m2 money velocity and inflation

If anything, there is a slight upward slope, indicating that higher M2 velocity is associated with higher inflation, although this would not be statistically significant. Is that really a big deal given 2020 record 25% growth followed by 2021 12% growth? There is a better alternative than line graphs to eyeball correlations, though: scatter plots. The monetary base includes notes and coins in circulation as well as bank reserves. And inflation was lower in the 2010s than any prior period, but that feels more like correlation with declining money supply than direct causation. Market Implications Consider M1, the narrowest component. Charts powered by Highcharts. Chart #2 shows the 6-mo. The former goes to new highs of 2.2x, but the latter remains contained. Ratio,Seasonally Adjusted, Frequency: According to Bannister and Forward (2002, page 28), Money supply growth and inflation are inexorably linked. Are labor supply and labor demand out of balance? There's a couple issues with simply believing M2 = inflation. In period 2, the central bank surprises people and announcethat money supply will grow at 2 percent forever, that is, M0 = 100, M1 = 100,M2 = (1.02)M1, M3 . Oct 25, 2020. The M2 money supply grew at annualized rates exceeding 20 percent throughout much of 2020. In the most recent quarter (Q4 2021), the velocity of M2 money stock has slowed to a stunning 1.123. Do we simply have special circumstances that have broken down this relationship? You need to read Dr. Philip George, "The Riddle of Money Finally Solved". An increase in time deposits destroys money velocity. Conversely, lower inflation expectations lead to delayed purchases and lower velocity of money, which in turn translates into muted inflation. M2's huge growth . Among other measures, such as increasing interest rates and quantitative tightening (reducing Feds balance sheet), the Fed will also have to bring down M2 money stock. Calculated as the ratio of quarterly nominal GDP to the quarterly average of M2 money stock. These put persistent pressure on prices. However, that will depend on GDP remaining at least at its current level. The velocity of money, namely the rate at which it changes hands, as a percentage of gross domestic product has been sliding since 1995, he observed. Oxford University Press. M2*V=P*Y. As we progress through this post, you will see how it impacts inflation and the GDP. Case 3 . This would shock the markets even more than what the market has gone through since October 2021. After accounting for velocity [(M*V)/y=P], we see the relationship become unity. Figure 1: The exponential trend of M2 since the Volcker era relative to the current level is reasonably consistent with excess bank reserves and Fed reverse repo program (RRP) balances relative to estimates of the liquidity . Velocity dropped swiftly as M2 rose following the responses to the crises, partially because of funds being held by banks. The big question, of course, is whether record low money velocity in 2021 (just 1.1x in Q4 2020) is a sign that inflation will remain low going forward or will the inevitable snapback in GDP/systemwide cash bring with it rising prices. Q stands for the quantity of goods and services produced. Compared to historical rate levels, the personal saving rate has remained at strong levels since then. The. Why, then, has inflation remained persistently low (below 2 percent) during this period? Predicting the bottom at this time would be foolhardy. The past three years have been by far the biggest roller-coaster ride in our monetary history. The velocity of money can be calculated as the ratio of nominal gross domestic product (GDP) to the money supply (V=PQ/M), which can be used to gauge the economys strength or peoples willingness to spend money. They show the velocity of: We can average the number of times a single unit of money changes hands during a period of time by applying this equation. In the meantime, today's relatively high interest rates help offset the inflationary potential of the surplus M2 by increasing the incentive to hold on to money balances. It is all hindsight. That said, nothing goes down in a straight line, but intermittent rallies should be sold into. M2 Money Supply Shrinking vs Inflation | Money Velocity Irrelevant?. The Fed doesn't need to do more than they already have. For the second, take the first and select Scatter for the graph type in the graph settings. , published 1969. Everything's Endogenous. EconLog. Explore resources provided by the Research Division at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. That doesnt mean, however, that M2 doesnt form part of the quantity relationship. Velocity is a ratio of nominal GDP to a measure of the money supply (M1 or M2). Yesterday the Fed released the all-important (but almost completely ignored) M2 money supply statistics for January '23, and they were good. . When it goes up, M2 will. Please update to a modern browser: a list is available here. M2 provides important insights into the direction, efficacy, and extremity of the Feds policy. When there are more transactions being made throughout the economy, velocity increases, and the economy is likely to expand. Explore resources provided by the Research Division at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Graph and download revisions to economic data for from Q1 1959 to Q4 2022 about velocity, M2, monetary aggregates, and USA. That allows markets to feel more certain about corporate earnings leverage and growth while also enjoying the valuation benefits of lower rates. I have an alternative to all the "deflation" vs "inflation" debates - an environment that will be stable with just modest inflation . Thus, it is precisely the sharp decline in velocity that has offset the sharp increase in money supply, leading to the almost no change in nominal GDP (either P or Q). It is quite common to see arguments that if M2 velocity (the nominal GDP/M2 ratio) is low, it must be that inflation is high. Simply because instead of consuming, the private sector has been hoarding money and financial assets while velocity of money has been dropping persistently for almost two decades. This suggests limited inflation risks from higher M2 balances. The total stock of M2 increased from $19.373 trillion at the start of 2021 to a peak of $21.740 trillion in March 2022. The Federal Reserve might describe it as the turnover rate of a dollar through the U.S. economy. The lower-inflation wheels have been set in motion. The frequency of currency exchange can be used to determine the velocity of a given component of the money supply, providing some insight into whether consumers and businesses are saving or spending their money. If the banks target aggregated M2 they either target the quantity relationships or inflationary factors that affect M2. Visit his blog: Calafia Beach Pundit (http://scottgrannis.blogspot.com/). And why then would people suddenly decide to hoard money instead of spend it? The problem is that velocity of money is never constant. Learn more about the Econ Lowdown Teacher Portal and watch a tutorial on how to use our online learning resources. Chart #5 shows the ratio of M2 to nominal GDP, a ratio I have called "money demand." During the first and second quarters of 2014, the velocity of the monetary base2 was at 4.4, its slowest pace on record. Money, no matter how much may be in the system, doesnt translate into inflation if it just sits in the bank collecting dust. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Two, velocity plays a large factor in the relationship: Technical analysis can be applied on economic indicators whenever human psychology plays a key role. Not really, I had given a blanket sell call in late September 2021 and even did so again in January 2022. In this case the velocity of money is 3 since three items, or services, have been bought with the same money. Chart #4 compares the growth of M2 with the year-over-year change in the CPI, which is shifted one year to the left in order to show that money growth leads inflation by about one year. During the Great Financial Crisis (GFC), MV went from a high of 1.989 at the GFCs start in Q3 2007 to a low of 1.712 by end of the crisis in Q1 2009. While that is declining, there is a long way to go to return to levels more in line with GDP. According to data from the People's Bank of China (PBC), since April 2022, China's M2, a measure of money supply, has maintained a double-digit growth rate. This implies that the unprecedented monetary base increase driven by the Feds large money injections through its large-scale asset purchase programs has failed to cause at least a one-for-one proportional increase in nominal GDP. The velocity of money is the frequency at which one unit of currency is used to purchase domestically- produced goods and services within a given time period. Friedman and Divisia Monetary Measures. In. Is there such a relationship in the first place? ), the Fed has finally pivoted, albeit painfully slowly. This seems troubling. This is a moderately strong relationship. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. One Federal Reserve Bank Plaza, If not cycling through transactions, where did all that newly minted money go? That's how much cash Americans had in their wallets, their checking accounts, and their short-term savings accounts. M1 is the money supply of currency in circulation (notes and coins, traveler's checks [non-bank issuers], demand deposits, and checkable deposits). Maria Arias is a FRED Data Engineer at the St. Louis Fed. This happened because the nominal interest rate on short-term bonds has declined essentially to zero, and, in this case, the best form of risk-free liquid asset is no longer the short-term government bonds, but money. When there are more transactions being made throughout the economy, velocity increases, and the economy is likely to expand. Since the GFC, and because of record low interest rates, investors allocated monies toward various asset classes, primarily corporate stock shares and real estate. Typically, increasing money velocity leads to higher inflation. Were not sure of the date of Arts anecdote, but here is a chart with M2 money velocity (in blue, left Y axis) and CPI inflation (red, right hand Y axis) back to January 1965. Further declines in M2 coupled with some ongoing but moderate inflation and some modest real growth will finish the job. To ease credit during the pandemic, the central bank helped . Think of this as if it were the percentage of your annual income, you would feel comfortable holding in cash and bank savings and deposit accounts. The charts below illustrate this point. Please disable your ad-blocker and refresh. The growth of M2, by over $6 trillion in two years, was the result of the monetization of roughly $6 trillion of Treasury debt issued to fund a tsunami of federal transfer payments in that same period. money supply * velocity = nominal GDP. Year-over-year M2 growth is -1.7%, and 6-mo annualized growth is -3.4%. This study models the velocity (V2) of broad money (M2) since 1929, covering swings in money [liquidity] demand from changes in uncertainty and risk premia spanning the two major financial . The Counter-Revolution in Monetary Theory, Wincott Memorial Lecture, University of London, Sept. 16, 1970. Put another way, the U.S. economy is nothing but a zombie addicted to the Feds ever-growing largesse. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Velocity of M1 Money Stock [M1V], Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Velocity of M2 Money Stock [M2V], U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Personal Saving Rate [PSAVERT], The 8 Forces of the New Inflationary Regime, The 10-Year Bond Yield Is Not a Bellwether of Inflation, How Velocity of Money Can Create Inflation, Personal Saving Rate, Inflation and Money Velocity, The Outlook for Money Velocity. The velocity of money (aka, velocity of M2 money stock or simply, money velocity) is one such metric. https://www.econlib.org/archives/2015/10/everythings_end.html. The standard formula of Monetarism predicts the former. retrieved from FRED, This is how velocity of money reflects the overall strength of an economy. Please enter your email address or username below. While politicians have found various excuses for it since last year, the public is not fooled, and neither are eminent economists. A negative GDP print for Q2 2022 would mean that the U.S. is officially in a recession. While Fed Chair Jerome Powell has repeatedly testified before congress that M2 has no implications on the economic outlook and that the connection between money and inflation ended about 40 years ago, Prof. Hanke has continued to highlight that is absolutely not true. issn: 00028282. Trillions of dollars injected into the economy by the Federal Reserve has not caused an increase in GDP or inflation. I can think of two reasons. Do we simply have special circumstances that have broken down this relationship? If the velocity of money is increasing, then more transactions are occurring between individuals in an economy. The personal saving rate can be calculated as the ratio of personal savings to disposable personal income. Lucas Jr, Robert E. Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money. The American Economic Review 70, no. Money velocity (MV) isnt a complicated concept. Forbes Finance Council is an invitation-only organization for executives in successful accounting, financial planning and wealth management firms. Is this happening to you frequently? 2015. We explore the stock, flow and velocity of money, as well as signs of weakening aggregate demand, in this week's note. You may opt-out by. Inflation pressures peaked almost a year ago, and headline inflation will almost certainly continue to subside. In my and my teams own research, as part of our investment committee decision-making discussions, we often like to seek out more obscure data. M2 velocity has collapsed, but the increase in M2 money supply has aligned with that in other financial assets. He specialized in analysis of Federal Reserve policy and interest rate forecasting, and spearheaded the firm's research into Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). No wholesale; no offshore. As Milton Friedman might have described it, the government minted $6 trillion out of thin air and dropped it from helicopters all over the country. M2 increased by a very modest $32 billion from December, and it has shown no net gains since October '21. M2 increased by a very modest $32 billion from December, and it has shown no net gains since October '21. This could effectively pump the breaks on continued U.S. economic expansion and may even become a stronger headwind. When consumers save more, the number of transactions in the economy declines rapidly while the velocity of money drops. St. Louis, MO 63102, More Fortunately, despite yet another bout of deficit spending in the past year, there is no sign of further monetization. Sumner, Scott. Inflation (CPI) in the U.S. is at a four-decade high, coming in at 8.3% year-over-year. Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970, M2 Money Stock until 1959, Chapter X, pages 992-993. Supply also matters here, and that issue tips in favor of higher prices for items like new cars and trucks. Before May 2020, M2 consists of M1 plus (1) savings deposits (including money market deposit accounts); (2) small-denomination time deposits (time deposits in amounts of less than $100,000) less individual retirement account (IRA) and Keogh balances at depository institutions; and (3) balances in retail money market funds (MMFs) less IRA and One of the ways the Fed achieves its goals is by manipulating M2 money stock. Thousands of investors and financial journalists rely on Nick and Jessicas newsletter every day for their thought-provoking work on markets, data and disruption. The first signs of this are now on record. Its possible that a declining MV could have been directly attributed to record low interest rates, which resulted from record high growth of money supply. M2 Velocity is a . What is the M2 money supply? Source: This turnover of money in a given period the time is known as velocity of money. Money demand spiked in the initial stages of the Covid panic, and this neutralized the inflation potential of monetized debt. The gap is closing, and the money printing presses have been shut down. Why? Households took some of that new money and paid down debt, while corporations took advantage of the low rates and issued record amounts of new debt. When inflation is high, prices for goods and services rise and thus the purchasing power per unit of currency decreases. The Fed increased M2 by 40% since the beginning of the pandemic (see chart above). Seasonally adjusted M2 is constructed by summing savings deposits (before May 2020), small-denomination time deposits, and retail MMFs, each seasonally adjusted separately, and adding this result to seasonally adjusted M1. I would just wait for the Fed to reverse course and start printing again, that would be a signal to buy equities again. Friedman, Milton. 2016. Please review the copyright information in the series notes before sharing. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. issn: 00028282.http://www.jstor.org/stable/1805778. Velocity of M2 Money Stock [M2V], In other words, it is the number of times one dollar is spent to buy goods and services per unit of time. Not a huge surprise, that, given Fed bond buying and a sluggish post-Great Recession recovery. The concept of climax is used to determine the end of market cycles. Please let me know if this happens regularly @silvan_frank. , edited by Robert Cord and Daniel Hammond. Tech Hiring Freeze and Lay Offs Accelerate, Chinese Companies Could be Delisted in 2023 as HK and US Rescind Accounting Pact, M2 Money Stock and Velocity of M2 and how expected Federal Reserve (Fed) monetary tightening was all but guaranteeing a recession in 2022, outspoken critic of the Fed and its failure to foresee that the exploding M2 would cause inordinately high inflation. See why for yourself by starting a 2-week FREE trial below. While M2 velocity is currently at historical lows, inflation is clearly not high. M2 is a measure of the money supply that includes cash, checking deposits, and easily convertible near money. To ensure this doesnt happen in the future, please enable Javascript and cookies in your browser. 1 highlighted above to see the way to derive GDP from M2 money stock and the velocity of the M2 money stock. Quarterly. Reuters Summary Major U.S. indexes rise; FANGs, transports, chips outperform Cons disc leads S&P sector gainers; real. Not only that, the government added gasoline to the fire via its fiscal programs running trillions of dollars. In the U.S., the Feds dual mandate is to balance unemployment and inflation. Maybe there is a technical problem with the data source. V stands for the velocity of money (or the rate at which people spend money). Implies, the number of transactions (see definition of the velocity of M2 money stock above) between individuals has been going down. As we saw above, this is the case of the money velocity. In most recent history, M2 growth surpassed 10 percent in the crisis of 2001 and 2009, during which an expansionary monetary policy was deployed by the central bank, including large scale asset purchases. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. The M2 was $21.42 trillion in October 2022, as reported on Nov. 22, 2022. I dont see a bottom yet. Chart #1 is the main attraction. Thousands of investors and financial journalists rely on Nick and Jessicas newsletter every day for their thought-provoking work on markets, data and disruption. Out of balance management firms, financial planning and wealth management firms a couple issues simply... Have broken down this relationship Feds ever-growing largesse held by banks either target the quantity relationships or inflationary factors affect! Velocity has collapsed, but intermittent rallies should be sold into a big deal m2 money velocity and inflation 2020 25... 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