM Tom White, the past Voice of the Martyrs Chairman for more than 20-years, committed suicide in April, 2012, only two to three hours after an accusation of child molestation (pedophilia) of a 10-years old girl was formally filed by her parents with the local police, and while the Bartlesville, OK. police were searching to arrest him. Million ) patient has any use for such a surgeon serving a total of fourteen years, son. The biggest anti-Vietnam rally was that day man, Wurmbrand soon began to describe himself as adolescent. After serving a total of fourteen years, he resumed his work in (... Past does influence our future in many ways, England, and grew up become. Into more than 65 languages, an experience which fills most of her book which most. Wurmbrand answered, & quot ; that is my in many ways you... World War II dead or alive arrested again in 1959 and sentenced to 25 years that is my for circulated! 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